Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1279: Fragmented

Lilietta said: "Don't think too much, you'll know when you go."

Tang Fang glanced at Arthur's black face, then looked at Beiyota's facial expression, without seeing any clues. Since Lilietta said this, she couldn’t get a specific answer if she wanted to ask further questions, but she could tell from her face that it shouldn’t be too dangerous... to take a step back, even if it’s dangerous, she has an interstellar system guard. Don't worry too much, as long as you act carefully and carefully, it will be fine.

As an old friend who accompanied him many births and deaths, Aros deserved his contribution.

"Okay, deal." He nodded as a formal reply.

Lilietta said: "This tone of trading sounds really uncomfortable."

Tang Fang thought to himself that she was using the information of the veteran to coerce herself to accompany her to the Yinying Group to do things, but he said that her performance was too profitable, which was very disappointing. A woman's mind is like a needle on the bottom of the sea, which is unpredictable, even if she is the leader of an organization, what she did in the past gives people the feeling of a female man.

In the lobby on the first floor, Sek Bakar took the bride's hand into the dance floor, leaving Cui Enhao and Joanna standing in place. The atmosphere was a bit embarrassing, but no one turned to leave. It seemed that it was only a matter of time before the ice broke.

At this moment, Lilietta stood up and stretched out her right hand to him: "Don't you want to ask me to dance... I heard that even Princess Heroes, who is excellent in dancing, is not your opponent. ."

Tang Fang looked at the snow-white glove, hesitated for a moment, stood up, took her hand, and walked downstairs to the dance floor together.

Beyota gave a smirk from behind, and Arthur blew his whistle, but in a very small voice.

Gilcott, Henrietta, Elena... and the guests at the meeting, watching them come down from above with curious and surprised eyes, and enter the dance floor together, moving with the brisk melody.


In the afternoon of the next day, Tang Fang and others took the shuttle to leave the Khanos star system and returned to the Morningstar casting station.

Lilietta and the three left as early as the wedding banquet was over, so there is no such thing as leaving.

Tang Fang has always been very curious about Lilietta's purpose in asking him to go to the Silver Eagles. However, during the dancing process, he did not get any useful reply. The other party was very cautious. In the end, he could only gather his mind and dispel his thoughts. "There must be a road before the mountain" to comfort me by saying that.

When the shuttle arrived at the Delar star system, Kylenia was already asleep, and he had no chance to ask for information about Lilietta.

After setting up Tang Yun and Freya, when planning to return to her room to rest, she suddenly received an emergency call from the staff on duty, telling him that the Zodiac in the Acubaduo star system had sent a communication request, and Valentine hoped He can get there as soon as possible.

Valentin did not disclose the specific reason why he wanted him to rush over. It should be Yingluo's condition improving, or Abathur found a way to deal with the phagosome.

He did not stay in the Delar star system for a long time and told the control center that he was going to the Akubado star system, leaving a protoss fleet in the secret airspace to guard against the Dragon Whisperers, and then took the flying eagle to leave and go straight to the target. location.


In about half a day, the flying eagle left the virtual space and appeared in the void outside the high-altitude orbit of Akron.

After determining the position of the Zodiac Angel, set the auto-navigation parameters, the flying eagle flew towards the target, his eyes passed through the porthole and the gloomy void, and landed on the gaseous planet "Elna" not far away.

After the Montesque star system battle ended, he returned to the Dillard star system, and did not spend all of his time on building the void and corruption barrier. After setting up, he walked a wandering planet from Ipsy The Dragon Industrial ship found equipment specially used for mining the gaseous planet Zero Sutian and transported it to the Akubado star system.

Walton has been very busy lately, busy putting those mining equipment sufficient to operate in the gaseous planetary environment into the liquid hydrogen ocean of Erna, and at the same time setting up observatories to monitor climate changes in the planet's interior, planning the mining operation cycle and resource extraction cycle.

The difficulty of drilling a liquid hydrogen ocean structure drilling platform on a gaseous planet is much greater than that of building a space station in a space environment. Fortunately, there are related special operation ships and supporting facilities in the industrial ship to help him complete this. Engineering, after all, the manifestation of the battle that created the Lost Lands was a collision between battleships and battleships, not a duel between engineering ships and engineering ships.

He tried to contact Mondre and use the data provided by Walton to understand the progress of the project more intuitively.

When he asked Emma to give a reference value to determine how long the drilling platform had to be completed, the flying eagle arrived at the destination and slowly berthed into the outer ring pier of the Angel.

"One and a half months...Will another one and a half months..." He muttered, leaving the Flying Eagle and entering the inner space of the Angel, without going to the bridge, and walking directly to the medical laboratory.

When approaching the laboratory, Abathur was already there waiting, which shows that Valentin called him to sit on the Angel this time, it should be a breakthrough in the study of phagosomes.

"Did you find a way to conquer the phagosome?"

"The phagosome defect has been found... a targeted weapon... currently does not exist... a new Zerg needs to be cultivated... epic creatures and more phagosome samples can speed up the experimental process... it is recommended to retrieve the library."

Tang Fang always believes that it is a technical task to fully understand Abathur's language, and what he is most bad at is to figure out the meaning of other people's words...Although Abathur's world does not have "referring to the mulberry" or "outside the string" "This kind of life cognition.

"Where is Mr. Var?"

Abatser said: "The energy consumption is serious and requires recuperation."

Yes, Valentine is sleeping. Want to come to Burwell? Arnold would not be willing to help himself with the translation... Taking a step back, even if the other party was willing, he did not dare to trust the ninth director without reservation.

"Let's go, take me to see the results of your experiment."

Abathur turned and marched forward, leading him into the experimental data processing center opposite the medical laboratory, standing in front of a computer, and tapping several buttons with his slender fingers.

The light and shadow of the display in the center of the room flashed, and the video clips stored in the database began to play.

Abathur said nothing, just stood there quietly. However, Tang Fang's eyes narrowed and tightened. As he progressed, the expression on his face became more and more serious.

Until the picture freezes, he retracted his gaze towards the display and said to Abathur: "This defect is suitable for all phagosomes?"

Abathur shook his slender limbs, and said slowly: "The subject...the i-type ii phagosome...the iii phagosome has high intelligence...has an identification mind...the defect does not exist... more samples are needed for further investigation. experiment……"

He chewed the above words carefully, and gradually understood what Abathur wanted to express.

The scene just shown on the screen is suitable for i-type phagosomes and ii-type phagosomes. Type iii and iv phagosomes have higher intelligence, so the above-mentioned defects do not exist. More samples are required for detailed and in-depth research. Find individual defects. As for the V-shaped phagosome that can be parasitic on the battleship, Abathur has not had the time and energy to take care of it... As the old saying goes, you have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to go step by step. From i-shaped phagosome to v-shaped phagosome , Requires a gradual process of conquering.

"What did you mean when you said that you need the help of epic creatures and libraries?"

"Zai Angel... simple facilities, limited resources... Leviathan and Behemoth cannot carry the phagosome gene pool... may cause pollution... the Epsilon Relic Library... has a good isolation effect, suitable for cultivation, Combine new types of Zerg."

"Wen Ku..." He sighed heavily.

As early as when he entered Paradise Star and saw the remains of the library, he clearly realized how precious the huge facility used to cultivate epic creatures is. If it is opened to Abathur and Valentine, Integrating and recreating Zerg and epic biological resources will bring very considerable benefits to the swarm.

However, the biggest problem now is that he doesn't know where the Paradise Star is. Secondly, judging from the various experiences after leaving the time tunnel, the Queen of Blades must have occupied the precious world. With her character, it is impossible to willingly Let yourself.

"I will pay attention to Wenku." He can only comfort Abathur in this way, and also comfort himself.

After reviewing Abathur's great discoveries, he turned around and walked outside. First, he rushed to the bridge to have a brief exchange with Nehemiah, and talked about the recent status of the Delar star system and his views on the Dragon Whisperer.

Then bid farewell to Nehemiah, and took a flying eagle to dive to the interior of Akron Star to observe the reproduction of primitive zergs on the three truffle blanket continent.

Dags Continent, Slivan Continent, and Yageclaw Continent-three continents are distributed in a fringe shape on the endless green sea. Although the acidity of the sea water is showing signs of weakening, there is still a long way to go before it becomes a state suitable for human life.

There is a small land or island in the middle of the 3 continents. Here is the transportation hub where it installed the Protoss satellite base station, Abathur conducted the phagosome experiment, and the three continents connected to each other.

Farther away, the fourth continent is slowly taking shape, but it is not connected to the central island, becoming a part of the primitive Zerg’s living environment. For personal reasons, he does not want to release Zulwyn into this world for the time being, command a part of the original Zerg, and compete with the three Zerg heroes Slivan, Jagerclaw, and Dags. The fourth continent is just the beginning. It has a large scale and has not yet been expanded. However, many native plants have grown on it. Some primitive Allosaurus and Swarm guards will use it as a temporary resting place during the flight for a short rest.

Slifan appeared relatively late, and the third continent he occupied was not built in a short time. The snow-colored vegetation has not yet covered the entire continent. The number of primitive Zergs under his command is compared with Jagerclaw and Dags. There is a big gap. In order to balance the three forces, Abathur closed the road from the central island to the mainland of Slivan.

Driving a flying eagle to patrol the sky of Akron Star to get a rough idea of ​​the reproduction of the original Zerg, and then returned to the Angel, because Nehemiah sent a message halfway through, telling him that Valentine was awake, and let him be done afterwards. Take a walk to the medical laboratory.

When he rushed to the medical laboratory, Roy and Valentine were talking in the lounge area and greeted him as soon as they saw him entering the door.

I can see that the boy is in a good mood, at least in better condition than when he came last time.

"Brother Tang, about the Queen of Blades...I'm sorry."

I don't know from whom he learned about what happened to the Montesk star system, and he was most suspected of coming to Hausen's big mouth. Roy is different from Bai Hao. He never knows how to observe words and colors, so he can say whatever he thinks.

It may be that the two people are in a similar situation now, and his gaze at Tang Fang seems to be sympathetic to each other.

"Heh...is your news well-informed." Tang Fang rubbed his head and looked at Valentin, who hadn't spoken next to him: "Call me here, but Yingluo's condition has changed?"

After the Montesque star system battle was over, he asked Walton to send the t-energy stone snatched by the black q to the Akubado star system and give it to Valentin for use. It has been more than half now. Months, it should be discovered.

Valentin did not speak, but nodded, turned and walked to the intensive care unit where Yingluo was placed.

Tang Fang and Roy followed.

Yingluo lay quietly on the hospital bed, showing no signs of getting better, but at the first glance, he saw an unusual place.

The life support system next to it shows that the girl's life characteristics are very stable, no different from the last time he came, but the t-energy stone embedded in the forehead has disappeared, leaving only a shallow scar on the forehead.

He remembered that Emma explained to him that the reason why Yingluo lost consciousness was because the mental shock wave sent by Yemengade shattered the t-energy stone on her forehead, so that her individual consciousness was scattered and scattered, and because of the t-energy she now mastered. There is very little information about Shi~www.readwn.com~ no one can find a solution to the problem.

"Where is the fragmented t-energy stone?" He frowned, showing a very worried expression.

According to Emma, ​​as long as the t-energy stone is still there, it may be possible to gather Yingluo’s consciousness fragments by some means to help her wake up from sleep. Now that the t-energy stone is gone, is it possible for Yingluo to wake up?

"You calm down first, don't worry." Valentine persuaded, while tapping lightly on the life support system console.

The fixed scanning device above the hospital bed radiated a faint light, and Yingluo's head slowly swept down. After a few breaths, a light scan image appeared on the large front screen.

After seeing the obvious anomalies, he opened his mouth and paused for a moment, but didn't know what to say.

On Yingluo's human body scan, many silver light spots are distributed throughout the body-traces of foreign objects can be seen on the back of the feet, forearms, thighs, chest, abdomen...

ps: Children's boots for the college entrance examination, congratulations on getting rid of your dreams, and hope that your results are great...

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