Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 336: Rector's End (End)

The cost of a battleship is nearly 30 billion, and 3 ships are worth an aircraft carrier plus a complete family of carrier-based aircraft. This thing is the jewel in the palm of the Rector's Navy. It belongs to the kind of existence that is afraid of turning in the mouth and holding it in the palm of the hand for fear of falling. It is incredible.

But who would have thought that it was such a baby bump, the pro-son of the Navy, but instead stabbed him. The bitterness in Elyktra's mouth, the bitterness even began to suffer from stomach acid.

The warning light of the damaged control unit flickered frequently, and there were vibrations from under his feet from time to time. Fast's face turned pale with fright. He shouted to the officer in charge of the military port security work: "What the **** is going on? Is it possible that the enemy has come in?" "

"General... General, the situation is still unclear, and the specific cause of the explosion is still under investigation."

"Investigate, investigate the ass. When you finish investigating, everyone will be dead." Fast grumbled angrily.

Wilcost gave him a sideways glance, did not speak, but was silly looking at the worms flooding like a mountain torrent on the screen.

what happened? Is this unclear? The navy’s own son and grandson went out and wandered around, and they were filled with firecrackers and returned home with a little fuze. “Boom”, the whole family had all in one pot...

Facts have proved countless times that the kid was so bad that he was scammed, kidnapped, and scammed. The three indiscriminate tactics made him run around. Not only did he stuff the arms of the Navy’s sons and grandsons with firecrackers, he also went to A hornet's nest is missing from the crotch.

The puppies lost during the attack on the management of Silbes Starport A, as well as the population vacated by the Zerg units lost in the previous naval battle, Tang Fang produced them all into flying dragons, and then made dozens of widow mines. , Ordered the flying dragon to set a good position, and plunged headlong into the hole of the large Recto Navy ship in the melee.

These pressure-loss chambers connected to the vacuum environment. Humans must die if they enter, but Feilong and Widow Lei don't have so much scruples.

Nearly 60 flying dragons and more than 30 widow Lei were brought back to the naval port by the navy's son without knowing it. Next. Naturally it is a scene that I love to see.

How powerful is Widow Ray? 4 battleships were blown up and blossomed. The explosion caused a chain reaction of many facilities in the military port, and the flames spread quickly to the surroundings like a storm.

If it were just widow mines, it would be fine. After all, it was a one-time consumable. The dock was at the lowest level of the military port. The terrain was open enough to dilute their power. But what Elektra and others did not expect was that except for the widow Ray. Nearly 20 flying dragons took a ride in the same class, sneaked into the space station, and wreaked havoc everywhere when the widow mine exploded.

If a person is unlucky, drinking cold water will stuff his teeth between his teeth, and fart can hit the heel. The military port has suffered a lot inside, and the situation outside is not optimistic. The other more than 40 flying dragons were divided into two groups and launched a tidal attack towards the powerful weapon platforms around the military port.

The awkwardly large weapon platform is approached by a small unit such as the flying dragon. One can imagine what the situation will be. The small floating turret used for close defense is afraid of injuring the weapon platform and dare not open fire, and the powerful weapon of the weapon platform itself cannot hit these annoying flies. After upgrading the "Zerg Flying Creature Attack lv2", the flying dragon is enough to break through the outer armor of the Tiger Shark-class destroyer in a short time. Even if the armor thickness of some large weapon platforms is thick enough to compare with battleships, but sensitive parts such as muzzles, rotating shafts, balance brackets, and heat dissipation pipes. When flying dragons are all-pervasive, but they have opened a group again, the p-mode sunflower acupuncture hands frequently patronize, it is not cramps, or spasms, there will be no spring flowers in bloom, and death will be loved...

The most miserable is the "archangel". The culprit who razed the Beijiao Institute and killed several students of Valentine was pierced into the back door by a flying dragon carrying a widow mine. It perfectly explains what is meant by "butt blooming".

The plasma cannon was already ready to go, and the widow mine exploded. Raging energy swept the entire loop, and the 2.5-kilometer-long archangel was torn apart by an invisible hand. After exploding several flashes, it became a mass of floating garbage.

The "tragic death" of the "Archangel" was like the first domino dumped. The Great Wall of Weapons around the Silbero Naval Port completely collapsed, and the entire area fell into chaos. A large number of missiles hit the laser weapon and fighter platform under the guidance of the flying dragon.

A large number of sophisticated facilities in the military port were damaged, the information network was paralyzed, and the floating turrets that depended on the guidance of the fire control system to function perfectly were deaf. Even the rapid artillery array outside the military port was greatly affected. The combat effectiveness of the entire close defense system was greatly reduced, which was originally unbreakable. The military port of China is now precarious.

On the other side, under the cover of a large number of illusions, more than 40 Corruptors, 12 Ravens, and more than 50 Viking fighters took advantage of the chaos.

The Silbero Naval Port, as the core of the data link network, was paralyzed by the attack. Those floating turrets used for near defense could only rely on shooting procedures to work on their own, and their combat effectiveness was drastically reduced. They were turned around by flying dragons and caused a series of accidental injuries.

At this time, a large number of phantoms disrupted the situation again. As a result, more than 200 floating turrets were completely messed up. The blast guns of calibre shot and exploded one missile launcher and laser weapon platform under the indiscernible phantasy.

In Fast’s eyes, the solid defensive line destroyed the Great Wall and made a big oolong...

The missile launch towers exploded into festive fireworks; the remains of plasma cannons rolled away; there were also various floating turrets, which fired from each other, each exploding into clusters of space junk filled with electric sparks.

Soon, under the fire from the Corruptor, the large weapons were swept away, and only the scattered floating turrets were still shooting.

The Starlink shuttle flew out of Silbes Star Harbor and went straight to "Silbero". Behind it was a medical transport plane carrying Tang Lin, Aros and others.


The navy sent a large number of troops to Silbes Starport, intending to cover Tang Lin and others, but did not want to be left on the space station by its own fleet to fend for themselves.

If there were only Aros, Tang Lin, etc., with thousands of troops and a large number of heavy weapons, even if they could not attack Area A, they would never be in any danger.

Indeed, the fanatics have to protect Tang Yun, Yingluo, Linglong, Valentine and his two students. They are unable to kill the Marines in one blow, and they are short of manpower. They have to guard several key locations in Area A. , And pay close attention to certain hidden channels. So as not to be copied by the opponent.

As for the machine gunners and puppies, facing the heavy fire suppression of a mobile bunker like the "Volcano", they can only keep their positions without losing their positions. Decrease the strength of the Marine Corps little by little.

If the navy fleet continues to send troops, heavy weapons, and combat supplies to Star Harbor, Tang Lin, Aros and others will run out of ammunition and food. Colonel Nixon Andre, the commander-in-chief of the Rector Marine Corps, has made up his mind to conduct a beautiful protracted and attrition war. Those rebels in area a. It's just a group of mice locked in a cage, and one day will be over.

However, he never thought that his Marine Corps had not copied the rebels' old way, and the main force of the dignified naval fleet was stepped on by others and burst the chrysanthemums.

There was no time for Elyktra and Wilcost to connect them back to the ship, and they turned their heads, patted their buttocks and slipped away.

"Oh fuck, don't wait to cheat your teammates..." Nixon felt that his life was gloomy. Why are there so many cheating goods in the Navy? Whether it is on the TV screen or in real naval battles, the army is the most unlucky one. The planetary inland battles are pitted by the air force, and the naval pits during beach landing battles are always injured by the pits...

During that period of the Earth calendar, the Air Force was the pro-son of the government. After entering space, the Air Force fell out of favor, and the Navy took the opportunity to take the lead. When is the son's turn to the army?

In the Charles Commonwealth, the Marine Corps is a naval establishment. Available in Monya. The Marine Corps is a very weird army establishment. Nixon has no time to worry about the welfare of the low-level soldiers and the basic-level officers. The key is why the treatment of their senior generals is lower than that of naval officers of the same level? This unscientific!

What is the army? cannon fodder. Drag the oil bottle, shuttlecock...Anyone can kick, anyone can pinch. It is commonplace to be thrown into the ground battlefield by the own navy fleet to kill the beast, but... But this is the inland of the empire, the Duke of Yadan, in his own territory, at his own door, was thrown in his own by his own navy Xinggang first died and went to hell. I want to ask how he died.

"Fuck, how did you die? I'm dead!" Nixon always thought that he was a Confucian general. There is no such thing as a high-ranking general at all, all this is forced by the navy group of bastards.

Just like right now, Ilictra gave an order. Those cruisers and battleships flung their hips and walked away clean, leaving only a dry Marine with big eyes and small eyes. Can't attack in Area A? The position is still not defended? The enemy also has a transport plane, and there is also a golden saint. This has to be packed for a shot at Xinggang, a human sandwich.

Nixon thought it was very fucking, **** it, and it was very embarrassing to be cheated by his own people, but his opponent, that shameless little bastard, stinky rascal, and **** Asian youth was even less of a thing than Elyktra.

This tm is a war version of "Fairy Jump". The old Elyktra ran away when the situation was bad, and threw a bunch of boys here to die.

"Elyktra, Wilcost, I curse you not to die!" When Nixon cursed loudly, the medical transport plane was cooperating with Wang Chong to airdrop the Marine Corps position on the cargo terminal.

A large number of cockroaches, insect queens, hydrangeas, as well as vulture chariots, fierce chariots, and Goliath robots are like a torrent of steel, shattering the originally stable firepower front. The layers of defense line that the Marine Corps spent a lot of effort in erected were directly pierced by the human and the insects.

At the same time, Tang Lin, Aros and others also smashed out of Area A, and severely sprinkled a lot of salt on the scarred Marines' defense line.

Originally distributed in all directions in Area A, the Marine Corps who intended to bludgeon the rebels once again tasted their own bitter wine. If they were reunited together, it would be difficult for the sparsely numbered and Zerg troops to defeat them in a short time. But they were divided into several groups. First, they were restrained by a small group of troops led by Tang Lin, Aros, and others. Then, the aliens who had drilled out of uncertain place swarmed up, killing the soldiers of the Marine Corps flying in flesh and blood, and corpses were everywhere.

When thousands of Marines were broken by their opponents and turned into a piece of loose sand, waiting for the insects to harvest, Nixon witnessed the tragic scene of the Silbero Naval Harbor through the sensors arranged outside the Star Harbor.

His own son really pitted him once, and got into the bed of his mother and father with a full arm of firecrackers. With a "boom", he blew him up to death, even the house was given to him. It lit... the navy base camp was blown up and blossomed.

Nixon was not an idiot, when a biological and mechanical hybrid fleet suddenly defeated the main navy force. After sending a large number of land warfare units to Silbeth Star Harbor. He knew that it was the guy who came.

Since he was all right, then Meredith was done. "Sigma" originally had more than 100 ships. Together with the reinforcement fleet led by Meredith, there are more than 200 warships in total. At this moment. I am afraid it has become a floating debris in the universe.

Just look at the current situation, the complete fall of the Silbero Naval Port is a certainty. In other words, the dignified Recto Navy, 500 warships, and a large military port outside, are all taken by the Asian youth named Tang Fang or Wreck, or capture.

That guy killed a lot of nobles in the interior of Recto. Senior government officials, playing Roger's government between applause. Dignified Lancelot, at the price of Wenden Butte, did not hesitate to use the "archangel" and 600 nuclear weapons, but did not kill the fateful guy. Instead, he turned his head and wiped out the nest.

Now...now...he actually relied on his own power to give the navy one after another, in exchange for the fall of the Rector's naval power at a very small price.

Lancelot thought this group of rebels was a group of field mice, which was really funny. It was an iron plate, hard as a rock, and kicked up enough to rot Lord Lord's foot.

At this time. The soldiers in front sent bad news. A 12-man squad led by 3 golden warriors broke through the front fortifications and was quickly approaching the temporary command post.

The staff officer persuaded him to leave. Nixon shook his head, looking through the video screen, and landed on the precarious Silbero military port: "I don't know what the lord is doing now. Is it dead or alive? If he is still alive, right in front of him How do you feel about the situation in China? Will you regret it? Or yelling. Throwing a bunch of sundries at your hand like a woman?"

"Commander, let's go. There are us in front, and there are several escape pods available in area b..." The company commander of the guard who had received a lot of favor from him shouted anxiously.

Nixon turned a deaf ear. He calmly muttered to himself: "You Bin, do you smell it? A deep sorrow is in the air. Perhaps, he is here for revenge...for those people..."

After a long time, he sighed softly: "With Lancelot, you shouldn't be lonely on Huangquan Road."


Ten minutes later, all the space-based weapons platforms outside the Silbero Naval Port were destroyed, and the surrounding area of ​​Gemini Port became a sea of ​​steel. The wreckage of various types of turrets and ships drifted away like ocean waves, and human corpses, daily necessities, firearms, and even solidified blood clots swirled and churned, slowly disappearing into the endless darkness at the edge of the line of sight.

Megall was still burning tepidly, and the dazzling light reflected an arc of silver on the surface of Recto's atmosphere. More than 5 hours have passed since Tang Lin, Aros and others attacked the management of Silbes Starport A zone to the collapse of the defense forces outside Silbeiro Naval Port.

The Maro Desert did not know when it sank to the horizon, the area below the Twin Star Harbor became clear, and the Stingfas Sea was like a female model on the catwalk coming out from behind the curtain, gently removing the tulle hanging on her chest , Showing off his proud curves and perfect complexion without shyness.

Looking out from the porthole of the shuttle, Rector looked like a deaf and dazzling old man. No matter how fierce the battle around him, no matter how great, he still paced small steps unhurriedly, stubbornly following the established route. Move forward slowly.

On the sun-behind horizon, the capital city, which was originally prosperous and prosperous, with a resident population of nearly 10 million, was reduced to ruins overnight and buried millions of people. Step by step, it walked out of the gloom, carefully bathed in it. The golden rising from the horizon.


The shuttle landed slowly on the tarmac, and Tang Fang hugged Wu Zi to fall asleep, and Freya, who was still very unfairly pulling a line of crystal saliva, walked down.

Two nurses mm came up from the side, took the girl in his arms, and turned back to the side.

"Big Brother." A familiar call came, and when he turned his head, Tang Lin and Aros and others came over together.

Seeing how many people are safe~www.readwn.com~, he couldn't help but smile, his eyes swept across Kleiya, Tang Yun, and finally fell on the two of Yingluo and Linglong behind Bai Hao. He was taken aback.

He remembered these two girls, it can be said that they were deeply impressed, especially when Yingluo knelt down and begged him to take him in at the time of Scarlet Destiny. It was only because he cared about Tanglin at that time and fought with the government forces. A great battle was inevitable. Because they were cumbersome on the one hand, unsafe on the other hand, and had no time and energy to send them back to Turanx United Kingdom, they were overwhelmed and rejected them.

I thought I would not be the end of the world, from now on strangers, but no one thought of seeing you at this moment. It can be said that things are impermanent, and fate makes people.

"Why are they here...Who can give me an explanation?" Tang Fang glanced across the crowd with a puzzled expression on his face.

Looking at the two girls hiding behind them, Bai Hao gritted his teeth and walked to Tang Fang with a look of death: "Boss, it's me...I think they are pitiful and call the shots without permission... You ...Punish me if you want."

Tang Fang glanced at Bai Hao, then at the two poor girls, a flash of light flashed in his eyes. Bai Hao, the boy, was appointed to meet the two daughters in Silbes Star Harbor. He was moved with compassion when he learned that they were not doing well, and were guilty of mental hygiene. (To be continued)

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