Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1259: All members assembled

The first thousand two hundred and fifty-nine chapters are assembled

Bliss Pure Land's own system can sense the life signals of Black Q and determine his life and death. What puzzles Black 6 is that the energy stone system integrated with the extended Grand Priest-level power armor can clearly be used for mass teleportation. Why didn't Black Q activate the key device when it felt threatened to life and return to the Bliss Pure Land? It is important to know that the battlefield of the Montesque star system is not the Haar palace of Cabrreto, nor is it the war situation in which Tang Fang used to infiltrate the Hades-class aircraft carrier during the battle of the Guns star system, and there is no possibility of unknown forces preventing quantum teleportation. Happening.

There is also Black 10...Although the Gravekeeper-class power armor does not have an integrated energy stone system, it has the ability to group teleportation. But it is not difficult to transmit a single entity, why did he not come back?

Since the two rammers of Howson and Churchill accidentally entered the central control room of the space station and implanted the virus program provided by Emma, ​​the Bliss Pure Land no longer received real-time images of the battlefield connected to the channel, so the black K and Black 6 didn't know what was going on inside, so Black Q and Black 10 ended up dead.

How did they know that because Tang Fang had not sent additional troops to the battlefield of the connecting channel, Black Q believed that the spatial fault mirroring of the energy stone system completely blocked the possibility of the opponent's force transmission until Tang Fang completed his work and used the goddess of the storm to break the face. Smash the shield constructed by the energy stone system, and then deprive the extended Grand Priest-level power armor of the athletic ability. Black Q has no time to activate the transmission function and escape the connection channel.

Black 10 has the best relationship with Black Q. In any case, he is unwilling to leave his friends and leave, whether for revenge or to vent his anger, the knife pierced the enemy's chest. However, he ignored Serandius, who always paid attention to the surrounding environment and was also determined to be shameful, and sent him to **** for the first time.

Of course, the result is already like this. The process is not important. For Black K, the most unacceptable thing is that he has not obtained more detailed battle information and further understands Tang Fang’s strength. As for Black Q... he is indeed very sorry, but he is What can be done, because this is the fate of the Abyss Knights, either to die on the battlefield, or to walk on the battlefield.

Although there is no previous memory, the Abyss Knights are also humans, and they are also eager to leave something of their own, just like the teenagers collected by Black Q are a portrayal of their personality. Black 9 and Black 7 are dead, Black 5 and Black 6 remember them, Black 8, Black 4 and Black J are dead, Black 10, Black Q, and Black K remember them.

But when all 13 Abyssal Knights died, who would remember them? Your surrogate...

Perhaps...the ones who can remember them are more of the enemies who are loyal on the battlefield.

He looked at the scene of the big screen, and his mood became a little complicated.

After a long time, he responded to Black 6's question: "Don't worry, let's see the reaction of the Dragon Whisperer fleet."

Hei 6 nodded and said, "Yes, Dragon Whisperer's fortress ship should not only have this ability."

Black K said: "Don't forget, Tang Fang also has a fortress in his hands."

The Fearless Commander-class fortress ship has not appeared until now, which inevitably makes them wonder whether they are hiding somewhere and waiting for the Bliss Pure Land to respond, and then come and kick them over.

Black 6 was not entangled with this question. He stepped to the flying chair next to him, and suddenly asked another sentence: "Where did you send Black 5?"

Black K said: "Go where she should go."

"So, I really hate people like you and Hei7, who always pretend to be advanced and twitchy. Isn't it simple like me?"

"Like you?" Black K said: "I will be scolded by others as a pervert."

"How is this called perversion? This is called art...everyone, everything, every stop, every smile...all the red and white in the picture scroll, all the high and low turns in the music. Those used The people who describe me by'perversion' are all hillbillies who don't know how to appreciate."

Black 6 can always tell many myths, especially in his beloved art field.

Black K ended the conversation with one sentence-"You should say these to Black 5."

With the effort of the two talking, the huge protective shield in front of the Dragon Whisperer formation on the side battlefield quickly faded, and eventually disappeared-it was not Tang Fang's battleship that broke it, but the Defender-class tactical armored ship disconnected its energy supply and collapsed its protection. cover. Because the incomplete shield does not make any sense to continue to maintain, it is better to withdraw with the determination of the strong man to break his wrist, and quickly deploy the formation at the cost of losing a few warships, so as to provide space for the Stargazer to play as soon as possible and restore its disadvantage.

The interceptor's tide offensive continued, and the particle spheres of the Battleship Storm continued to order the front umbrella leaves of the Defender-class tactical armored ship, blowing up clouds of light.

The outer three rings of the Stargazer, which fell at the rear, are re-operating, and the energy used to maintain the wormhole is diverted to the shield system. The small-scale interceptor cluster can no longer cause damage to it... after all, it is a super fortress class. Weapons cannot be dealt with by interceptors released by several aircraft carriers.

The Destroyer-class destroyer and the Defender-class tactical armored ship began to move to the outer space, giving the battlefield to the Stargazer, and it seemed that another attack mode was to be activated.

At this time, a blue light flashed in the airspace not far from the Protoss aircraft carrier, and a burst of light swept around. Accompanied by the violent thunder, the silver rainbow flowed quickly, and the Fearless Commander-class fortress appeared in front of the three armies.

On the bridge of the Bliss Pure Land, the Black 6 straightened its spine and looked directly at the huge battleship with the big screen. I thought this thing was too casual, so he said a few words about it to Black K. The **** hadn't been warmed yet, and the fortress of Captain Tang's camp appeared here.

Leviathan S Bliss Pure Land, Fearless Commander-class Bastion Ship S Stargazer... Next there is a good show.

On the other side, there was the sound of iron boots hitting the ground at the entrance of the connecting passage of the space station. After a few breaths, as two shadows passed the small pile of "zombies", Howson and Churchill crashed into the area where Tang Fang and others were located.

Churchill's gaze stayed for a while on the corpse of the zombie and the dead "zombie", and finally fell to the corpse of Black 10, unable to help slow down. He knew that the fighting in the connecting passage was fierce, but he didn't expect to be so fierce that those dead "zombies" would almost block the connecting passage, and there were stumps and broken arms and smelly blood everywhere.

Fighting here, the size of the Anus Legionnaires who chased the two of them was not enough.

Hausen noticed the blood stains on Tang Fang's body and the Taidachi in Mohandar's palm. Before he came to him, he shouted, "Tang Fang, are you injured?"

The feeding fluid of the queen has taken effect, Tang Fang's complexion improved a bit, and he tried to stand up from the ground and turned to look at the two of them: "I can't die."

"You're a cockroach, it’s not that easy to die." Howson walked forward and patted him on the shoulder, making Captain Tang grin hardly uncomfortable: "I’m very strange, why every time I meet the Anus Legion People, you will always put a stamp on yourself. If you go on like this, how can I show off the scars behind you in front of those who admire you. You are so manly..."

"To say this time, you have to thank Churchill and I for giving us a bigger spacecraft instead of the rags like the Destroyer of the Darkbat class." He said, and shot harder.

Tang Fang was also speechless. When they captured the two Mingbat-class destroyers, the two men looked over like seeing a big beauty in socks and leather clothes. Now it's good, it's actually broken.

Serandius frowned, thinking about stopping the daredevil, was stopped by Zeratul with his hand, and shook his head.

Churchill poked his head from behind Howson, looking at the black Q whose head was crushed by the Queen of Blades, and just wanted to ask him if he had any eyebrows about Kleiya, suddenly he saw the light flashing in the airspace outside the connecting channel, and saw fearless. The commander-class fortress jumped out of the virtual space and appeared in a distant theater.

Zeratu and others also noticed the changes outside and turned to look.

Howson said: "I think this is a good one."

Tang Fang said, "What do you want it to do?"

Howson glared at him and said solemnly: "Pretend to be X, pick up girls, bully..."

Pretend X, pick up girls, bully...

Tang Fang patted his forehead: "Why didn't I expect it, it turns out that it still has such a use."

Howson threw one at him, "That's why you don't know how to enjoy life," with a look of usefulness.

Tang Fang gave him a white look, and if he didn't polish his tongue with a rammer, that would make him feel that he was a very L very L Dasha X.

Ghs cleared a clean area on the ground, put the communication equipment and pushed it aside. As the light flickered, the cyan wave marks stretched into a holographic image of Yuffi.

"Commander... The Dreadnought Commander-class fortress arrived at the designated location, please give instructions..." After saying this, she noticed Tang Fang's chest injury, showing an anxious look, and said with concern: "Brother Tang, you are injured. ..."

At this moment, she even omitted the title of "commander."

"It's okay, just to test the Queen of Blades, I made a small bet."

"Small bet..." Cerlandis thought that human beings are really weird. Why do they always play down very serious problems?

She was not worried that Tang Fang would play herself to death, she was worried that she would not have a chance to see the archbishop.

"Are you...sure you are okay? And... Claire... did she..."

Tang Fang interrupted her hesitating, and said: "First concentrate on the enemy, now is not the time to be distracted, let's go back and talk about the Queen of Blades."

She woke up, her expression returned to seriousness, and told them to be careful and disconnected and execute a new battle plan according to the data given by Emma.

After the appearance of the Fearless Commander-class fortress ship, the condensing ray cannon was activated as soon as possible, and while the Stargazer had not accumulated enough energy to launch a more powerful attack, it launched a salvo on distant targets.

When dozens of condensed rays tore through the void, scattered the remaining fire of the path, and shielded the surface of the Stargazer, Tang Fang declined Churchill’s support, walked to the corpse of Black Q, extended his palm, and extended it. Press the energy stone on the chest of the large priest-level power armor.

A very short, but extremely dazzling electric light stabs the energy stone, as if awakening the sleeping phantom light all of a sudden, the color gushes out from the contact point and rapidly expands into a rotating galaxy, and all kinds of light reflect his eyes.

On the next breath, I thought of Sister Logic's emotionless voice.

"The charge is over, the system core level is 3.3, please select the upgrade item."

"Please select an upgrade item: A, hero unit limit +2, B, poetry unit limit +1."

Sure enough, this fist-sized energy stone still has enough energy to charge the core of the system after maintaining the spatial fault mirror image for a long time.

Considering that since Slivan, Miro Kaczynski, and Serendis were successively summoned, the hero unit quota in the system space has become 19/21, leaving only two places. As for the capacity of the poetry unit, after the core level of the system is upgraded to L3, the capacity is expanded to 7. Now only four are used-three Behemoths and one Leviathan. Considering that the crystal resources used to produce the Protoss Mothership are far away, he quickly made a decision.

"I choose A, the hero unit limit is +2."

In this way, the hero unit quota is +2, reaching 19/23, which seems not so urgent anymore.

After getting his reply, the flashing characters on the system interface disappeared, and he returned to the base selection interface. But before he could react, the familiar process repeated itself.

The background light diminished, the four ethnic emblems went out in turn, the interface changed from bright to dark, the cursor flashed several times, and a line of characters flashed with a brisk ticking sound.

"Syse, resar...k!"


"Prepare, aes..."



"Run, n!"


With a low buzz, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com system is re-lined, the base selection interface appears, and the totem is bright and shiny.

After the system core is upgraded, is the new element expansion?

This idea flashed in my mind, and Emma's voice sounded at the right time: "Commander, modify the address according to the memory pool data recorded in the system log. The new element is located in the base of the mixed element, the number is 1."

Hunyuan body base? What about Human Technology? Tang Fang was a little confused, wondering how the things of the Abyss Knight could be connected with the things of the Hunyuan Base.

He shook his head, waved away those clutters, thinking that seeing the new element knows the reason, he immediately chose the Hunyuan body base, invested his consciousness in it, and inspected the new content.

First, I chose the projection of Narud, and no new building was found in the menu bar. Then the focus was switched to the mixed body test tube, and no new elements were found.

PS: Sorry, it was late, I drank too much last night.


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