Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1329: Fierce Battle by the Lake (Part 2)

(猫扑 Chinese) The shell resembling a fish swim bladder began to squirm, and a huge fleshy ball protruded from the back, disgusting like a tumor.

After the meat ball took shape, it began to move forward, and a face slowly emerged in the process. Human face... has eyes, nose, eyebrows, mouth.

Tang Fang found that this face resembled the face of a young woman who was tightly held by the key figure of Dragon Whisperer.

This face is undoubtedly beautiful and delicate on the body of a young woman, but it is not beautiful at all on the body of the Giant Devourer, not delicate at all, on the contrary it is very scary and very evil.

In young women, this face is very straight. In the body of the phagosome behemoth, this face is upside down, with the eyes down and the mouth down. In addition, black hairs have evolved, hanging between the water and the face. At first glance, the back of the spine was numb, and the coldness surged from my heart.

After the flesh ball turned into a human face, it moved directly to the front of the torso, and the back began to show secondary distortion.

Starting from a little bit closer to the tail, a gap extends forward, tearing the bloated biological tissues, overflowing with very viscous blood-colored body fluid, covering most of the body.

As the special operations transport ship approached, Tang Fang noticed that the newly created fissure was not in the shape of a wound or a knife-edge, it looked like a long and narrow mouth without teeth, spewing blood out while still screaming.

He thought it was the "lip" structure that made up the big mouth. It wasn't until the camera gave a close-up shot that he realized that he was wrong. Those things that kept squirming were masses of biological tissue, struggling to grow from the back of the behemoth. The mouth is drilled out and exposed to the external environment.

Like a butterfly that has just broken out of its cocoon, it dries its wings and the tips of its branches. As soon as these biological tissues come into contact with the external environment, they open their almost transparent wings, and the body fluids on their faces dry up extremely quickly. On the next breath, they waved their flesh wings away from the back of the Devourer Giant Beast and rose into the air.

Of course, these flying things will not be butterflies, they are clearly the phagosome polymer of the key figures who besieged Dragon Whisperer just now.

Nova looked at the scene in front of her and said: "It turns out...that's how those phagosome polymers came from."

It was the first time that she had seen a phagosome behemoth that breeds secondary phagosome polymers, and it was inevitable to have incredible emotions. Tang Fang was different. At the beginning, he was attacked by the bloodwing old demon in the Luerzan Research Institute in the Turanx United Kingdom, which was similar to the scene before him. The difference is that the size of the old bloodwing demon is not as large as that of the swallowing beast in front of him.

Of course, he is no longer what he used to be.

When the newly-born phagosome polymer cruised to the key figures of the Dragon Whisperer and taunted them with actual actions, the special operations transport ship was already less than 2km away from the island of the lake.

The Devourer behemoth that revealed its true body screamed at the twisted light and shadow in front of it. It can't see the true appearance of the special operations transport ship, but it is very clear that something has invaded its territory very quickly.

The new-born Pangu flew over to the special operations transport ship. The Devourer monster's head moved slightly, and its thick black hair floated back and forth on the surface of the water. It was matched with the face that looked delicate but did not change expression. , Like a water ghost looking for someone to kill.

Tang Fang thought that it was a provocation of the Devouring Beast against the new enemy, but the truth was not. Two lines of blood and tears suddenly flowed from the eyes of the human face. In the next moment, the dazzling red light obscured the afterglow of the sunset and the colorful photos of the sunset.

The pilot reacted very quickly, but even so, the right wing of the spacecraft was still swept by the light beam, which interfered with the invisible servo system, and the luminous grid dissipated like ebb sea water, revealing the true appearance of the special operations transport ship.

This is the first time the Devourer Behemoth has fired a laser beam, and it is inevitable that some mistakes will occur. Otherwise, the special operations transport ship may suffer more serious damage.

Those phagosome polymers also began to attack, and blood-red body fluids were smeared on the surface of the special operations transport ship, making strange noises, causing strong corrosion damage to the outer armor.

Seeing that the car was exposed in the vision of the Devourer Giant, and the invisible servo system was wounded off the assembly line, he asked the driver to keep moving forward without changing his original intention. Nova couldn't help feeling a little anxious: "If I were you, I would definitely not do this."

He didn't speak, his eyes fixed on the Devourer Giant Beast, watching the distance between the two sides shrink one by one.

The key figure of Dragon Whisperer is no longer its focus, but the sudden black flying machine.

The eyelids were closed after the huge human face shot two laser rays, and the blood and tear flow and flow increased. It seemed that the phagosome behemoth could not adapt to the evolved new abilities for a while.

The reason Tang Fang didn't explain his plan to Nova was because there was not enough time, and secondly, he was thinking about other things in his heart.

Judging from the behavior of the key figures of the Dragon Whisperer hiding in a trap under the lake, the phagosome monster has a high IQ, and the laser beam can be projected from the face and eyes, which clearly has the ability to transform biological energy. For other forms of energy, the grade of this phagosome polymer is obvious-IV phagosome.

After all, it is sailing in an inland environment. The flying speed of the special operations transport ship cannot be comparable to the space environment. Although the distance between the two parties is constantly shrinking, the lake water contaminated by the hair of the phagosome beast can already be seen with the naked eye, but Nova is most worried It still happened.

After a few tremors, the closed eyes opened again.

Unlike the first time, the whites of his eyes have turned blood red, and his pupils are also glowing with light that can only be found in crystalline substances.

Such a change shows that the Devourer Giant Beast has adapted to the newly evolved abilities, and the subsequent laser beam will certainly not be as anticlimactic as it was when it first attacked.

Facing the fast approaching special operations transport ship, the Devourer Giant Beast did not activate the laser beam immediately. Those hair strands that had fallen to the surface suddenly came back to life, turned at the end, and shot at the special operations transport ship with extreme speed, just like a hook used by special forces, hitting various parts of the target and tightly adsorbing it.

Shocks from various parts of the hull were transmitted to the cockpit, the damage control management system sounded rapid buzzing, the integrity of the hull declined rapidly, and the occupants could not even stabilize their bodies, causing violent turbulence and shaking.

Nova's face became a little pale, as she watched the devouring beast, which was less than half the size of the Thunder Beast in front of the big screen, used its hair to drag the special operations transport ship that was even larger than the Thunder Beast.

The devouring body behemoth dragged the target forcefully, and the special operation transport ship's stern thruster was blazing, and it seemed to be about to break out of the encirclement, but the effect was not good and it was unable to break free.

In fact, the purpose of the Devourer Monster is not to compete with the special operations transport ship, to see who is the winner of the wrist-wrestling race. Those hair strands pierced into the armor of the special operations transport ship are only used to fix the target and ensure that the second laser beam can smoothly target the key location.

According to the analysis image sent by the sensor, the energy index of the face pupils rises rapidly, and the heat is concentrated.

Nova knew exactly what this meant. She clenched her fists subconsciously, turned her head and looked to her side. When she was about to say something, she suddenly found that Captain Tang, who was sitting next to her, disappeared. Looking back subconsciously, only a trace of a distant figure was seen in the gap of the closed hatch.

She put all her attention on the front and acted out a scene, ignoring the changes in the surrounding environment, and did not notice Tang Fang's departure.

"What is he...what plans?" This thought flashed through my mind, and he quickly turned his attention back to the console, because the defense system predicted the imminent danger and sounded a harsh alarm.

What else can she do now? He can do nothing! The only thought was that Tang Fang could summon the Protoss unit to block the laser beam of the Devourer Giant Beast with an energy shield.

Regrettably, Tang Fang did not act as she wished, until the flashing energy spots were accumulated in the depths of the pupils, which would be shot out in the next instant, and the Protoss unit did not appear between the special operations transport ship and the Devourer behemoth. .

The one that appeared in the middle position was not a Protoss unit, but a Sarnagar unit, to be precise, a stone monument.

At the moment when Sarnaga Keystone appeared, an invisible wave swept the audience.

Like someone pressing the pause button of a projector, the rapid condensing light of the phagosome behemoth’s pupils became sluggish, and even the intestinal phagosome polymer that was attacking frantically around the special operations transport ship was affected by invisible forces, and fell from the sky one after another. The turbulent lake below.

The trajectory of the talisman on the surface of the Sar'naga keystone jumped with joy, and twisted, creating a series of fine light bursts.

The current Sarnaga keystone is not the Sarnaga keystone that left the Ark world in the first place. With the help of the Red Queen, the interior is filled with huge energy currents, and it is naturally not difficult to suppress a devouring beast. We must know that at the core of the temple of the Ark World, with the help of Crystal Mountain, the mixed battleship that once put the Supreme Council on the battlefield swept away, and even the fortress of the Supreme Council of the Nibelungen fled.

When the brilliance of Sarnaga's keystone was spreading out the front windows of the special operations transport ship, the lady agent breathed a long sigh of relief. The stone hanging in her heart finally fell to the ground, and she quickly got up and walked to the rear cabin.

At the same time, the bottom gate of the ship opened, and a figure fell, shooting at the Sarnaga Keystone with a dazzling streamer.

The four-headed Hunyuan Destroyer appeared on the water, and the gravitational cage acted on the four claws of the Devourer Giant.

The wind whizzed in the ears, the wetness of the lake invaded the combat uniforms, and the goddess of the storm pierced the air and screamed.

Along with a dazzling burst of light sweeping across the lake, Sarnaga's keystone and Tang Fang fell from the sky, like a ruling sword filled with thunder and lightning, piercing the big mouth of the swallowing beast's back.

The violent energy wave swelled outwards, and the keystone released internally filled energy under the guidance of the goddess of the storm. The wave of destruction from the creator's technology expanded outwards, tearing the body of the phagosome behemoth from the molecular level, and hitting by tachyon particles. Under extinction cell viability. If someone looks over with special sunglasses, he can see that the ugly body is dismembered by the bursting wave, like the ashes of rice paper falling under the flame, disappearing without a trace.

The phagosome behemoth that evolved on the basis of iv-type phagosomes is so gone, completely different from the previous hardships faced with phagosome polymers. Under the suppression of Sarnaga's keystone, he finally gained the opportunity and advantage from a strategic level.

Not only was the Devourer beast annihilated under the energy tide, the water level of Pinghu directly dropped a bit, the big wave rushed away, the gale destroyed the surrounding green plants, and even the lakeside beach was gnawed down.

The Sarnaga keystone is floating on the surging lake, slowly rotating. Tang Fang stood in the knee-high muddy water, panting heavily, and the goddess of storm in his right hand was still radiating scattered electric lights, making a croaking sound.

He held a piece of the body tissue of the Devourer Giant in his palm, and there was electric light jumping between his fingers.

This scene looks very majestic, in fact, his eyes are dull, and his attention is obviously not on the external environment.

When he deliberately condensed his strength, controlled the scope of the energy current, and finally left a sample of the phagosome behemoth tissue, what happened many times before appeared again.

Consciousness was drawn into the system space by a force. As the background light diminished, the four ethnic emblems went out in turn, the window changed from bright to dark, the cursor flashed several times, and a line of characters flashed with a brisk ticking sound.

"System, restart......ok!"


"Prepare, dates..."



"Run, now!"


With a low buzzing sound, the system reconnected, the base selection interface appeared, and the totem glowed brightly.

Emma’s voice sounded in her mind: "Commander, change the address according to the memory pool data recorded in the system log. The new element is located at the Zerg base, the number is ~www.readwn.com~ He did not unexpectedly develop this way, and said to Emma. Thank you, put your attention to the Zerg base in the system space and retrieve new unlock items.

First select a worker bee, press the primary mutation menu, switch to the advanced mutation menu when no new element is found, and when no new element is found, the line of sight comes to the main nest and clicks a larva.

The first page of the menu bar on the right was full. He pressed the hot key to switch to the second page, and finally discovered the new element Emma said.

Even if you move the cursor over, you can call out the name of the new unit from the icon image alone-Mang Beast, and another called the Cruel Worm.

Anyone who has experienced the Battle of StarCraft 2 will not be unfamiliar with this thing, not only because of its unique model and distinctive name, but also because of its boss-level identity in the battle.

Mang Beast is in the same class as another famous king beast, a special unit of Zerg.

As a large-scale Zerg siege unit unique to the StarCraft II era, the origin of Mang Beast is that the Zerg gene engineer Abathur broke the inherent gene lock on the basis of Thunder Beast and carried out targeted induction to produce a special type of Zerg unit. Far beyond the vitality and combat power of Thunder Beast.

The sample analysis report provided by the system shows that Mang Beast has four major components.

1. The blood of madness: When the beast is attacked by a hostile target, the pain will stimulate the brain and secrete a specific hypothalamic hormone. After the effect of the pituitary hormone is amplified, it triggers a series of chemical reactions in the body, such as rapid kidney stimulation. Glandular secretion, quickly stimulates the secretion of growth hormone. Under the action of multiple hormones, the beast will enter a state of madness, and physiological indicators such as reaction power, action power, attack power, and endurance will increase explosively, greatly improving the fighting and survivability.

This book is from http:///html/book/10/10017/index.html猫扑 Chinese

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