Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 323: New unlock item

Gregory can swear to the sky. Just now, he has been paying attention to the movement in the shuttle plane. There are people in the cabin from time to time. The mad woman was also suppressed on the first floor of the quarantine area. The security soldiers responsible for sealing the scene did not find anything. abnormal.

The surveillance system has just been paralyzed for less than half a minute, and the rebel leader who should have been waiting to die in the shuttle actually appeared in area a? With a troop, what a joke, today is not April Fool's Day!

"Lieutenant, can you make a mistake?" Gregory asked subconsciously.

"No, my team just played against them. The players... are dead. Those guys are terrifying." Talking about the experience just now, the lieutenant still had a lingering expression.

Coverdale sat down on the sofa, his face dark and terrible, he suddenly remembered something. The fleshy monster who died under the guns of Holmes and others disguised as a Philipmon, but he was fooled along the way. All security checkpoints. The guy in the shuttle cabin, God knows if it is a counterfeit.

Being fooled, myself, Gregory, everyone in the security system was fooled by that kid. The insane woman in the hall with explosive fighting power and unblinking murder is a bait, a living target that attracts their attention.

It's a good trick to repair the plank road, secretly Chen Cang, as sophisticated as him, and was placed one by a young boy who hadn't eaten as much salt as he walked. Coverdale was resentful and embarrassed, his face turned white and blue, and his expression was ugly.

"Why are you stupefied? Don't assemble the troops yet, be sure to stop him outside." Gregory ordered in a deep voice, then turned his head and ordered the equipment operator: "Hurry up and troubleshoot the cause of the problem and try to repair the communication system. "

The lieutenant who rushed to report hesitated after hearing the order and said, "General, those people did not move in the direction of the combat command room."

"Did not come to the combat command room? Where did that go?"

"It seems...like to go to the data room."

Upon hearing this, a look of surprise flashed across Gregory's face, and it was inevitable that those guys were lost. What to do in the data room? There are a bunch of instruments, all the data is encrypted layer by layer, once an intrusion is detected. It will be destroyed automatically.

Coverdale obtained a large amount of first-hand intelligence from Lancelot, and knew far more about the rebels than Gregory. Knowing that Tang Fang had gone to the data room, he was stupid. Crotan's Galaxy Armament Research and Development Center was a lesson from the past.

This kid is too ghost, just too ghost. Being a thief is truly unprecedented. In the face of Lord Lancelot's anger and the counter-insurgency fleet coming from all directions, he does not think about how to escape. But there is still the mind to steal important information about "Sigma", how courageous this guy is!

On the other side, Tang Fang, who sneezed four or five consecutively, mumbled "Who missed me?" He connected the data lead to the universal interface of the "Sigma" data computer.

The quantum computer that was originally in a silent state was started, and silver light circulated on the surface of the quantum core of the cube structure, and encrypted documents appeared on the central display.

Then, Emma's voice sounded: "Commander, because the database of'Sigma' is very large and highly encrypted, it takes about ten minutes to copy all of them."

"It's okay, let's do it." The order was given to Emma. He also gave instructions to 12 zealots who were on guard outside and 5 who were protecting energy supply equipment to patrol the spot.

Gregory almost moved most of the heavy weapons allowed in indoor environments to deal with Freya, and now there are only a few guard soldiers equipped with light weapons in area A. With them, where are the opponents of enthusiasts.

Ten minutes is not long or short. Just when the decryption process is completed at 45.83%, the cracking progress box on the central display reads, which is different from Emma's system prompt sound.

"Available data is detected, the diagnostic program starts..."

"Diagnosis is complete, confirm suitable human beings."

"Perform data analysis..."

"Technology level b+, unlock the research tree. Technology level 2, unlock the accessory ‘Science Laboratory’ of ‘Star Harbor’."

really. The manufacturing process of the Whale Shark-class battleship did not disappoint him, and Starport’s accessory pendant "Technology Laboratory" was successfully unlocked. This thief is definitely worth the money.

With the “Science and Technology Laboratory” attached to Starport, the Terran Air Force is no longer limited to the two flying units of the Viking fighter and the medical transport aircraft. The new “Iron Crow” and the “Banshee Fighter” are added, and the “cards” can also be upgraded. Four research projects: "Du Hughes Reactor", "Durable Materials", "Covid Reactor" and "Invisible Position".

As a multi-purpose aircraft, the Iron Crow also shoulders the mission of battlefield reconnaissance and battlefield engineers. For these machines, the generally agreed view on marginal planets is that these solid iron bumps are designed to operate alone in extremely harsh environments. Designed. Thanks to its automatic turrets and advanced sensors, the Raven is good at spotting and clearing out invisible or buried enemies. The original idea of ​​mankind was to let the raven perform low-level tasks, such as protecting those isolated outposts. But as the war progressed, the Raven began to participate in higher-level battles and gradually replaced the old and expensive science balls.

The Raven under the background of StarCraft 2 has undergone several upgrades and modifications, and has gradually become one of the main frigates of the human race on the starry sky battlefield. It integrates surveillance drones and combat engineers, and can be called an all-round main combat unit. The Raven is solid and highly maneuverable, suitable for independent action in harsh weather conditions.

The Iron Crow has four main components, one: a central computer with super computing power, the core can control all key spacecraft systems and subsystems, and closely monitor multiple data, such as overall conditions, temperature, energy level, and external environment. The computer processes hundreds of millions of instructions per second, so that the crow has enough ability to think and make decisions.

Two: High-strength armor. The hull of the Iron Crow is made up of layers of new alloy steel and synthetic materials. Between each layer of shells are embedded solid aviation-grade fibers to provide insulation and protection for internal components. The stabilizer fins and key positions of the spacecraft are equipped with micro air holes, allowing the crow to eliminate ice crystals or cool the hull according to the actual environment.

Three: Manufacturing equipment. The Crow is equipped with a cutting-edge manufacturing equipment. Thousands of controlled nano-robots tirelessly assemble the key equipment required for the mission, such as automatic machine guns, fixed-point defense drones, and laser-guided hunting missile.

Four: cutting-edge sensors. The Raven is equipped with top-notch monitoring and detection hardware. Two radars operate at high and low frequencies respectively, and four high-resolution, multi-spectral cameras can find and hit targets at extremely long distances.

There is no doubt that the Raven is an indispensable and important unit on the starry sky battlefield. It not only possesses powerful reconnaissance capabilities, but also has defensive support and long-range strike capabilities.

"Making Auto Cannon" allows the Jay to project an auto cannon on the ground. Equipped with a 12mm caliber electromagnetic gun, it can effectively attack small combat units such as land vehicles and air fighters. Tang Fangyou remembered that the automatic machine gun had an extremely resounding name, "Guanyin sitting on the lotus".

"Making fixed-point defense drones" allows the Jay Crow to deploy unmanned drone platforms in the atmosphere and even space to intercept missiles fired by the enemy.

"Hunting Missiles" is a range of weapons, which is much more powerful than the Viking fighter mt50 Lanzel flying thunder.

The full name of the banshee fighter "ah/g-24 "banshee" tactical attack aircraft" is used to support infantry and cooperate with the Viking fighter. It has a new design different from other fighters to meet the needs of air-to-ground combat. . And the actual effect is much higher than expected. It is equipped with an air-to-ground recoil rocket. The engine uses a low thrust, but it is better than a low-cost turbofan engine. Because it cannot reach the escape speed and relies on air to operate, it limits the banshee to fight in the atmosphere. , But the banshee can drop from orbit.

The banshee is equipped with the dn51 stealth system. The dn51 stealth system was the most advanced product of Tyronn's scientific research in the Second World War, so that when a banshee crashed, the special operations team had to recover its dn51. Wolf Company has developed a technology called cross-spectrum suppression for it, which can be equipped with lower energy consumption to obtain better stealth effect. The banshee's weapons can also be upgraded and modified. The banshee of the Kay-Mo alliance is equipped with high-speed missiles to attack aerial targets, and is upgraded through the weapon system. The banshee’s weapon can be replaced with a shock wave missile, which allows the banshee to strike a target in the entire linear area in front of it instead of a small single point attack.

Similar to the Iron Crow, the Banshee also has 4 major components, but compared to the former, it is like silk and Gao Fushuai, the difference between the clouds and mud.

One: A low-cost turbofan engine. The Banshee is equipped with 2 turbofans to provide sufficient propulsion. A tail rotor is used for guidance and side flight. Although the two turbofan engines are sturdy and durable, the design is simple and relatively easy to maintain. But only for flights in the atmosphere. The only commendable convenience is that the turbofan engine can hover in low-noise mode, which is extremely suitable for covert actions.

Two: pressurized cockpit. This is to allow the pilot to adapt to a device specially designed for orbital airdrop.

Three: recoil rocket, although the power of recoil rocket is good. However, the backward guidance system will cause certain collateral damage in the urban combat environment.

Four: stealth device, namely dn51.

From the above information, it is not difficult to see that the Banshee is a bargain compared to the Iron Crow. Of course, this is inseparable from the purpose of the two. The Raven can not only provide land attack support, but also apply to the space battlefield, which is equivalent to the existence of frigate and destroyer. The Banshee fighter is just a militia-level equipment used for ground bombing.

In any case, the addition of two air units, especially Iron Crow, doubled Tang Fang's space combat effectiveness.

Viking fighters, flying dragons, and Corruptors are all offensive units. In terms of defensive performance, in addition to the thick skin of Corruptors, which can harden the main guns of warships, the Viking fighters and flying dragons in front are definitely crispy units. Of course, as long as the Viking fighter is not hit, it can be pulled into the system space for repairs, and the flying dragon also has the ability to regenerate and can slowly recover. However, on the ever-changing battlefield, attrition of combat units will cause immeasurable harm to the situation.

With the participation of the Ravens and the addition of "unmanned target drones" in defense, his air combat troops can no longer worry about missiles launched by the government navy. It only needs to defend against some rare laser cannons, large plasma cannons, as well as electromagnetic cannons, rapid-fire guns and other weapons with a single attack method.

Not to mention that the Iron Raven also has "hunting missiles." Although Tang Fang has not experienced its power in the real world, in the game, the hunting missiles are definitely at the level of the big killer, and the flying dragon is simply a theory. "of. Often a dozen dragons are gone in one shot.

Compared with the huge battleship system of the government army, the Raven can be described as an all-rounder, and its high mobility and reconnaissance capabilities can make it competent for the tasks of reconnaissance ships and electronic warships. It can also penetrate into the atmosphere and serve as a ground support ship. It can also serve as an engineering ship and assault ship.

The Iron Raven cooperates with Vikings, Flying Dragons, and Corruptors. The basic framework of a mixed fleet has been built. At the moment, only the keel is missing, such as large space warships such as Battle Cruisers, Leviathans, and Void Glow Ships.

On the other hand, with the addition of the Banshee fighter, the ability to strike on the ground has also been greatly improved. The Viking fighter is an air fighter and is lacking in air-to-ground bombing. The banshee greatly made up the gap in "infantry air support".

An air-to-ground integrated unit consisting of biochemical troops + vultures / evil fire + siege tanks + Goliath robots + Banshee fighters + Viking fighters + medical transport aircraft. It's scary to think about it.

Faced with a combination of ground-to-ground, long-range ground-to-ground, ground-to-air, air-to-air, air-to-ground, and battlefield support, the Imperial Army wants to match it? That is simply a joke. Of course, if Kerklaf I was frantic, he would pile heads regardless of the consequences, and would not hesitate to change one hundred, or even one thousand, or one thousand. That's another matter.

Don't forget that the Banshee fighter can be invisible, and the one with insufficient mobility is definitely the best partner.

"Lancelot. Wait a moment..."

After the system sound, the decryption progress bar continued to move forward, but Tang Fang turned his attention to the system space. Since a large number of units were sent to perform rescue missions in the previous tragedy, the collected soul energy almost reached an astronomical figure, 12.46 million, crystals Resources surged 12.46 million.

In addition to the huge increase in crystal resources, he also discovered that the number of victims in Wendenbat was at least 500w. It stands to reason that the collection of crystals should exceed 25 million, but in fact only half. This made him understand one thing, the dead who even turned their bodies into fly ashes and dissipated could not collect life energy.

"It's not scientific!" He also protested loudly. But in exchange for Emma's silence. In desperation, I can only accept reality. To say unscientific. Life energy is equally unscientific to him.

Anyway, 12.46 million crystal resources are currently limited to his population, and he can't spend all the flowers he has, so just let it go for the rest.

Today, the resource stock of the system is as high as 12886405 crystals and 76445 gas. Compared with the early hours of the morning, the gas resources were 3,000 less. That was because he lost three 3 million tons of fusion warheads in Quentin. Each warhead cost 1,000 crystals and 1,000 gas.

12.88 million crystal resources, but only 76445 gas, a difference of more than 100 times.

"Oh!" Tang Fang sighed. The 12 million crystals are definitely a heavy number. Whenever he thinks of the victims, his heart is a little blocked.

The 5 crystal points represent the life of a civilian. In return, the only thing he can do is to help them get revenge!

Taking a deep breath, pulling back his thoughts, Tang Fang moved the cursor to Xinggang and pressed the hot key for building a science and technology laboratory. In about ten seconds, with a familiar system prompt, the Xinggang annex building was completed.

Tang Fang moved the cursor to the main body of "Xinggang". The Banshee Fighter and Jay Crow in the production menu on the right were highlighted. When the cursor moved, it pointed to the Banshee Fighter. Resource cost 300 crystals, gas 200, unit population occupation 3.

The cost of the Banshee fighter is twice that of the game. According to previous experience, this shows that the Banshee fighter is about 20 meters long. Just over 20 meters, it actually occupies 3 people like in the game. This makes Tang Fang very depressed. Doesn't the driver get an extra pair of dranks? As for such a different treatment? The medical transport plane is 40 meters long and only has 2 units. People are still sisters.

Then ~www.readwn.com~ moved to the Iron Crow, 400 crystals, 800 gas, occupying a population of 2. The simple resource cost is the same as the medical transport plane, which is 4 times the cost of the game. Does it mean that the raven is at least 40 meters long.

After thinking about it, 4 times the resources are understandable, and you get what you pay for, which is definitely worth the money.

Since learning that he was still alive, the Rector's Navy has strengthened its alert level, and the Silbero Naval Port is almost closed for self-defense. Except for naval warships, all military ships from Silbers, ground military districts, and even Bruno cannot approach.

Lancelot is proud, but he also cherishes his life. To find the maker of the Wendenbat tragedy, it is inevitable to have a battle with the Rector Navy.

Emma has said that with his current military strength, if a 1,000-population Corruptor and hundreds of Viking fighters, against more than 400 Rector Navy ships of all sizes, the winning rate is only 55%.

Don’t forget that Megal’s star system is not only the Rector Navy, but Bruno also has it. Although it is less than 300, plus the more than 120 ships of the "Sigma" space station, the number of warships in the entire star system has almost reached the fleet level. What is lacking is only an aircraft carrier. (To be continued)

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