Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 447: Soldier pressure

He did not think there would be any accidents in this mission, because the eyes of all forces in the Tianchao area were attracted by the fleet escorted by nearly a thousand warships. Who would be interested in a small business in the Lanx United Kingdom? team? Moreover, the "Clammond Group" has been in peace with the pirate organizations in "Babylon" for so many years, not to mention that this time the fleet chose a high-safety route.

The cargo ship's automatic navigation system was operating in an orderly manner. Taot Kidd had arms crossed his chest, and he sat on the driver's seat with his head up and closed his eyes, so that he ignored the slight movement behind him.

One thing he didn't know was that apart from him, the co-pilot, and several other assistants in the cargo ship's cab, there was an unexpected guest hidden in the shadows.

Wright Pieters was very alert and his mouth was very strict. The people who knew that the transport plane was transferred to the cargo ship of the "Cramond Group" transport team were even more loyal and would never leak this news.

It’s just that he missed one thing, or he couldn’t calculate one thing anyway. The Protoss transport plane is Tang Fang’s summoning object. Every time it moves, every time it is loaded and unloaded, it is naturally inevitable to escape the eyes of the owner. It is very simple for him to join the "Clammond Group" transport fleet.

In the process of leaving the "Lost Land", he once did an experiment, once he was too far away from the summons of the interstellar system, he would lose contact with them. Therefore, in order to complete the new layout, he must. Keep the Protoss transport plane in your field of vision.

As for the "Babylon" side, at the beginning of the operation, he had left an Euglena in the Morningstar and issued a circular command, and the fake "Tang Fang" transformed by the mimic chicks would return to the Morningstar before death , And then replaced by a new fake "Tang Fang". Continue to entangle with those from the Tax Office to create an alibi for himself.

Even though it was the Immortal or the Protoss Shuttle, he could take back the system space with a single move, allowing these people to ditch their bamboo baskets for nothing and hundreds of billions of stars for nothing. But he wouldn't do it. Since he decided to have fun with these forces, it would be too shameless.


The light from the indicator light pierced people's eyes, the alarm system screamed, and the curvature data on the display of the navigation system fluctuated rapidly. A slight vibration came from under the feet, and the entire cargo ship seemed to be experiencing a storm.

Taut Kidd was awakened from his sleep. When he learned about the current state of the spacecraft from the drastically changing voyage data, his face instantly turned pale.

An unknown enemy is intercepting the cargo ship!

how come? how come! This is the Gaoan Channel. The pirates are not afraid of being wiped out by the military fleet?

In addition, the transport team clearly did enough homework before departure and strictly followed the vanguard path-finding mechanism. If there are pirates blocking the road ahead, the surveillance ship used for early warning should send a warning message. But what is going on now? It was directly caught by the enemy's speed intercepting equipment.

He thought of a possibility that there was an enemy spy in the transport team!

Judging from the scene that happened right now, I am afraid that the enemy has already known that the cargo ship has a transport plane. Who the **** is it? Who on earth revealed the secret?

Taute Kidd touched his waist with a gun, and yanked the top button of his shirt. Turning around, staring coldly at the other people in the cab: "Who? Who is it?"

No one speaks, not that they dare not, but do not know how to answer, they can swear like Jesus, they have never done anything to betray the motherland.

There was a rapid buzzing from the damage control management system. Most of the electronic equipment of the cargo ship was subjected to energy impact and was overloaded and rolled off the assembly line. The lights in the cockpit continued to flicker until it went out.

At the same time, the space-time curvature of the area affected by the space-time bubble on the periphery of the cargo ship quickly returned to normal. Including cargo ships equipped with Protoss transport aircraft, 22 spacecraft of various types at the rear of the transport team were forced out of virtual space and time.

After three or five breaths, the emergency light emitted a round of crimson light, illuminating the faces of several people in the cockpit of the cargo ship, as well as a gun.

It's not the one on Taute Kidd's waist, nor the other crew member's gun. It comes from a stranger.


The gunfire sounded, and Taute Kidd fell to the ground, blood spattered out and spread across the dashboard.

The other people were all at a loss. Who is this person? How could it suddenly appear on the cargo ship? Along the way, they will inspect every few hours to confirm if there is anything abnormal on the ship.

Obviously everything was normal before this, but how did he get here?

The co-pilot first reacted. He took a step back, and then drew a gun at his waist, but just as he touched the handle of the gun with his right hand and was about to pull it out, a bullet exploded his chest.

In the blood splashing, he flew backwards, and through the gap between the blood drops, he witnessed the death of several other crew members.

When he was dead, he heard a faint electric current, two streams of light flashed in front of him, and there were two more people in the cockpit.

He didn't figure out who the enemy was until he died, and how did he know that the transport plane was hidden on the cargo ship.


When Tao Te Kidd and others were killed by Tang Fang, a pirate fleet composed of 128 warships quietly approached the "Clammond Group" fleet that was overloaded and crashed due to energy backlash.

When the leading 24 cruisers arrived at the front line, accompanied by a burst of dense fire, like a pouring rain of magnetic track projectiles burst into the air.

There were 12 frigates and 2 destroyers in the 22 spacecrafts that were stranded.

They desperately "twisted" their bodies, trying to avoid the bombardment of the cruiser cluster by using their not very bright propulsion system.

Facts have proved that everything is in vain. As early as the moment they were forced out of virtual space by the interceptor, the outcome was doomed.

The 600mm-caliber cannonball pierced the fragile armor of the Evangelist-class frigate produced in the Turanx United Kingdom. Fire and explosion roared all the way, and a few breaths swallowed the nearly 100-meter-long hull.

The punishment of the Knight-class destroyer is not much better. The heavy missiles exploded into a row of fireballs on the outer armor, and the explosion tore the hull. Coupled with those large-caliber kinetic bombs, the entire battleship was like a piece of broken glass that fell to the ground. , Fell apart in a blink of an eye, reduced to a mass of death ruins.

128vs14. Coupled with the fact that the battleship of the "Clammond Group" is in a semi-paralyzed state, the whole battle is like a bleak autumn wind rolling leaves, and the rest is drawn in less than 10 minutes.

The corpses of the battleship floated and sank in the void, and the eight cargo ships were like the victims who survived the storm.

A shuttle flew out of the cargo ship where Taute Kidd was staying, with a large box behind it, like a returning forest bird. Enter the pirate fleet calmly.

A few minutes later, the containment work was completed, and the Pirate Warships turned the heads of the ships one after another, started the warp engines, and finally turned into afterimages and disappeared into the deep cosmic void.

In the cockpit of a cargo ship that was lucky enough to survive, five crew members collapsed to the ground. A black man who looked a little older opened his mouth. After accumulating his strength for a long time, he shivered and said, "You... Isn’t it clear... is it... Apollo Pirates?"

A white man took a handkerchief and nodded cold sweat on his forehead: "Also...and a white beard."


They couldn't figure out why the pirates killed 18 warships in one shot. But left the cargo ship here regardless.

"Isn't the goal of the pirates the expensive drugs in the cargo hold?"

After a few people looked at each other for a moment, they suddenly thought of the shuttle that Taot Kidd was flying out of and the huge metal cabinet behind it.

"Could it be... the target of the pirates is just the metal cabinet? But if it's not medicine, what's in it? And, how about Taot Kidd?"

Despite the suspicions in their hearts, none of them dared to act rashly until the various subsystems of the cargo ship returned to normal, until the Star Alliance naval fleet appeared on the radar screen.


A week later. A shocking piece of news caused an uproar in the Star Alliance network, after the Mongolian Empire increased its troops on the border. The Sulu Empire also deployed a large number of troops to oppose the former horns, forming a momentum of pressure.

The Sulu Empire’s reasons for doing so made the Star Alliance people confused for a while, because they wanted to ask for an argument, an argument worth "600 billion".

Indeed, the **** fleet sent by Wright Peters encountered several mysterious fleets on the road, and even the Third Committee participated in the hunt. However, under the care of the Star Alliance Navy, he finally returned to the Sulu Empire in a dangerous and dangerous way.

Now that the **** team arrived at the border smoothly, the transport plane should be safe and sound, but what about this statement that it is worth "600 billion"?

Public opinion was in an uproar, and various speculations and gossip spread rapidly among the people.

finally. The Star Alliance government was forced to make an official statement to refute the rumors.

It turned out that the **** team composed of nearly a thousand warships was nothing but a prop that Wright Pitts used to cover people’s ears, while the real transport plane was secretly transferred to the "Clammond Group" cargo fleet to hide, extremely beautiful Played the drama of Mingxiu plank road darkly Chen Cang.

Unfortunately, reality gave him an extremely loud slap in the face. The cargo fleet of the "Clammond Group" was attacked by the pirate fleet, and the transport ship worth 600 billion Xing coins disappeared.

Afterwards, the Sulu Empire learned from no sources that the robbery was carried out by the Apollo Pirates and the White Beard Pirates.

As we all know, the Star Alliance Council stood behind the Apollo Pirates. Therefore, the Sulu Empire determined that the high level of the Star Alliance was in the robbery, and only then did a large number of troops on the border to cooperate with the Monya Empire to exert pressure.

After learning of this official statement, the people suddenly realized.

In the next few days, the "Apollo" pirate group became the focus of attention without any surprise, and the two congressmen behind them were also devastated.

A year ago, because of Byron's imprisonment, the "Apollo" Pirate Group was divided into two factions, one is Chen Jian, Stephen? Su, and the other is Albert. After that, after nearly a year of power struggle, Albert used various insidious methods to erode his opponent’s power bit by bit, and gradually controlled the entire "Apollo" Pirate Group.

However, just as Albert gradually grew from a small boss to the leader of the cunning pirate regiment, an unexpected thing happened. Byron suddenly returned and escaped safely from the Monya Empire.

As a result, Albert's foundation began to shake. Under the secret incitement of Stephen Sue and Chen Jian, a large number of pirate leaders who cared about their old feelings planned to launch a mutiny, pulling Albert from the position of regimental leader and changing again. Upper Byron.

Where did he know that things had been revealed, Albert took the lead. He took control of Chen Jian first, and Stephen Sue escaped a catastrophe for various reasons, and was forced to flee the headquarters with his subordinates and enter the "Dilaer" star system and the Byron round.

Since then, the "Apollo" pirate group has been divided into two, and the top pirate organization has been reduced to two branches. Among them, Byron's pirate branch's backstage boss is still Terry Ferdinand, and Albert's "Apollo" main fleet has long been bought by Terry Ferdinand's rival, Tomlinson Daller.

Until now, because of the pressure from the Sulu Empire, whether it was Terry Ferdinand or Tomlinson Dall, the lives of the two of them were not very good.

According to the "Clammond Group" cargo ship pilot's transcript, it was "Apollo" and "Whitebeard" who carried out the robbery. From this point of view, it was the "Apollo" pirates of Albert's series that did it. fleet. But when Tomlinson Daller sent a telegram to verify, he was told by Albert that he did not do this thing, but someone pretended to be the "Apollo" Pirates and planted and framed him.

Seriously speaking, the relationship between the large pirate group and the senior leaders of the Star Alliance is not a simple subordinate relationship. There is a large part of the cooperation factor in it. Tomlinson Dahler does not think that Albert said that if he did not do it, he really did not do it. , Compared to the remains of Ypsilon worth 600 billion stars. Lying is nothing more than talking about it. Who wouldn't?

of course. Naturally, he would not say what was in his own heart. Instead, he turned his gun and brought trouble to Terry Ferdinand, saying that it was Byron’s small action to avenge Albert, because the transport plane was too valuable and involved. To a sovereign country like the Sulu Empire. No matter how courage Albert is, he will not be so ignorant of current affairs. As a pirate who has just taken the throne of the regiment leader, how could he cause such trouble to himself.

Terry Ferdinand is very rare on the spot, yelling at Tomlinson Daller as an old bastard.

The reason why he was so excited. It’s because the contradiction between the two has been around for a long time. You must know that the "Apollo" Pirates was his right-hand man before, but now he was taken away by his opponent without any blood, and he is talking nonsense with his eyes open. Er Ben and Albert were embarrassed and embarrassed, and now they pour dirty water on him. Uncle and Auntie can't bear it!

So the two of them squatted in the parliament like women in the street, without the slightest demeanor of the elderly. In this way, a good emergency meeting became a carnival of street scolders and persuaders, as to who it was. 600 billion has become a secondary issue.

If this meeting cannot go on, it will naturally end.

Swearing, Terry Ferdinand, who was about to roll his sleeves and twitch people, returned to the residence with his cheeks bulging, and then he recovered his calm and sanity as if he had been a different person, and then personally contacted Byron who was far away in Christie to verify this.

In fact, it was Tang Fang and Byron who did the blockade and robbery together. The battleships of the Whitebeard Pirates were nothing but illusions made by high-ranking templars to confuse the line of sight. Of course, he would not tell the old man. Guys tell the truth.

When Tang Fang appeared in the "Dillard" star system, the connection between Byron Alonso and Terry Ferdinand had been severed by an invisible knife.

Originally Byron had more than 200 warships in his hands, plus more than 100 warships captured from Charman’s hands. Although "Christier" was nominally the site of the "Venus" pharmaceutical industry, it has actually become Tang Fang’s back garden is a bit awkward. Last time, it seemed that the Morningstar rescued the "Dillard" from the Chalman fleet and kept the industrial park. In fact? It's not an exaggeration to say that it was to lead a wolf into the room.

Don’t look at Captain Tang’s youth, but he has always had a lot of twists and turns in his stomach. Long before the auction was over, he used the advanced quantum communications equipment of the Morningstar to get in touch with Byron, who was far away in "Christier". Today's plan.

Don't say that Terry Ferdinand didn't know this, even Ruskin and others in the industrial park could not even notice.

Therefore, Byron was not doing this thing, nor did it happen to the parliament.

If the Star Alliance wants to quell this matter, they must either compromise or ignore the pressure of the Sulu Empire and the Monya Empire. If you choose the former, you must find a substitute for the dead ghost. If you choose the latter, you must be prepared for war.

This is a multiple-choice question. Unfortunately, Byron is not interested in it. What Tang Fang says, he will do it. That's enough.

Don’t think he was once the leader of the "Apollo" Pirates~www.readwn.com~, but in fact, he doesn’t like to intrigue with those in the government. He prefers to focus on Turanx and Serbia. Celia.

He is Byron, he loves beauty more than Jiangshan!


Not only is the dispute between the high-level government continuing, but the public opinion is also causing a turmoil. Some militants argue that they can still use their colors, because the Star Alliance has been weak for too many years. What's more, the situation of the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire in the Gampuna Theater is not optimistic, and the human and material resources are very tight. Once the two fronts go to war, it will be the result of the enemy's back and forth. No matter how arrogant the Kolkraf I is, he must also consider it carefully. Some.

Of course, there are also masters and factions. After all, there are a large number of pirate groups in the Star League. It is not difficult to give the Sulu Empire a step by just buckling a hat and sending troops to crusade.

Others have come up with an idea, why not push this matter to the Third Committee, and if your Sulu Empire is capable, go to them. (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to Tianma Meteor Cannon, Ruoye Zhiqiu, Kamikaze Yu, Caiji, and 4 book friends for their rewards R1292

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