Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 501: Defensive counterattack (4)

The "Aurora" in the "universal" mode is composed of different cosmic particles superimposed, coordinated and distributed by the computer on the surface of the star ring, and forms different force fields by means of flow, aggregation, and connection, regardless of heat damage or electromagnetic damage Unconventional attack methods such as kinetic energy damage, antimatter, and gravity waves all have high resistance.

The "Warden" is even more powerful than a siege tank in the erected state, but this does not cause serious damage to the "Aurora". In fact, such a scene is expected by them. The main guns of the Darkbat-class destroyers cannot be paralyzed. Shield, how can a mere six "Warden" can break through.

This first wave of bombardment was nothing but a move to deter the crew of the "Morning Star" in order to reduce resistance in the ensuing battle.

The real main offensive force is 36 "Snake Eagle" and 21 Black Fire, which are arranged in a conical shape and inserted into the crater where the "Morning Star" is located. 300 Marines are on the two wings of the main force, ready to be implemented at the appropriate time. Charge into the ship's interior.

Black 3 never thought that the ground regiment would encounter snipers during the advancement process. He believed that the crew of the "Morning Star" would rely on the hull as a cover to give full play to their own advantages, and engage in tug-of-war with the ground regiment, and even street fighting, because if the two sides exchange positions , He would not hesitate to make such a choice.

Black 3 is not Tang Fang, so he made a big mistake, a fatal mistake.

He shouldn't underestimate his opponent, shouldn't launch a general offensive recklessly, and shouldn't divide his troops into three ways.

Therefore, when the mixed ground troops of the human, insect, and **** tribes appeared in front of the ground legion, he really wanted to smash something with his big fist and vent his anger.

It's just... soon, anger turned into fear.

He roared loudly: "It's not fair!"

The bridge of the Darkbat-class destroyer is very small, and it is strange that it produces surging echoes that seem to be surging for a long time.

The appearance of the mixed ground forces of the tribe of humans, insects, and gods is very abrupt. Just like magic, 18 siege tanks were added out of thin air at the highest point of the originally empty crater ring ridge, divided into three parts. Switch from tank mode to siege mode, with one turn of the turret. The dazzling blue plasma **** were ejected toward the enemy formation that was pressing forward.

Perhaps it was Tang Fang's mischief. These colorful and dazzling plasma **** that predicted death were not splashed on the infantry phalanx, but landed in the battle of "Snake Eagle" and "Black Fire".

A "Black Fire" was very unlucky. The moment it rushed out of the low-lying land, it was hit by a plasma ball in the center of the "face door". The high-temperature plasma ran away and splashed around, covering most of the "Black Fire" body.

Thousands of thousands of degrees of high-temperature plasma engulfed the front of the "black fire" at once. The splashing slurry melted numerous large and small holes on the surface of the car body, densely packed like honeycombs.

A plume of plasma pierced the energy system and caused a second explosion. Without a single shot, this "black fire" was reduced to coke along with its driver.

In the other attacking unit, a "Snake Eagle" reacted quickly. With the assistance of radar and automatic avoidance system, the folding wing behind it slid to the front end and spread out into a shield shape. Block the plasma ball falling from the sky.

The cyan slurry was glued to the shield surface at once, and quickly turned red as the temperature weakened, and together with the alloy constituting the shield, it turned into slurry and fell on the ground. Eroded one by one depressions with plumes of white smoke.

The wingspan of the "Snake Eagle" did not know what it was composed of, and it was not scrapped even after the attack of the siege tank.

Sudden changes disrupted the attack rhythm of the Hell Legion under Hei 3. The Snake Eagle is a smart unit with the fastest response. With the help of the intelligent fire control system, the dual-arm 25 Gatling cannon locks onto the crater. The siege tank on the back fired rows of depleted uranium armor-piercing shells.

The pulsed laser of the "Black Fire" is also running, the system is charged, and the crimson crystal emits a dazzling high-energy ray.

In the Battle of Rector. The armor of the siege tank can resist armor-piercing shells, but it faces the 25-caliber depleted uranium armor-piercing shells of the "Snake Eagle". It was hit with dots of bullet craters.

"Snake Eagle" is even so, "Black Fire" pulse laser is more powerful. One corner of the rectangular barrel of a siege tank was directly melted by a high-energy laser, and the shooting accuracy was greatly reduced.

If it's just a siege tank, it will naturally not be possible for Black 3 to shout "This is not fair!"

Just like the "warm greeting" of the "warden", this was nothing but a gift from Captain Tang to his opponent.

Six medical transport planes swept past from low altitude, and six Immortals and 18 Stalkers were dropped onto the frontal battlefield.

Without waiting for the "Black Fire" driver to react, the Immortal's Phase Interference Cannon fired, and the energy enveloping the antimatter hits the front of the "Black Fire" front. All matter within one meter in diameter turned into nothingness, accompanied by a violent release of energy. Engulf the entire tank.

Some "black fire" reacted in a timely manner, immediately turned the muzzle, and counterattacked the immortal in the front to fight back. How did you know that the tens of thousands of degrees of laser beam spurred an arc around the target, most of which was absorbed by the shield, and a small part was absorbed by the shield. Scatter out.

Many "snake eagles" also joined the siege of the immortal. The shoulder missile launchers were opened, and small missiles shot out, exploding into a circle of fireworks beside the immortal.

At this moment, a blue light was shot out in the dense smoke surrounding the Immortal, and flash movies usually penetrate the "Snake Eagle" cockpit and take the driver's life.

Some conservative people spread their wings and turned into shields, thinking that they could be defended by this. The blue light flashed again in the next second. There was a big hole in the center of the shield. From the front, you can directly see the scene behind and the dilapidated cockpit. Flowing blood.

Others opened their wings and activated the jet system, intending to ascend to the low altitude, because the weird golden vehicle on the opposite side should not be able to be in the air. I don’t know that the mecha’s feet just left the ground, and a phantom flashed past the front left, one with a slender quad. The machine on the feet teleported to the front over a distance of thousands of meters. The crystal green light on the head flashed, the blue light moved from far to near, and then he lost consciousness.

The "Hell Legion" led by Black 3 is extremely powerful, surpassing the current conventional armies of various countries, and almost comparable to the human and Zerg troops. Unfortunately, when they come to the surface, they are not only facing the human and Zerg troops, but also There are protoss. A race that is more powerful in technology and combat power than the humans and the Zerg races, so there is a tendency to fall apart.

Immortals, stalkers and siege tanks contained the main force of the "Hell Legion" at the same time. Hundreds of clan machine gunners, marauders, fire bats, nurses, and vulture chariots consisted of a mixed unit of enemy troops that were level with the bow of the Morning Star.

"Evil Spirit" power armor is not much lower than Ma Runjia in terms of combat performance, coupled with Gaussian weapons. The portable Gatling guns have a slightly higher overall combat capability than the machine gunners, but... this time their opponents are not like the government forces they have encountered in the past. In addition to the machine gunmen, there are looters, fire bats, and nurses. With the existence of vulture chariots, the combat bonus far exceeds that of the "Hell Legion" infantry who lost the cover of the vehicle troops.

The remaining two "Hell Legions" did not encounter mixed human forces. Their opponents only had a few "people", but the outcome was even more tragic in comparison.

Two protoss transport aircraft passed by at low altitude. The Gauss rifles equipped by the "Hell Legion" Marines simply cannot break the plasma shield on their surface.

As four high-ranking Templar warriors appeared on the surface, a fierce flash of light erupted in the gloomy void, and the fierce ion storm formed a vortex of light, covering almost a kilometer.

The high-energy particle beam penetrated the body of one soldier after another of the "Hell Legion" Marine Corps. The power armor of the "Evil Spirit" looked like paper under the ion storm, and death spread on the ground like a plague.

Teleportation monsters, vehicles capable of resisting laser cannons, golden warriors that can summon ion storms, weird transport planes that roar past the sky...and those tanks that are bombarded on the ridges of craters. In this way, the combat will of the "Hell Legion" marine soldiers was destroyed at once, and they fleeed around like a billiard ball that was hit. No one wants to be a scorched corpse with white smoke under the ion storm.

The "Warden" at the end of the formation has a very strong lethality in tank mode, and even the siege tanks cannot withstand the attack of fusion bombs. There are 4 damages.

When the high-ranking templar suddenly appeared on the battlefield, a "warden" began to shrink the turret and was about to switch to flight mode. At this moment, an aircraft with a crystal wingspan appeared on the battlefield. Behind, and stand upright, cast a star on the surface like a rotating umbrella.

One after another the starlight matrix stretched and contracted. The 6 fanatics turned into a ray of light from virtual to real. Quickly rushed to the side of a "warden" and used their psionic blade to tear apart the heavy tortoise shell. A sword pierced the central core.

Another "Warden" took the opportunity to switch to flying. The pilot was very smart and did not attack the fanatics on the ground. He turned the target to the transmission prism in phase mode at the back, intending to eliminate this one that can transport troops over long distances. Machine.

But just before it was about to attack, a firelight lit up in an empty crater not far away, and then, a grenade hit the chassis under the "Warden".

A dazzling electric light burst, high-frequency electromagnetic pulses swept the vehicle body, the central computer, fire control system, navigation system...all electronic equipment failed, 4 sets of propellers like a locomotive with a faulty exhaust system, ejected two discontinuous lines After the flame went out, the "Warden" was paralyzed in the low air, and slowly landed towards the ground.

On the other side of the "Morning Star", a violent flash of light lit up, and the flame expanded towards the surroundings. The shock wave could not be triggered in a vacuum environment, but it did not prevent the widow mine from exploding to transfer heat radiation to the surroundings. There were two "black fires" within a range of tens of meters. "Destroyed, the three "Snake Eagles" were burned beyond recognition. Several infantrymen wearing "Evil Spirit" power armor lay on the edge of the blast pit, white smoke from the gaps, and the smell of burnt and meat. .

Scattering and fleeing does not mean that death can be avoided. I don’t know when there are many four-legged crawlers on the periphery of the battlefield. They have no heads. Instead, they are anchor-like spines that stretch and shrink, leaving behind the rushing infantry. One big shocking hole.

A puff of blood splashed up, climbed to an altitude of tens of meters, and then became static.

Some soldiers stopped, carrying Gatling machine guns and firing caliber bullets on the thick chassis of the spiny reptile, splashing body fluids, turning the meat scraps into the air.

Encouraged, the soldiers became wild, squeezing the trigger frantically, and pouring out the rain-like bullets.

At this time, dozens of black shadows sprang out from the crater on the flanks of the spiny reptile, like a torrent of torrents, from top to bottom, with a mighty force rushing to kill the red-eyed soldiers scattered on the edge of the battlefield.

They are in groups. Surrounded by a soldier's bite, the "Evil Spirit" power armor could not withstand such a pounce no matter how strong it was, and one soldier after another was torn to pieces. Become a dead body in the cold wasteland.

The soldiers who fell behind were no longer able to attack the spiny reptiles, and turned their guns at the puppy. To prevent getting close by these vicious dogs.

They move closer to the center and respond with 2 or 3 people back to back.

The puppies began to suffer casualties under their guns, one, two, three...one puppies fell down.

Some soldiers yelled and cheered hysterically in the communication band, but in the next second, they turned into sharp exclamations or screams.

Not far from them, bulges appeared one after another on the hard rocky ground, and then. One after another ugly creatures burrowed out of the ground, spraying piles of corrosive dark green slime.

The "Evil Spirit" power armor slowly melted, and the controller had only two endings, either being eroded by the cockroach's acid saliva, or dying from the vacuum pressure difference.

Even some disintegrated "Black Fire" tanks, once hit by the dark green slime many times, can hardly escape destruction.

Several soldiers reached the edge of the battlefield under the cover of large and small craters. Before they were lucky enough to escape their birth, the dark ground of the crater suddenly appeared nearly 2 meters high spikes, piercing the power armor at a very fast speed. . Just like cutting wheat, they took their lives easily, leaving only the corpses and blood in the shadows that were not very real.

Several other "Snake Eagles" fled the battlefield with high mobility. Intentionally flew over the head of the Zerg unit.

Through analysis and research on the combat intelligence shared through the data link network, they believe that those Zergs have the lowest combat level under the same number and cannot be airborne, so they plan to break through the enemy's encirclement with their gliding ability.

Units such as puppies, cockroaches, and ground thorns certainly cannot be airborne. This does not mean that there are no Zerg units that can be airborne. When several "snake eagles" break through to the outermost part of the battlefield, a large crater appears in the shadows. The scene scared their souls away.

Nearly a hundred four-legged crawlers climbed up the ridge from the bottom of the valley, and then began to take root. They are different from the four-legged crawlers in front of them. They do not have long, curved spines. At the top is a biological pipe that wriggles from time to time.

The "Snake Eagle" pilots were surprised what kind of creature this was, and one of them looked up to the sky in a mysterious manner. It was discovered that a "Pluto Bat" was flying towards the asteroid under the indiscriminate bombardment of flying dragons and Viking fighters, and it appeared to be providing fire support to the ground-breaking army.

He suddenly thought of a possibility, subconsciously uploading this discovery to the mothership command system.

But at this moment, shadow after shadow flashed from the bottom of the pit, and the airborne early warning system sounded a sharp alert tone.

Mars flew in various parts of the "Snake Eagle", and the fuselage vibrated violently. The electronic model of the damage control system display lit up with red spots. Through the external camera, we could see that the surface of the fuselage was filled with bone spurs several centimeters thick.

Not far away, a "Snake Eagle" propulsion system was damaged, the fuselage was difficult to maintain balance, and it rolled all the way to the distance.

Another "Snake Eagle" was directly penetrated by continuous bone spurs through the cockpit, and a mass of blood was painted on the broken glass window.

Someone spread out their wings and turned them into shields in front of them. The special alloy made of zero element and titanium alloy has strong defensive performance. Even so, the body cannot escape the result of damage.

Because the kinetic energy of those bone spurs is too strong, the "snake eagle" can't stabilize its figure at all. Once it is blown away by energy, it gives up its heart to the enemy, and in the next second it will be pierced into an iron hedgehog and paralyzed.

The killing continues...

The "Hell Legion" that fought with the mixed human forces was defeated on a large scale due to the addition of the Chariot of Fire and the Widow Thunder. There is no Zerg to join, and there is no overwhelming power like the Protoss. It is the collision of human technology.

Black 3 thinks that the "Morning Star" has insufficient strength, but it never thinks that it is not Captain Tang, but his "Hell Legion".

The chariot of fire is like a hooligan who takes advantage of the fire and evades vehicles such as "black fire" and "warden" that can cause lethal damage to it. As long as it finds an opportunity to kill the progressive group, it will immediately activate the evil bat. In this mode, blue flames are sprinkled, and the widow thunder dropped by the transport plane symbolizes the call of death to send these guys named "hell" back to the netherworld.

Some soldiers wondered why the mothership did not provide fire support at high altitude ~www.readwn.com~ to relieve the pressure on the ground forces. Until they looked up into the distant void, they realized that it was not the warship that did not want to help, but because they did not have the energy to help.

Black 3 has always believed that Tang's combat plan is to shrink defenses, and use the terrain advantages to drag the aid to the navy to arrive, but now he finds that he was thinking wrong, a big mistake! The man didn't mean to shy away from defense, but planned to wipe out him and his "Hell Legion" in one fell swoop.

He didn't know why there were so many armies hidden on the "Morning Star", as if magic was conjured, the ground troops immediately wrapped people with meat dumplings.

In fact, it is not only the ground forces that are in trouble, the air force also has a difficult life, or even worse.

Originally, the number of people and Zerg II air force units chasing the 4 Dark Bat-class destroyers has been reduced by nearly one-third after repeated fierce battles. As long as the 4 Dark Bats are realigned and coordinated, he is confident at best. Paying two "Dark Bats", you can clear all the stalkers behind the buttocks and the insect air force. (To be continued)

ps: Thank you 18255699151, Mr. Baishan, Tianma Meteor Cannon for your reward

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