Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1297: The sudden hijacker

He hoped that the lieutenant admiral Keene Greenspan in the cockpit would contact the superiors who issued the mission as soon as possible, because Captain Tang, who is used to the relic warships such as the Angel and the Seraph, is very concerned about the military shuttles used by sovereign nations. The speed really doesn't catch a cold, and I think it's a kind of life torment to ride such an aircraft.

Unfortunately, his hope was not fulfilled. After the shuttle left the Lunar star system, it drove straight to the capital star system "Lagras". Keane Greenspan did not contact his boss immediately, which made him a little irritable, and the tight space in the warehouse further aggravated. This emotion.

However, things were not as boring as he imagined, it was not that someone walked into the warehouse, nor was it that Mr. Lieutenant General made any interesting behavior... The shuttle suddenly encountered a place less than half a light-year away from the Lunar star system. Intercept, forced to stop the warp speed navigation, appear in the real universe from the virtual space.

The shuttle's power system was affected by recoil, and some of the sensing systems were still able to barely operate. Through the external images extracted by Emma, ​​he saw a very interesting scene... No, it should be said that he encountered old knowledge.

In the airspace in front of the shuttle, the Hades-class destroyer obscured the starlight behind it. The brilliance emitted by the interception system has not faded yet, and it shines brightly, telling people about its achievements.

On the flank of the Hades-class destroyer, a relic warship is quickly approaching the location of the shuttle.

Captain Tang can be said to be very familiar with this ruined warship, because in the Montesk Star System naval battle that ended not long ago, it made a big appearance. Yes, it was the Sopnos driven by the Black 6—the one who forced the Keene Greenspan shuttle to stop was from the Anubis Legion.

He never thought that he would encounter the Abyssal Knight in this situation. Two days ago, he was still thinking about not knowing the whereabouts of the black knight. He did not expect to encounter the enemy warship again so soon. What does that old saying say? It's not that enemies don't meet together!

He didn't understand how those in the Anubis Legion knew that Aros was trapped in the Lunar Star System, but he knew very well that Heik planned the hijacking incident to deal with him through veterans. Perhaps it was because they were scrupulous about Dragon Whisperers and did not dare to directly break into the military-controlled area of ​​the Yinying regiment and chose to stop halfway through the transfer.

Interestingly, it happened that the Lord was also in the same boat. He thought that the next thing would be very fun, he didn't know what the Abyss Knight thought after seeing his face, whether it was cursing his mother, or saying "God hell".

Compared with Tang Fang's joking smile, the people in the shuttle cockpit were appalled. Keane Greenspan tried to get in touch with the Lunar Stellar System Garrison Navy, but there was no response. The communication system had already been offline along with the power system.

Of course he recognized the Anubis Army, and he also thought of the other side’s purpose of intercepting the shuttle. Although the enemy’s target was Aros and Lev Milonovich Bukharin in the rear compartment, the other side certainly didn’t mind going hand in hand. They deal with it.

Fear and prayer will not slow down the flight speed of the Shupnos. This relic warship, which is much larger than the shuttle, slows down after arriving in the nearby airspace, stays relatively still with the shuttle, and slowly releases the connection channel to proceed. Docking operations.

Keen Greenspan saw things develop to this point and could only bite the bullet and order his soldiers to prepare for battle to meet the landing troops of the Anubis Legion.

In order to stabilize morale, he did not tell the soldiers the identity of the enemy login personnel. Of course, even if it is known that the visitor belongs to the Anubis Legion, a force that the sovereign nation’s navy cannot contend, the fighters of the Silver Eagle regiment will not retreat. The proud eagle on the national flag symbolizes the soul of the army.

Six soldiers in power armor lay in ambush near the hatch for docking operations, waiting for the hijackers to break in and let the enemy taste the gunfire.

Only three to five minutes before and after, accompanied by a dull sound, the cabin door was blown apart by an external detonating device, revealing a gap.

The six soldiers pulled the trigger for the first time, and the gunfire blazed, and rows of bullets passed through the vague figures in the rear of the hatch.

I saw sparks flying, figures swaying, and clanging sounds.

The stock of ammunition in the magazine dropped rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it was empty. The three soldiers who fired first unloaded the empty magazines. When they were about to replace them, black shadows flashed in the gap, and I didn’t know what was going through quickly. Charged towards their location.

The other three soldiers fired very quickly, but the black shadow at the front was faster. As the five thin silk threads reflected a few shadows, the three soldiers on the left suddenly stopped firing, and the assault rifle slipped from the palm of the palm. Falling to the ground made a crackling sound.

If you look at it up close, you can see that the chest of the power armor seems to be pierced by a sharp steel nail, and there are very tiny holes, blood is flowing down, and the silver painting is blurred.

The three soldiers on the right reacted very quickly. They turned their muzzles as soon as Sombra landed. Before pulling the trigger, an arc flashed from behind Sombra. Two projectiles hit the head of the power armor very accurately and penetrated the driver's head. Fall back. The gun in the hands of the last soldier was flew by a black whip from nowhere. It rolled backwards like flexible tentacles, entangled in the power armor and pulled, and the soldier rushed forward uncontrollably and hit the silver white. On the high-frequency sharp blade, the blade pierced his chest, and blood sprayed all over the floor.

It was almost a face-to-face effort, and the six Silver Eagle Corps soldiers became dead bodies lying on the ground, without the slightest anger.

With a drop of blood-colored thread shot into the wrist strapping device, Black 5 turned sideways, letting out the blood spreading to the feet.


The owner of this voice does not need to be introduced. Black 6 walked out from behind the elite guards of the Anubis Legion wearing Jackal God-class power armor, without any hesitation in the pool of blood ahead, stepped on it, splashed countless blood beads, and soiled the brand-new leather boots.

"Is this the new toy that Hei K brought back from Master Walker? Sorry, I didn't see how different he is." Hei 6 stepped forward, but his eyes fell on the Anubis Legion Elite Guard Body.

Black 5 did not respond to his ridicule, and said coldly: "If you have an opinion on the arrangements of the surrogate, you can tell it in person, don't nag in front of me, it will make me irritated and treat you as a nuisance. fly."

"Oh, Black 5... I would be very happy if you could treat me with a three-point attitude toward Virginia, instead of swearing."

"Virginia is dead." Black 5 raised his wrist weapon: "Do you really want me to do that?"

"If I die too, who will quarrel with you in the future, wouldn't it be very lonely?"

Black 5 ignored him, turned and walked to the rear cabin, while the elite guard of the Anubis Legion moved forward in the opposite direction and hurried towards the cockpit.

Hei 6 deliberately walked forward on the blood puddle, looking at the scarlet fragments, thinking that this is a very beautiful picture, which is pleasing to the eye and refreshing.

"There is one thing I am curious about, you and that bad old man... are there any..."

call out! call out! call out! The dark dark light traveled through the air, making a sharp sound.

The four iron brazing brushes were only a few millimeters away from Hei 6's face.

Black 5 said: "Don't follow me. Next time I will directly kill you."

Black 6 gently touched the hard iron on the side of his face with his fingers, waited for them to soften and recede before shaking his neck, and said in a very casual tone: "The anger is so big, I doubt whether you are in early menopause. arrival."

He said so, but did not continue to follow the Black 5, turned to the direction of the cockpit, and murmured to himself as he walked, "Are you the new abyssal knight? Not... just a new toy for the surrogate ."

When he came, he stepped through the blood puddles one by one, watching the bright red blossoms, the same as he left.

The blood on the floor was particularly dazzling under the light, but in the eyes of the black six adults, it was the brightest flower bud in the world, with unimaginable appreciation value.

The hatch of the shuttle opened on the lower level. Aros and Lev Milonovich Bukharin were in the upper space. Although I don’t know what happened outside, I felt it from my body and the four soldiers’ It can be seen from the performance that there must be an unexpected situation outside that forced the shuttle to stop.

"It's Tang Fang, it must be him..." The party leader's face filled with resentment showed a bit of joy. Tang Fang had promised him before that he would rescue the two as soon as possible. Besides, besides Captain Tang, is there a second person who can freely enter and exit the territory of the Yinying Regiment and intercept the military shuttle.

However, when the door of the locked room exploded to pieces and the two soldiers by the door fell face to face at the feet of the visitor, Aros frowned as he looked at the impressive cold mask.

"It's a member of the Anubis Legion..." This sentence was his sigh, and it was also a telling to the party leader.

The two Silver Eagle regiment soldiers who were standing in front began to retreat. It was not that they wanted to evade, but the strong murderous aura from Black 5 forced them to retreat step by step.

When he was about to retreat to Aros's position, the soldier on the left finally gathered his strength and pulled the trigger of the gun to break the depressive atmosphere in the field.

However, what made them desperate was that when a gleam of light flashed, there were two ding-dongs in the distance. When they looked down, they found that the bullet from the assault rifle was split in half by a sharp weapon.

"How is this possible!" The shooting soldier shouted in his heart.

The bullet was there, and what he thought was impossible was actually happening before his eyes.

The masked man who didn't know the origin actually broke the bullet that he shot at the moment he shot? !

Three seconds later, he found out that he was wrong. The warhead was not split by a knife, but cut by a piece of black silk. Because it had just shot through the partner's throat, the blood poured out like a spring.

Puff, the sound of the corpse falling to the ground awakened him, the right hand holding the gun was fine-tuned forward, and the firing state switched to grenade mode.

From this it seems that this soldier is also a ruthless man, actually going to launch a grenade in such a place to bombard an enemy target.

Lev Milonovich Bukharin and Aros fell behind, unable to see the subtle movements of the soldiers in front, otherwise they would be shocked, and quickly retracted their bodies behind the bunker to withstand the impact of the coming grenade. .

Facts have proved that they don’t need to dodge, because before the soldier pulls the trigger, the black thread that pierced another soldier swayed in the air with a small sound. The soldier only saw the black light flashing before his eyes. The surface of the assault rifle held in his hand flashed with a glare, and it broke from it, and the front half of the gun body fell to the ground with a snap.

The soldier's face was not visible under the helmet, but as he walked backward, he must be in a bad mood.

The silver eagles admire the military and the army, and are known for their bravery and fierceness on the battlefield. They are still so in the face of Black 5, not to mention soldiers from countries such as Monya, Sulu, and Star Alliance.

The gun is destroyed, he still has a knife!

Before the soldiers held the combat dagger, the silk thread of the assault rifle was cut off and swayed backwards like a living creature. The thick shell of the power armor was like thin paper, and it broke with a snort.

Blood was like a curtain of water flowing down from a waterfall, dripping from the crack in the power armor neck guard. The soldier knelt down with a thump~www.readwn.com~ and fell under the feet of Black 5. The blood bloomed on the cold ground and spread into a ball.

Lev Milonovich Bukharin has never seen the Abyssal Knight, but he can guess the purpose of the opponent. Looking at the thread that quickly retracts the wrist containment device, he wonders what material it is made of. of.

The veteran looked at the black 5 who was walking slowly, and said with a cold face: "Abyss Knight..."

Black 5 walked up to the two of them and uttered a word, "Follow me".

Mr. Party leader secretly cried out in his heart, thinking that if he fell into the hands of the Silver Eagle Corps, with Tang Fang’s ability, if he wanted to, he should be able to rescue them relatively easily, but if it fell into the hands of the Anubis Corps. , That matter can be difficult to handle.

Although he was not a person forged by Morningstar, he knew that the Anubis Legion was an important opponent of Captain Tang. Such dark forces are not comparable to the technological power of ordinary sovereign countries.

"Where are you taking us?"

Black 5 glanced at Lev Milonovich Bukharin, and suddenly said: "For hostages, one is enough."

The seemingly casual rhetoric fell into the ears of the party leader, but it was like thunder in the sky.

At this moment, the black thread of the original shrink-recovery device shot out, like an arrow from the string, piercing Lev Milonovich Bukharin's left chest.

The two of them were bound with their hands, and naturally there was no way to fight back. Taking a step back, even if he is in a free state, he will not be the opponent of a fully armed Abyssal Knight.

If there were no accidents, the life of the leader of the party would end without any suspense.

Of course, in Black 5's view, the only thing that can allow the opponent to avoid death is an accident, but for Captain Tang, Bukharin will survive this kind of thing that has nothing to do with the accident, it is a logical development.

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