Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1306: Every family has its cupboard

"It seems... whether it is to revoke the wanted warrants for Aros and Bukharin or to obtain the detailed content of the intermediary plan, the first consul must be the breakthrough point." Tang Fang glanced at Thomas when he said this. .

Thomas knew the meaning of this gaze, and suddenly raised his hand childishly and surrendered: "Ok, ok...I will do my best to help you with this matter, but it will take a while. Meal is up to me. Go to work, during this period you can deal with Mr. Roland and Jaeger first."

From the perspective of being responsible for the country, Thomas certainly didn't want to see Tang Fang's use of force to force Meyer to submit. That might cause irreparable consequences.

The third consul's answer confirmed Tang Fang's conjecture about Yeager's encounter-that was indeed the setting used by the Silver Eagle to trap veterans.

"I'm very curious about one thing." He looked into Thomas' eyes and said, "The messenger that the Silver Eagle Group sent to the Talida Star System to try to extradite Aros back to China...who appointed it?"

Thomas showed an unexpected expression, frowned and said, "Is there such a thing?"

A sneer appeared on Tang Fang's lips: "Otherwise, how could Aros risk his life and return to the Silver Eagle Group. It seems... The group of Meyer did a lot of things without telling you."

Thomas frowned tighter, but didn't say much.

Tang Fang didn’t think that a word he said casually could provoke the contradiction between the executive officers of the Yinying regiment. After all, these people knew very well that the differences in the past were based on different views on public affairs. In fact, they hope that the Yinying regiment will become a reality. Better, not a conflict of interest caused by the selfish behavior of aristocrats and officials in specialized countries like the Phoenix Empire and the Monya Empire.

"Since Mr. Thomas has promised to help, then I feel relieved." He stood up and said goodbye: "Yegger's business really needs to be dealt with, so I won't stay here any longer."

Thomas said: "I arranged for someone to prepare a banquet, please stay here for a few days."

Tang Fang glanced at Aros, "I am in the mood to consume it here, but it doesn't mean that everyone is in the mood to consume it here."

Thomas understood it, and said with a smile: "The Lunar Space Prison...I will arrange everything."

Tang Fang nodded, thanked him, and led a few people to leave the room and walked outside.

Whether to stay or let go of Jaeger; what kind of attitude should he treat Aros and Bukharin... These issues are things that several archons of the Yinying regiment need to struggle with, and he will not waste too much energy and time on this.

After knowing that they have reached the territory of the Yinying Group, I believe that Meyer and others will reflect on their previous practices.

As for the history of the Blue Revolution, the deeds of Aros and Bukharin... He does not intend to ask Thomas for advice, because from the dialogue just now, the third consul is far less aware of the details of the war than Mayal. High, it would be better to wait patiently for three or five days, leaving these questions to Meyer to answer. What's more, Lilietta was controlled by the Lunar Space Prison in order to help herself buy time, so he should go back as soon as possible to rescue the big sister.

Thomas has been sent to the hangar, watching a few people start the shuttle to leave before turning to the lounge.

Keene Greenspan sent several people to the battleship wharf of Lanling Military Port along the route when they came, and watched them board the plane and leave.

Fifteen minutes later, the Minotaur-class battlecruiser disconnected from the battleship pier, slowly left the berth, and proceeded along the route planned by the Yinying Regiment. After passing by the customs, it turned into a flash and disappeared into the gloomy void.

Many people don't understand why Captain Tang hurriedly left after appearing in the star system of the capital of the Yinying Group not long. Why did he come here? What happened during the period? What are the opinions of the executive officers of the Yinying Regiment on this matter?

While the Minotaur-class battlecruiser sailed towards the Lunar Star System, the news that Captain Tang hurriedly entered the Lagras Star System and hurriedly left was quickly spread through the Internet and media channels throughout the Hilumbel region, which attracted much attention.

In fact, he can enter the Lagras star system in a secret way and meet privately with the third archon. To some extent, this expansion was done deliberately... in order to put pressure on the other archons and to attract more The eyes of many people create a tense atmosphere.

Want to come to Thomas? Angkluo understands his purpose in doing this, so he will be so cooperative in the conversation.

Of course, this is likely to develop a bad result. For example, some consuls believe that he came to his own territory, lying down with a tiger, or holding a dragon, and then launched a raid on impulse, making the situation worse.

Fortunately, this situation did not happen, and the Archons of the Silver Eagle Group did not act rashly.

In short, what should be done has been done, and the respect that should be given has also been given. The next step is the response of the Yinying Group.

When returning to the Lunar Star System, the news that the Minotaur-class battlecruiser had appeared at customs triggered a riot within the system. People thought that he had already returned to the Delar star system after leaving the Lagras star system, but that was not the result.

Just like the previous experience, the Minotaur class battlecruiser was moored at the warship dock under the jurisdiction of the garrison navy, and several people took a shuttle to the Lunar Space Prison.

It may be due to the special nature of the facility. The hotly debated issue in the society does not exist here. Apart from the warden and several senior managers who knew that Tang Fang appeared in the Lunar Star System, the grassroots prison guards and criminals did not know. The famous Captain Tang of the Star Alliance came here.

Only Tang Fang and Nova know that this is not the first time they have come to the Lunar Space Prison. The difference is that they entered by concealing their identity last time, and this time it was a fair visit.

The prison guards greeted them last time, and this time they were replaced by the warden and several senior managers.

Thomas Angkluo informed the prison in advance. The warden was very clear about what Tang Fang had come here. However, unexpectedly, the first sentence of Tang Fang was to let them be released a few days ago. Miss inspector under the control of prison guards.

An administrator told him that Miss Inspector was picked up by the inspectorate two days ago and is no longer in the Lunar Space Prison.

Tang Fang was stunned for a while, but he didn't expect this to happen, but since Lilietta was taken away by someone from the inspection department, it wouldn't be any danger to think about it. The other party should be the friend who the older sister asked for help.

Thinking of the next move with the female pirates inconvenient, he didn't put much effort in this matter. After all, that woman, as the leader of the Bahamut Pirates, would definitely be able to take care of herself.

Considering the fatigue of the journey, the warden proposed to rest in the guest room first and have dinner together.

Tang Fang agreed to go to the guest room to rest first, and declined the other party's request for dinner. This made the warden a little disappointed, but quickly adjusted his mood and arranged for his staff to take a few people to the guest room to rest.

When he revisited the old place, the leader of the party seemed very excited, and mumbled whether he should go to the Duan Prison to meet the inmates he met during the process of Fangfeng.

Aros didn't say a word, and when he was about to reach his destination, he suddenly approached Tang Fang and said in a low voice, "This is my business. I will handle it myself."

"I didn't intend to help you deal with it." He thought of Lilietta and Ralph's deeds, sighed and said: "This kind of thing...Others can't help you, you can only rely on yourself."

Lev Milonovich Bukharin suddenly remembered something and asked, "Where's Valeria? Have you seen her... How is she doing? How is she?"

Aros's steps stopped for a while, after all, he said nothing, and then quickened his pace to catch up with the prison guard leading the way.

Tang Fang stood in front of the guest room, looking at the distant figure in front of him, somewhat at a loss.

Nova said: "Aren't you going with him?"

He shook his head and said, "Aros doesn't want me to do this, it's his personal business."

"With his character, I don't think this can be solved perfectly." Nova has rarely spoken, but this does not mean that she does not have a complete and profound understanding of Tang Fang's affairs or the affairs of people around him.

"..." He was silent for a while: "The extent to which outsiders can intervene in this kind of matter is limited. Yeager is not Lilietta, and the veteran is not Ralph."

Nova nodded, turned around and walked to her room, and whispered: "I already...don't remember what they looked like."

Tang Fang knew who "they" was in her mouth, and some unexpectedly, the lady agent who had always treated people coldly would express such emotions.

After Nova disappeared, he shook his head with a wry smile, walked into the suite, sat on the sofa in the living room, and looked at the colorful coral stones and coral sand in the pillar-shaped fish tank diagonally opposite, quietly thinking about what Thomas Angkluo said. words.

Every family has hard-to-read sutras... The Yinying Group is no exception.

A moonlight butterfly swung its tail fin and swept across the bottom of the tank. The water flow rolled up the fine sand on the surface and gently lifted into the sky.


Four hours had passed when he woke up from bed. Looking from the porthole, Lunar lingered in the white light, burning calmly and for a long time.

Because the Huilunar star system rides on a Minotaur-class battle cruiser, it is not a shuttle that is difficult to stretch, and there is plenty of room for movement and rest, so the body is not very tired, but only three or four hours of training will be sober come.

When I got up and washed my face, I suddenly felt an urge to drink something.

Instead of taking the beer in the refrigerator, he chose to leave the room and walked to the nearest police officer's rest area, where there are activity rooms, gyms, and naturally there is a place for a drink.

Perhaps it was midnight on Hilde Star, except for the prison guards on night shifts and other staff were sleeping, there were not many people in the lobby in front of the reception desk, and the bartender looked drowsy.

The guards on duty are not allowed to drink alcohol, and the bartender can provide them with a glass of soda drenched in whiskey at most. Whether it is used to relieve gluttons or refreshing, it has become a specialty drink of the Lunar Space Prison.

Several people sitting on the tables near the service counter were all this kind of alcoholic drinks. Tang Fang rubbed his wistful eyes and sat in front of the service counter. After looking at the bartender affectionately for a while, he yawned and said, "Please Give me a beer."

The bartender didn't see his police officer's ID, so he turned his head and looked at the terminal system at the service counter. His complexion became very exciting, and the sleepiness in his mind disappeared. He quickly took out a glass from his side and poured beer into it.

I didn't know if it was too agitated or shaking his hands badly. Tang Fang didn't stop until Tang Fang reminded him that the wine was overflowing outside. While busy apologizing, he wiped the liquor with the tablecloth.

He shrugged, thinking that he couldn't live without a glass of wine, and the bartender nodded, holding the glass and taking a half bottle of beer and walking to the front hall, thinking about finding someone to stay clean for a while.

When I came, I didn't notice the scene in the corner of the hall because of the angle. When I left the service desk, I suddenly saw the side face in the shadow. I couldn't help but stay where I was, and his expression became a little ugly.

He took the wine bottle and walked to sit down opposite the veteran, and filled the half-empty glass. Needless to say, there is no need to ask anything, he also knows that the outcome of the matter is not as expected, otherwise the veteran would not come here alone to drink.

Although veterans used to be like this during Morningstar's casting, today's state is obviously not comparable to before.

The faint light drenched on that face, illuminating the rigid facial lines and the grains of scum. The veteran in the shadow was like a piece of black iron that had been beaten by wind and rain. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

As he said to Nova, the veteran is not Ralph, and Jaeger is not Lilietta.

He only drank a glass of wine, and most of the remaining bottle of beer went into the stomach of the veteran, but it was just like river water poured into the ocean, without causing many waves.

There was no language exchange between the two people during the whole process. He poured the wine into the cup, the veteran picked up the cup and drank slowly, he poured the wine into the cup again, and the veteran drank the cup slowly.

There is no comfort, no complaints, and time passes slowly in the complaints or snoring of the guards not far away.

After Tang Fang poured the bottle of wine, he got up and walked along the road, leaving Aros to remain silent.

The friendship between men is often like this. There is no woman who gathers together to cry, and it will not be like the whispering comfort and long-term companionship between relatives.

When he returned to the residential area, Bukharin was leaning against the door with his arms folded, holding the sparse stubble and said, "Have you been to see him?"

Hearing these words, Tang Fang glanced at him somewhat unexpectedly and nodded slightly.

"I've been to see Jaeger... It looks like Valeria back then." When the party leader said this, he took out a cigarette and lit it, squinted his eyes and took a sip, looking far away. Like a northwest wolf who can endure hardship, and not like a gangster prodigal, he has a lone gunman temperament that has survived.

"What did he say?" Tang Fang stopped and said, looking at the gang leader.

"That's not important." Bukharin said: "The current situation is that whether for Roland or Jaeger, what is needed most is time, not external pressure."

He was a little surprised by Bukharin's speech. Although the leader of the Red Martyrs Party has a lot of notoriety and feels very unreliable, but judging from various past deeds, he will become a fairly reliable man at critical moments.

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