Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 340: Fall into the passive

In order to obtain the most fruitful results at the least cost, the commanders of each combat unit must have rich experience in star wars, and even accurate action plans to every movement, every turn, and every shelling.

Not to mention the Viking fighters and the Ravens, the corrupters and flying dragons of the Zerg do not possess advanced intelligence, and only have some fighting instincts. If they are allowed to attack freely, they are very likely to cause some unnecessary losses.

Tang Fang is a man with limited brain power, and it is impossible to process this information at the speed of a multi-channel parallel operation counted at trillions of times per second. Of course, the analogy with quantum computers is a bit exaggerated. In short, the brain cannot keep up. The best way to minimize losses is to connect all Zerg units to Emma’s command network. This requires an antenna. Obviously, The king worm as the node of the Zerg spirit network is the antenna.

Tang Fang finally understood a truth, why the ruler is so big, if it doesn't have a sufficiently developed head, and how to control such a huge group of Zerg. Well, in fact, he admired Sister Kai even more. The D-brand high-heeled shoes are not stubborn and don't mention it. With those small heads to control the huge Zerg army, it is shocking to think about it.

After accessing Emma’s command network, the cooperation between the Zerg troops and the Terran troops became more tacit. The Flying Dragon gave full play to its flexibility and cooperated with the Viking fighters to cover the Corruptors, the Ravens, and the high-ranks behind them. The Templar's medical transport plane rushed towards Lancelot's frigate group at maximum speed.

Sure enough, flying dragons and Viking fighters have attracted the firepower of a large number of small and medium-sized ships of the Guard Fleet, kinetic energy projectiles of caliber, and a large number of missiles that broke through the air, splashing on their flight trajectories like raindrops.

The 16 cruisers and Lancelot's flagship "Silver Wheel" are like mainstays in the rapids, unmoved at all.

In order to give Tang Fang a little color. The "Silver Wheel" did not use the rail cannons on the auxiliary hulls on both sides, but directly used the plasma cannons above the main hull.

In the thunder blast, a thick blue light beam instantly pierced the night sky. Passing through the gap between the flying dragon and the Viking fighter, it directly hit an Euglena who was not very fast.

The hot high-temperature plasma burns the outer carapace at once. Plasma with intense heat rushed into the muscle tissue quickly, and then went to the end, making a large hole more than one meter wide in the body of the Euglena nearly 30 meters wide. If you look at it from a distance, the surge from the plasma beam hitting the carapace resembles a big fireball, enveloping the smaller half of the eyeworm in the blink of an eye. Then, the blue light resembled a sharp arrow that pierced through, and suddenly went away until the end of the line of sight.

After about 1 second. As the light spot escaping from the plasma muzzle faded, the faint blue also turned into a ray of light after a few flashes, and finally disappeared.

At this time, the orbital cannons on the two auxiliary hulls of the "Silver Wheel" slowly turned, spraying out thunder rays one after another. The high-speed projectiles are like meteors dragging the flames, flashing through them like lightning, smashing the two king insects that have no time to escape into a pool of rotten flesh.

There are also laser gun groups on both sides, which successively emit rows of parallel laser beams, and cooperate with the 32-hole flying thunder launchers on both sides of the sightseeing deck cabin to reflect the brilliance of the surrounding area of ​​the "Silver Wheel".

The 16 cruisers were not idle. The two groups of twin laser cannons in the bow are designed to find the trouble of the Corruptors and the Ravens. It is true that the laser's rate of fire is very fast, and it is difficult to defend within a combat radius of a light second. but. Limited by technical obstacles such as power, crystals, focusing, and energy conversion, today's laser cannons have a low range. Under the premise of taking into account the lethality, they can reach the level of battlefield applications. In addition, since it is a directional weapon, it is necessary to rotate the turret, fine-tune the firing angle, and lock the target before attacking. This gives the human and the insects a chance to escape.

The numerous photoreceptors on Euglena are not a display. Don't hide from their eyes even a wisp of smoke from the exhaust pipe. Not to mention the fine-tuning of the turret. Of course, there is also the raven. Their sensing system is not much more than that of Euglena. Four high-resolution, multi-spectral cameras keep an eye on the battlefield trends. The system predicts the trajectories of laser cannons, rail cannons, rapid guns, and various types of flying thunders. Summarize them to the Star Orbit Command Center, and Emma calculates appropriate avoidance and flight routes, and then distributes them to each battle sequence.

Small smart units such as flying dragons and Viking fighters, the large-caliber laser cannons of cruisers are naturally useless, but large units such as King Insects and Corruptors will inevitably be harmed.

For ordinary warships, once the laser cannon burns through the armor and damages the facilities inside the ship, it will inevitably cause a chain reaction. In many cases, even if there is only one wound, it will drag the entire warship out of combat capability, or even catch fire and explode. However, biological warships with the ability to regenerate tissues like King Insects and Corruptors will not be enough to make them withdraw from the battlefield unless they hit the key.

In fact, deploying laser cannons has advantages and disadvantages for targets such as Corruptors, King Insects, and Euglena. Well, it has a higher hit rate compared to the bulky rail cannon. The disadvantage is that the lethality is relatively weak. After all, it is a point attack, heat damage, not like a kinetic energy projectile that can cause facial injuries.

Although Lancelot's guard fleet is only in the hundreds, it is far more than the same number of Rector Naval Fleet in terms of combat effectiveness, especially the "Silver Wheel", which is called a strong firepower. Even with the aid of Euglena, Ravens, and fixed-point defense drones, a large number of units were lost during the flight from the naval port to the fleet.

6 flying dragons, 8 Viking fighters, 2 Euglena, 5 Corruptors, 1 Raven, and 7 King Insects. In terms of quantity, it counts 29 units.

Although the loss was not small, it was in Tang Fang's expectation. After all, on the cosmic battlefield, Corruptors belonged to medium-range attack units, while flying dragons were king in close combat, and long-range combat belonged to their weakness. The Viking fighter is just the opposite of the Raven. The t50 Lanzel flying mine and hunting missile have a long range, fast speed and high damage. Especially the hunting missile, not only has a strong anti-jamming ability, but also quite amazing in terms of power.

In this round of confrontation, Tang lost 29 units and Lancelot's guards also damaged 7 frigates. Two destroyers lost their combat capability, and one cruiser was partially damaged by a hunting missile.

At 34 to 9, it seemed that Tang Fang was at a disadvantage. In fact, it has taken a lot of advantage. What is the cost of your own unit? What is the cost of Lancelot's fleet? Take the corrupter. 400 crystals, 400 gas. Regardless of crystals, gas alone, if converted into yd, it is almost 20 million, which is the level of a "wing of thunder". And the frigate? The cost of one ship is between 1.5-3.5 billion, and the difference between the two is a hundredfold.

Furthermore, a large number of Corruptors and dragons are already close to the fleet, next. Naturally, it is the insect's turn to show off.

According to Tang Fang’s instructions, air combat units such as Flying Dragons, Corruptors, and Viking fighters will focus their attacks on cruisers and small and medium-sized ships, and use Lancelot’s flagship-the "Silver Wheel". The hard bones stay at the end.

Because there are other air force units in the front to attract battleship firepower, the medical transport aircraft carrying the high-ranking templars also roundabout from the side and smoothly penetrated into the core of the battlefield, reaching the best combat area of ​​the high-ranking templars.

There are king insects and a large number of phantoms obstructing the line of sight, as well as eyeworms and iron crows interfering with enemy ship shooting. 30 high-ranking templars with only 25% energy level and 10 newly produced joint operations, using "energy back erosion", Specially point and kill the laser cannon on the cruiser.

High-energy weapons like caliber laser cannons. Its energy field is much higher than that of the orbital cannon. Once hit by the high-ranking templar's "energy anti-erosion", the energy of the runaway will instantly destroy the weapon itself. And quickly eroded around.

Under the attack of Corruptors and Flying Dragons, small ships such as destroyers and frigates have at most burst their armors and open their belly holes. As long as the emergency is right, the crew can still live a little longer. But those cruisers were unlucky. The power of the laser gun group's energy core explosion was too strong. Not to mention the billowing flames sweeping the front and rear decks, it also spread to the surrounding area, causing widespread fire and equipment paralysis.

Tang Fang was also taken aback by this change. He originally only wanted the high-ranking templar to paralyze the cruiser's weapon system, but he didn't expect to cause such damage.

In fact, the "energy anti-erosion" of the high-ranking templar is very different from the "psionic storm". Although both use phantom energy to attack, but. The latter is used as a large-scale damage, but by releasing the phantom energy in the high-ranking templar, triggering an ion storm to kill the target. However, "energy anti-erosion" disturbs the target's own energy field, causing a backlash effect.

Any matter, even just a hard rock, radiates energy to the surrounding environment all the time. Of course, because the energy activity contained in the object is different, its own energy field is also very different.

If it is a stone, or a bucket of water, one person, because the energy field is not strong, the "energy reversion" of the high-level templar is not enough to cause a fatal backlash. However, large energy-consuming units such as space battleships are different. Although the "energy anti-erosion" has a small range of action, it can also be defended by special shielding materials. However, semi-open types such as rail cannons, laser cannons, and plasma cannons The system is naturally unable to resist, not to mention their own energy field is very powerful, once the interference energy runs away, the consequences are unimaginable.

The main guns of the cruiser of the Lancelot Guards are no better than those orbital cannons. They eat royal food seriously, use zero veg, and pull gold. What if luxury has connotations in the atmosphere? The bankruptcy of the rich man made people talk about it, and Wu Zetian was kicked off the altar to relieve his hatred. The stronger the power and the more energy it consumes, the deeper the damage caused by "energy erosion".

As a result, these cruisers were unlucky. A total of 16 cruisers, with huge hulls, and heavy armor of more than 1 meter. Such a behemoth has not lived as long as those small ships, and has turned into a sea of ​​flames, like illuminating the sea under the dark night. The lighthouse exploded all the way and turned into the distance.

The defeat of the cruiser group sounded the death knell of the Guards Fleet, and the mainstay cruiser was destroyed so quickly. In a blink of an eye, it exploded into countless fireballs and disappeared into deep space. Coupled with the hideous Corruptors, flying dragon clusters outside the portholes, and a row of t50 Lanzel flying mines exploded by outer armor, both the captain and the crew have lost the courage to fight.

The next battle scene is like a pantomime, the dots of light burst into the night sky, and Lancelot’s guard fleet collapsed in just over 20 minutes, leaving only the flagship "Silver Wheel." "Still stubbornly resisting.

Of course, Tang's air force units also suffered considerable losses, and 12 of the incubators alone lost their combat capabilities. Most of them were destroyed by the orbital cannon of the "Silver Wheel".

Worthy of being the flagship of Lancelot. The combat effectiveness of the "Silver Wheel" far exceeds those of cruisers and destroyers, even the Whale Shark-class battleship, compared with it. It's also a far cry.

In the close encounter of more than 20 minutes, almost 60% of the units lost were caused by it. Big guys like Corruptor, King Worm, Euglena, and Iron Crow. The turret of the "Silver Wheel" and the plasma cannon on the bow are enough to cause lethal damage to them.

As for small units such as flying dragons and Viking fighters, the laser guns of the ship string are not vegetarian. If it were not for Emma's reaction speed, the speed and rate of fire would have been changed.

This is just attack power. What really shocked Tang Fang was the defensive ability of the "Silver Wheel". The ring-shaped object expanded from the belly of the ship didn't know what its origin was. The defensive power of the "Aurora" that it urged was simply staggering. The t50 Lanzel flying thunder fell on the spindle shield and exploded. It turned out to be rippling with seven-color wave marks. Even hunting missiles and killing weapons, it only made the shield color flash.

There are also the parasitic spores of the Corruptor and the half-sensing bladeworm of the flying dragon. These weapons, which are not harmful to the armor of warships, also cannot break the "Aurora." Even if Emma struggled to lose some units, the actual **** attack only caused the shield to flicker violently for a few times and then returned to normal. Of course, Tang Fang also has high-ranking temple warriors.

However, when I saw the "Psionic Storm", it was just shining with the shield. It is difficult to pose a threat to the hull inside. After the "Energy Erosion" is also unachievable, he is completely confused...

Is there any mistake. Did Lancelot Chung protect his body? So resistant? Is that the "Silver Wheel"? That t is the Red Alert Soviet Iron Curtain, how can it not lose blood...

Where did Lancelot get such a warship? Flying thunders, parasitic spores, etc. are not effective, why even the "psychic storm" of the high-level temple is also useless, Lancelot has a cheat device...this Nimajin thigh is opened more than his own It’s all big... I think that when Aldridge offered the housekeeper’s magic weapon "Skid Platny", the sky mothership was beaten to the north by hunters and mechanical sentries. At the moment, the high-level churches are using the "Silver Wheel" and have no cure. What do you think this is?

With his dazed skill, the port side laser gun of the "Silver Wheel" cooperated with the missile array. Two more Viking fighters and two flying dragons were exploded one after another.

Different from Tang Fang's depressed expression. Lancelot was laughing, laughing wildly. Like all TV shows, movies, animations, and island films, there are big villains, arrogant and wanton...

Finally, I finally raised my eyebrows for a while, and after so many moves back and forth with the rebels, every time the hateful guy won, every time he suffered a loss, and now he finally got back a round. Still the old saying, who laughs last, who laughs the sweetest, how about black technology? What if the individual combat strength is very strong? In front of the "Silver Wheel", everything is floating clouds.

Can I walk sideways with Epsilon Technology? The Garcia rebels have it, and they didn't see any shocking waves coming out of them. Lancelot really wanted to connect to Star Harbor again, pointing to Tang Fang's nose and telling him not to be too self-righteous.

What is "Starring" and what is "Aurora", except for those close to him, Shaw Roger, Yadan Ferguson, and others, no one knows at all. Even if some friends asked about it, he suggested that it was a gift from the 13th prince, just like the "torch" reactor.

In fact, this is a product of Epsilon technology at all. The battleship-level shield generating device, the complete shield generating device, is an invaluable treasure obtained by the Duke of Yadan from the Tianchao area through a special channel.

This is not a magnetic field shield ~www.readwn.com~ nor a human copycat's "offset shield", but a real Ipsyron shield. It is wishful thinking to break through its absolute defense. In terms of the past excavation history of the Epsilon ruins, the Epsilon shield mostly uses fusion/zero-element hybrid energy. Although humans cannot miniaturize fusion reaction equipment at the moment, it does not mean that Epsilon equipment cannot be used.

The shield generator brought back by the Duke of Yadan was installed on his flagship by Lancelot, and then the "torch" reactor was switched on, and the whole process was changed to zero driving.

The expensive energy of zero element is a scarce product for the average person, but it is nothing to the young duke. After all, there is only one life, and zero elements can be mined and traded.

The energy storage compartment of the "Silver Wheel" has a lot of zero elements, enough to support the operation of the "Aurora" for four or five hours, four or five hours, enough for him to kill Tang Fang and his troops.

How about the living battleship, how about the golden armored warship, you have Zhang Liangji, I am a ladder to heaven!

Lancelot squinted at the Silbero Star Harbor, bathed in golden light on the big screen, kid... actually forced me to such a point. Today, I will let you not survive or die! (To be continued)

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