Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 497: Attacked midway

She is not even the shadow of Charlotte. ⊥,

There is no identity, no self, no soul, even the body is an imitation of others...this is really pitiful.

Tang Fang took a deep breath and decided to give her a chance.

An opportunity for her to survive and rediscover herself.

He turned his attention back to the system space, selected the parasitic mode, and pressed Izsha's production hotkey.

The resource value has dropped from 1340825,354934 to 1220825,274934.

The surface of the worm hole, which is shaped like an intestine, secretes a large amount of mucus, and a brown parasite much smaller than the larva appears on the fungus blanket with shaking head and tail.

Next, under the careful manipulation of Tang Fang, the fist-sized parasite entered the real world, then climbed onto the face of the female Morris slave who had been subdued by the two nurses mm, and penetrated into the internal organs from her mouth.

The fierce light in the female Morris slave's eyes gradually faded, and her struggling intensity gradually slowed down, and finally she stood still on the ground, staring blankly at the shining lamp on the ceiling.

Tang Fang keenly noticed an abnormality. Her chest and abdomen violently fluctuated several times, and some viscous liquid began to secrete under the ragged clothes. It was not sweat, but some purple-brown tissue fluid, which was scattered under the light. Light spot.

These tissue fluids exuded from the skin, slowly adhering together, and accumulated thicker and brighter, and finally formed a crystal structure on the surface of her body, like a human-shaped amethyst.

There is a strange fragrance floating in the room, a bit like red sandalwood, very rich, thick like the fog of late autumn and early morning, even the light is blocked.

I don't know if it is the refraction of light, or the smelly gas itself is a purple substance, and the whole room becomes misty. The eyes are all purple, as if entering the fairyland.

Emma told him that the transformation of parasites to the human body requires a process, which may be 3 days or 5 days, depending on the physical fitness of the host.

Tang Fang felt that there was really no point in staying here. So letting Amethyst continue to "ferment", he pushed open the door and walked out, released two fanatics, ordered them to stay at the door, notify him immediately when there is a disturbance, and then walk quickly to the bridge.


Tang Yun never expected to be calculated by her dear elder brother, and she was very dissatisfied with Zhou Ai's strong move in. Of course, this expression would only be shown in front of Tang Fang and Kleiya. Facing Zhou Ai, she didn't dare to borrow her two courage.

On this issue, Tang Fang was very stubborn. No matter how she acted like a coquettish and cute, even if she pulled out her parents who had been dead for many years, it had no effect.

This makes Xiao Nizi very disappointed, and she can only accept this reality reluctantly, and usually restrain herself. Do your best to make Zhou Ai happy, lest that "old witch" has nothing to do with "Shangfang Baojian" to rectify her.

For such results. Tang Fang is still quite satisfied. Tang Yun, this little girl, is definitely a kind of "good guys don’t suffer from immediate losses." If no one is in charge, going to the house and revealing tiles is commonplace, but if someone takes care of him, he can honestly make a Good girl.

of course. All these are appearances, otherwise she would not call Zhou Ai as "Sister Zhou Ai" and "Old Witch" in the queen.

There was one thing that Tang Fang was very happy, because since the last conversation, Zhou Ai really stopped hiding from him. Back to the days of talking and laughing, Claire showed no abnormalities.

Since Roy's right arm was "upgraded", in order to obtain perfect control and accuracy, he began to practice a lot. This is a good thing for him, but for the cook who is in charge of the warehouse, it is an incomparable heart. Blocking things.

He is a very economical person, and the most common sentence he says to his subordinates every day is "It's hard to **** the grains at noon."

For such a person, watching the bottomless big stomach king eat up the food stored in the warehouse by boxes and boxes, it is definitely a torment, but he has no way to object, because the beloved Captain asked him a word , "If Roy is your son, would you still think this is a waste?"

The truth is that Roy is not his son. Even if he is really his son, the chief cook will try to block the mouth that can’t be fed, because he has made a vow since the first day he picked up the pot and spoon. He will never let his son get fat first when he is close to the water platform like other chef's children and eat into a big fat man.

His son really did not become fat, but became a navy soldier. He never returned after he left the house at the age of 17.


On the fourth day, at 13 o'clock in the "Morning Star" time, Tang Fangzheng was hiding in the captain's room to sleep, and the fanatic who was in charge of guarding the female Morris slave sent a message - there was movement in the room.

His groggy brain suddenly woke up. He didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly put on his military uniform and went out, hurriedly to the belly confinement room.

After four days of "fermentation", the room was surrounded by purple mist, the gas almost condensed into substance, and the eyes were all purple, indistinguishable.

The movement spoken by the enthusiasts originated from the amethyst in the center of the room, and occasionally a crisp beep sound was heard, similar to the sound of glass breaking.

Tang Fang opened the touch screen on the right side of the door and activated the ventilation equipment of the air conditioning system.

A square area on the ceiling was shrunk and opened, the air-conditioning equipment was activated, and the purple mist in the room became thinner and thinner at a rapid rate.

The room gradually became clear, and the light from the ceiling fell on the ground without hindrance, shining on the human-shaped crystal.

At this moment, the surface of the amethyst that was originally smooth as a mirror was covered with cracks, large and small, and they continued to increase over time.

As these large and small cracks joined together, the sound of ice cracking became more and more urgent.

Tang Fang is a very careful person. He stepped back to the door. In front of him was a human wall formed by two fanatics, because he didn't know what would happen when the amethyst shattered. The first flashed in his mind The idea is to hide behind something so as not to be injured by broken glass.

Facts proved that his worries were not unnecessary at all. When those fine cracks bloomed to every corner of Amethyst, it exploded like a bomb, and large and small amethyst fragments shot all over the sky.

Fortunately, the strength is not great, and there are fanatics who make the wall, which did not cause him any harm.

A slightly larger amethyst broke the outer shell of the rectangular lamp on the ceiling and nailed it in like an arrow.

The lamp is not completely broken. Some can still be used, but the brightness of the light is reduced a lot, and the color becomes a kind of lavender, like a neon light that does not change color.

Tang Fang walked out from behind the fanatic, his army boots creaked and crackled on the purple crystal fragments.

hard to imagine. These purple crystals condensed from body fluids will be as hard as glass.

There is a person lying in the center of the room covered with purple light, all over his body, without any strands, and his skin emits a soft luster under the light of lavender light. Whether it is old sores on his body or the wounds that appeared under previous scratches, he has disappeared and is clean. Not even a mole can be found.

He hesitated for a moment, took off his military uniform and covered the female Morris slave, then picked her up from the ground.

I didn't see her face just now because of the angle. At this time, with the light on the roof, she finally saw her appearance.

Similar to the situation on the back, the scars on the cheeks also disappeared without a trace, the eyebrows are clear, the teeth are white and the lips are red, the eyelashes are very long, and the ends are still moisturized, as if they had just cried.

The face in front of me was different from Charlotte's. Only the facial contours are somewhat similar.

"Could it be that this is her original face?"

Emma said that parasites will assimilate and absorb human genes. Then she reshaped her body. The female Morris slave's face that was six or seven points similar to Charlotte did not grow naturally, but was obtained through plastic surgery. Now, it is natural and reasonable to restore her original appearance under the influence of parasites.

"Cough, cough. Cough..."

Because of the change in her position, the female Morris slave was choked by the body fluids accumulated in her respiratory tract, and she woke up suddenly, turned her head and coughed violently, spitting out a lot of clear and thin body fluids.

After a few breaths. She turned her head, as if she was not accidentally hugged by Tang Fang, and said respectfully, "Please let me down."

Tang Fang frowned, hesitated looking at the crystal fragments on the ground.

"Please let me down," she said again.

Tang Fang could only gently place her on the ground in accordance with his words.

The female Morris slave took a few steps back in her military uniform, and the amethyst burst at her feet. Strangely, it did not damage the skin. The seemingly delicate fleshy skin had a texture that was much harder and more flexible than its appearance.

She stepped back and stopped three feet away from Tang Fang, knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully: "Lord...man..."

Tang Fang frowned again, not because he disliked the female Morris slave, but because he didn't like the title.

If it is a non-human alien like the queen of worms, it is natural to call him this way, but now kneeling in front of him is a person-at least a life form with a human mind and a human appearance, which makes him somewhat Not used to it.

"Just call me the captain."

"Yes, Captain."

"Do you have a name?"

"Sem180570347"------sem represents the planet "Selme", ​​the famous Morrisino settlement in the Phoenix Empire, 18 represents the 18th district, 0570347 represents that she is the 57th generation IVF, and 0347 is her number.

Tang Fang has always thought that he is a lazy person, and that it is very difficult to get a name, so he shamelessly carried forward the spirit of ethics, and said: "From today you are Izsha."

"Yes, Captain."

"Can you be more natural and don't be so cautious?"

Emma once said that after being reborn, she will merge Izsha with her own memories to form a new way of thinking, but it seems to be the epitome of Izsha at the moment.

She said: "How can it be considered natural and informal?"

When Tang Fang heard the words, he suddenly remembered her origin. The culture of Morris slaves in the Phoenix Empire is obedience and dedication, which completely stifles individual temperaments. They are more like warm machines than people.

No matter whether it is Izsha’s memory or her own memory, there is no personality. It is still a long way to get her to think like a normal person. After all, not every Morris slave is like Bai Yue is so special.

He stopped struggling with this question, but changed to another topic: "Do you have anything you want to ask?"

She was silent for a while, then raised her head, looked into his eyes seriously, and said, "You really want to save Morris slave in the Phoenix Empire?"

Tang Fang was also silent for a while, and looked into her eyes and said, "I really want to do this, but if I can save it, and how to save it, I still need time to help me decide."

"That's enough." She stopped talking. Get up and retreat behind him.

Although there is only one question, it fully shows one thing. Her way of thinking is no different from ordinary people, and even smarter, because she will not naively force Tang Fang to make a promise, but point her heart. Listen to his innermost thoughts.

It is easy to save a person, it is difficult to save a person's soul, it is easy to corrupt the spirit of a nation, and it is difficult to awaken the will of a nation.

After getting a new life, she understood a truth. Indestructible things include hard stones and steel, but they are essentially different manifestations of materials.

"Let's go and help you find a suitable dress."

Tang Fang didn't open her eyes when she turned into Izsha like watching a monkey. Because they don't need it, although the two have been communicating in words, every thought in her heart can't hide from him, even though he rejects this kind of prying into others' hearts.

The confinement room was not far from the medical area. He took Izsha to find Linglong. The little girl was stunned for a while, thinking that the amiable and respectable captain would greatly change the magic of living people, and could make a delicate woman out of thin air.

Roy said it was natural. No one on the ship knew that Captain Tang had the "Ipsy Dragon artifact" bodyguard, capable of transforming battleships and vehicles out of thin air. There is also a combat unit like the nurse mm, who can now transform into a woman, so what's all the fuss about.

He kept his head down while speaking, because Tang Fang's military uniform couldn't completely cover the body of the woman named "Izsha". He wanted to see but didn't dare to look, and he was very shy. More importantly, she was standing next to Linglong, which would chill her.

Li Ziming reacted quickly, taking off his white coat and putting it on her to cover the pleasing spring light.

This surprised Tang Fang. The wretched middle-aged uncle who was proficient in **** and vulgar art was actually a duplicity. So she grinned, until Linglong took her away, the smile faded quickly.

Because Li Ziming said: "You kid, what do you want to do? There were originally three on the boat. I heard that when I was in'Babylon', I was eyeing Charlotte again, and now I have another'Izsha'. Do you really consider yourself a Puba King Kong made of iron and bronze? You will cry in the future."

Tang Fang didn't cry, but couldn't laugh anymore. He patted Li Ziming on the shoulder, sighed, turned and walked towards the crew quarters.

Li Ziming felt that the shot he had on his shoulder contained a certain inexplicable emotion, which, combined with the long sigh of parting, made people feel distressed, as if he was educating...or mocking as someone who passed by. what.

"What do you mean?"

"Think of it myself."

When this sentence reached Li Ziming's ears, Captain Tang had already turned to the corner at the end of the corridor, leaving a lightly swaying back on the floor behind him.


He did not return to the captain's room to continue to sleep in, because halfway through, there was a violent shaking from his feet, and the lighting equipment on the ceiling of the corridor flickered and pierced.

After about a few breaths, the sharp sirens broke the calm inside the ship, and Yuffi’s anxious shouts came from the broadcast system in various areas, ordering all the crew to return to their posts immediately and prepare for battle.

We must know that the "Morning Star" is currently sailing at a warped speed. Under what circumstances should the crew be prepared for combat? There is only one answer, someone tried to intercept the warship.

Tang Fang used the internal communication network to tell everyone on the bridge not to panic, stabilize their emotions, prepare to deploy the star ring, transfer the "Aurora" core to the "universal" mode, and then rush to the bridge.

He thought that some radicals in O'Neill would try to intercept the "Morning Star", so he did not show any nervousness, as he said to the camera lens before leaving the "Sky Garden", "Morning Star" It’s not just a tortoise, it’s also holding the sea god’s needle and iron in its mouth. Whether it’s the Republican Party, or the troubled Senator O’Neill, or the underground forces of the Star Alliance, if he dares to move any crooked ideas, he will not hesitate to kill chickens and monkeys. , To set an example for some people.

When Tang Fang rushed to the bridge, Aros, Tang Lin, Zhou Ai, Kleiya and others had already arrived before him, and they were looking at the picture shown by the holographic projection system in front of the combat command platform, exchanging their views.

The speed level has dropped to 0.8, and it will not be long before the "Morning Star" will leave the virtual space and enter the real universe.

Yu Fei's face was a bit pale, and the faces of the people in the front driver's crew were not very good-looking, except for Howson on the main gun console, eager to try.

Churchill stayed in "Babylon" on duty~www.readwn.com~ Now the main gun of the "Morning Star" fell in his hands alone, and in "Babylon" was silent for so long, this guy who has always been afraid of the chaos of the world is suffocating There was no place to sprinkle, some people hit the muzzle after seeking their own way, and he was naturally happy to set off a large firework to hear the sound.

Tang Fang's arrival gave those anxious crew members a reassurance, Kleiya, Aros and others flashed out a position and gave him to the center of the combat command platform.

"How are the preparations for'Aurora'?"

Yufei said: "The zero element reactor has been activated. As long as the warship enters the real universe, the star ring can be opened immediately and the'Aurora' shield can be deployed."

"Okay." Tang Fang nodded, looked at the driving crew members in front, and ordered: "The emp shock wave will affect the main engine and prepare to start the antimatter auxiliary thruster program."

Then he turned his attention to Hausen and said, "You know what to do."

"Don't worry." The servant said, patting his chest. He is an out-and-out layman in politics, strategy, and scientific research. But when it comes to shooting, he is definitely an expert in the field.

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