Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1320: middleman

The robot adjutant said in a voice without any mood swings: "Commander, I don't understand what you mean."

Well, whenever Miss Emma pretended to be silly, he had nothing else to do except for his depression.

"Don't talk about those useless nonsense, quickly sort out the key content and send it over."

He unplugged the data cable plugged into the console's universal interface, sat down on a chair next to him, and waited for Emma to collect the information about the middleman program and send it to the computer system of the harsh environment protective clothing.

After only two minutes, as a prompt pops up in the lower right corner of the window, the system displays a new file input.

He calmed his emotions and began to browse through the historical archives organized and simplified by Emma.

After the Blue Revolution broke out, the society of the Yinying Group was plunged into great turmoil and conflict. The Aiha military government's long-term harm to society and people's livelihood has made many Yinying people hate it. I thought that the Blue Revolution would bring new life to the Yinying Group, but the result was even greater pain and destruction. The people didn’t know where to go, and people with different views and experiences went further and further on the road of opposition, leading to **** conflict. Fighting with the armed forces, the entire country has fallen into a precarious situation.

It was in this situation that the Dragon Whisperer, who had disappeared with the third committee fortress and the Supreme Council hybrid warship, killed a carbine and appeared in the Lagras star system.

People thought that they tracked the Supreme Council and the Third Committee far away and would not come back here again. Where did I know that the secret organization that had always seen the dragon but never saw the end was stationed in the airspace near the wreckage of the Langkinus system.

Soon after, a mysterious man appeared and used advanced technology to master most of the key nodes of the Yinying Group's internal communication network. It was announced that the Dragon Whisperers decided to help the Yinying Group out of the current chaos and deal with the losses caused by the Supreme Council and the Third Committee. We hope that stakeholders will exercise restraint.

While the international and domestic communities were talking about the mysterious man, the remnants of the Aha military government were unmoved. On the one hand, they actively gathered the remnants and used money and power to lure the evil forces in society to control the revolutionaries. Attacks on resource agencies and important military installations caused a second turmoil across the country.

Although the Supreme Council created the "Troissy" tragedy, the scope of the war was largely limited to the military power of the Al-Aha military government, the mixed warships of the Supreme Council, and some revolutionaries.

After the end of the Blue Revolution, the rejuvenation movement launched by the remnants of the Al-Aha military government and those old and young who were unwilling to die has caused many bloodsheds in various parts of the Yinying Group. Social life and order have further collapsed, and the people are living in fear and conflict.

This situation did not last long. Warships from the Kukulkan branch of the Dragon Whisperer began to appear in various parts of the Silver Eagle regiment, using the dual means of force deterrence and iron-blooded eradication to treat the remaining forces of the Aha military government, because it was looser than the form and pursued. The revolutionaries of the free people zhu, the remaining forces of the Al-Aha military government are more organized and more brutal. In this critical period, the attitude towards the people is more than ever before, and they have implemented the idea of ​​restraining and suppressing the people in the occupied areas with fear and killing. The Weiwen policy.

The people of the Dragon Whisperers can be described as "swift and resolute" in dealing with such problems. The world only regards them as the guardians of the order in the Helenberg region, and will not invest too much energy in this kind of grievances and enmity. Decided that they really decided to do it, their decisiveness and cruelty did not lose to the Supreme Council.

The remnant forces of the Al-Aha military government suffered a devastating blow in the process, and the senior personnel were almost killed. In the end, even a complete fleet could not be extracted.

This development has shocked domestic and international public opinion, and people's understanding of Dragon Whisperers has deepened.

It is precisely because of such cases that Sange Will chose to compromise after the Tang side proposed to disclose the cooperative relationship between God's armed forces and the new faction. Just because in front of the Dragon Whisperer, his status as the monarch of the Turanx United Kingdom will not bring any privileges and preferential treatment. The Dragon Whisperer will never be magnanimous and never understand the existence of a serious threat to the order of the Helenberg region. Sympathy and compromise, let alone try to influence the wicked.

Going back to the social crisis of the Yinying Group... After the Dragon Whisperers expressed their attitude with practical actions, the remnants of the Aha military government quickly collapsed and disintegrated, and the huge scars that spread throughout the society began to slowly recover. At this time, the mysterious man who claimed to be an intermediary ran around, got in touch with the revolutionary groups scattered in the sand, and continued various talks to convey the Dragon Whisperers’ insights on solving the Yinying Group’s social problems.

Because of what happened to the remnant forces of the Al-Aha military government, no one doubted the identity of the middleman anymore, so under the promotion and propaganda of the revolutionary groups, the Yinying group society recovered from the turmoil and held a national election at the right time. After the selection, a political system with the first generation of consuls as the core was finally established, allowing the country to completely escape the shadow of the military government and the great turmoil.

Tang Fang felt deeply about this incident. Almost everyone in the Hilumbel region knows that the Dragon Whisperers are a world police-level existence, so when the Dragon Whisperers fleet forces the remnants of the Aha military government to collapse by force, not many people have hatred and resentment, and they are very calm. , Or happily accept the great changes in the political environment.

However, his Morning Star casting is very young, and it has too close relations with other countries. This allows countries like the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire to have sufficient space and resources to demonize his existence and use propaganda machines in the territory. He was implanted in the hearts of the people as a peerless villain.

The Garcia Rebels, some underground organizations of the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire, including some young people who followed him to the Tianchao area, all talked about his indecision behind his back. Some called him a coward, some called him the Virgin, and others. Said he was twitching hypocrisy.

He knew all this, but he never explained anything.

Only a few people can understand his situation, as Kylinia said: Those who criticize your mother and cowards, if you let them have power and strength, the world will fall into endless fear and disasters, and their emotions. It will only become a tool for new interest groups to realize their ambitions.

Reality is not a fantasy novel that has no bottom line and aims to vent six desires and create pleasure. You can act arbitrarily based on your likes and dislikes.

Kylinia said: If the guy who satirizes you with a Virgin's heart and is not a man is under 30 years old, there is still a rescue. If you still think so when you are over 30, it's not naive, it's brain damage.

He didn't think so much, but sometimes couldn't help but slander in the bottom of his heart. If the people who arranged his indecision knew that there were close relatives in the people who hated Morningstar, such as brothers, such as parents, when the weapons of Morningstar casted gunfire. What should they think of falling on the heads of those "patriots"?

Do you hate him for being cruel? Do you still hate your loved ones?

He found himself lost again, and quickly turned his attention back to the archive file and continued to browse the content below.

After the election of the first generation of consuls, the Dragon Whisperers' transformation of the Langkinus system was officially completed. After the Atlas Space Station was put into operation, the Dragon Whisperers fleet stationed in the Lagras star system began to withdraw. The middleman is left to help the first generation of consuls to manage the country, but their functions tend to be in the army in ancient Chinese history. By the way, the Dragon Whisperers and the cons are the communication medium. The Red Queen is open to the first consuls to work in the country. Officials in important positions conduct assessment and supervision.

This situation continued until the second-generation consul stepped onto the front desk, and the middleman followed the first-generation consul back to the countryside.

People like Thomas Angkluo, Han Zhao, Hoffman, etc., have a very thin impression of the middleman, and they don't even have a complete understanding of them, and they are more of a mark of the times.

However, there is a picture of a middleman in the archive file compiled by Emma. He is a man in his 60s and has not many impressive features.

Just when he thought that he found useful information and could use this clue to search for the whereabouts of the target person in the silver eagle regiment, the comment at the bottom of the photo poured cold water on him.

According to data, the middleman passed away in the third year after the second-generation consul came to the political stage, and his body was buried in the Bauhinia Cemetery on the mainland of Troisi, Lagosius.

Once the middleman died, his plan to use it as a springboard to negotiate with the Dragon Whisperers was naturally difficult to achieve.

This loss and unhappiness comes like a gust of wind and rain, and goes like a thunder and lightning, because the document does not end there, there is supplementary content below.

As he continued to browse, his brows were frowned and stirred for a while, and finally looked like two wings, which seemed to fly. This expression did not last long, and was replaced by confusion and shock. If you stand opposite him and look carefully, you can still read a trace of anger from his pupils.

"It turned out to be like this..."

He let out a long breath, thinking that he had found the breakthrough point of the problem.

But when he turned the page down, the content in front of him made him stare suddenly.

There is not much explanatory content, only one photo. The key element of the photo is a fuzzy figure, which is almost impossible to distinguish clearly.

He couldn't recognize that face, but he recognized what the person was holding, then compared it with someone in his memory and gradually merged.

Emma quickly gave an explanation. The photo at the back of the file is not the content recorded in the Red Queen's database. It is a suspicious target that he found through in-depth excavation of the silver eagle regiment military network linked to the Red Queen's core by comparing Meal with some strange arrangements.

"The relationship has become more complicated, but the veins have become clearer." He closed his eyes, then opened them slowly, with light flowing in the depths of his pupils.

Judging from the above content, the trip to the Atlas space station went smoothly. At least the information about the middleman program has exceeded his expectations. Thomas Angkluo’s guess is not wrong, the middleman is still alive, but was hidden by Meyer and disappeared from people’s sight.

"Meyal...Meyal... you really are so broken for this country..."

When he sighed softly, the column at the bottom of the window prompts that there are new documents in the library, and then Emma's introduction: "Commander, this is the details about the Blue Revolution you want, but it is a description from the perspective of the experiencer. It may be different from other participants’ interpretations of the incident. If you are in doubt after browsing this file, you can ask Aros or Bukharin for additional verification."

He nodded, thanked him, and screened Emma to focus on the second document.

Speaking of the Blue Revolution of the Silver Eagle Group, the Supreme Council is a hurdle that cannot be overcome. The beginning of the document describes the origin and development of the Supreme Council.

After the fall of the Jupiter Empire, the Jupiter Expeditionary Army was also divided into two, turning into the Phoenix Empire headed by the descendants of the Jupiter royal family, and the Silver Eagle regiment headed by non-royal generals such as Dieng Apollo.

The Phoenix Empire followed the structure of the Jupiter Empire’s dictatorship, while the internal relations of the Yinying Group were more complicated. In the course of a long power game, it gradually evolved into an extreme military environment. The hypocritical federal government and civilian politicians became the military to control the state. , A prop to shirk responsibility in a special period.

In this context, civilian politicians have become the most dangerous profession in this country, and they will always be sacrificed when the military needs them. This has largely led to the instability of many government departments ~www.readwn.com~ just as The folk ballad circulating at the time-if you want to hurt someone, please vote for him in the election.

The Supreme Council is not actually an organization established by the chairman, but actually a government organization set up by Ah Duncan. Its role is to reconcile the contradictions between civil society and the pseudo-federal government, and to find a balance to calm the growing class. opposition.

The propaganda machine controlled by the military claimed that the people's dissatisfaction was due to the fact that the federal government was not upright, and that there was a systemic corruption deep in the bones of the bone, leading to serious class antagonism in the country.

In fact, this is a mischievous act that makes the people hate the civilian politicians sitting in government offices and ignore the gluttonous devil hiding in the shadows.

Take the famous Hague Star Epsilon remnant runaway incident, the Epsilon experimental facility built in the mantle caused a resonance storm due to the wrong operation of human scientists, which caused a large-scale stratum collapse, which caused damage to the silver eagle living on the ground. People cause a catastrophe.

Because the Epsilon relic is hidden in the deep space extending from the crust to the mantle, in the Starlink era, human detection instruments could not detect its existence. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, it was only many years after The Hague became a resident star that the weak elementary reaction released by the mantle was detected, and the Epsilon Laboratory was found.

If it is a country like the Star Alliance and the Charles Federation, facing this kind of excavation environment, the most likely situation is to evacuate the residents of the mainland above and then carry out excavation work. The Silver Eagle regiment did not do this, but resolutely started the relevant development process while concealing the existence of the Epsilon Lab~www.readwn.com~Not Seriously...Who said Tasada was not unlocked, go back Take a good look at how that sentence is written.

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