Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 542: G area offensive and defensive warfare (3)

The soldiers in the nearby gun emplacements opened their mouths wide, and cold sweat hit the raised arms and backs of their hands like rain, and then converged with the sweat from their palms and dripped downwards, and the artillery lever seemed to have been washed by water. ≥≥ǎn≥small≥say,

At this time, the 400 orbital artillery group located in the core area of ​​the defensive network fired together, dozens of projectiles shot out with terrifying kinetic energy, of which 5 projectiles scraped across the edge of the Viking fighter, bringing a trembling light pattern. Unfortunately, they did not disrupt the energy balance between the basic particles that make up the illusion like a laser weapon. Under the action of inertia, they only flickered a few times, and then recovered again.

A lieutenant colonel shouted: "Hurry up, all space-based unmanned reconnaissance units and radar teams, hurry up and mark!"

The radar was unable to detect how many phantoms there were in the Viking fighter group of these two squadrons, and they did not dare to ignore these powerful fighters, so they could only distinguish between phantoms and real fighters by marking methods, and then use the data link system to synchronize to each battle. unit.

This method is primitive, but it is undeniably effective.

As some rapid guns, rail guns, automatic artillery, and even small and medium caliber machine guns joined the interception queue, more and more phantoms were screened out and then marked.

Until the core pulse laser array was charged and the second round of salvos was completed, the entire small and medium-sized space-based fortress defense net went down to the non-inflowing recruits and went up to the colonel commander.

As for why...Fucking two squadrons with 24 air-to-sky fighters is all illusion, none of them are real.

Tang Fang played them like monkeys!

Anger and depression spread throughout the line of defense. Without instructions from above, the gunners immediately switched their targets to the main force of the Viking fighter and the flying dragon cluster. Then, they saw that the Viking fighter that was in the front was changing its attack formation. , Like a peony in full bloom. The center of the conical array split a line, and 100 Viking fighters spread out towards the two wings.

At this moment, hidden behind the Viking fighter cluster, the four medical transport planes in the center of the flying dragon cluster appeared more and more, the hatch opened, and the unrealistic Golden Armor fighter that was initially seen would appear again.

This time they did not create illusions. But he also raised his hand and pressed lightly towards the area where the fort defense net was located.

The plasma floating in the void seems to have been summoned by the elemental power of the **** of elves, going from silence to runaway, forming a large-scale ion storm in the area of ​​the fort defense net, centering on the pulsed laser array, submerging a large number of small and medium forts in the lightning matrix .

Some soldiers suddenly... It turns out that the two Viking fighter squadrons are just a fake shot from the opponent, just to distract oneself and to lure the surrounding turrets to move closer to the pulsed laser array. Its real purpose is to cover the inflexible, large medical transport aircraft close to the front line. Then launch this incredible range attack.

What are those humanoid creatures wearing golden armor? Is it also a biological weapon?

Unfortunately, this is the last thought of some people. As for the answer to the question, they can only go to **** or heaven to find the gods of their respective beliefs.

The turbulent ion current tore the armor of the turret, ignited the ammunition warehouse, and burned the sensitive components, like a magic net woven by lightning. The other defensive net composed of many space-based forts was torn apart, completely unrecognizable.

There are a total of 16 high-ranking templars in the 4 medical transport planes. When they released the "Psionic Storm" skills that formed a lightning matrix and spread out in the deep void, it was as if someone had pressed the light switch in the dark room to light up the whole room at once.

Bick Fred crumpled his clothes, Major General Gandalf, the commander-in-chief of the space-based defense network, broke the electronic pen in his palm, and Harrington Harris of the "Arumega" ground command gritted his teeth. No words.

Is Captain Tang really a mad dog? Really?

Many people feel as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly, but it still gets stuck deep in their throats. I can't cough, and I can't swallow. I have nausea and itching and uncomfortable throat.

Of course, Harrington Harris is still very confident. Because the accidents in the -25 and -26 areas are just insignificant partial defeats and have no real impact on the overall situation. At best, it proves that Captain Tang is not a mad dog, but a rational dog, but he is one after all. A dog, isn't it?

The Hell Legion is now "closing the door and beating the dog." Because he is a dog, it is impossible for him to be a native dog that gives birth to seven or eight births in a small valley in a remote country or a bulldog with a pure bloodline and worth ten thousand gold. Overturned.

It’s just a small dish before the meal. If Captain Tang has no abilities, how can the navy of the "Jakartapur" be feared?

"This is fun, otherwise, it would be a lot of fun, without a suspenseful victory, it's like crushing an insignificant ant, which makes people uninterested... You mean it, Susan?"

The female secretary unbuttoned the nightgown of Lord Duke, gently helped him to take off from behind, then took off the military uniform on the hanger, and carefully waited for him to put it on.

Harrington Harris’s body is very dirty. Of course, this “dirty” is not the other “dirty”. It comes from large and small scars. It looks neither beautiful nor coordinated, but he has never injected a nutrient solution. To get rid of these obtrusive things, it's like he is used to others calling him general, not Lord Duke, and he is used to wearing plain military uniforms instead of gorgeous dresses.

The longer Susan stayed by his side, the more they felt that these scars were not ugly, but rather beautiful and charming, just like a general's steady breathing and thick shoulders.

How many times, she would gently rub the scars with her fingers, and then count from 1 to 87, the general would fall asleep in her whisper and make a loud snoring sound, that was the moment she felt the happiest.

She hated fighting, very hated... because her parents died in the war, under the gunfire of the Monya battleship.

She was powerless to stop it, not just because she was just a woman, she was still a dumb.


From a distance, the space-based defense net from Area -26 to -33 looks like a horn. The front is a circular defense net composed of small space-based turrets and pulsed laser arrays, which are used to deal with Viking fighters and flying dragon clusters. The long section is a heavy firepower position composed of large and medium-sized space-based defense facilities. It is used to deal with Behemoth flying straight to the high-altitude orbit of "Arumega". At the end of the horn array are various missile platforms. Heavy missiles are used to bomb Behemoth at long range. Light missiles were used to strike Viking fighters and flying dragons, while medium missiles crossed the defensive area, and -27 patrol fleets attacked the Corruptor cluster in a head-to-tail attack.

The lightning matrix of the high-ranking templars almost completely destroyed the small turrets with a bell mouth of 16 square kilometers and 40 meters below. Only some turrets with a slightly larger volume, thick outer armor, and anti-electromagnetic pulse measures barely survived the storm. The operator activates the engine system as soon as possible, without any concern that the ion storm may cause damage to the propeller, and escapes this **** of death at maximum speed.

The shattered remains of the fort ignited again and again under the ion storm. The huge lightning bolt was like an electric drill for drilling steel plates, sputtering pieces of electric sparks on the surface of some metal debris, and even knocked them off.

Before flying out of the lightning matrix, some turrets were hit by their thrusters by huge lightning pillars, causing an explosion, and eventually turning into an undulating flat boat in the sea of ​​lightning. Eventually, under the continuous blow of the ultra-high temperature plasma stream, it became a mass of fragmented steel garbage. As for the manipulator inside, perhaps even the complete body could not be preserved, and was directly hit by the violent lightning storm into a cloud of fly ash.

The space-based facilities on the periphery of the Lightning Matrix will inevitably have riots. The unmanned turrets are better. Those manned turrets are afraid of being affected by the high-temperature plasma flow, and start their thrusters to escape further outside.

At this moment, inside the bridge of a Great Sea Lion-class heavy cruiser in the -33 area, following the orders of Piccolo Fred. Major General Gandalf, who was in charge of commanding the defensive network composed of space-based weapons in the areas between -26 and -33 in the three areas of -27, -, and -24, did not lose his mind due to the sudden change, and was able to move forward at the fastest speed. The operating turret issued an emergency order-at all costs. ǎn Kill those medical transport planes.

This order is not only given to the small turrets with bell mouths, but also some 1,000 orbital cannon turrets and some medium-sized cluster laser cannons. Since it is impossible to kill the biological mothership in a short time, it is better to separate some heavy firepower to support the weakened small fort defense network.

Gandalf's order was very quick. As the elite army of the empire, the soldiers of "Mubarak" responded quickly and immediately stabilized their positions. Attempt to lock the 4 medical transport planes that made the Lightning Matrix and destroy the golden armored warriors.

It's a pity that things went counterproductive, or Emma had anticipated their reaction and ordered the medical transport to retract backwards, and 100 flying dragons rushed out of the cave like a group of bats. The mouth of the funnel formed by the Viking fighters gushed out, instantly flooding 4 medical transport planes, and directly attacked the small fort clusters distributed around the outer side of the lightning matrix.

At the same time, the Viking fighters that spread to the two wings contracted inward, and coordinated with the flying dragon group to attack the many small forts in the ring area.

The lightning matrix gradually dissipated, and the aftermath of the ion storm emerged from time to time among the numerous wreckages, illuminating the fragmented turret wreckage, looking particularly miserable.

This has caused some impact on the vision of the large and medium-sized space-based turrets behind the bell mouth, but the shooting trajectory can be corrected by fine-tuning to avoid the influence of the debris.

When the flying dragons dispersed again and rushed into the cluster of small fortresses that had just stabilized their positions in the ring zone, the formation of Viking fighters had already been pushed down from the periphery, and they had started hand-to-hand combat with those small fortresses.

50 Lanzel Fei Lei whizzed away with the fire, like a dragon with its teeth and claws, exploding into groups of scarlet fire on those forts.

Of course, because the small gun turrets were originally designed to deal with the rapid response weapons deployed by the air and space fighters, small frigates, and destroyers, the Viking fighters inevitably suffered some casualties. It is a pity that most of them are illusions, and there are only a few real machines. It caught fire and then disappeared suddenly, making it unclear what happened.

Immediately afterwards, the flying dragon played the death elegy of many small forts. They are the real hand-to-hand combat weapons. Although the blade insects fired are not as destructive as the 50 Lanzel flying thunder, the level of trickery makes people fearful. Find some key parts to start, and have a bounce function, which will bring superimposed damage to the target.

The most terrible thing is that most of the turrets can't keep up with their rhythm at all, and they are small in size, "slim" in body, flexible in steering, and in good coordination. Like a gust of wind rising from a flower bush, the place it passed was a mess.

The turrets killed by them rarely explode, and their size is fairly complete, but they all lose the ability to attack and become targets for slaughter. At some point, they will be blasted into a pile of steel trash by the 50 Lanzel flying thunders that follow up.

Gandalf wanted to use the intensive firepower of the small fort and the rear light missile cluster to encircle and harvest. Unexpectedly, when things developed to the present, the opponent would make dumplings.

The large and medium turrets in the back pose no threat to combat aircraft such as the Flying Dragon and Viking fighters, which are a lap smaller than conventional aerospace fighters. As a result, he could only slap the table angrily, and watched the green spots on the battle command platform representing his own combat power successively replaced by the "os" identifier.

His heart is bleeding, and the battle damage ratio of nearly 10:1 makes him unacceptable. Besides, there are many illusions in it, and some damaged enemy units will disappear inexplicably.

The defeat of the small turret array is inevitable. If flying dragons and Viking fighters attack the large rear turret array, the consequences can be imagined.

Gandalf said with a sullen face: "Has the reinforcements from'Rodnis' port not arrived yet?"

The liaison officer shook his head and said, "Not yet."

"Why not? It's been so long..."

He was about to order the correspondent to contact the "Rodenis" side. Suddenly, the adjutant sounded with a panic: "General...General, you...look..."

Gandalf followed his fame, and saw that the behemoth flying forward like an old cow on the big screen 3 slowly opened the "pocket" below the beginning, and a golden colossus that was comparable to a cruiser appeared in " At the front of the pocket, two huge rays pierced the void and slashed through an enhanced plasma gun turret 420 meters long.

A crimson spread on the surface of the fort, and the metal material was melted by the high temperature. A row of flaming springs erupted from the molten area, and the force of the explosion directly tore the fort. Turned into countless fragments flying around.

Not only the golden colossus, but also the special four-legged turret, throwing out ball after ball of silver-white energy balls, the large fort near the behemoth’s flight path was devastated and the bursting flames resembled intermittent volcanoes. The outbreak, one after another. The night sky shone twinkly, stinging many people's eyes and their hearts.

Of course, this is not all, there are also the stalker's particle fragmentation gun. The immortal's phase shattering cannon... But in comparison, the thermal rays of the colossus are the most shocking, often a beam of light cuts through the void, and the surface of the various types of turrets on the trajectory successively appears crimson, and is finally engulfed by thunder fire.

Gandalf stood still, his face blue and red, and the upper and lower lips were pale without a trace of blood.

The soldiers who originally ridiculed Behemoth as an incapable of attacking chicken had no sound. Some of them had already become fragmented corpses in space, and some of them couldn't even find a whole piece of flesh.

Indeed, Behemoth has no offensive capabilities, but it is a movable heavy firepower platform + biological mothership, but it is still a biological mothership with super defensive power.

The horn array collapsed completely, and all types of space-based defense facilities started their engines to try to escape from the front line. If the two sides are evenly matched, holding the position is a fighting spirit that is not easy to say, but if there is a big difference, you still choose to stick to it meaninglessly. It can be called a kind of spirit——the spirit of fools.

There are not so many "Forrest Gumps" in this world, especially on the battlefield where life is a bet.

Gandalf chose to accept this fact and ordered the messenger to issue a retreat order in order to maximize the preservation of strength, and ordered the space-based defense facilities that are still functioning between the -26 and -33 areas to retreat to the high altitude of "Arumega". Near the orbit, ready to cooperate with large-scale defense satellites and the subsequent fleet to launch a counterattack.

This order was sent to the front line at the same time ~www.readwn.com~Eternal Night" also received a report from Gandalf, Pic Fred’s face could almost drip, not only because the space-based defense network did not It can prevent Behemoth, Viking fighters, and flying dragon clusters, but also because of the "Morning Star" and its sister ships, and the chaotic form of Area -27.

Originally according to his plan, various types of space-based fortresses formed a space-based defensive network between the -26 area and the -33 area to deal with the two enemies of Behemoth, Viking fighters and the flying dragon cluster. The -27 area assembled a patrol fleet to tow Living in the main formation of biological warships composed solely of Corruptors, when the cruisers and battleships from the "Rodenis" arrived, they immediately launched a general offensive to completely wipe out the main forces of biological warships.

Ever since the Tang party initiated the “theft of auction items” in “Babylon”, which caused the Star Alliance to guilty with Sulu and Mongolia, and later became famous because of the “attempted murder by the government” incident, the Mongolian Empire felt the crisis , The Sulu Empire lifted the ban on part of the data from the original "Rekto" battle. As for the combat effectiveness of biological warships, especially the combat effectiveness of the Corruption, Bik Fred is even more aware than Albert's confidant Charman. .

Flying dragons and Viking fighters are small combat units. It is difficult to cause fatal injuries to large ships such as cruisers and battleships in a short period of time. Corruptors with a body length of more than 40 meters are the real core of the attack. (To be continued...)

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