Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1316: Man-machine bucket (4)

"No...No, they are not the culprit." He turned his attention to the Red Queen's body, the optical core and its auxiliary facilities at the core of the cylindrical space.

From the place where you enter the cylindrical space, you can just see the base of the optical core. From the naked eye, it is a cylindrical transistor channel plus the surrounding energy supply, environmental regulation, signal conversion and other auxiliary facilities. From the overall shape, it looks like The upright triangular army thorns-the center is a cylindrical core, and the three prisms extending outward are composed of energy transmission pipelines and various auxiliary facilities.

In fact, the entire optical core facility is irregular. When the platform moves up about 5 kilometers, the shape of the optical core changes. The three-dimensional prism gets narrower and narrower, and eventually disappears, leaving only the cylindrical core in the middle.

This situation has been extended for more than 300 meters, and the light emitted by the cylindrical core suddenly becomes much darker. Through the sky image captured by the Viking fighter camera, he found that the optical core shell originally cast from crystalline material on the section extending from 7km to the ceiling of the cylindrical space was replaced by an opaque black alloy, viewed from the outside Much like the nanomaterial variants that make up the main body of the flying machine beast.

He didn't know whether this was the external armor that was temporarily added after the Red Queen noticed the danger, or whether the transparent crystals that formed the outer wall of the optical core possessed the ability to deform, which could be transformed into the present posture through proper operations, such as pressurization, electrification.

In fact, the black alloy pipe from 7km to the ceiling is not what he cares most about. What he cares most about is the lower part of the black alloy pipe. The central core body, which had not changed much in body shape, expanded in a circle here, changing from the original diameter of 300 meters to a circular cavity with a diameter of 600 meters.

The upper part of the circular cavity is enveloped by black alloy, and the lower part still maintains a transparent crystal state, and you can see the rapid flow of stars and dots.

These rays of light have different colors, different angular velocities, and different brightnesses, and are distributed in different regions. When viewed from below, it looks like galaxies are moving in the vast space of the universe.

500 meters below the circular cavity, the outer wall of the optical core crystal is equipped with a pair of Er-shaped facilities, and the command transmission belt and air-conditioning pipes distributed downward along the upper black pipe converge in the Er-shaped equipment and communicate with the internal space of the optical core.

The two Er-type devices extend a row of black orbits below, merged around the optical core, which looks a lot like the scarf that prevailed in the earth civilization period, but it is not woven from wool, but cast from black alloy.

The straight-up crystal platform stopped, 60 meters below the Er-shaped facility.

The second detector left the black bee cloud cluster and began to scan the battlefield. When collecting global information, he did not notice that there were countless bone spurs stuck in his body and two puppies flying mechanical beasts stuck on his back. He did not throw flying dragons and dragons into the battlefield. The Corruptor, in order to end the enemy's dominant position in the sky hegemony, looked at the central core directly in front of the console with a gloomy look.

The parallel orbits wrapped around the light core like a scarf are taut and slack, and become as flexible as a rubber pipe. As the red light flows on the surface of the pipe, they become flexible tentacles, dancing and flying in the entire battlefield space.

No, he felt that "Qing Wu Feiyang" should not be used to describe the scene before him, but should be described by the mottled magic shadow.

In the blank area under the Er-shaped facility and the circular cavity, the brightness of the optical core is reduced, but in a certain horizontal interval, the two red flames begin to gather, emitting a different light than the main body of the optical core.

Looking up from the crystal platform area, the two red flames looked like a pair of eyes.

Of course they are not human eyes, they are the eyes of the Red Queen!

Now he finally understands why Thomas Angkluo calls the artificial intelligence assisted by Dragon Whisperer the Red Queen.

There is no verbal communication, only the strong hostility radiated from the blood-colored eyes. Those tentacles that look like tracks but are actually rectangular pipes dance forward to disperse the floating robot clusters at the front of the sky battlefield, including numbers. The Viking fighter planes, due to their inability to dodge, hit the surface of the black tentacles and exploded into flames.

The fire was in full bloom, the metal debris fell like rain, and the strong wind and shock wave tore through the black bee cloud, and huge notches appeared.

Tang Fang thought that these tentacles would press down and hit the area where the console was located, and had ordered the mechanical sentries to set up multi-gravity shields to prevent the tentacles from beating. I didn't think that the Red Queen did not do this. More than 20 tentacles touched the black bee cloud like a sucker, and huge suction was generated inside, drawing the black bee that formed the cloud into the pipe.

The cross-section of the cylinder of the light core is more than 300 meters in diameter. It can be imagined how thick the pipes that wrap the cylinder like a scarf. When they operate at maximum power, the black bee cloud is like cooking oil smoke sucked by the exhaust fan, billowing upward, fast Contained.

The concentration of black bees in the area where the console was located became thinner, and the internal scene began to appear, exposing the three of Tang Fang, Aros, and Nova to the vision of the Red Queen.

Some of the pipes originally used to remove the black bee were out of service, and three of them danced in the air with an afterimage, and with a thud, the force field barrier array above Tang Fang's head was drawn, bang! Shatter the top force field barrier.

The first slap was followed by the second slap, and another force field barrier broke, turning into a light spot and dissipating.

Just as the third tentacle was about to fall, the flank wiped a line of Jinhua, and the plasma beam from the Phoenix fighter accurately hit the third tentacle, creating a series of explosions. The shock wave and air flow pushed the tentacles to move horizontally, and then fell to the ground with inaccuracy, and slammed on the spar ground next to the console, squashing an exciter and a siege tank.

In fact, not only did the interstellar units that Tang Fang had thrown into the battlefield turned into metal wrecks, but also a lot of black matter fell in the third place where the skin of the watch was touched by the Phoenix fighter, and suffered a certain degree of damage.

After all, the Phoenix fighter is a Protoss combat unit. No matter how tough the Red Queen’s tentacles are, it is also a man-made object. Even if the basic material comes from the Epsilon relic, it is impossible to ignore the bombardment of the Protoss weapon.

When the third tentacles landed, the jammer seized the opportunity to release the new energy star, and the opponent only inflicted further damage where the Phoenix fighter hit, triggering a more violent subsequent explosion.

The shock wave swept across the surrounding environment with almost liquefied metal juice, and nearby electronic equipment burst into flames, making the left battlefield near the center console messy.

Tang Fang hid behind a hurricane chariot, and several cyclone fanatics made a human wall in front of him, and were not affected by the shock wave.

Nova has given up attacking the enemy's ground forces and turned her attention to the sky. She replaced the c-20a with the gun blade, while wandering non-stop, while sniping the flying mechanical beasts with the Viking fighter and the Phantom fighter with plasma beams.

Not far from her, the Thor's Hammer particle acceleration gun on the left arm of the Thor Siege Mech has been severely deformed, completely destroyed and scrapped, but the Gafferin missile compartment is still operating, and the iff fragments resemble a dancing fire snake. Bombard the sky target and gnaw a piece of flesh from the flying mechanical beast.

Energy projectiles flew on the battlefield, high-explosive grenades hit the ground and caused a surge of flames, and blood-colored beams from the sky swept across the ground from time to time. The sound of poisonous explosive sacs bursting, the abnormal sound of bone stabs piercing the air, the nail thorns rubbed on the surface of the bunker, the electromagnetic beams excited by the stranded rattlesnake chariot fell behind the bunker with plumes of smoke and gunpowder. The metal fragments bouncing around, the dying psychic beam...

The fighting here is more intense than the ground confrontation launched by sovereign states.

Thomas Angkluo woke up midway, but was knocked out by Aros. He felt that although he was a little bit sorry for the third consul, at least it could prevent the old man from being frightened by the fighting outside and making certain detrimental behaviors... Although the Silver Eagle group is all soldiers, the third consul is obviously If you can't help them in this level of battle, it's better to keep sleeping than to keep the opponent awake.

If they win, Your Excellency the Third Archon will always wake up. They are defeated, and it is better to die in a coma than to die in a struggle...at least the veterans think so.

He did not continue to kill the spider robots on the frontline battlefield as he did before. When he turned over, he saw the scene behind, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Flames swelled in Ma Runjia's golden sight glass, blocking the entire window at once.

The black bee cloud has dissipated, and images of the rear position can be seen. What shocked and puzzled Aros was that the Red Queen's body had turned into a super-large weapon, launching a fierce attack on the array of force field barriers above Tang Fang's head.

First, a black tentacles were lifted from the ground, and large pieces of black matter were scattered like weathered rolling rocks, and then eight fast-moving black tentacles were wiped. They didn't hit the force field barrier, like an enraged hydra, struggling with the pipeline in front, spraying a wave of flames like a gale towards the console area, covering the entire space.

The water molecules in the air were swept away, even if they were hiding in the force field barrier and multiple guardian shields, one could feel the rapidly rising ambient temperature.

It was not a pure flame trend, but a terrifying plasma impact.

The high-temperature plasma of tens of thousands of degrees scoured the force field barrier arranged by the mechanical sentry, and flowed through the cracks. It fell on the crystal ground and made a creaking sound, forming black spots.

It looks like a leaking house from below, but it is not lightning and thunder outside, but fire and waves.

If it weren't for Captain Tang's fear of death, layer after layer of force field shields had been built for the area where the three of them were located. Once exposed to the external environment, let alone the whole body, there would probably not be a single piece of bone residue left.

The roar of fire waves became the main theme of this world, and even the roar of bombs on the battlefield, the rush of energy, and the roar of zerg insects were all submerged and obscured.

Aros also noticed the strange changes in the side battlefield. It was thought that the Red Queen used eight tentacles to sow a fire storm in the area where the console is located, which is already her strongest means of attack. However, this is not the case. In the battlefield on the left and right of the console area, there are 3 tentacles aiming at the most intense battle area to release a white mist.

He didn't know what it was at first, until he saw that a zigzag on the edge of the foggy area moved slowly and flexibly, and finally his whole body was frozen, and pieces of ice flowers spread across the skin along the texture of the chitin carapace. A commonly used coolant-liquid nitrogen.

At the Faraday Research Institute, those scientists used liquid nitrogen cooling technology to suppress Freya's power.

It is normal for a computer of the size of the Red Queen to have a powerful cooling system.

In the fog area created by the tide of liquid nitrogen, not only the Zerg units were hit hard, but the various robots on the Red Queen’s side were also affected and paralyzed. Even the majestic flying mechanical beasts on the sky battlefield were against the white fog that filled the battlefield. It's also how far to hide.

The area where the console is located is hit by a fire storm, and the battlefields on both sides are shrouded in liquid nitrogen mist. There are seven or eight tentacles in the sky that cooperate with flying mechanical beasts to drive away Phoenix fighters and Viking fighters to prevent them from attacking the tentacles that release flames and cold fog.

Aros lifted the front cover of his helmet, lit a cigar, sat behind the bunker and looked at the sky, thinking of a word in his mind---Ice and Fire.

Tang Fang is in a very unhappy mood now, because the Red Queen’s fire and frost attacks have caused heavy losses to interstellar units, especially weak units such as puppies and Hydralisks that lack effective protection against liquid nitrogen fog~www .readwn.com~Although Zerg’s creatures have strong adaptability and can cope with most environments in the universe, they must resist with their vitality when faced with high-concentration liquid nitrogen jets and cannot dive underground. Over time, unbearable situations will naturally arise.

Zerg units can't compete with liquid nitrogen spray, human units can't compete, even Protoss units can't hold on for a long time, and they fall into paralysis and dormancy one after another.

Many units have retracted into areas where fog and fire waves interact. The air-conditioning and heat flow show a balance, so as to avoid catastrophe and save lives.

The Red Queen became the most powerful weapon on the battlefield, disrupting Tang Fang's layout of the battlefield.

Emma spends all his energy in infiltration operations, unable to take care of the battle outside. He can only rely on himself to conduct command operations. Perhaps the layout is impeccable, but there are inevitably flaws in the details-he expected red The queen has a back hand, thinking that the flying mechanical beast is the back hand, but in any case did not expect that the body of the red queen is the most terrible guy.

I don’t know if it’s the subsequent weakness or the operating parameters of the key facilities breaking through the threshold. The fire cloud covering the sky begins to fade, and the bright red plasma pours down from the edge of the precarious force field barrier, like a curtain of water woven by effusion after rain, but It's not fresh and pleasant at all, on the contrary...enough to kill people.

There are only the last two layers of the defensive net formed by multi-gravity field barriers. As long as the same offensive is repeated, it can easily crush the remaining protective force and damage Captain Tang behind.

More Protoss fighters appeared on the battlefield in the sky, and the scout fighters poured anti-matter missiles into the central optical core, exploding into groups of dazzling white light. Of course, an attack of this level could not break through the outer wall of the optical core made of Epsilon material for a while, but a gap was broken.

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