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Chapter 1273: New Star Project (Part 2)

Such questioning makes the radicals speechless, because any normal-thinking person, as long as he is not blind, can see the deep grievances pervading society. How many people hope that this country will be over, how many people hope that the Alexander family will be Cut the grass and remove the roots. If you keep suppressing it by force, one day the invisible explosive barrel will burst out and blow up everyone on it.

Who dares to say that the ge committee's statement is wrong? Who would dare to say that this approach is totally undesirable unless he is willing to commit the crime of decapitating intent to subvert the empire.

Even if the people who reformed the ge committee are selfish, it is undeniable that the above statement is to safeguard the interests of the Alexander family, and it sounds high-sounding and justice.

In many cases, this is the method used by politicians to attack each other, even if they understand how ugly, how disgusting, and how dirty things are hidden under the clear water, but in the sun, no one dares to touch the things below. Turning it up, then the true evil and the hypocritical justice turned them into two-faced people. When the evil side is related to their own interests and the apparent justice must be maintained, they will inevitably be hit.

Sphinkel Alexander is very strange, who taught the reform committee to run him this way, how can those stupid, shallow, shameless untouchables be so smart.

At the moment when the two sides were playing fiercely and continuing to push up the turmoil of the social situation, a bad incident suddenly broke out.

The commissioner of the reform committee and the imperial sword guard who went to the Prince Sphinkel's territory to arrest Lord Deron under the money laundering investigation and returned to the ship soon after being rejected by the prince’s family, there was a terrorist attack, including the commissioner and the imperial sword guard All the staff including the commander were killed and no one survived.

Terrorist attack... This is what the government of Prince Sphinkel calls casualties. But... will people believe it?

Of course people don't believe it! Virginia? Alexander himself didn't believe it!

His Majesty the Holy Emperor gave a more radical speech, and at the beginning he defined this incident as a declaration of war by the careerist group—not only declared war on him, but also declared war on the cause of reform, and declared war on all citizens of the Phoenix Empire.

Yes, he used the word "citizen" instead of the title "his people".

Then, he changed the subject and said in front of the media camera, "Although Prince Sfinkel is my brother, compared with the future of the country, the latter is still more important."

Then he made another statement-the actions of the Emperor Sword Guards these days proved Morrisnu's loyalty and bravery. The army and the government should liberate the shackles, give them more space to serve the country, and a fairer upgrade channel, so that Morris slave can be perfectly integrated into the social family.

It was Marlowe Smith who came forward first, stating that he would give Morris slave more convenience, more advanced weapons, and greater trust.

After speaking these words in front of the camera, he immediately set up a frigate composed of Morrisnu in the Durham Star System as his own cronies.

This is not just a statement, but a role model. Marlowe Smith’s role is similar to that of a secretary next to a bureaucrat, accurately grasping the true intention of the person in charge of the vague speech, and then communicating it.

Some local officials of conservatives followed suit and gave Morrisnu more room to play.

We must know that Morris slaves can have the enlightened policy of His Majesty the Holy Emperor today. No matter which lord's armed forces, Virginia Alexander is recognized by Morris slaves as a great benefactor, great savior and great sun.

On the other hand, conservatives can use this as an opportunity to expand their armaments and further develop their naval power.

Can the radicals? Of course they can use this as an opportunity to expand their armaments, but can they safely delegate control of the fleet to Morrisnu? Once the surface balance of the Phoenix Empire is broken, and the military forces controlled by the radicals and conservatives will face each other, which side the fleet controlled by Morrisnau will stand, the answer to this question even fools know!

In civil society, ordinary people pay more attention to the word "citizen". This is not a new word, but in the social environment of the Phoenix Empire, it is definitely a new look. It is not shouted from the mouths of the aggrieved people, nor is it an advanced thing cited by the imperial literati when singing double reeds, but a public speech from His Majesty the Holy Emperor, completely different from the past.

Yes, there is only one word difference between "citizen" and "subject". But in politics, two words that are synonymous with each other can create different situations or trends, not to mention such sensitive words.

Few people would think that the word "citizen" is a slip of the word of His Majesty the Holy Emperor. It is impossible for that man to make a mistake on this issue... absolutely impossible!

This incident is more encouraging than Virginia Alexander’s speech on reforming ge, because the so-called “reforming ge” is probably a means of fighting against dissidents and concentrating power. The word "citizen", which has a value tendency and political meaning, itself represents a kind of power.

This is the power of words! It is also the responsibility of words!

From another perspective, people like His Majesty the Holy Emperor naturally know more about the charm and energy of words.

Regarding the discussion and discussion of civil society, Virginia Alexander did not respond more positively, but Hegel Alexander has strengthened the supervision and control of public opinion in the sphere of influence. Many scholars and writers who have published enlightened remarks , The professor was arrested into the classroom, which naturally caused even greater waves among the people.

According to the radicals, these enlightened people have a heart of disobedience. They secretly contacted the Star Alliance, the Silver Eagles, the Charles Federation and other countries. They were running dogs and spies of the other party, or were lured and deceived by those hypocritical ideas, and left. Go astray and become a villain who tries to subvert the country and harm his compatriots.

At this juncture, Virginia Alexander did not stand up and say anything. The person who stood up and expressed his inner thoughts was Marlow Smith.

Count Marlowe finally stepped onto the front desk, taunting the eldest son Hegel with a shocking posture, angering the radicals.

"Since the eldest son of the prince said that the things promoted by the Star Alliance and the Charles Federation are hypocritical, untrue, and do not conform to the national conditions of the Phoenix Empire, why do they have so little confidence in what they are true, correct, and conform to the national conditions of the Phoenix Empire? , It’s up to me to ask His Majesty the Holy Emperor to let go of media control and connect the empire’s network to the Star Alliance, the Silver Eagles, the Charles Federation, the Dolanx Republic... Oh, and now there is the Turanx United Kingdom, these five countries The barrier-free network built allows citizens to find the truth and draw conclusions on their own, and understand how **** what the other party promotes. This way, it saves a lot of effort and energy, and it can better unite people’s hearts. The empire saves money."

Marlowe Smith... an earl dared to taunt the successor appointed by His Majesty the Holy Emperor, which is really unacceptable. Although he did not bluntly accuse Hegel Alexander and the others as farting, he was ridiculing the radical members for hiding their ears and stealing bells, and was staged an interstellar version of "The Emperor's New Clothes".

Once such words were broadcast, it caused even greater waves in civil society. No one can't hear Marlow Smith's sarcasm and sarcasm of the prince's eldest son. He was the first person to dare to do so.

People have focused their attention on the old man behind him, but Virginia Alexander never appeared in the public media to express his opinions. This is obviously a tacit approval, or encouragement. Going deeper-His Majesty the Holy Emperor regards Marlowe Smith as an agent.

From all the signs, we can see that Earl Marlowe's actions in this matter are more active and radical than His Majesty the Holy Emperor himself. This can also be seen from his career-before the Star Alliance and the Phoenix Empire, he has always been Governor of Alkasi, deeply influenced by enlightened ideas.

This discovery has made more and more people feel good about him, and they unknowingly regard him as a leader in reform.

Why didn't the radical party expect Marlowe? Smith would do this kind of behavior, deliberately intensifying the conflict between the two sides, and felt a little at a loss for a while.

When the officialdom of the Phoenix Empire was in panic all day long, and the people at the bottom expressed their opinions on the "Wall Push Plan" of Earl Marlowe, the territory of the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire was very peaceful.

After the news of Tang Fang's enmity with the Dragon Whisperers came out, the senior officials of Mengya and Sulu were very happy. Whether it is the official media that controls the propaganda outlets or the fake folk media, there are waves in the country. He hated the wave and continued to discredit Tang Fang and Morningstar Casting. At the same time, he organized a large number of young people to take to the streets to hold demonstrations, further planting Tang Fang as a shameless villain, cruel executioner, traitor, **** and other negatives in the hearts of the people. Image.

But this wave quickly receded, and everything returned to its former situation.

Only those who really understand the movement of the army know that the superficial calm is just to accumulate power for future turmoil. The Monya Imperial Navy and the Sulu Imperial Navy have reduced their provocations against the Star Alliance, only because of Mackintosh and Abaddon? Budul tensed his strings and waited patiently for the Dragon Whisperer fleet to appear in the Dillard star system to defeat the Morning Star casting, and then the two naval fleets would turn into sharp arrows and drive straight into the hinterland of the Star Alliance, disintegrating the Adam government in one fell swoop. rule.

Mackintosh and Abaddon are like two cheetahs hiding in the shadows of trees, waiting quietly, dormant quietly, waiting for their prey to expose their weaknesses and empty doors, and they will launch a thunderous blow.

At this point in time, a rumor suddenly spread from within the Monya Empire.

A few months ago, the Garcia rebels, Penn Cartero's department, were planned by Rockefeller and implemented by the Celtic Guards, almost completely wiped out. Payne Cattro himself fell into the hands of the Monya Navy and became a prisoner of Kirklaw I.

To many people's surprise, Kirklaf I did not immediately execute Penn Cartero, but instead imprisoned him in the Salas star system not far from the Celtic star system.

It is said that Miki Hyuga and Bill Carter, who had a close relationship with Penn Cartero, proposed to Marion Duncan to use the three-headed dog-class pirate capital ship sent by Tang Fang to launch a surprise attack on the Salas star system and rescue him. Penn Cattro in jail.

The proposal ultimately failed, and Marion refused to send troops to the Salas star system.

This decision made Miki Hyuga and Bill Carter very upset, thinking that Marion Duncan became more and more arrogant and arrogant after climbing Captain Tang’s tall branches, self-serving, forgetting the friendship of comrades, deviating from the original intention of Garcia's uprising and indulging in Power and that little achievement.

Marion Duncan explained that it was not that he didn't want to go, but that he couldn't go. Kirklaf I did not immediately kill the chickens and the monkeys. He chopped off Penn Cattro’s head just to use him as bait to lure the García rebels into attacking the Salas star system, taking the opportunity to annihilate it, and solving the major domestic dangers in one fell swoop. .

Miki Hyuga and Bill Carter insisted that this was the excuse of the old Marion. Is it possible that with the support of Tang's weapons, the García rebels still cannot compete with the Monya Navy? Now even three-year-old children know that Captain Tang, who was born in the Monya Empire, has risen in the wind and water of the Star Alliance~www.readwn.com~ so powerful that even forces like Dragon Whisperers dare to provoke him.

Marion Duncan still refused, saying that he would not easily take risks with the weapons and equipment supported by Tang Fang, or take the lives of his companions. If in order to rescue Payne Catero, many García rebels were killed, would it be worth it?

In short... Miki Hyuga and Bill Carter did not convince Marion Duncan to take action. Marion Duncan did not gain the understanding of the two.

I don't know how this matter was leaked out, and there was a lot of rumors on the Internet of the Monya Empire.

Compared with the turbulent international situation in the Hilumbel region, the differences of opinion that occurred within the Garcia rebels are just a small episode, a trivial white spray.

But in another place, another room, the differences here are enough to determine the future situation of the Hirombel region.

The ceiling cast a dim light, and slowly spread out on the surface of the octagonal table, like a quiet moonlight kissing a lonely cliff, a little cold, and there is not much anger.

The octagonal table is surrounded by eight pillars. The light circulates on the surface of the emblem. These are majestic and majestic, or gentle and feminine, or cold and arrogant, or domineering, or elegant as the wind, or quiet and natural. The patterns are colorful and colorful. .

The emblems around the octagonal table naturally represent no one else, but the eight factions of Dragon Whisperers.

The same as last time, the eastern dragon emblem engraved on the fourth pillar and the seven flame dragon emblems engraved on the fifth pillar are dull and silent.

The evil dragon goshawk engraved on the eighth pillar projected a pulse of brilliance to the view, and an old voice sounded: "Now...what else do you have to say? Behemoth...Posuji."

ps: I have deleted the posts that are prone to war in the book review area, don't think too much.

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