Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 338: Lancelot comes

For about 2 seconds, Howson seemed to think of something, and put his hand into his pants and touched it carefully: "Hey, you guy, take me for fun again, the skin is not broken."

"So you know..." Tang Fang sighed slightly disappointed, and walked towards Park Min Ho. As he walked by Hausen, he asked in a low voice, "So what, does it have a feeling? Is it cool to bite? ?"

Hausen blinked and nodded seriously: "Don't even say, this kid has a lot better mouth work than Irma, and he has no teeth."

"No wonder...no wonder Lancelot spoils him so much..."

"Yes, this guy's accomplishments in the skill of'Shamelessness' have reached the pinnacle. Tang Fang couldn't help rolling his eyes, walked to Park Min Ho, squatted down slowly, and prodded his spine with his index finger: "Hey, hey, are you dead?" Answer me a question without death. Where did Lancelot go? "

Where did Park Min Ho’s thin body ever endure this? Hausen was used as a sandbag and he was thrown to the ground. His bones almost fell apart. Hearing the questioning behind him, he turned his head after struggling for a long time and rushed out of breath. Tang Fang roared: "You messy people, bandits, get acquainted and let me go, otherwise, when Lancelot comes back, you will definitely be punishable by the Nine Clan."

Not to mention, Park Min Ho launched a rush to have a special flavor, Yi Ai Yi Xi's face resembled that of Lin Daiyu who had cast the wrong child.

"Haha..." Tang Fang smiled: "He won't punish my Nine Clan if you let you go? Tsk, tusk, what a pity, what do you think you are? Who is Lancelot, the future pillar of the Ferguson family, You are not a golden branch and jade leaf, he will hang on you? No matter how expensive Durex is, he still has to throw it away afterwards? It can't be washed and reused. That's disgusting..."

What is vicious, this is called vicious!

The three great lords didn't say anything about it. Park Min Ho, who turned his head and loved everyone, the flowers bloomed, and the car had a flat tire. Da Mi Nan Park is on the same level as the run-out An, full set, which is tolerable or unbearable!

"You...you...you leave me. Lancelot will never leave me, ignorant untouchables, your end is coming! It's coming!"

Tang Fang still smiled, and said in a circumflex: "Oh? Lancelot won't leave you? Then why didn't he take you away? Hey, poor fellow, you should wake up, Lord Lord is a nobleman. After that, what about you? Another thing. He killed so many people in Wendenbat, let alone you a male favorite?"

"You...you fart." The anger finally overwhelmed the fear in his heart, and Park Min Ho shouted: "Lancelot can't leave me, he...he..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly stopped, the anger in his eyes slowly subsided, and then he smiled coldly: "Lancelot said you are a cunning guy, and I didn't believe it at first. Now, I finally know why. A small group of rebels will give him such a headache, you really are not a simple guy."

Finished. He took a deep breath, glanced up at Howson, and looked at Tang Fang: "It's a good one. But, do you think I can say it? Dreaming!"

Tang Fang frowned, "Ah, you are so smart, what can I do..."

Park Min Ho simply stopped speaking, just staring at him glaringly.

Howson scratched his scalp and said in a puzzled face: "Double reed? What double reed? Tang Fang, what does he mean?"

"How do I know this, you can ask him yourself." Tang Fang shrugged: "He is yours. I will go to the energy storage cabin."

"Give it to me? He is the celebrity next to Lancelot? How about... how about going to Bai Hao? Doesn't that kid hate nobles the most?"

"Bai Hao?" Tang Fang paused. Looking back at Park Min Ho: "I guess that kid won't do it."


"I think he is dirty."

For a moment, Howson looked down at the twisted facial features. Park Min Ho with fire in his eyes: "Tang Fang, what do you mean. Bai Hao is dirty, I don't think it is dirty?"

"You find the person, so you have to be responsible for it to the end. Otherwise, give him a good shot and kill him."

Howson curled his lips and said with a foul face: "That will dirty my gun."

"Oh, then you figure it out. I thought you were going to put a green hat on Lord Lord." After speaking, Tang Fang walked forward without looking back.

Aros patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's take a moment." Quickly chasing the rebel leader.

"Who are these people!" Howson stomped angrily: "Aros, an old thing, where are all your ethics?"

After speaking, seeing that the two in front of him were running away, the guy huffed his foot on the ground and panted slightly. The tearful fake sister Lin kicked: "Get up."

"What are you doing." Since Piao Min Ho saw through Tang Fang's radical command, he consciously raised his eyebrows and became energetic.

"Take you to a place."

"Where to go?"

"The end of the corridor in front is the prison area..." Howson mumbled thoughtfully.

"Prison District?" Park Min Ho looked at him with a puzzled look.

Howson squeezed his chin and thought for a while, then looked down at Park Min-ho, and suddenly revealed a wretched face like a big gray wolf meeting a beautiful sheep: "How about we play a game?"

"What...what game." Looking at Howson's malicious smile, Park Min-ho felt a chill for no reason.

"You'll find out later." After finishing speaking, before the handsome man could answer, he grabbed his hands hard and clamped it into the creak nest again, still humming the r&b that no one understands, and moved slowly. Go to the prison area.

"You...what are you doing...help...help..."

"Hey, Tang Fang, Tang Fang...Thanks to your reminder. How can a hat be enough for such a noble character as Lord Lord? Don't you say it, Damei Park..."

"By the way, will those soldiers recognize you... I don't think so... You are Lancelot's darling. Tsk, tusk, tusk, look at this thin skin and tender, cheap group Boy."


"You...your name is Hao...Hausen? I beg you, let me go, I have a lot of money...all...to you."

"Stupid, force, I'm a general who wants to be a general. You talk to me about money... You tm actually talk to me about money..."


When Housen was teasing Park Min Ho, Tang Fang was walking towards the energy storage warehouse. Although he couldn't ask about Lancelot's whereabouts from Park Minho's mouth. However, judging from his reaction, Lancelot should not have escaped. More like where to move rescue soldiers.

Rescue soldiers, where to move rescue soldiers? The Golden Ring Fleet of the Alda Star System? Far water cannot save a near fire.

Is that Bruno? perhaps. Probably... it can only be Bruno.

Just when he frowned and thought about Lancelot's whereabouts, the Euglena, who was in charge of the security guard, suddenly heard a surprising news.

A group of uninvited guests came outside the military port!

If it were Bruno's 200 battleship, Tang Fang would naturally not be surprised, but they were not. There are only more than 100 ships in the entire fleet. There are 1 battleship, 16 cruisers, and nearly 100 destroyers and frigates.

Needless to say, small ships, but the ordinary tiger shark class and dogfish class. But those 16 cruisers are a bit special. From the appearance point of view, it is quite different from the ordinary white shark class. There are more gill-like exhaust structures on both sides of the bow. From a distance, they look more like real white sharks than the white shark class cruisers. .

In addition, through the powerful eyesight of Euglena, he also found two other differences.

In the first place, the flames emitted from the stern of these warships were silvery white with a large number of blue spots. In this era of rapid development of plasma thrusters, except for a few aerospace fighters that require high explosive capabilities. General aerospace vehicles are equipped with plasma propulsion equipment. After all, they are the most cost-effective.

but. In the military, especially in the field of battleship power systems, most battleships use hybrid power. The so-called hybrid power here is not the hybrid power of oil, electricity, oil and gas during the earth civilization period, but a hybrid power formed by a zero element engine and a fission reactor-plasma engine.

As we all know, compared with nuclear fission, the production capacity per unit mass of nuclear fusion is far greater than the latter. However, today, nuclear fusion reactors cannot be miniaturized. Unless it is a big guy like the Yunjing aircraft carrier, ordinary ships cannot carry a zero element engine and a nuclear fusion reactor at the same time.

Mainstream warships such as the White Shark cruiser and Tiger Shark destroyer. Most of them use miniaturized fission reactors to drive plasma engines, and zero-element reactors to drive zero-element engines. To achieve the purpose of interstellar cruise and travel.

Warships, as military weapons, have far higher requirements than civilian ships in terms of mobility and flexibility. The plasma engine has a good specific impact and high cost performance, suitable for deep space cruising. However, there are also shortcomings. The explosive power is not strong in a short period of time, and the starting speed is relatively slow. To achieve high speed, it must be strengthened for a long time. Therefore, a single plasma engine can only meet some short-range cargo ships, atmospheric shuttles, and mining ships. The demand for similar aircraft.

As the main battleship, in combat mode, it generally uses a zero-element engine to boost its start. When it accelerates to a certain level, it uses a plasma engine to slowly increase its speed to achieve the purpose of high-speed flight.

However, this group of uninvited guests appearing in the vision of Euglena is not like this. Judging from the shape of their tail flames, they rely entirely on zero-quality engines.

In the second place, the standard configuration of the White Shark-class cruiser is generally a heavy rail cannon, or a dual rail cannon. However, the main guns on the bows of these 16 cruisers were short guns, which were mounted on semi-circular gun mounts. Judging from the crystal material on their front ends, they were laser weapons.

This is true for cruisers, let alone the biggest battleship. Its shape is completely different from the Whale Shark-class battleship. The length of the ship is about 620 meters. It looks like a trimaran of the earth's history, except that the auxiliary hulls on both sides are longer, and each has a set of triple orbital cannons. The bow of the central hull shrank inward, and the front end was a deck cabin for sightseeing, with a row of 32-hole flying thunder launchers on each side. There is a freely rotating plasma cannon between the central hull and the radar antenna, and four side laser cannons are arranged on both sides of the ship.

Tang Fang was stunned. This is Bruno's naval fleet? how is this possible! What's more, they are coming from the direction of Megall's sixth planet Peratu.

Perato...What's on Perato's side... Just thinking about it, Tang Fang's eyes lit up, and Megall Naval Academy is between Perato and Recto. Could these warships come from the Naval Academy? Think about what Park Min Ho means in and out of his words, and then take a look at this unique fleet, I'm afraid Lancelot jumped over the wall and transferred his guard fleet.

Accelerate with zero elements throughout the whole process, and a cruiser equipped with a laser cannon can afford heavy battleships with orbital cannons, plasma cannons, and laser cannons. Such equipment can't be tolerated by ordinary characters.

He thought that the young duke’s guard fleet was anchored in the Silbero military port, but he was a little puzzled during the previous battle. Why is this time, Lancelot has not revealed his hole card. It turned out that this money-burning fleet was not in Recto or Bruno, but was hidden by him at the Naval Academy.

This fleet is coming aggressively, not to mention the teeth, I'm afraid that even that can shoot indiscriminately at 360 degrees. Of course, nearly a hundred medium and small warships are nothing. The key is the 16 cruisers and Lancelot's flagship.

Plus newly produced combat units. The available air force units are 83 flying dragons, 65 Corruptors, 76 Viking fighters, 20 Ravens, and 30 high-ranking Templars. If there are no accidents, such as the Bruno Navy's intrusion, the attack of the Golden Ring Fleet and other unexpected factors, Lancelot's warships will have no fear even if they are equipped with anti-matter weapons such as charged particle cannons, phase guns, and proton missiles. . What he needs to consider now is how to minimize the loss.

"Aros. Come with me." After speaking, he turned and walked the other way.

"Well, what happened?" The veteran knew his temperament very well. You can tell from his facial expressions that something unexpected happened.

"Lancelot is here..."

"Lancelot?" The veteran's eyes lit up: "He didn't run."

"The Young Duke is a very proud man..."


When Tang Fang and Aros walked towards the command center, Lancelot was furious in the dark void not far from the Silbero military port. This time, he rarely smashed everything he could hold onto the poor subordinates like a woman. Instead, he was quiet, standing quietly in front of the large display screen on the bridge.

As the commander of the Young Duke's Guards Fleet and the captain of the "Silver Wheel", Shaw Rogge has a deep understanding of Lancelot.

Since the founding of Mongolia. The Roger family is the vassal and confidant of the Ferguson family, just like him and Lancelot. It's not too much to say that they grew up together. Although the young duke seemed calm, the raging anger in his eyes clearly expressed his emotions.

Like the kind of messy behavior. Lancelot would only do it when he was angry. And the expression like this shows that he has truly regarded those rats as opponents.

Shaw Rogge guessed right, the young duke at the moment remained calm to a certain extent in his anger. Even though he had taken it seriously, he took a high look at that guy, and would get rid of him at the expense of ruining the entire Wendenbat. However, he did not think that instead of dying, he would take revenge on himself.

After losing contact with Meredith, he had a vague premonition in his heart. In order to guard against possible changes, he rushed to the Meghal Naval Academy non-stop to move out of his guard fleet. However, it's still too late...

It took only an hour or two before and after that, not only did the Rector's naval fleet be taken away by a pot, but even the nest was occupied by the rebels. Lancelot thought it was like a dream. As for why he did not go to Bruno to move rescue soldiers, but dispatched his own guard fleet.

One, he didn't think that Tang Fang could eat nearly 300 warships in just half an hour, not to mention that there was an absolute line of defense in the military port. Second, Bruno is much farther than the Meghal Naval Academy, and is limited by the ship's performance. From mobilization to expedition to Rector, it took more than 5 hours. Moreover, he can calculate "Sigma" and "Recto", but it is impossible to guarantee that he will not calculate Bruno. Third, although the number of Guards ships is small, they are not inferior to Bruno Naval Fleet in terms of combat power. With the Rector Naval Fleet, there are a large number of space-based defense weapons. Even if Marion's hidden fleet is coming, it is only The end of the defeat.

Based on the above points, he chose the Guard Fleet, thinking that during the time when the Silbero Naval Port rushed to the front line, he could make a round trip and arrange matters related to the Naval Academy by the way, so as not to be taken advantage of by the kid. .

Lancelot is not only very politically savvy, but also very meticulous in his grasp of the battle situation~www.readwn.com~. However, he did not expect that as soon as he walked on his front foot, the Recto Navy on the back foot suffered a hemiplegia, and eventually even Silbero Starport was lost.

Who is not worried about this matter? What's more, Park Min Ho is still in the military port. God knows how the rebels will treat him...

"Captain, Lord, it's less than 1,000km away from the military port. According to the image returned by the front unmanned surveillance aircraft, the rebels have not sent a major combat unit. I don't know what to do next..." The pilot group leader turned his head and looked towards the second floor.

"Don't attack yet, take me to the military port command center." Lancelot said with a sullen face.

"Yes." The pilot captain agreed and turned to set the route. The next communication team led the order and tried to contact the military port.

Xiao Rogge didn't say much, he also wanted to see what kind of character the guy named Tang Fang was, and he could actually push Lancelot to this point.

On the other side, Tang Fang and Aros walked into the command center one after another. The original staff had been imprisoned by Howson to a nearby cabin. Now the entire command center is taken over by the machine gunner and nurse mm. When the two entered the door, Lancelot happened to send a communication request. (To be continued)

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