Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 345: Ass backwards flat sand falling wild goose pose

"Sigma" changed, the Recto Navy collapsed, the Twin Starport fell, and Lancelot's "Silver Wheel" was missing...

All kinds of intelligence are like boring hammers, and the smashed Belek Ferguson's forehead hums. Judging from the intelligence provided by Wei Hongguang, Kane Rudolph, Thunder Fleet Commander Austin Rekert and others, That kid named Tang Fang also became king in land warfare. In terms of naval warfare, there was no war weapon that he could use.

However, the reality is like a horned knife, and a transparent hole was cut in his heart. It was this young man who was not in his eyes, he forced the entire Rector Navy to be buried. Silbero was blown up, and completely ransacked the Recto Navy.

Don't have any weapons of war? What a joke! That bit of phlegm drowned the battleship, and what was the biological weapon that smashed the navy chrysanthemum with a finger?

Although due to the bombing of the military port, Elyktra, Fast, Lancelot and others have disappeared, and no first-hand information can be obtained. However, the video data from the Rector Army can also roughly analyze the kid's strategy and tactics, as well as the naval combat level of the air force.

Regardless of the fact that there are only 40 naval forces on the opposite side, after seeing the powerful defensive capabilities of the Corruptor, a mature and stable person like Belek doesn't think that the opponent is setting up a battle on the periphery of the terminal star in order to invite him to eat supper.

Regarding the scene before him, he thought of a word, please enter the urn. As for the bait, it is the combination of people and insects from the 40 units in front.

Wei Hongguang, Kane Rudolph, and others still underestimated the kid’s abilities. In just over a month, his strength has grown to the point where it can crush an inland garrison navy. In time, that Got it?

Lancelot has something to do with Belek as his uncle. Know well. Although the Rector’s Army used the word "missing", I am afraid that the young duke is already very bad.

In Belek's heart. There is anger and resentment. Some are shocked, some are puzzled, and on the other hand, there is a hint of gloat.

Of course, no matter how much he gloated, it would not be enough to hate Tang Fang. This time, the Ferguson family was ashamed and slapped. More cruel than slapped Kane Rudolph. Lancelot was the future heir to the Duke of Yadan, and he died just like that. As the domain of the Ferguson family, Megall, like the gate of the T city, made the rebels come in and out if they wanted. The nasty things that old Marion had done in Crotan had to be arranged for a few years, but that kid was good, and he was going to ruin and ruin, like a broken bamboo, and made Rector a mess.

He wished he could tear the boy alive piece by piece. However, yy is one thing. The actual situation is another matter.

The naval force of 40 units is there, a picture of the jade body hanging out, and you can pick it up. Say there is no ambush? Ghosts believe. There are more than 5,000 large and small ships in the combined fleet. Under normal circumstances, the rebel group is definitely not an opponent, unless the opponent has an ambush, and this ambush is strong enough to rival the combined fleet. Only in this way can the battle be turned around. But, judging from the series of performances of the rebels in Recto. This is obviously impossible. The fleets of Marion, Krisugard and others are definitely not here, and the Megall star system only has a small rebel army like Tang Fang.

Since the main attack force is insufficient. The opponent lacks the strength to win with one blow, then. There is another possibility for him to do this, so he set up a maze, mixed up the water, and fished in troubled waters. The 40-unit naval force was just a cover. Once the combined fleet turns its attention to the final star, he will slip away through other channels.

With a naval force of 40 units, can it hold more than 5,000 warships? In the eyes of ordinary people, this is no less than idiotic dreams, but in Belek's view, it is not impossible.

As the commander of a fleet, he not only has rich combat experience, but also has superhuman insight.

End Marx is a gaseous planet with a large volume and mass. The gravity of the earth is far beyond that of ordinary planets. If you fight on the edge of its orbit, large ships like cruisers and battleships will definitely be affected by the powerful gravity of End Mar.

For destroyers, frigates, and even carrier-based aircraft, they will also be affected to varying degrees. Moreover, there is a circle of tens of kilometers in cross-sectional radius around the end of the star, a star ring composed of submicron dust and broken rock, if the rebel's biological warships hide in it, play hide-and-seek games with the small ships of the combined fleet, let alone drag For a few hours, even ten days and a half months, nothing is impossible.

The above is only one of the alternatives. The eighth planet of Megal is a gaseous planet, and the ninth planet Dianyi is also a gaseous planet. Its volume and mass are larger than the former. A delicate celestial system is formed among the final star, Dianyi star, and Megall. The gravitational force of the three forms a balance point in the void outside the terminal. It can also be called the inner part of the final Yan-Dianyi system. Lagrange points.

In this area, there is an asteroid belt parallel to the orbit of the terminal star, in which a large number of rocky stars of varying sizes and masses are distributed. With the body length of flying dragons, Viking fighters, and Corruptors, it is not too much to say that they are like a fish in the water, but if a battleship-class aircraft plunges in, what will happen, you can think about it with your ass.

With a naval force of 40 units, there are 3 space shuttles parked in the rear. God knows if there is any rebel leader Tang Fang inside.

Therefore, in Belek's view, this is a game, a puzzle under Tang Fang. After all, no one knows who the people in the shuttle are. Certain ships of the Garcia rebels will only become invisible. This is an indisputable fact. Will the rebels hide somewhere watching them? Or maybe all these are smoke bombs set by the kid. In fact, he has already hid in the crowds of Recto or Bruno, hiding in the city, hiding in the city with the combined fleet?

Of course, there is another possibility that Lancelot did not die, but fell into the hands of the rebels, and would play this trump card depending on the situation and the timing.

It's too bad, this kid is so bad at home...

Even if there are 5,000 warships behind him, Belek has a sense of frustration that a tiger meets a hedgehog and has nowhere to speak.

As the leader of a fleet, naturally you are not a fool. Shadow Fleet Commander Judson Rudolph, Dragon Fleet Commander Zhou Yanbin, Southern Cross Fleet Commander Wei Hongde, and Kaleidoscope Fleet Commander Tester Pa After browsing the information sent by Belek, Xi sent newsletters one after another. Each expressed their inner concerns.

Next, after discussing with the four people for a while, Belek sent combat instructions to a destroyer wing of the vanguard fleet. This team consists of 12 destroyers. A task force composed of 48 frigates separated from the fleet and swiftly headed for the final star.

at the same time. The Shadow Fleet, the Southern Cross Fleet, and the Kaleidoscope Fleet also dispatched their own task force together, divided into 4 units, and directly fetched the 40-unit human and Zerg-two mixed forces in the void outside of the final star.

Zhou Yanbin of the Longxiang Fleet played a rogue once without sending a single soldier. His reason was simple. The Guardians belonged to the initiators of the encirclement and suppression operations. The Rudolf family, the Ferguson family, and the Prince Walker all had enemies with each other, and they were responsible for sending troops to test the rebels. The Zhou family’s Longxiang fleet and Tang Fang’s rebels had no grudges in the past, and no grudges in recent days. It was only because of the family relationship and the safety of the empire that they came to help and belonged to foreign aid. Before the rebel leader is found, it is best to take on the guard job behind the scenes.

Belek was itching with hatred, but was helpless. Zhou Yanbin's concerns were reasonable, and if he were to put him in the other side's position, he would probably do the same. Throughout the history of the world, there is no trend of interest or hatred in the joint actions between all forces. Who will join you?

Why did Zhou Hanlin agree to send troops to aid? The injustice between Marion and Marion is nothing but a cover. The real purpose of the old guy is to covet the advanced technology of the rebels.

Judging from the current situation, the other party showed a trick. Before we can figure out the development of the situation, will Zhou Yanbin make a rash move? Humph, not seeing rabbits and not spreading eagles is the usual style of their Zhou family.

When more than 200 small and medium-sized warships sailed towards the end star, large troops from the rear followed closely behind and approached the front line. After Zhou Yanbin's Longxiang fleet was broken, he deliberately kept a certain distance from the four fleets ahead. It seemed that he was fulfilling his duties, but after the division, in fact, Zhou Yanbin never thought about sending troops to quell the rebellion. The Long Xiang fleet came here only to follow Zhou Hanlin's instructions. Beat soy sauce, and thin mud. Hug if it is good, withdraw if it's not good.

Not to mention, the development of the matter was just as Belek had imagined. The air combat troops of the rebels, including the three space shuttles, plunged into the outer asteroid belt of the End Marathon just before the start of the engagement.

The task force was in trouble immediately and went in to fight the rebels? The Rector Navy is their role model. If you don't go in, is it possible to stare at the rebel forces?

Compared to the task force's gloomy and helpless commander, Belek Ferguson, Judson Rudolph and others were expressionless. All this was in their expectations.

The advantages of the rebel air combat units are their agility, strong hand-to-hand combat, small size, and strong adaptability. The existence of the asteroid belt has brought these advantages to the extreme. It is really necessary to change some 2,b commanders, and the brain is hot, and the fleet is ordered. Breaking into the asteroid belt to carry out encirclement and suppression operations, I am afraid that I will lose my money and be beaten by the other party and my mother does not know it.

"Order, all battleships and cruisers go out and launch a saturation attack on the asteroid belt with powerful weapons." Similar orders were issued by Belek, Judson, Wei Hongde and other populations.

The asteroid belt is the dominant terrain for small flying units against large and medium-sized warships. However, from another perspective, it is also a starry cemetery. As long as there are enough large warships and the artillery fire is strong enough, it can set off a wave. Space storms forced out and even buried those rebel naval units.

The battleships, battle cruisers, and heavy cruiser units of the four fleets: Shadow, Southern Cross, Kaleidoscope, and Golden Ring, as well as aircraft carriers equipped with heavy weapons, flagships and other large battleships are lined up on the periphery of the asteroid belt.

Orbital cannons, heavy missiles, deep-space torpedoes, tactical nuclear bombs, etc., warheads with high kinetic energy, high impact, and high explosive damage generally fall on some larger stars in the asteroid belt.

The entire asteroid belt is like a rapidly erupting active volcano, with a large number of fragmented rock pieces spreading around, and the kinetic energy transfer drives larger rock masses, setting off a mighty rock storm.

The collision is like boiling water, fermenting and then fermenting in the asteroid belt. Thousands of warships outside are constantly shelling, countless asteroids collapse and a large number of flying rocks are tumbling and flying to the distance.

Corruptors, flying dragons, and Viking fighters flew out from the asteroid one after another, like a group of silver carp being forced into a fishing net.

"Ha, I let you hide, let you hide..." the reckless gunners shouted loudly. More than 200 battleships of the task force were firmly locked to the distant target, and the muzzle of the magnetic track was gushing out. The projectile enveloping the electric light whizzed out like a meteorite.

Belek, Judson and others also smiled. Although the asteroid belt is wide, there are so many warships in the combined fleet. Carpet bombing can always force out the rebel air combat units.

"Tell the people on the task force. Keep three shuttles and catch me alive."

As soon as Belek's voice fell, before the messenger could take any action, the intelligence team leader stood up and said: "Commander, the rear reconnaissance ship has sent a message that a huge source of gravity is approaching our fleet."

"Huge source of gravity?" Belek frowned: "Azimuth?"

"150 kilometers from the rear of the battleship formation."

Belek glanced at the sensor monitoring array at the tail of the ship, which was dark and empty. There is nothing else, only the Dragon Xiang fleet led by Zhou Yanbin hangs on the back of the coalition forces and beats soy sauce.

"Did the investigative ship make a mistake, Herald..."

Belek hadn't finished saying a word, suddenly, a long stream of light lit up in the originally dark universe.

That's right, it's a long stream of light!

The light curtain that can't be seen at a glance is like a rain curtain above the fleet, and a super-circular, superstar building that looks like a rudder slowly emerges in front of everyone.

A touch of dazzling and dazzling blue flows on the silver-gray shell, and the energy grooves throughout the building are like patterns, looking from a distance. Give people mystery and shock.

Its size is too big, and at a glance, it is boundless. The huge roulette wheel reflected the glimmer of Megall, shining a little silver. According to the data collected by the sensor system, the diameter of the entire building is more than 500 kilometers.

500 kilometers, which is exactly ten times that of "Sigma", even if the headquarters of the Criminal Army, the largest military space station in the empire, "Tartaros", it was a whole circle smaller.

The 500-kilometer roulette, what concept, the aircraft carrier is like a bug at its feet.

"This is a miracle!" some of the crew members exclaimed.

"This...this is the remains of Ypsilon...remains."

"Why does it suddenly appear here? Silently. Like a ghost?"

"The Megal star system has the remnants of Epsilon? How is this possible? Why hasn't anyone heard it before?"

"Ha. It's a worthwhile trip, a worthwhile trip. Don't talk about the rebels or anything else. The discovery of the remains of Ypsilon was not in vain this time."

"You...you said, it...is it alive?"


The combined fleet is like a pot of boiling tofu soup, "grumpy, gurgle." All the crew members were talking, all in shock, speculating about the origin and purpose of the huge building behind the fleet.

Wei Hongde, Judson, and Test are also shocked. Megall actually hides the relics of Ipsyron. Yadan Ferguson is good enough. Even the emperor doesn’t even know about this. This old guy beat him. What the **** idea?

The roulette building at the back is more than 500 kilometers long. Such a large facility will never be able to make a rapid transition. Since it cannot interstellar travel, its presence here can only explain one problem. The ruins were originally placed here by the Ypsilons. , The Megall star system is its nest.

At the same time, the three of them were also puzzled. There was nothing in the back just now, and a magnificent building appeared when they turned their heads. Which one is this singing? Yadan Ferguson is not a fool. If he hid the ruins privately, would he let it out? What the **** does this happen?

Compared with the previous three, Zhou Yanbin was much more calm. When a sharp glow burst in his eyes, a sneer faintly curled up at the corner of his mouth: "Order, the whole ship will disperse, retreat separately, quickly..."

"This...what the **** is going on?" Belek was even more surprised than Wei Hongde. When did the Megall star system have such a huge monster? There is no doubt that such a magnificent, sci-fi creation must be the remains of Ypsilon, but why did he appear here?

The Ferguson family has been in charge of the Meghal star system for a hundred years. Except for some human difficulties, they have explored almost every corner of the star system. When did the Epsilon remains?

Isn't this nonsense? There was no ~www.readwn.com before, but it appeared behind the fleet when the combined fleet arrived.

A look of surprise gradually appeared on Belek's face. Just looking at the current posture of the combined fleet, isn't it the hip-up pose of "butt back, flat sand falling geese"?

"No, inform Wei Hongde and Judson as soon as possible..."

Unfortunately, his order has not yet been issued. Suddenly, purple light flashed on the surface of the originally silent roulette building. Through the image captured by the sensor system, only one minaret was recessed on the surface of the ruins. The trough rises, and the blue light spots in the energy trough are generally injected into the diamond-shaped crystal in the center of the spire.

Immediately afterwards, crimson rays of light resembled a willow-leaf flying knife with a handle, shot out from the cross section of the diamond-shaped crystal, and cut through the hulls of support warships such as supply ships, interceptors, and large transport ships behind the combined fleet.

Hundreds of spires, dense like weaving beams. The destructive power of the crimson rays that were less than the thickness of the thumb was almost higher than the damage of the above laser cannons.

Under their illumination, the outer armor of the battleship looked like human skin quickly cut by a sharp scalpel. (To be continued)

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