Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1314: Man-machine bucket (2)

The brilliance that appeared this time was different from the blue brilliance that appeared when the Centurion appeared, and it was also different from the blue and white brilliance that appeared when the inspirer appeared, with silky **** spots...ascended from Tadalin Appeared for the first time in this world.

The towering phantom energy amplifier on the shoulders radiates dazzling blood, and the red energy arc transforms between the real and the virtual on the outside of the arm. With the red Kadarin crystal on the forehead, a brilliant brilliance blooms, and the psionic ball containing violent energy flies from bottom to top , Through the "skylight" opened by the floating robot, and flew straight to the second floating robot commando.

The arc of light wandered in the psionic ball, and the electric light leaped outside the psionic ball. The floating robots on the trajectory were affected and suffered varying degrees of damage. They fell from the sky with fire and black smoke, and some After hitting the force field barrier and rolling away, two of them leaked into the "skylight" and hit behind Tang Fang.

Even if they were hit hard, the central processor didn't crash for a moment, their hands and feet kept going, struggling and twisting desperately on the ground, trying to adjust the shooting posture, and inflicting fatal damage on the enemies close at hand.

When the metallic robotic arm moved on the crystal floor, a big steel foot fell, bang! The claws of the goshawk, which seemed to catch a meat rabbit, firmly held the arm of the floating robot. With the sound of the rotation of the main shaft of the cannon, the barrel with a diameter of 30mm locked onto the upper barrel of the robotic arm.

Boom...Amid the screams of the machine guns, the tongue of flames surged, and the bullets carrying terror kinetic energy shot the body of the floating robot riddled with holes, the arc jumped wildly, and it died so hard that it could no longer die.

In the field of vision of another floating robot, a hideous face moved from far to near. In the neighing sound completely different from the roar of a machine gun, the thing separated its ugly mouth, and the saw-like arm was chopped down from above, and it would still be able to move. The two mechanical arms are stripped from the torso.

The transparent mouth dripped and stuck to the camera lens of the floating robot.

The roar of gunfire from the Goliath armed robot and the bloodthirsty neigh of the hunter-killer opened the prelude to the expansion of the battle.

When the ascendant falls from the sky, the energy core of the disruptor squeezes out an energy nova, which rises from under the skylight, melting many silver threads along the way, like a fireball rising into the sky, contacting a tornado that is descending with momentum. Floating robot cluster.

From a distance, the floating robots gathered together look like a black dragon, and the energy nova launched by the disruptor is only equivalent to the fragile Mars rising in the wind.

It was just such a fragile Mars that burst out instantly when it was swallowed by the black dragon, and the light burst out from the gap between the floating robot and the floating robot, winding out fragmented light filaments.

These light threads were quickly connected together, and the black dragon's body seemed to be shattered by something, and suddenly turned into fragments, falling from the sky with raging fire and strong smoke, like a metal rain.

The scattered wreckage rolled all the way along the force field barrier, fell on the ground at the edge of the console, and then was rolled and pushed by the following caterpillars, moving further.

One after another, Breaker tanks entered the battlefield, standing side by side in the hidden bunkers of Nova and Aros, switched from tank mode to siege mode, dual 90mm caliber guns switched to enhanced 180mm plasma guns, accompanied by tracks In the center, the arc flying by the root, the whirlpool bomb that can create a range of damage soars into the air, bursting in the hinterland of the armed robot charging battle array, creating a mass of scattered flames.

Their target is not the steadily advancing individual armed robots, but the densely distributed areas of spider robots. The vortex armor-piercing projectile exploded on the crystal ground, and fire waves and shock waves set off clusters of spider robots, turning them into bouquets of flames blooming in the sky, creating a wonder at the end of the horizon.

The Red Queen has long-range bombing robots and a siege tank in his hand.

He not only has a siege tank, but also Thor! Terran Minotaur-class battle cruisers, Protoss aircraft carriers, void glow ships, storm battleships... these large and medium-sized battleships cannot move in the 10km-class cylindrical space, Thor can.

Three Thors appeared in front of the frontal battlefield with heavy power, supporting the sky of Nova, Aros and others like three steel fortresses. Energy bombs from armed robots hit the armor of Thor's body, only splashing some metal fragments. In the end, patches were created, and there was no way to cause progressive damage. Even the high-explosive shells fired by the support robots caused only minor injuries, and it was difficult to disrupt their combat capabilities.

On the contrary, the hot plasma ejected by the Thor's Hammer Particle Accelerator puts a fiery coat on the battlefield, leaving only a piece of molten metal material in the past, and the buzzing noise that cannot be blocked by the gunfire.

Traces of rattlesnake chariots began to appear on the flanking battlefield; the immortal stepped on the remains of the spider robot, and explosions occurred underfoot from time to time, but neither the ferocious flames nor the swift shock waves could cause effective damage.

When the flash of the particle shattering gun raged on the battlefield on the left, many golden beetles flew out from the battlefield on the right, passing by the stalkers and motivators, and pounced on the armed robot like eyes.

These robots that are strong enough to resist the armor-piercing bullets fired by ghosts have successively turned into metal wrecks under the golden shadows, like war-themed sculptures, still with the atmosphere of war and destruction in the continuing trend of spider robots.

As the golden beetle wriggled forward, the phantom energy barrage originating from the veto bounced among the densely distributed spider robots, creating blossoming land sparks.

There are too many spider robots to explode, more than floating robots in the sky. The stone fanatics slammed left and right on the front line, killing many armed robots, but as the war progressed, it fell into a special dilemma-it was covered with spider robots, and it couldn't be thrown away.

The batteries on the back of these spider robots overflowed with violent arcs. As they exploded and caught fire, black clouds gushing out from more and more skylights above the console. Under the gaze of the polluter’s blood-colored pupils, the black bees swarmed into huge tentacles. , While shrouding the console, swept into the sky a large group of floating robots.

The golden light broke through the black cloud, and poured a blue and white beam of light on the densely packed spider robots around the stone fanatic who became riddled with holes, causing a series of explosions.

When the stone fanatics turned into fragments of the ground, the Phoenix fighters skimmed from low altitude, dragging the beams to shoot at the rear battlefield and long-range bombing armed robots, turning them into endless mechanical prisoners in the sky.

The edge of the black cloud tore again, the rear propeller of the Viking fighter flashed with dazzling fire, the fuselage was parked in the air, and the two-wing cannons roared, and armor-piercing projectiles swept over the dozens of floating robots in the gap of the black cloud. , Sparkling lines of fire and electric arcs, spraying hail-like fragments of rain on the ground.

After a burst of fire, the Viking fighter **** and thrusters continued to swing, turning around in ultra-low speed mode, with a short arc flame, facing the long-range bombing robot lifted by the towing beam, dropping one mt50 Lanzel fly after another Thunder, made deafening explosions and blazing flames in the distance.

The sudden appearance of a large number of interstellar units on the battlefield has hindered the offensive of the Red Queen’s robotic forces, especially the fire support armed robots located in the middle and behind the front line have been reduced in numbers, and the densely arranged spider robots in many areas have also been torn into large ones. The queues are small in size and have no previous momentum.

Tang Fang took a defensive posture before the battle, which made the Red Queen believe that he had an absolute advantage in military strength. As long as the military power in his hand was used for powerful strikes, he could easily shred the enemy's defense network and smash the silver eagle. The future enemies of the Dragon Whisperer are buried here.

However, at some point, the situation between the courts has changed. Since the promoted’s psionic ball broke up the floating robot cluster, the black bee cloud has enveloped the console area, and all kinds of strange units are like demons gushing out of Pandora’s box. , Sweeping the battlefield like a gust of wind, causing extensive damage to the robot troops.

The light radiated by the light core became more dazzling, and the entire cylindrical space plunged into a silver ocean. Tang Fang believed that it was the anger of the Red Queen. It used this change to express its "inner emotions."

The spider robot that originally traveled like a crab on a sunset beach seemed to be affected by some kind of instruction. It stopped advancing. The column on its back sank diagonally, and the spiral cover at the end opened counterclockwise, first overflowing with a cyan halo, and then It was a light blue flame, which eventually turned into flames.

Nova has always believed that the rectangular module and cylindrical body on the back of the spider robot are energy batteries, but the classification is different. She did not expect that things are not as she imagined. The cylindrical body is not a battery at all, but a fuel tank + mini thruster combination. Able to help spider robots fly when needed.

The spider robots that could only crawl on the ground suddenly all plugged their wings and flew into the blue sky. This scene shocked Nova and sluggish Aros.

Strictly speaking, it does not count as flying, it should be a short taxi, just like a grasshopper in the grass, you must stop for a while in the air.

In fact, this mini thruster belongs to a variant of the pulse detonation thruster. The miniaturization and light weight will inevitably bring about a certain degree of weakening in performance, and then there will be a vision.

But even if the spider robot has such shortcomings, with the scale of the cylindrical space battlefield, especially the frontline battlefield situation. When they glided for a while and then landed, they were only a few steps away from the console area. Nova and Aros slumped behind the shelter, and they could even see the structure of the spider robot's crawling feet like bristles with the naked eye.

Compared with these little things, from Nova's point of view, she is more willing to face armed robots that are larger and more defensive.

Just when she and the veteran were struggling to think about countermeasures, the cloud formed by the black bees drifted across the border and quickly gushed from behind. Suddenly a golden figure smashed through the smoke screen, with wisps of smoke shooting towards the front of the Spider Robot Pioneer Brigade, who had just landed and had not yet stood firm. The psychic energy of both hands surged and lifted forward, and the psychic energy that was winding and skyrocketing expanded by lightning. Two cyan trajectories shrouded the surrounding dozens of spider robots, turning them into a river of continuous explosions.

boom! boom! boom! The flames generated by the explosion and the jumping and wandering psychic energy swept the front line.

With the next breath, the hand that was originally raised grasped tightly, and fell suddenly. The free psychic energy reunited crazily toward the densely distributed spider robots, and suddenly collapsed into a blue vortex that can be seen by the naked eye, sweeping the targets in the range, causing a series of fires.

The cloak of the high-ranking Templar wandered with the rapidly decaying shock wave, and when the black bee stream on the front of his clothes had not dissipated, with the dull tremor, huge black shadows rushed out from the Thor gap.

With the passage of time, the black clouds shrouded outside became thinner, and the green mist surging behind came from behind and became the main color.

A hundred meters in front of Nova, a spider robot that had avoided the psionic shock wave was covered by the shadows suppressed by the sky, only a crackling sound was heard, followed by a very muffled explosion.

Moo... a roar like thunder, the green mist surging like flowing clouds, a wicked look appeared behind, the huge sharp horns pierced through the black clouds and green mist~www.readwn.com~ revealing the body like a hill of a venomous beast .

Not to mention the spider robots falling under their feet like a poor gecko, those armed robots that are nearly 3 meters high are just a little bit in front of them.

The two miasma beasts are like huge wheels rolling away with green dust, and the surrounding robots that dared to be a cart are all turned into fragments. Whether it's the spontaneous explosion of the spider robot or the dense rain of energy bullets, it will be of no avail to the thunder beast with the thick bones of the city wall.

Many spider robots transfer their targets, fly up by sliding, firmly adhere to the surface of the two miasma beasts, covering the whole body with a small amount of effort, and looking from behind the bunker, they seem to be fat.

The highly toxic mist emitted by the miasma can form a poisonous effect on living organisms, but it will obviously not have much impact on self-explosive weapons like spider robots.

The bone blade kept slicing through the body of the armed robot, and the giant feet stomped on a fragment. The spider robots adsorbed on the surface of the miasma beast one after another sparked up, a little spark appeared, and in the blink of an eye they scorched a plain for the miasma. Put on a coat of flame.

boom! boom! boom! The explosion sound of the spider robot was suppressed by the roar of artillery fire, and the green mist was dispersed by thermal radiation and shock waves, and became thin and scattered.

The series of explosions that were enough to dismember the stone fanatics did not send the miasma beasts to hell. They continued to run forward and collide, transforming from the original huge car shaft into a hot wheel that cannot be described in words, running like thunder on the front line. Bring up a hustle and bustle.

The warhead from the Thor's Retributor's artillery exploded nearby, and the flames shot upward were intertwined with the wind and fire swinging left and right.

A bone spur hits and begins to slide twice. The spider robot that has just lifted into the air deeply penetrates the metal shell of the abdomen that is not thick enough, triggering a surge and igniting a line of flying fire.

This is just the beginning...

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