Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 535: Fire in the backyard

"I am more interested in the Ayalos-Koplin-Srandall No Man's Land, and I may soon become neighbors with "Morning Star Casting"."

Lilietta didn't say everything, and she didn't need to say it because Tang Fang was not a fool.

The Ayalos-Koplin-Srandall No Man’s Land used to be the site of the "Apollo", "Cobra", "Black Pearl" and other pirate groups. According to her words, "Bahamut" is If you want to open up a new territory, you must have a place in the Ayalos-Koplin-Srandal No Man's Land.

And "Dilal" is located between the no man's land and the core economic zone of the Star Alliance, and the neighbor said it was born from this.

Lilietta's so-called cooperation is actually military mutual assistance and has nothing to do with business.

He was puzzled by one thing. The "Bahamut" Pirate Group's activity area is generally in the gap between the Star Alliance and the Phoenix Empire, not far from the Sokanada line of defense, and its business is to rob merchant ships of the imperial nobles.

The Ayalos-Koplin-Srandal No Man’s Land is the border zone of the Sulu Empire, Turanx United Kingdom, and the Star Covenant. It is quite different from the active area of ​​the current "Bahamut" Pirate Group. Why is she Want to make two trips to this muddy water? Doesn't this mean dispersing forces? Provide convenience for the Phoenix Empire to destroy them?

In addition, there are already pirate forces such as "Apollo" and "Cobra" in the Ayalos-Koplin-Srandal No Man's Land. Bahamut suddenly extended its minions here, which inevitably triggers new disputes of interest. , In case they unite, even if "Bahamut" is a real dragon across the river, I am afraid it will not be good.

Furthermore, the situation in the border areas of the Star Alliance, the Sulu Empire and the Monya Empire is becoming increasingly tense, and it may happen someday. This led to a nationwide war. The Ayalos-Koplin-Srandall No Man’s Land and the Mubarak star system controlled by Harrington Harris are likely to become the main battlefield of the Star Alliance and the Sulu Empire. She is not afraid. "Bahamut" was involved in the dispute between the two countries and became the dust under the war?

As far as he knows, the Star Alliance Navy has now pushed the defensive front to the edge of the Ayalos-Koplin-Srandall no man's land. The Hell Corps led by General Harrington Harris, a stronghold of the Sulu Empire, also stepped up preparations for the war, setting up a fire interception net in the deep space on the edge of the Mubarak star system, only waiting for the Star Alliance navy to come.

In such a complicated environment, what does Lilietta mean in no man's land? It's really easy to fish when the water is muddy, but it's easier to drown people, and it's even difficult to get a dead body.

The smile on his face stopped. Shen Sheng said: "You gave the transport team a helping hand at the beginning, and I should have reciprocated and agreed to your request for cooperation. After all, no man's land is in your hands, than in Albert. Or other Pirates with Star Alliance background. The hand is more beneficial to the'Morning Star Casting', but... I have to remind you that the current Ayalos-Koplin-Srandall No Man’s Land is not the original Ayalos-Koplin-Srandall. The human zone may become the main battlefield between the Star Alliance and the Sulu navy in the future. In such a place to discuss life, a little carelessness will be the end of the dust."

Lilietta looked into his eyes and said word by word: "That's why I want to cooperate with you."

"First, Byron is now attached to you.'Apollo' is thus divided into two. I don't believe you will sit back and watch Albert and Boyle Ben make trouble, like two mice in front of you. Channeling."

"Second. You also said that the Ayalos-Koplin-Srandall No Man’s Land may become a naval battlefield in the future.'Dilal' belongs to the frontline zone. Only Byron’s 500 warships can guard against the Sulu Empire. Combined fleet? You need a strong ally, and Bahamut can share a lot of pressure for you."

"Third, the Star Alliance Council, including the current President Adam? Oliver is an enemy or not a friend of you. It may be possible when you will take the opportunity to fall into trouble, and use the state machinery to annex your'Morning Star Casting' with gentle means. Obtained a living warship. Modulate the technology, and finally kick you away... Don't doubt. They can do it. For this, you need an intelligence department of your own, and Bahamut can help you in this matter."

"Fourth, since'Morning Star Casting' is a shipbuilding enterprise, and you have the craftsmanship of biological warships and part of the warships of the Monya Empire, is Captain Tang's ideal of being a responsible businessman? Garcia's most recent rebels Life is not so good. I heard that the Monya Empire has stepped up its efforts to encircle and suppress the internal guerrilla forces. This war...is a disaster, or is the stage clear?'Bahamut' marches into Aya Los Koplin-Srandall’s no-man’s land is an adventure, and is it not a gambling? I would rather press Bao on your body, at least to get some soup to drink."

Tang Fangfang was silent for a moment and asked, "Why do you trust me? Why do I trust you?"

Arthur licked his dry lips and took a sip from the cup.

Most of the coffee in the coffee cup in front of him has been down, and the one in front of Tang hasn't moved. The curl of water vapor slowly floats in the sky under the light, adding some dynamic elements to the dull basement, not too depressing.

He was very puzzled. The Captain Tang that Walton said was a sentimental and righteous young man. At the beginning of the meeting, he was a little bit ridiculous and cynical with Lilietta, but now... he has become another person, and he is full of The momentum is like a tens of thousands of peaks, which is overwhelming.

As the owner of the Iron Skull Bar, he deals with young people every day, but none of them is as unpredictable as Captain Tang.

Such talents are terrible!

The dialogue between Lilietta and Tang Fang was not interrupted by Arthur's little actions. The female team leader gave a simple answer: "You are not an careerist, nor am I."

A pirate leader will say that he is not an ambitionist, and what ordinary people hear must think that it is a joke, the most stupid joke in the world.

But... Captain Tang chose to believe it.


Lilietta wiped her sweat, shook her head and smiled bitterly: "I think negotiating with you little fox is more tiring than fighting with the Phoenix noble fleet."

With an innocent look, Tang Fang said aggrieved: "Is that right? I'm a good talker, really. Please believe me."

The depressive and dull atmosphere in the room was swept away, and even the lighting became much softer.

How can Arthur feel like this? Is it okay to tell lies with your eyes open?

The head female blinked her eyes that were not charming but heroic, and asked, "When are you going to leave for'Dillard'?"

Tang Fang said, "Why... have any ideas? Do you want to keep me for dinner or introduce some beautiful girls? If it is the former, I might agree. If it is the latter... Sister, will you spare me?"

Arthur's eyes stared straight, and he looked at him with the same eyes that he had seen the first time he had seen him. He never expected Captain Tang to be a narcissist.

Lilietta was not very old, she couldn't help but laugh at how good he felt about herself, and laughed for a while. Suddenly he covered his mouth and said: "What do you think of me?"

Tang Fang nodded vigorously, "Okay, okay, as long as you are willing to bring the'Bahamut' Pirate Group as a dowry."

Arthur: "..."

Lilietta: "..."

"Your cheeks are not so thick."

Tang Fang said, "Didn't you have said this once?"

Lilietta was speechless again, and found that she was not an opponent of this kid in total of ten.

"When I asked you when you left, I wanted to tell you that'Dillard' has been a little uneasy lately. You'd better go back early, otherwise, I'm afraid there will be trouble."

He picked up the coffee cup and slowly let the coffee slip into the mouth. It felt a little cold and less flavorful, so he pushed it in front of Arthur. Said: "Can you pour me another glass? I feel thirsty after talking for so long, thank you."

Arthur mechanically took the coffee cup and walked towards the dim corner diagonally across. There is an old coffee machine, occasionally making a muffled sound or two, accompanied by jumping splashes and strong aroma.

"Why do you treat him as a servant?"

"I said'thank you'."

"But not sincere."

"I'm a guest from afar."

"Hey, Tang Fang! I'm talking to you about'Dillard', can you not change the subject?"

"I didn't change the subject." He blinked at the display: "The ancestors have a good saying, it's great to have friends coming from afar. Always prepare some tea and snacks to greet you before serving. This is the way of hospitality. ."

".......You dig a hole to make people jump again?"

"How do you use'again'?"

"Tang Fang. Can I marry you? "Bahamut" doesn't matter to you. Anyway, with your temperament, you will never let yourself suffer. I am happy to be a full-time wife."

"Sister, I was wrong, let's talk about digging holes."

Arthur scalded his hand accidentally, because he was too dark to see the injury.


At 22:12 in "Rockia" time, he and Walton and others left Iron Skull and returned to the hotel where Walton had rented.

After allocating the room, Claire asked why she stayed in the manager's room with Arthur for so long, so she briefly recounted the matter.

The girl thinks he is a bit reckless, who knows if the "Bahamut" Pirates really form an alliance, just because Lilietta is a female generation, so take it lightly? That is not in line with his style, bad guys will not engrave the word "bad guy" on their faces.

Tang Fang asked her if she was jealous. Lilietta's image is neutral, not his type, so she can rest assured that no one will grab her place in the main room, causing the girl to be angry and embarrassed, chasing her all over the floor. While he was fighting, he didn't want to accidentally collide with Zhou Ai, so he saved Captain Tang's life.

When asked how things were going on between Yu Fei and Joey, Zhou Ai's expression was a bit weird, but he pointed to Joey's room with his finger, without saying much.

Claire was puzzled. When he was about to ask about the specific situation, Tang Fang said: "Young couple, the bedside fights and the bedside ends, there are often..." After speaking, his eyes moved back and forth on her two people. A regretful expression on his face: "I really envy him."


The two snorted coldly at the same time, turned around and returned to their respective rooms, leaving him in place.

Shortly after returning to the room, Walton knocked in with Radu Khan and Morgan, reporting on some events closely related to the "Morning Star Casting" that had occurred in "Jakartapur" during his absence.

The first was that Tang Fang had an antagonism with the "Wanderer Technology Consortium" and rebelled against Christian, which led to Johnny's board of directors' suspicion and his dismissal of office manager.

Secondly, the "Bahamut" pirate group intervened in the dispute between "Morning Star Casting" and the "White Beard" pirate group.

The last thing is about Newton Bell, just 7 days ago. He has just been promoted to commander of the "Jakartapur" garrisoned naval fleet.

Next, the few people continued to purchase iridium-containing minerals and cesium-containing minerals, and several other materials needed to make the dimensional lock, and then went back to the room to rest.

The next morning, I had breakfast. Tang Fang Wenming Johnny personally visited the residence of "Rockia". After a conversation, he was successfully persuaded and invited to the "Morning Star Casting" branch in "Rockia" to help Walton deal with business affairs.

In the afternoon, Newton Bell visited. Tang Fang learned a situation from him. The reason why he was able to be promoted to the commander of the "Jakartapur" garrison navy was because the former naval commander Dalton Evelyn took the initiative to request to be transferred to the 79th Fleet of the Star Alliance to serve as the fleet. The deputy commander-the 79th Fleet, is one of the main fleets invested by the Star Alliance on the border with the Monya Empire.

This old fellow who admired the doctrine of the mean is on the front line!

Tang Fang felt a little incredible. The attitude of Star Alliance officials towards the country is fundamentally different from that of the Monya nobles.

Although the latter’s slogans are loud, but at a critical moment, they will only try to shirk their responsibilities. They can hide and avoid risky errands, and push and push. To put it bluntly, they are a group of vampires who use the state machinery to extract the blood and sweat of the people. But he has to put on a hypocritical patriotic face. One of the things they are good at is kidnapping public opinion, inciting young people who have been brainwashed by patriotic education, and sending them to the battlefield. They use their blood and corpses to maintain the rule of the privileged class and vested interest groups, but most young people still think that they are giving their lives for the country and die well.

As for the former, there are many people like Dalton Evelyn in the Star Alliance, although some of them have been distorted, perverted, or even extreme in their patriotism. Such as Clement. Such as O'Neill... but it is undeniable that they really want to contribute to this country. Let the Star Alliance become a powerful country with dignity and strength.

He did not understand why this was. So I talked to Newton Bell with the doubts in my heart.

The new commander of the "Jakartapur" Navy remained silent for a long time and told him a paragraph or fact. The Monya Empire is a machine by which the aristocratic class headed by the Stewart family unites to exploit the people. The starting point of all their national policies is to enslave the people in the territory. Of course, this kind of oppression will remain at a certain level, because it exceeds the social load and is bound to be forced by officials. The civil opposition, at the same time, the smart nobles will do some tricks to fool people, so that people can see a glimmer of light, but in fact the dawn is far away. In short, the social situation in Monya is that the nobles unite with the common people.

The Star League is just the opposite. The people in the parliament and the government each represent the voters behind them. They must be responsible for supporting their own people. Therefore, you will see that those lawmakers often quarrel and even intrigue over an economic bill. This is different from the social model where Monya is responsible for the top. The Star Alliance is responsible for the next. Only those in power will love the people, and the people will be patriotic, and then they will be united into faith, and a country will be rejuvenated.

Of course, nasty is everywhere, and the Star Alliance is not a pure land, but it is cleaner than the former, because in Monya, the slavery of the nobles to the civilians has become a social ethos and a general trend of the country.

Finally, Newton Bell asked him, if you have children in the future, do you want him to live in Monya, or do you want him to live in the Star Alliance?

Tang Fang thinks this question is very difficult to answer. If he chooses the latter, someone will call him forget his roots. If he chooses the former, he will speak out of conscience. Moreover, as the leader of the Garcia rebels, if his children live in Munya , There is only a dead end.

Before leaving, Newton Bell revealed a message that he will not intervene in the grievances between the "Rover Technology Consortium" and "Morning Star Casting" in the future. He just asks not to have an incident similar to the previous military-civilian confrontation in Jakartapur.

Naturally, Tang Fang was so happy. "Jakartapur" was located in the throat of the Lost Lands and Tianchao star area. He didn't want to mess up here, because that would be bad for anyone.


On the third day, nothing happened, until the fourth day, a gossip spread like a storm on the Star Alliance network.

Harrington Harris, located in the "Mubarak" star system, attacked the "Dillard" star system ~www.readwn.com~ which may have a certain degree of impact on the production facilities of "Venus Pharmaceutical" and "Morning Star Casting" After receiving the warning, the border guards immediately tightened their defense lines and sent troops to "Dilal" to repel the Hell Fleet.

"Dillard" is the base camp of Captain Tang, and as a man of the Star Alliance today, he has once again become the focus of public opinion.

Some people questioned how Harrington Harris concealed the warp probe network and frontline reconnaissance post deployed by the Star Alliance Navy in the Ayalos-Koplin-Srandall unmanned area?

Some people also wonder, isn't the Byron faction "Apollo" Pirates garrisoned in "Dillard"? 500 warships with some space-based defense facilities should be enough to support the Star Alliance Navy to arrive. Harrington Harris has two thousand-ship combat fleets under the Hell Corps, unless he invests all 2000 warships. The attack on "Dillard", otherwise, it would never be possible to defeat Byron’s pirate fleet in a short time. The key is that Harrington Harris could not do this. He would also leave a part of his troops to defend the base camp to avoid being The Star Alliance Navy took advantage of the emptiness and gave him a salary draw. At the moment when the Sulu Empire has not yet assembled, it will occupy the Mubarak star system in advance and avoid the Ayalos-Koplin-Srandall No Man’s Land. The battlefield pushed to the border of the Sulu Empire, kicking off the war. (To be continued)

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