Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 325: Sigma Breakthrough (Part 1)

Now they can be said to have returned to the pre-liberation period, orders basically rely on yelling, and transmissions basically rely on leaving... The only thing that makes people thankful is that the guy is still a good person and did not stop the life-saving equipment. Otherwise, the entire space station would really become a giant coffin that could kill millions of people.

When Lancelot introduced Tang Fang’s abilities before, he was a bit disapproving, thinking that with the military’s soft and hard firewalls, anti-spyware, virus immune system, and the latest nano-level anti-parasitic robots, the kid even With the supercomputer technology of the "Jupiter United States", the superpower of the Asgot region, it is impossible to break the "Sigma" central processing system in just a few hours or even tens of minutes.

However, it turns out that even Lancelot has underestimated the abilities of that kid. How long is this? Within ten minutes, he removed all the confidential information in the data room, and cut off the energy supply to the space station when he was on the verge.

He easily concealed the Navy’s security checkpoints, sneaked into the "Sigma" area A, ransacked those precious materials under the noses of so many people, and then resorted to a trick to extricate households. He was clearly saying: " I'm just fooling you, what's the matter? How can you stand me?"

Coverdale was really helpless, and couldn't do anything to him. But he has another reliance, the patrol fleet outside "Sigma". In addition, the reinforcements sent by the Rector Navy should have reached the outer space of the space station.

If he has been hiding in the dark, relying on his stealth ability, the military really can't help him. But he actually appeared in Sigma with a big fanfare. The 40-kilometer-long shipyard was huge on the ground, but in the universe, it was just a drop in the ocean.

On such an island, facing the cordon of the sky and the earth. How does he get out? As early as when he learned that he had entered the space station, Cofferdale ordered the fleet to stop the unmanned defense platforms, which are now capable of operating unmanned facilities outside the space station. Only the channel buoys, laser beam-guided offset shield generators, and electronic bulletin boards such as zero combat power devices are left, and even the reconnaissance platform for early warning is in a shutdown state.

More than 200 large and small warships surrounded the "Sigma" regiment. Whenever a shuttle goes out, it will definitely be bombarded into cosmic fireworks. Considering Lancelot's character and his current mood, he didn't need to contact Cofferdale to confirm that the order received by the Recto Naval Fleet, who had arrived for reinforcements, must be "I would rather kill the mistake than let it go."

With the current "Sigma", whoever goes out will die!

In the eyes of Gregory and others, that kid was nothing but a turtle in a urn. Wali fish will definitely not be rampant for long. But Coverdale faintly felt that something was wrong. That Asian young man named Tang Fang is definitely a bad guy. Will he sit and wait for death? At the mercy of others?


When Coverdale frowned and guessed Tang Fang's next move, the kid was grinning, just as happy as the little daughter-in-law who had married a room without a gift.

The zero stock of "Sigma" energy warehouse is really huge, more than 100 tons. You should know that when Grant was in Rector, the two of them had toiled for a month, but the government only pieced together to get him more than 30 tons of raw materials, and "Sigma" was just a ship building plant. It is not the energy supply station of the naval fleet, but unexpectedly there are 100 tons of zero element.

Watching more than a dozen extraction fields operate at the same time, transforming a large number of zero elements into gas resources in the system space. The suffocation that had accumulated in his chest over the past few days due to the Wendenbat tragedy finally eased a little.

More than 100 tons of zero element, converted into gas is more than 10w, if converted into yd, it is 5 billion. Of course, zero element is a regulated energy source, which has a price but no market. In Munya, civilians are not allowed to trade in retail, which is why Grant has hundreds of millions of funds in his hands, but Tang Fang did not use them to buy retail. Reasons for expanding strength.

I just upgraded it with one pass, which cost 2w+ zero elements. But I didn't expect to add 10w+ again later, is this count as the wool on the sheep?

Think carefully about the experience along the way. Fighting single-eyed monsters, fighting giant snakes, these level monsters are absolutely zero-element giants. However, compared with the government, it is scum. The most profitable business is the plundering against the empire.

Compared with the oil in the earth age, the zero element resource is a more important strategic material. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a universal resource. From the perspective of the war pattern in the Hilumbel region, there are constant battles between several countries, and the international trade in singularity is basically fragmented. Even if there is, it also contains certain political goals.

Only in the free market of the Tianchao star area can there be random transactions, but most of them are small. After all, at the moment, no country will replace the hard-to-explore universal resources with a pile of useless waste paper. Of course, in the retail trade, there are more cases of bartering.

From Crotan to Rector, he has obtained a large number of top-secret information, which can be used as trading chips. With the current level of combat effectiveness, if you fight guerrillas in the empire and rob the government everywhere, there is still some danger, not to mention that he, unlike those nobles, can ignore the life and death of civilians.

For events like the Wendenbat tragedy, "I don't kill Boren, Boren died because of me", it is best to avoid it. Therefore, after avenging the victims and leaving the Megall star system, if there is nothing important, you must go to the Tianchao star area.

In addition to exchanging confidential information for elementary resources, there are two other situations that make him very concerned. The ts-001 specimen used for Faraday’s research was obtained from the free market in the Tianchao area, did yp-001 come from there? Also, will the coordinate point recorded in Zhixin be the position of the third fragment?

The first two pieces of Intellectual Core, the first unlocked the Fire Spitzer (Fire Bat) and the nurse of StarCraft 1, and the second unlocked the Vulture Chariot and the Goliath Robot. The third one will always be Starport’s turn. Right? The Wraith Fighter, the Wagley frigate, and the tech ball, these are all good things.

"Commander, the mineral veins are exhausted." Just when Tang Fang was distracted, Emma's reminder sounded in his mind.

He hurriedly looked up and saw that, sure enough, more than a dozen extraction fields had ceased operation, and the resource value in the system space reached "12862905.158565." The gas resource more than doubled.

"With grain in hand, don't panic in my heart. Lancelot, it's time to settle the accounts." Muttered this sentence to himself. Tang Fang set his sights in the direction of Twin Star Harbor.


From the outside, the "Sigma" space station was silent. Only the flashes from the port quarantine area from time to time prove that the fighting is still going on. Twenty minutes have passed since the two sides started fighting, and the space station garrison equipped with defense robots and "Earth Knight" powered armor was stupefied by a mad woman.

Bullets, grenades, and even small rockets, all these were nothing but Freya, but she was killed by a knife and killed a large number of guard soldiers.

As for the defense robots, there are a bunch of toys in front of Freya, one is scrapped and one is paralyzed.

After losing the lives of hundreds of soldiers. The front-line commander finally understood a truth. To deal with the crazy woman in front of him with weapons that deal with ordinary people, it was purely unhappy for himself.

As long as it is metal weapons, electronic equipment, they can't cause her harm. If you want to defeat her, you must use special attack weapons like freezing spray, gas bombs, and flame blasting.

Therefore, after losing contact with the combat command room, the frontline officer ordered his soldiers to carry special weapons such as small vacuum bombs and chemical warheads.

However, who would have thought that things have not arrived yet. The energy of the entire space station was cut off. After a long time of trouble, there are mad women and accomplices!

The officers who commanded the garrison to encircle Freya were all dumbfounded. What about those weapons and equipment when the freight train stops? Let the soldiers come back? Or is it to discredit the old fuel locomotive? When will it be delayed?

Looking at Freya in the quarantine area, I thought it was a tigress trapped in a cage, and one day there will be a day off. However, at this moment, they are full of bitterness. Don't send soldiers in. God knows whether the mad woman will tear down the quarantine area if she frees her hands. You must know that the metal objects shot out of her hand are as powerful as an electromagnetic cannon. It is not a difficult task for her to punch a hole in the security door or bulkhead. Send soldiers in, it's all about giving her food.

How to do? What should I do? The battle was frustrated.

Naturally, the commotion in the quarantine area cannot be hidden from the patrol fleet outside. Elyktra’s deputy, Commodore Rector Meredith Oliver led 124 warships to the "Sigma". Take advantage of the opportunity to take over more than 100 ships wandering around the space station and performing patrol missions.

The order Lancelot gave him was "On the premise of ensuring the integrity of the'Sigma', we will do everything possible to kill Tang Fang." In fact, as early as the Lord Lord's summoning order, Meredith? Oliver had already guessed the content of this operation.

Lancelot can ignore the life and death of civilians and ignore Wendenbat’s tragic situation, but he does not have the courage to destroy "Sigma". Even if his father, the Duke of Yadan, comes, he will not easily give up. "Sigma".

As the leader of the Duke's military industry and one of the three major shipyards integrating manufacturing, scientific research, and design, "Sigma" plays a decisive role. Once lost, the Ferguson family's comprehensive strength will be greatly reduced. The battle between the Empire and the Charles Federation in the Gampner region is in full swing. The Shenwu fleet was requisitioned by the Emperor as a member of the expeditionary force. No one knows what the outcome of this protracted war will be, but it is certain. If the war continues to escalate, it will not be long before the two countries with conflicting ideas will enter a full-scale war. By then, it will be time to test the arms production capabilities of both sides.

A heavy-duty shipyard like "Sigma" does not mean that it can be completed in one or two years. It would be good if the basic framework could be built in five or six years. It would be a wishful thinking to perfect and expand it to the present scale. If "Sigma" is destroyed by hunting down the rebels, this will undoubtedly shake the foundation of the military industry of the Duke. If there is any chaos in the future, or if it is compared with other dukes and marquis on the issue of arms supply, it will inevitably cause The emperor’s dissatisfaction turned his anger against the Duke of Yadan and shaken the Ferguson family’s position in Munya. Therefore, "Sigma" must not be lost!

The reason why a large number of warships were not used and only 124 small and medium ships were sent, Lord Lord was afraid of pressing Tang Fang, and destroyed the space station in a rage. After the Quentin Island incident, he has a deeper understanding of how powerful the rebel leader is. Coverdale's ability is not low. But it doesn't mean that he can stop Tang Fang, if the kid takes over "Sigma", the consequences will be disastrous.

Lancelot considered the problem entirely according to his own thinking. It is believed that what Tang has done will threaten the safety of the space station. Unfortunately, he wanted to make a difference. He-------the noble young duke. Lord Lancelot can ignore the deaths of civilians and sacrifice them like cattle and sheep, but Tang Fang can't!

The "Sigma" space station has millions of employees. Among them are the civilian laborers of Recto and Bruno. Even if you know the status of "Sigma" in the duchy, if you destroy it, it will deal a heavy blow to the Ferguson family. But... he can't do that, he can't do it!

Officials and nobles to the common people. He will never soften his hands, even frown his brows, but he is still ruthless in treating civilians.

Aros once said that his character is not suitable for being a leader. Tang Fang's answer was, "He never thought of being a leader, but all this was forced."

From the beginning to the end, there have been people behind him forcing him to go forward, forward, and forward again.

On planet 5. Wei Haitao was behind him to force him; at the time of Nami-star, Francis; at Crotan, he was forced by the situation. If he does not participate in the war, Marion, Grant, artillery Churchill... these people will all die; as for when he came to Rector, first Bach Gerrard, then Faraday, then Roger Felit, and Lancelot

After all, he is just an ordinary person who is forced onto the stage of war by the reality, by society, and by those powerful and powerful who want his life.

Lancelot couldn't understand this kind of Tang Fang, and Meredith Oliver couldn't understand either.

"Correspondent. Tell those in the Marine Corps to immediately carry out the landing operation. Leave the battle in the quarantine area and protect me the nuclear power generating units in Area H first."

"Yes!" The correspondent took the order. Issue a strike command to the Marine Corps.

"Order the ships in the formation to be tightly guarded in the area around the space station, but if there are ships leaving the port, it doesn't matter if they are killed."


After giving two consecutive commands, Meredith sat back on the sofa. Because the laser communication with Sigma was interrupted, he could only communicate with some primitive portable radio equipment. Although there was a little interference noise, he finally figured out the space station’s Internal situation.

Since that Tang Fang's target was the confidential information in the central computer database and had not interfered with the operation of the fusion reactor, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This time, in order to get rid of the leader of the rebels, Lord Lancelot has invested a lot of money. The elite soldiers of the Marine Corps are equipped with the "Earth King Kong" power armor that is only eligible to be used by colonel-level generals. The weapon was also changed from the -505 saber assault rifle to the el-i "Electric Eel" Gauss rifle directly under the lord's guard. I believe that with such individual equipment, it is enough to break through the protective armor of rebel soldiers.

What Meredith Oliver needs to do right now is to sit down and wait, waiting for the Marines to force the kid out of the "Sigma", and then use the two-string quadruple caliber of his car "The Bald Falcon" The railgun blasted the shuttle into a mass of floating garbage in the universe.

Meredith never thought about the danger that his fleet would encounter. After all, whether it was the intelligence obtained from Lord Lancelot or the strength of this kid in Rector, it was enough to prove one thing. thing. The rebels do not have strong naval power, and Asian youths only have some trivial air and space fighters, far from their opponents of more than 200 warships.

"Huh..." Feeling the softness from underneath his butt~www.readwn.com~ Meredith took a breath, took out a fine iron box from his arms, took out a cigarette, lit the fire, and placed it on Take a deep breath.

In the smoky room, he squinted out the window. Among the 124 warships that the Rector Navy rushed to support, the landing decks of 18 Tiger Shark-class destroyers and 6 White Shark-class cruisers slowly stretched out. The "class shuttle" dragged a faint blue in the void, and swiftly drove towards the dark "Sigma" space station.

The huge "Sigma" space station is quietly suspended, and the beacon lights outside the ports of S, G, and B are connected together like a pair of parallel red ribbons. 180 warships of various sizes, with the White Shark-class cruiser as the central node, weave into a giant net on the periphery of the "Sigma", moving slowly in accordance with the encircling formation sent by the "Battle Falcon", and more than 60 fast ships form a patrol force , As a reserve interception force, patrolled back and forth outside the encircling net of warships that were operating slowly.

The battleships are like fish cruising around the sunken ship in the deep sea. Searchlights swept back and forth on the icy skin of "Sigma". The reflected light and the flashing signal lights on the surface of the battleship and the space navigation mark were set against each other. The deep cosmic space shone in blue light.

This kind of formation is not too much to say that it is a net of heaven and earth. In Meredith's view, the kid is already embarrassed on all sides and has a dead end. (To be continued)

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