Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 301: Counterattack (End)

However, before Salmu could take a breath, the fire was not far away. In the rapidly expanding fire cloud of "Thunder Wings", five Viking fighters flashed like silver swords breaking through the huge waves. Passing, approaching the satellite group in an instant, pouring a whole 50 missiles from head to tail on the precarious kz-78.

On the central large screen, the fire light is like the sea water flowing over the beach at high tide, quickly connecting in a line. The nearly one-kilometer-long body of kz-78 plunged into a sea of ​​fire, and the vigorous flame was like a rolling fire wave, spraying large clumps of debris around.

Finally, after a dazzling fire broke out, kz-78 ushered in its most brilliant moment. The instantaneous thrust generated by the explosion of the zero source element core tore the entire satellite apart. A wreck with a length of 200 meters fell to the ground of Recto at an extremely fast speed, and a wreck of more than 400 meters overturned to one side, with a huge The angular velocity flies outwards.

In addition, a large number of metal fragments of various lengths swept the nearby area for hundreds of kilometers, and a large number of missiles and fighters could not escape, and they were hit by the fragments and exploded and caught fire. A Viking fighter was hit by fragments on the left wing and its flight was out of balance. Just as the second fragment was about to hit the cockpit, suddenly a stream of light flashed by, and the damaged Viking fighter disappeared out of thin air.

"How could this be?" Salmu firmly grasped the handrail in front of him to stabilize his figure. The high-speed debris from the Kz-78 explosion hit the command satellite's outer armor, and the entire ground trembled.

The aftermath of the kz-78 explosion lasted for about 1 minute. When the vibration from under his feet gradually subsided, Salmu hurriedly raised his head and looked at the monitor array.

It was pitch black, and hundreds of display signals of the entire monitoring module were lost.

"What's going on? What's going on!" Salmu roared angrily throughout the hall.

A female officer in the corner suddenly stood up, Huarong said in a big change: "Go... Colonel...come...come, fragments are here..."

At this time. The light and shadow of the central large screen flashed, and a satellite wreck that occupied most of the screen grew bigger and bigger.

"This...this is..." Everyone was stunned. The outer armor center of the wreck is clearly marked with "kz-56", at this moment. These five characters are like a face full of sneers, mocking their incompetence.

Boom! Giggle...

Only heard a muffled sound. The violent shaking came from under the feet, and everyone involuntarily leaned to the side. Then, the lamps on the ceiling went black, the displays of the various instruments were directly extinguished, or the screen was jittered endlessly, and the emergency lights on the walls turned on, reflecting the whole command hall in blood red.

The vibration continued to ferment, and the entire command hall began to tilt. Everyone has an unstable footing and has to firmly grasp everything that can support the body. The woman's screams echoed endlessly with the poor contact of the damaged circuit of the equipment, and the command hall was a doomsday scene.


I don't know how long the shaking of the ground finally stopped. The lamps on the ceiling finally returned to normal after a few flashes, and most of the instruments in the equipment pool also resumed operation.

Salmu grabbed the guardrail and struggled to climb up. He glanced at the messy equipment pool below. He didn't care to wipe the blood from the left sideburn. He quickly asked out of breath, "Control team, report the situation."

There was a quivering voice from below.

It takes about 10 seconds. A voice suppressing pain replied: "The armor outside the area a is damaged, the water circulation equipment is destroyed, and the oxygen generation equipment is slightly malfunctioning. The No. 1, No. 3 and No. 9 generator sets have stopped operating, and the energy supply has been reduced by 20%. But fortunately, The emergency procedures have been activated, the safety gate has been lowered, the internal pressure has stabilized, and the air-conditioning system is operating normally. Except for the impact point in area a, the environment in other areas is good."

"How about the fighting situation?"

"The contact with kz-78. kz-56 is interrupted, and the external camera probe is being switched."

The worker's voice just fell. The progress bar on the central large screen flashed and passed. A picture appeared in front of everyone.

In the low-altitude orbit spreading over the wreckage of satellites, more than 180 "Wings of Thunder" aerospace fighters are bombarding indiscriminately around 12 Viking fighters, gradually dividing and encircling them.

Various types of missiles, like piercing needles, pose a serious threat to the remaining 12 Viking fighters, forcing them to gradually shrink their battle lines and withdraw from the theater of war that could endanger orbiting satellites.

what happened? How did kf-501 and kf-503 fighters go out? Salmu was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly, as if their commander saw that the satellite was damaged, they launched an all-out attack in a hurry.

"Oh!" Salmu sighed heavily. Under normal circumstances, as long as the performance of the fighters is not much different, and the number gap of 3 to 1, it will definitely be a one-sided war, not to mention there are so many types of missiles. But the result? Frozen is to let the opponent break through the blockade, rush into the satellite belt, and destroy the two reconnaissance satellites kz-78 and kz-56.

Although the armor of the reconnaissance satellite is very thin, its combat effectiveness against ships is negligible, and it is a space-based facility with the lowest defense capability. But no matter what, it is nearly a thousand meters long, and it was blown to the ground by three or five enemy planes.

If it's a battleship-level enemy, it's fine, but TM is clearly just a few fighter planes, right at the door of the Recto Navy's house, and under his nose, he has done 2 reconnaissance satellites. This slap was called a cruel one, and Salmu felt that both cheeks were burning.

"Hit... hit!"

Just when he was distracted, he heard an exclamation from below. Salmu looked up. On the big screen, two laser beams flashed past, directly exploding one enemy plane, and the other was also affected. The damage was severe, it whirled and flew outward, then disappeared without a trace.

Under the combined attack of more than 180 "Thunder Wings", countless missiles, and laser cannons, the enemy's remaining 10 battles were finally defeated, and the direction changed, and the meteors generally flee toward the atmosphere.

There were 182, nearly 8 squadrons of "Thunder Wings" clinging to 10 Viking fighters. The projectiles fired from the rapid-fire guns were like pouring rain, staggering around the Viking fighters.

Salmu felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. It’s just that it’s not appropriate to do this simply. The "Thunder Wings" are aerospace fighters, but in most cases they are performing space operations and entering the atmosphere is not impossible. But the combat effectiveness is probably greatly reduced.

Recalling the scene captured by the reconnaissance satellite before, Salmu couldn't help but change his face: "Correspondent, inform the commander of the fighter group. Let them withdraw, this is a trap!"

"Trap?" The excited staff downstairs stagnated. The correspondent hurriedly changed the channel and tried to contact the kf-501 space station.

About half a minute later, the sweaty correspondent turned his head back, crying in his voice: "Colonel, the laser communication device was damaged in the previous impact. As for the radio network, it was affected by the air battle and satellite explosion just now. Still in a semi-paralyzed state."

After hearing this, Sarmu sat back on the sofa, "Why is this..."

At the moment he can only pray that the pilots of "Thunder Wings" can fly in the atmosphere as well as in space. such. Perhaps there is still a chance to win, because the opponent's fighters are not many, and they all add up to less than 50. With the air power of the ground army, there is still a battle.

A few minutes later, when the electromagnetic storm in the low-altitude orbit of Rector subsided and the command satellite where Salmu was located reconnected with other satellites, 182 "Thunder Wings" dived like a meteor shower with their long comet tails. Next, vent the fire and rain on the Viking fighter group directly ahead.

How powerful is the rapid-fire gun? It is powerful enough to penetrate a two-meter-thick homogeneous steel plate. In the face of the 182 "Thunder Wings" lined up in the sky, densely packed like fish eggs, a volley of only 10 Viking fighters are like ants in danger under the pouring rain.

at last. A Viking fighter was shot in the tail, ignited a flame, and fell rapidly from high altitude.

This scene inspires all the pilots of "Thunder Wings". Facts have proved that the opponent is not the invincible God of War. As long as there are enough numbers and strong firepower, they can be killed.

"Guys, cheer up. Kill me this group of rebels, and let the land ducks on the ground take a good look at our navy."

"Hahaha. Fire, fire. Poke their ass..."


Amid the excitement of the pilot, a Viking fighter jet was hit by a "Stinger" missile after it entered the atmosphere and lost its balance due to the influence of the vortex after being scratched by satellite debris in the previous space battle. The left thruster caught fire, dragging a thick black smoke down diagonally.

The comprehensive combat effectiveness of these enemy aircraft in the atmosphere is nothing more than this! The "Thunder Wings" pilots are full of self-confidence, and their participation may be able to turn the tide, reverse the precarious situation of Recto, and turn the government and army back into victory.

Credits, medals, bonuses, and promotions are all within reach.

Just as the remaining infantry of the 287th Division looked dull at the "Thunder Wings" fighter planes overwhelming the sky and cheered, in the research institute command center, Tang Fang was staring at the sky outside the window in a daze.

"'Wings of Thunder'..."

As soon as his voice fell, as his eyes turned cold, there were two more rows on the lawn of the buffer zone outside the institute, totaling 30 Goliath robots.

The clusters of flames resemble the firecrackers of the 30th year, and the "crackling" flashes non-stop. The slender body of the "Hellfire" missile nearly 1 meter long is like a long sword, piercing the sky and pressing against the dark tide of the sky. The "Thunder Wings" fighter group that came under fired away at a speed exceeding Mach 20.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

The "Hellfire" missile shuttled through the air, and the sharp sound almost tore the entire sky apart. The remaining 8 Viking fighters were like fast sails under the rushing waves, breaking through the wind and waves and smoothly avoiding the storm.

However, those "Thunder Wings" were not so lucky. The previous experience of Viking fighters was repeated on them. More than 300 "Hellfire" missiles swept the cloudless blue sky above the institute.

Even though the "Hellfire" is just a small missile, it has a range of 50 miles, and even in the atmosphere, it has a terrifying speed of over 15 Mach per hour. If in space, "Thunder Wings" with good mobility and cooperation, can also drag racing with them and play peekaboo. However, at this moment, due to the friction of the atmosphere and the gravity of Rector, they could not exert their peak combat effectiveness at all. They could only look at the "hellfire" clusters that surged like a wave below in surprise and blankly.

boom! boom! boom!

The continuous sound of explosions shakes the sky and the earth is shaking, and fires are emerging from the blue sky. Looking from the ground, it seems that the enthusiastic landlord has held a grand and grand welcome party for the group of outsiders!

The "Hellfire" missile system of the Goliath robot can target three hundred enemies in one second. With the relay guidance of the Euglena, the "Wings of Thunder" is no different from the meat on the cutting board.

The continuous flash of light illuminates the faces of everyone on the ground. The splashing fireball is more dazzling than the festive fireworks. In just ten seconds, 144 "Thunder Wings" were blown apart by "Hellfire" and turned into billowing fireballs. Spinning and burning. Lines of smoke were drawn across the sky, and then plunged into the arms of Mother Earth.

The fire and rain are colorful and the fireworks are gorgeous.

Such a scene is so magnificent and beautiful.

On the main streets of Wendenbat, the panicked citizens stared blankly at the wreckage of the falling fighter plane in the sky covered with raging fire and meteorites.

As early as the sound of the siege tank's guns resounded throughout the world. First. When the fighters of the Capital Military Region whizzed past, they realized one thing, war is coming! Someone shook a fist at the superior government.

In just 30 minutes, the sound of artillery from the north of Wendenbat never stopped. Although the distance was too far, beyond the visual range of people, there was a police cordon on the edge of the city, making it difficult to get close to the front line for observation. But from the violent earthquakes, the laser beams shot from the sky, and the swarms of warplanes passing by the horizon. There is no doubt that this is not a trivial mess at all, but a real war.

now. This scene in the sky confirmed their suspicions.

The impeccable imperial navy, the long sword hanging over the people, the great wall that noble lords are proud of...

At this moment, they are burning, exploding, falling from the sky like dumplings.

That's "Wings of Thunder", the existence of a unit price of 20 million myd. In just a few breaths, more than 100 aerial fighters were destroyed like this?

"3 billion, that's 3 billion. It's all gone in the blink of an eye!" a middle-aged man engaged in finance said shiveringly.

"Wow, what a brilliant firework." This is a seven or eight year old girl.

"Who is it? Actually forced the government to such a level." On the rooftop of a 100-meter-high building in Roland District. The man in his 70s muttered to himself.


Roland District is in commotion, Wood District is in commotion. The whole Wendenbat is like a pot of boiling water. The citizens panicked and flocked to the city outside the city.

As for the lords who have been dignified all day long, they have rarely worked hard. They rode all kinds of transportation to various squares and radio stations in Wendenbat, and put on a self-righteous expression, telling people not to panic, not to be afraid. It was a government exercise, Lancelow. Lord Special's extensive military training. No need to worry, no need to flee, the exercise will end soon.

To be a good politician, acting is one of the required courses. The higher the official position, the better the acting skills. To become a qualified politician, you must at least learn how to be happy and angry. Well, there is also a sword in the mouth and a sword hidden in a smile. Of course, a hypocritical face is necessary.

Just like now, when the mayor and the officials of the city hall are calling on the citizens not to panic, fear, or spread rumors, they secretly sent their wives, children, and close relatives out of Wendenbat.

The battle in the sky continued. Eight Viking fighters killed a carbine, and the mt50 Lanzel flying mine followed the Hellfire missile and launched a second wave of attacks.

The remaining 38 "Wings of Thunder" pilots were all stupid. In just a few breaths, 182 "Wings of Thunder" lost 80%, which is simply a disaster and a catastrophe.

I thought that the rebels had only these fighters against the air, but who would have thought that they would have such terrifying air defense firepower, those two-legged robots, they... they are simply aircraft killers!

Fear spreads in their hearts, there is no communication, no hesitation, all drivers have only one reaction, escape! Escape back to space, escape back to the space station. The navy won't help... let the army squash with these damned enemies.

The flames ejected from the thrusters left an arc-shaped trajectory in the air, and 38 "Thunder Wings" began their escape journey.

The troposphere, the stratosphere, the middle layer...the fighters are climbing higher and higher.

Boom, boom...

Occasionally there was an explosion behind him. Some of the backward "Thunder Wings" were overtaken by Viking fighters. They exploded into a tumbling stream of fire under the 40mm Gatling gun fire~www.readwn.com~ From the hunter. The prey, changing so fast, is almost a dream.

When the front "Thunder Wings" broke through Rector's atmosphere, and the pilot saw the dark void in the distance, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. When he came back, he finally escaped and ascended to heaven, saving his life.

He turned his head and glanced behind him, and there was nothing but wisps of gunpowder smoke.

148 "Thunder Wings", 148 pilots, he is the only one who returned alive...

After fighting fiercely for the rest of his life, he had no joy, no luck, only sorrow, and aversion to war.

The driver released the joystick, took off a hapless bear chain hanging from the top of the front window, held it tightly with his hands and brought it to his face, he cried so much, tears that could not be suppressed came out of his eyes.

The pilot light of the kf-501 space station flickered in the distance, but the fighter plane drifted farther and farther in the void.

………………(To be continued)

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