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Chapter 1335: Who Blows the Lake Wave (Part 1)

"The time is up, you will know. Chen? Yuan ↘ Wen? Xue ↓ Net" Po Su Ji's emblem slowly darkened, and finally disappeared from the field of vision, but the remaining sound echoed in his ears for a long time.

Behemoth, who didn't speak from beginning to end, was the last to go offline.

At this point, except Tang Fang, all the heads of the Dragon Whisperer branches in the virtual conversation environment have all been offline.

Emma terminates the virtual conversation process by herself, and the cyan light returns to the projection instrument like a stream of ebb water, the light representing Kukulkan disappears, and the lighting fixtures on the ceiling light up in turn, bringing light to the room.

What does the sentence Po Su Ji just said mean? Time is up... What is time up. What is her relationship with herself?

He thought and thought, thought and thought, until the hands of the clock passed a circle, he couldn't sort out the ins and outs of the matter.

The faint pain from the head made him have to stop thinking, abandon the problem, and turn his attention back to reality.

No matter what the meaning of Po Su Ji's words, in short, the result of this conversation was gratifying, and the exchange of hostages was settled. The dialogue with the head of the Dragon Whisperer branch also gave him a certain degree of understanding of the organization.

On the other hand, although I don’t understand what Posuki and Behemoth have to do with him, what is certain is that with their help, Nidhogg will absolutely not dare to play tricks in the subsequent hostage exchange process. He saves a lot of energy and thought.

"Niederhogg is stupid; Kukulkan is lazy by nature; Rainbow Snake lacks independent opinions; Tiamat is mature and stable; Posuji... at least he behaves gentle when dealing with himself." The dragon who used to be very mysterious in his eyes The speaker gradually dissipated the surrounding mist, revealing his true face.

"Kukulkan lives in seclusion on a lake island in the Hilde Star of the Silver Eagle Group, so are the other heads of the Dragon Whisperer branch also living in seclusion in the sovereign state society?" He remembered a word ----- -Xiaoyin hides in the wild, Zhong hides in the city, and big hides in the North.

"No, it should be said that the master is hidden among the people." After saying this somewhat teasing attribute, he got up from the sofa, walked to the console next to it to start the lifting procedure, returned to the second floor apron, and found that it was already sunset. , The afterglow of the sun burned on the water, and the sunset clouds covered the distant mountains.

He did not enjoy the beautiful sunset, told the ghost agent to continue to monitor the surrounding area for abnormal conditions, and then took the Demon Hunter and flew into space.


Since Tang Fang uploaded evidence that Meyer was a middleman on the Internet, the entire Yinying Group has been plunged into huge chaos. People who felt deceived took to the streets, launched demonstrations and XING, demanded that the consuls step down, and shouted publicly. This kind of information allows social organizations to intervene in the government's functional areas to thoroughly investigate whether the military and government agencies have hidden chess pieces arranged by Dragon Whisperers, and thoroughly understand Meyal's residual poison.

Of course, there are also some moderates who have stood up and called for the people to exercise restraint. After all, during the years when Meyer was the first consul, the Yinying Group's economy has been greatly developed, and social life is considered stable and orderly. In all fairness, he still has a lot of credit for the Silver Eagle Group, and he should not be blinded by anger and hatred, so as not to be used by hostile forces such as the Monya Empire and the Phoenix Empire to bring a huge crisis to the country and society.

It is a pity that there are not many such moderates, and their role is limited. After the Blue Revolution, in order to reverse the social situation of the Yinying Group and inspire the people's long-suppressed bloodliness and responsibilities, the consuls became radical in the guidance of the social atmosphere, and finally created the social status quo of the Yinying people who are more brave and moderate.

Once injustice and persecution occur in society, chaos will arise. Now that Meyer is an intermediary, the information leaked. One can imagine the anger of the silver eagle who consciously was deceived and played with, and what a violent storm was set off in the society.

Most of the time the people are blind and follow blindly. The more people walk on the streets, the atmosphere and passion will amplify those anger and hatred, make many people lose their minds, and push the demonstrations into violent conflict.

Of course, there are agents of the Monya Empire, the Sulu Empire, and the Phoenix Empire, guiding and intensifying the differences between the civilians, the government, and the military, setting off a wave of resistance after another.

But compared to what he did in the Star Alliance before, he showed restraint. Because they knew very well that Captain Tang was in the silver eagle regiment, if he did too much to make him look at it, and chose to pull the silver eagle regiment, those agents and spies who spent a lot of time to insert into the silver eagle regiment would definitely not be able to eat Go around.

With the lessons learned from the Star Alliance, no one dared to doubt Captain Tang's detection ability.

Anyone who knows him knows that although Tang Fang fought with the Yinying regiment navy, one yard fits one yard. He has always distinguished clearly on the issue of "the government is the government and the people are the people."

His enemy is Meyal and his party members, not the working people of the Silver Eagle.

Or there are very few fools in the world, and many smart people. Think tanks from the Monya Empire, the Sulu Empire, the Phoenix Empire and other ZHI countries have suffered a loss and learned well, knowing that Tang Fang’s intentions can be figured out. Infiltration and sabotage activities within the scope-people living in this world have weaknesses, and Captain Tang is no exception. His biggest weakness is that his tolerance for civilians is far greater than his tolerance for government organizations. For the good of the people, he often even abandons his own interests and principles.

When the domestic chaos of the Yinying regiment continued to ferment, Tang Fang focused all his energy on negotiating with the Dragon Whisperers. He still learned about the actions of the Yinying regiment government over time through Bukharin’s mouth. .

The seventh consul Hoffman had previously communicated with the veteran, and once described in detail what happened after Tang Fang left the Lagras star system.

After learning that Meyer was the middleman, some of the staff and fighters of the Miracle Tribute rebelled, taking control of Meyer and his die-hard followers and handing it over to Han Zhao's troops.

The senior commander of the Silver Eagle Wings Capital Guard was also removed from office and awaiting special review. Thomas Angkluo has returned to the consul class smoothly, and is desperately trying to clean up the mess after the confrontation.

As far as the current working environment is concerned, the adjective "failed by wind and rain" can be used. Not only is the public sentiment in government departments floating, even the morale of the army is also low, and soldiers are full of distrust of commanders. Fortunately, the political situation in the Phoenix Empire is also very bad. The senior naval generals are overwhelmed and did not take the opportunity to advance the battle.

Of course, this may also have something to do with the transfer of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress to the area bordering the territory of the Phoenix Empire with the Silver Eagle Regiment on the Sokanada Defense Line. After all, after the battleships produced by Morningstar Casting were installed, the operational capabilities of the Star Alliance Navy increased, and Ingrid Alexander’s Jupiter Expeditionary Force was shrouded in the Sotuk star system and dared not move lightly.

Undoubtedly, this gave the Silver Eagle regiments enough time to react.

As the figure who worked with Tang Fang to destroy the Red Queen and expose Meyer's ugly face, Thomas Angkluo gained more recognition from the common people, and his reputation surpassed Han Zhao, Sindika and others for a time, and was recognized by most Silver Eagles.

After several meetings, several consuls believed that the consul system had lost its credibility and ruling foundation because of this incident. It should be changed for the sake of social stability of the Yinying Group.

Han Zhao, Syndica, Thomas, Hoffman, etc., as the archons of the Silver Eagle regiment, have differences in the country's governance strategies, but they undoubtedly have a patriotism. At this critical moment, they did not spare the power in their hands and calmly accepted the calls for change from society.

Thomas Angkluo announced at this time that he would revise the national constitutional FA, simplifying the number of consuls from the original 7 to 3, and the selection rules were changed from the Red Queen to the National TOU.

This decision to a large extent eased the wave of anger among the people and highlighted the determination of the consuls to solve the problem head-on. The positive attitude towards those who dared to use a knife on oneself instead of solving the problem has been recognized and expected by the vast majority of the people.

In addition, Meyal has been relieved of his duties and taken into custody in the Lagras Star System Detention Center, waiting for the inspection department to collect enough materials before prosecuting. The government has opened up information channels and social supervision channels. Several consuls have reached a consensus on this matter and will strictly handle it in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

The actual actions of Thomas and others in the face of social public opinion with a low profile gradually melted the anger among the people, and with the passage of time, social life gradually became formal.

Facts have proved that under the principles of openness, fairness, transparency, and humility, the spies and agents deployed by countries such as the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire caused at most minor damage, and they were not able to cause fundamental changes that could shake the Yinying Group. After all, the object of the people's anger is one person, not all consuls. Meyer is dead, but Thomas Angkluo's actions have won people's trust.


There is a crisis in the archon system of the Silver Eagle Regiment, and when the voice of civil accountability is highest, if the Phoenix Imperial Navy can take advantage of the situation, it will definitely bring heavy pressure to the Silver Eagle Regiment Navy and even get a front-line star system as an offensive fulcrum, like Inge Rei Alexander, like her Jupiter Expeditionary Army, turned into a dagger across the throat of the Silver Eagle.

As the political situation within the Phoenix Empire is now unstable, radical military operations and frontline victories can effectively combat the influence of conservatives, boost the morale of radicals, and reverse the increasingly unfavorable situation.

Surprisingly, Prince Kursk, who was in charge of the battlefield of the Silver Eagle regiment, had never done anything, and suddenly made a decision that caused an uproar in the international community when the situation of the Silver Eagle regiment improved.

He gave up his battle plan against the Silver Eagle Corps, raised the flag of the punisher and the king, led Phoenix to go to the country, and directed the war goal to the Durham star system.

The word "traitor" in the punisher, naturally refers to Marlow Smith. The "jun" on the side of Qingjun is Virginia Alexander.

The slogan is shouted like this, the flag is hit like this, but anyone who knows history knows that the essence of this incident is that Kursk has reversed... Those just and awe-inspiring words are only used to fool the people and deceive the soldiers. That's it.

Speaking of it, the reason for this situation is that a series of bad things happened in the Phoenix Empire when Tang Fang was running through the territory of the Yinying Group.

First, a representative of the conservative party was killed in a suicide bombing on his way home. Some people pointed out that it was the representative of the radical who instigated terrorists. What followed was the radical camp propaganda system to deny it and accuse it of slander by conservatives. When the people checking the system were under pressure from above to trace the origins of the terrorists, they suddenly received an anonymous letter threatening. In the following week, the prosecutors responsible for investigating the incident had three deaths, which aroused a strong response in the political arena.

It didn't take long before the survivors of the Prince Lorenz family who were almost wiped out by the Queen of Blades were found dead in their own home. The autopsy results showed that they were poisoned and the cause of death was defined as murder. So Ingrid Alexander became lonely...Of course, provided that he did not count the half-brothers and sisters who enjoyed their lives in the United States of Jupiter.

This incident was seen as a powerful counterattack by conservative ministers to the assassination of radicals.

When the eldest son Hegel convened an enlarged meeting on the theme of studying and implementing the spirit of Virginia Alexander’s speech, a suicide car bomb attack suddenly occurred outside the meeting place~www.readwn.com~ which caused the nobles and ministers to participate in the meeting. They fled in panic like mourning dogs, and even the prince’s eldest son himself was photographed in a messy suit with a frightened look, spreading widely on the Internet.

Some outside political observers pointed out that Hegel organized this meeting in the name of learning from the spirit of Virginia Alexander's speech, and beating conservative ministers to make them realize who owns the Fillmores star system. , Hegel is the master here, not Virginia, which is more than ten light years away. You must know that His Majesty the Holy Emperor has no guts to return to the capital.

But where did I think that this demonstration meeting was disturbed by a sudden suicide car bomb attack, and Hegel was ashamed of it.

No one knows how the car with the bomb broke through the heavily guarded checkpoint and entered the parking lot of the Royal Synagogue. After all, it happened, and Hegel was slapped severely.

The bad influence caused by this incident is tantamount to poking the chrysanthemum of the radicals. Hegel, who consciously lost face, ordered a thorough investigation of the attack, and at the same time arrested reporters who revealed his ugly attitude.

As a result, the investigation found the conservative-controlled propaganda agency. Although the staff of the agency denied any act of discrediting the prince’s eldest son, they were all taken to the police station for so-called “education”.

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