Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1264: The Dragon Whisperer (Part 1)

Chapter 1264: Dragon Whisperer Bits

Although he liked Nova's Griffin very much, but the cold-faced female assassin would not give it to himself, and the Griffin is a hero vehicle, the number is limited to 1, and the second one cannot be produced. He had no choice but to choose the flying eagle armed by the defenders...Although this thing is not very attractive, it is undeniable that the special operations transport ship is more powerful and is a versatile unit.

"Renault's rangers have black technology, and the empire does not let too much."

Tang Fang is actually very clear that this is a plot deliberately designed by Blizzard, otherwise how to collect money...

After retrieving the new elements, the consciousness moved out of the system space and returned to the real world, looking at the core computer that was rapidly going silent, and said: "How is the data screening task going?"

"I'm sorry, the commander, the critical data stored in the computer system of this warship is missing in large quantities, and the encryption methods are extremely high. There is no way to crack with the ability of the star orbit command center, and it is impossible to perform repair operations.

"What?!" Tang Fang looked puzzled and shocked.

Although it takes a lot of time to crack the encryption belonging to the Anus Legion with the computing performance of the Star Orbit Commander, it can be cracked anyway, isn't it? Just like the Hades-class aircraft carrier. But what is the matter with this Rubik's Cube battleship? Obviously from the Anus Legion, there is obviously only a frigate specification, why Emma can't do anything about it?

"Commander, based on the analysis of the information currently available, this warship is very likely not to belong to the Anus Legion."

Needless to say, Tang Fang also noticed that the Rubik's Cube battleship was significantly different from the Hades-class destroyers and Cerberus-class frigates. He just didn't bother to hurt that brain and didn't go into it.

Hearing Emma's words at this time, he couldn't help but feel more thoughtful.

Judging from the number of Rubik's Cube battleships, they should be a mass-produced battleship. Black 7 said that the surrogate’s forces are not only a group of forces in the Anus legion, but are roughly similar to the faction structure of the Dragon Whisperers. In addition to the Anus legion, there are also the Krum Sword, the Crimson Fleet, and the Iron Apostle. Each side of the Anus Legion is strong.

So... Is the Rubik's Cube battleship a weapon from the other three forces?

This gives rise to another question, if so, why would the surrogates favor one over the other and make the specifications of their warships so confusing. Wouldn’t it be more efficient to use the bat-class destroyer style battleship or the Rubik’s cube battleship style battleship? It’s impossible...the surrogate’s armament has existed for a long time. Warships such as the Destroyer-class destroyers and the Cerberus-class frigates are retired products, but because of various reasons they are reluctant to discard them, so they are transported to relatively backward technologically. Hirombel region, used as a fighting force for the abyss knights.

"It seems that only after Kerax unlocks the idea of ​​the incomplete information." With a heavy sigh, he pulled out the data lead inserted into the round crystal and stood up.

The arc winded along the gas into a green and white bouquet, which was the last bit of energy.

The central computer of the Rubik's Cube battleship was completely offline, and the green light that was originally wandering inside and outside of the ship disappeared, completely reduced to dead metal.

There is no pilot, only the central computer. Is this warship an unmanned combat ship, or is there other mystery? Because the data is difficult to decrypt, Emma could not answer. He sighed, walked out along the way in, left the wreck of the Firefly-class assault ship, and returned to the engineering tug bridge.

After completing the containment of the firefly-class assault ship wreckage, he took the ship back to the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress ship, unloaded the wreck, then left again and returned to the cosmic environment.

The two light spots appear in the coordinate system of the navigation system, which is not very far from the distance.

The diamond-shaped array of thrusters at the stern of the engineering tug was fully fired, and the hull crashed into clusters of cooling stardust, passing through a cloud belt, and flew toward the target location quickly.

In less than an hour, the engineering tug arrived at the location of the first target.

Tang Fang looked through it with his naked eyes and saw numerous fragments of the void forming a huge cloud of garbage, flying outward at different speeds. Some of its fragments collided with the slow-flying object in front, and the speed was suddenly reduced, but it was flew back. The incoming wreckage, large or small, began to accelerate forward, or it might fly to the side.

In short, the garbage cloud dropped pieces of different sizes behind and on the left and right of its trajectory, and rolled away all the way.

They are not the remnants of the warships of the Anus Legion, they come from the location of the Dragon Whisperer fleet, and are the remnants of the warships of the Dragon Whisperer.

Tang Fang drove an engineering tug from behind, smashing many small garbage along the way, creating more violent turbulence. The spacecraft, like a Hummer breaking through a sandstorm, entered the deepest part of the garbage cloud and approached a large wreck.

The small fragments cut and collided with the ship's surface shield, causing waves of energy like silver scales, and then wandered and spread to the distance.

As the engineering tug slowly approached the target wreckage, the towing equipment fired an orange beam to attract the wreckage of the Banisher-class destroyer, slowed down and moved forward and slowly entered the sealed harbor.

When it was properly contained, Tang Fang drove the engineering tug away from the garbage cloud, set the auto-navigation parameters, and headed to the second target, then left the bridge and traveled to the belly harbor via the elevator.

The wreck of this exile-class destroyer, the Firefly-class assault ship, is much larger, almost 120 meters long. If it weren't for the engineering tug, it would not be able to accommodate such a huge monster.

The paint of the battleship has become mottled, the bow turntable is missing, and the rear hull seems to have encountered a lagging time, and the surface is covered with large and small gullies, which should be caused by the impact of the flame current.

Unlike the Firefly-class assault ship, no signs of activity can be seen from the outside, and only a very weak energy radiation proves that some modules inside the warship have not been completely silent.

Tang Fang left the lifting frame, slowly ascended in a gravity-free environment, flew into an exposed corridor, and walked inside.

Some cabins were in a locked state and did not lose pressure completely. It took him a lot of effort to enter the bridge.

The explosion left the internal equipment in a mess, and there was almost no electronic system that could function properly. Only twos and threes of emergency lights diffused from the crystal unit to illuminate the nearby area.

He smashed through many floating debris, slowly approached the corner of the room, and looked at a corpse floating in the air.

It seemed that he died from the explosion, half of his body was already bloody, but from the face that was still intact, it could be seen that the driver was a serious human being, not the Ypsilon as some people had guessed.

He asked Emma to record the features of this person, control the turning of the body, and shoot at the computer core in the center of the room with force.

The explosion destroyed the computer shell, blasting the protective layer, interface panel, and surrounding consoles to pieces, but it did not completely destroy the computer core.

He shuttled between the fine crystal fragments and metal parts, grabbed the edge equipment and swung into the equipment well where the core is located, found the corresponding data storage module, summoned S to configure the external power supply, and then connected the data lead of the harsh environment protective suit to The chipset control unit of the data storage module.

A dazzling spark suddenly appeared from a device not far away, which seemed to be broken. Fortunately, it is only a part of the entire system. The computers in the Dragon Whisperer fleet should be equipped with hardware devices similar to the cyclic redundancy check system to deal with data loss or damage.

Just as he thought, the lattice below the nearest chipset lights up in turn, and the Star Orbit Command Center detects the output data from the storage device, which is then sorted by Emma and synchronized to the central processing system of the harsh environment protective clothing.

The data is not much. The amount of data he obtained on the Firefly-class assault ship is still small, and it has also been encrypted, but it is surprising that as a force that can break the wrist with the Protoss fleet, it is commanded by the star trails. The processing power is enough to decipher the data collected by the wreckage of the battleship.

Emma’s explanation for this situation is that the way Dragon Whisperers encrypt key data is similar to the way the Ypsilon people encrypt data... To put it simply, this is a data encryption commonly used by Dragon Whisperers. A variant algorithm of the algorithm. Because Captain Tang collected a large amount of valuable industrial knowledge of Ypsilon during the expedition, there are many data encryption technologies in it. Under such circumstances, the Star Tracks Command Center is naturally capable of unlocking the encrypted data of the Dragon Whisperer.

Of course, this will take some time, and he must wait patiently for a while.

For a moment, he did not wait for Emma to report the completion of the decryption work, but he waited for the system to expand new elements.

In the system space base selection interface, as the background light diminishes, the four ethnic emblems go out in sequence, the window turns from bright to dark, the cursor flashes several times, and a line of characters flashes with a brisk ticking sound.

"Syse, resar...k!"


"Prepare, aes..."



"Run, n!"


With a low buzzing sound, the system reconnected, the base selection interface appeared, and the totem glowed brightly.

Then there was Emma's prompt: "Commander, change the address according to the memory pool data recorded in the system log. The new element is located at the Protoss base, the number is 2."

Protoss base...number 2? Tang Fang thanked Emma, ​​and turned his attention to the Protoss Base.

After thinking about it, choose a probe, press the basic foldover menu button, and find a new icon in the right menu bar.

The icon is located behind the crystal tower, and the annotation shows "dark crystal tower".

He was stunned for a moment, did not expect the new element to be a building, let alone the dark crystal tower.

There is no dark crystal tower in the legacy of the void. He also heard of the name for the first time. However, he has a vague impression of the icon. He remembers that he once introduced the chapter of the Protoss unit that was deleted during the development of StarCraft 2 Have seen similar buildings.

Sister Logic actually brought the deleted units into the system again. He felt very speechless, but he still commanded the probe to consume 200 crystals and put down the "dark crystal tower" on the nearby ground.

After a few breathing times, with a stream of light, a green dark crystal tower appeared on the edge of the base. Compared with the ordinary crystal tower, the dark crystal tower is dark green, the surrounding nether energy stabilizing device looks bigger, and the fast-moving energy grid on the surface is more sci-fi.

He chooses the target at will and examines the difference between the dark crystal tower and the ordinary crystal tower. It is found that there is a skill that cannot be actively released in the right menu bar, which is displayed as a hidden force field-it can provide a hidden force field for your own troops near the dark crystal tower.

To put it simply, to help your own unit become invisible?

There is no doubt that this is a great passive skill, but what makes Tang Fang speechless is that it is attached to the dark crystal tower. As a Protoss building unit, the Dark Crystal Tower has no way to concretize in the real universe, so this can only be a tasteless unlock item... at least now.

With a helpless smile, he retracted his gaze to look at the dark crystal tower, looking for the second unlock item. However, I have searched the advanced folding menu of the probe, portal, mechanical platform, and star gate, and no new units have been found.

"Could it be a hero unit?"

He switched the focus to the Protoss Hub again, and pressed the page-turning hotkey until he came to the exclusive page of Cerrandis, which was the last project.


He frowned, and reluctantly moved the cursor to the forge, mechanical core and other functional buildings... The result was disappointing, and he still did not find the second unlock item.

"Could it be...like what happened to the Zerg base before?" He still remembered that there was an unlock item in the Zerg base that could not be found anyway, and wondered if the same thing happened in the Protoss base.

After hesitating for a while, there was still a bit of entanglement, so he chose combat units one by one and carefully checked the data.

When the cursor selected the mothership core and checked the skill menu, he finally found what Miss Emma called the second unlock item-Photon Overload.

He clearly remembered that the target of the "photon overload" at the core of the mothership was limited to the Protoss Hub, which was used to activate the crystal energy and become a photon turret with powerful attack power. However, the "photon overload" in front of him was different, the target was changed to the crystal tower, and his attack power was also increased a lot.

After confirming the second unlock item, Tang Fang couldn't help but roll his eyes, very depressed. Although the wreckage of the Banisher-class destroyer unlocks two new elements at once, they are both useless.

Coming out of the system space, he said to Emma: "How? Are there any findings?"

Emma said: "Commander, the data decryption work has been completed. No information about the Dragon Whisperer was found. It was only determined that this battleship was called the Banisher-class destroyer. Based on its key technical analysis, this battleship is very effective in attacking unmanned people. The remote control mode of the aircraft is similar to the remote control mode of the Sea Witch-class unmanned combat ship. This may indicate that the Dragon Whisperer battleship has applied the technology and craftsmanship of Ypsilon."

"However, after in-depth study of the core technology process, I tried to add some Elantmin elements to the reference system, and found that the Dragon Whisperer battleship not only applied the technology of Ypsilon, but also the technology of Elantmin. , It’s just a matter of more and less."

After hearing Emma's explanation, Tang Fang was shocked by this conclusion.

Dragon Whisperer’s battleship even integrated the technical craftsmanship of Ypsilon and Ailante. It's no wonder that they can dominate the Helumbel region, and even guys like the substitutes are afraid of them.

As early as after he got the "Lost Land", he had a question, is there no other power in this world other than him to inherit Ypsilon's legacy? Later, his experience in the Ark World gave him a new understanding of this issue. Now he encountered the Dragon Whisperer fleet, and the conclusion drawn by analyzing the data of the Banisher-class destroyer refreshed his understanding of this issue again.

In addition to him, there are other forces that have the legacy of Ypsilong Ming. The emperor's armed forces are counted as one, but they are relatively young. As for the Dragon Whisperers... Judging from the fact that they have developed several branches and become the guardians of the order in the Hilumbel region, they have not only obtained the legacy of Ypsilon and Ailan, but also will These heritages become real usable craftsmanship ~www.readwn.com~ and then develop into a powerful armed force.

Such a discovery made him feel particularly heavy. After all, the two sides have changed from the previous well water to a tense rivalry situation. Morningstar Casting will inevitably have a more intense confrontation with the Dragon Whisperer fleet in the days to come.

After leaving the bridge of the Chaser-class destroyer, he quickly returned to the bridge and found that he had reached the position of the second target. The engineering AI was salvaging the wreckage of a Defender-class tactical armored ship with a towing beam.

It is too big, more than 300 meters long, which means a high degree of integrity. Through the picture sent back by the camera, it can be seen that the injuries are concentrated on the bow and left and right wings.

There is only one umbrella-shaped structure used to assemble the large protective shield. The missile launch system on the two wings is missing. The conventional bridge is destroyed by the star wind, and the gap caused by the implosion extends to the core area of ​​the battleship.

Of course, the airtight cabin of the engineering tugboat cannot contain it. It is pulled to the side by a towing beam. Two fixed cables are projected out from the stern area, supplemented by automatic towing equipment. The engineering tugboat leaves the garbage cloud at the fastest speed and faces The Fearless Commander-class fortress flew away from the location.

About an hour later, the engineering tug entered the fortress harbor. The wreckage of the Defender-class tactical armored ship was first arranged by Yuffi to the nearby free aircraft inventory.

Tang Fang did not return to the bridge after leaving the engineering tug, but only used communication equipment to inform Yuffi to return immediately and return to the Delar Star System as quickly as possible. He then entered the free hangar next to him to investigate the internal destruction of the Defender-class tactical armored ship To determine whether valuable data can be found.

He knows too little about the Dragon Whisperer fleet, and now the two sides have turned against each other, and must try their best to collect information about their opponents to help Morningstar forge through the crisis of extinction.


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