Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 545: Strange way to unlock

As a result, her runaway mode disappeared and was replaced by the girl mode.

From an objective point of view, Freya is very real and hypocritical.

It happens that I subjectively believe that she is wrong, and that I am right. People must always understand courtesy, justice and shame. Even if they deeply like those "dirty" activities, they must show their abhorrence to show that they are a good and pure person. people.

Then, almost everyone in the society is like this. The superficial gentleman, the villain behind, are wise not to pierce the thin layer of window paper, and keep the bottom line. Some people call it morality or human morality. , Or rules.

What is morality? no one knows.

Some people think it is a shackle, and some people think it is a treasure, just like the proposition of "human nature is inherently good or inherently evil", no one can figure it out.

Therefore, war is not terrible. The most terrifying thing is culture and thought. What war conquers is the human body, and what culture and thought conquer is the human soul.

It's just like his current state, outside is a cosmic battlefield intertwined with light and fire, thinking about the lofty humanistic philosophy in his head, enjoying the pleasure created by Freya...this is really contrary and contradictory.

"Commander, congratulations, the system has two new elements to unlock."

At this moment, Emma's voice came unexpectedly and interrupted his pursuit of the truth of the universe.

"Emma, ​​are you kidding me? I didn't do anything, she was the one who did..."

He didn't say the latter words sensibly. In fact, even if he said it, Emma also specified that she would not ridicule or ridicule. The "she" at work is the most serious, except for the occasional long idle time. Only one or two spit words suddenly appeared, which is surprising.

"Commander, according to the analysis of the system log memory address, the first new element is located in the Protoss base. You need to confirm it yourself. As for the second item, the system is undergoing a partial content upgrade, and the screening thread is temporarily unable to obtain detailed content."

"She" really did not respond to Captain Tang's words, but was doing her job very seriously.

Tang Fang allocated a part of his energy and transferred it to the Protoss Base, remembering that there was no notification sound for unlocking the new element. This happened last time to unlock the Archon. Will it be the core of the mothership this time?

He immediately moved the cursor to the "Protoss Hub" and found that the mothership core was not unlocked, but an arrow representing the page turning function appeared in the lower right corner of the menu bar.

It turned out to be a protoss hero unit!

Press the hot key quickly, the menu bar changes. The background image has changed to Protoss hero Zeratul, and the unlocking progress has been 100%, but the hero production item is still locked in gray, and the note is: "Dark Temple" is required.

His expression is not very good-looking, and he secretly scolds the system for wickedness and does not have such a nasty thing. The "Dark Temple" was not unlocked, and Zeratul couldn't be summoned naturally. Such a logic was understandable. But why does it activate Zeratul as the first hero of the Protoss?

Uh...could it be that the strange thoughts you just had had such a relationship with this protoss great stick?

Is this also OK?

Now he really admires the system's IQ, or the way of thinking, it's so insightful. Simply break through the sky.

The gene bank unlocked Abathur, Behemoth's appearance unlocked Izsha, and Freya was overthrown to unlock the Archon, and I thought about philosophical issues to unlock Zeratul...Will there be more weird ones in the future? How to unlock?

"Commander, the system content has been upgraded and confirmed after analysis. The second new element should be in the fourth base."

He felt a little confused when he heard Emma's report. If it weren't for "she", the fourth base would have been almost forgotten. So he quickly transferred his consciousness to the fourth base.

Compared with the three tribes of human, insect, and god, this base for the production of Hunyuan body is very simple. Except for the middle "Hunyuan body temple obelisk relay station", Naru projection, there is no building, even There are only two construction projects for Naru Project: "Hunyuan Obelisk" and "Hunyuan Experimental Tube".

He subconsciously uses the cursor to circle the Naru projection and presses the construction hotkey. There is no new building in the production menu to unlock, but the two gray locked buildings.

Next, he shifted the focus to "Hunyuan Temple Obelisk Relay Station", and suddenly discovered that there was an additional icon in the production menu. From the appearance, it was actually Zeratul's car-Void Seeker number!

He closed his eyes hard and opened it again, and found that it was still there, and found that it was gray and uncontrollable, so he moved the cursor over, and a pop-up note read: "Need Zeratul".

The production of Zeratul requires the Dark Temple, and the production of the Void Seeker requires Zeratul. This is easy to understand and logical, but why the Void Seeker is not in the Protoss base but appeared in the first to produce Hun Yuan. Four bases?

He suddenly remembered the history of the Void Seekers. This ship was not made by the Protoss, but the heritage of Sarnaga, and the "Hunyuan Temple Obelisk Relay Station" in the fourth base was a Sarnaga god. The temple, the Hunyuan body has a deep relationship with the Sarnagas, so it makes sense that the Void Seeker appeared in the fourth base instead of the Protoss base.

As a result, he thought of another problem. The ability to unlock Zeratul and the Void Seeker was probably not just because he had the idea of ​​a magic stick for a while. The aircraft he is currently driving is not a creation of the Ypsilon clan, but another one. Alien race, and the "Seraph" and the Void Seeker have some similarities, such as dark attributes, such as being invisible.


Once again, he was shocked by the astronomical logical judgment of the interstellar system, and his admirable five-body throwing to the ground...nothing more than... Suddenly I am looking forward to how other special elements will be unlocked, such as the Hyperion, the White Star, or the Odin, Queen of Blades, and even the Tauren Marines. The system can think of more funny and weird unlocking methods. What?


When he felt something was wrong and turned his attention to his body again, he found that Freya had already sat on it.

"Freya... haven't you had enough?"

"No...well, you can actually leave me alone, Freya loves the buffet."

Buffet...buffet... Captain Tang was sweating, thinking that Freya really has the potential to be self-taught.

This is a war. Be serious. He warned himself more than once, and then found out more than once that he couldn't be serious anyway.

The observation system of the "Seraph" is a holographic field of view mapping like the Spirit Realm system. The two of them are sitting in a dark void. Outside is the tragic scene of the battleship of the Second Fleet of the Hell Legion being abused. It's Freya eating the buffet inside. How does this make him serious? I'm afraid Kong Shengren and Liu Bu are in chaos, and they can't get serious.

"My morals..."

Freya moved very vigorously: "I ate it."

Tang Fang: "..."

"I mean morality! My morality! Not a banana!"

"Do you have that thing?"


If this scene of the "Seraph" bridge was seen by Sulu Empire generals such as Pic Fred and DuPont Cataland, I am afraid there will be the urge to lift the table. Of course, they can at this moment. Only the combat podium was lifted. The premise is to have enough strength, or choose to smash instead of smash.

If people like Terry Ferdinand, O'Neill, Adam Oliver knew about it, they would doubt that Mr. God wrote the wrong script. This is obviously a war movie. How could it become a love action movie, this is too unreasonable.

If they were known by Rommel, Hannibal, etc., maybe they would compare the quality of Freya and the woman in her arms, and then push them away. In terms of body and appearance, the girl is better than Charlotte Kui. Grace is slightly inferior to the front line; in terms of innocence and cuteness, in terms of the bird and the person, and how can you compare to the ordinary women who see money and open their eyes; in the style of bedclothes. It can be called kitschy but not vulgar, coquettish but not sly

Where is this going to fight, it is clearly a "Mubarak double-flying one-day tour". The artillery fires outside are just entertainment shows in tourist destinations, to add to the fireworks.

Naturally, they would not know the horrific scene that happened on the "Seraph" bridge. Terry Ferdinand and others knew that the "Morning Star" had left "Diral" but did not know where the destination was, "Mubarak" ? It's more like a joke than guess.

Piccolo Fred and Dupont Catalan now have no time to guess what Captain Tang is doing. Even if you have time to guess, you will never guess the correct answer.

Harrington Harris' latest order was issued soon. The "Eternal Night" aircraft carrier and most of the ships of its **** fleet arrived safely in the g-00 area, and even the vanguard forces responsible for the breakup returned to their original formation safely. The three warships that had been chasing behind their buttocks did not catch up, as if the shot of the "Morning Star" was just to drive them back to their hometown.

The flying dragon and Viking fighter clusters also did not catch up with the defeated floating space-based installation forces in the first time, but merged with the Corruptor cluster, and then moved forward slowly, causing a heavy burden to the defenders on the high-altitude orbit of "Arumaga". pressure.

Behemoth continued to advance, flying straight towards the g-00 zone.

The pocket under its head has been closed, and the colossus, the immortal, etc. are all gone. Only its body is comparable to a mountain, which makes people feel heavy and has a life-long depression.

Gandalf did not know why it was out of touch with the main force, like a stubborn lone ranger, heading straight to the high-altitude orbit of "Arumega". It may be used to attract firepower and act as a meat shield to cover the main attack force, or it may be like just now. In that way, there are some other amazing things in the belly, to give them a "surprise".

Anyway, no matter which one it is, it is not a good thing for the Hell's Army that has turned from offensive to defensive.

Bick Fred did not slack off because his opponent slowed down his offensive speed. After arriving in the g-00 zone, he followed Harrington Harris' orders and made defensive deployments immediately.

Zone g-00 is the most important area in the outer space g defense zone of "Arumiga". It can be said that this is the core of the entire "Mubarak" internal defense system.

Geographically, the g-00 area is a ring-shaped area outside the high-altitude orbit of "Arumega". This area is distributed with many asteroids, with hundreds of asteroids. Add" revolution.

According to the official data of the Star Alliance, these asteroids came from a former satellite of "Arumega". After Harrington Harris took control of "Mubarak", he dismembered the satellite into countless asteroids and then dug them. Empty, build a storage room for powerful turrets, missile launchers, and even various types of combat aircraft.

This artificial asteroid belt, plus the "Rodenis" and "Rodonia" military ports. As well as large attack satellites and various floating forts, constitute the ultimate line of defense for "Arumega".

Under Bick Fred's instruction, the "Evernight" aircraft carrier battle formation entered the asteroid belt and the center of the large attack satellite, and then the floating fort under the jurisdiction of Gandalf, surrounding some relatively large asteroids. Build a defensive base.

At the same time, more than 900 warships of the Garrison Fleet + Tulip Fleet departed from the "Rodnia" naval port, facing the brilliance of "Mubarak", swiftly sailing from the flat line of the cloud with a layer of silver and white light. Come, the momentum is strong, like a space tsunami made of steel. With the momentum of the thunderbolt, it quickly swept to the area where the "Evernight" was located, and it was also the intersection of Behemoth's trajectory and area g-00.

One of the most eye-catching is naturally the 380 improved warships under the Tulip Fleet. They are not as low-key as the First and Second Fleet of the Hell Corps. They are the guards of the Duke. They obviously take the publicity route, especially the paint on the surface of the battleship, which is as dazzling as a tulip.

Under normal circumstances, they are used as a symbol, walking with the feet of Lord Duke, playing the role of guard and honor guard, and will not appear as the main attack or defensive force on the space battlefield. however. Today is different from the past. Tang Fang’s offensive behavior made Harrington Harris smell a bit of danger, so he did not hesitate to send the Tulip fleet to the front.

As the only fleet of the Hell Corps consisting of improved warships. They have a very strong combat effectiveness, although there are only 380 warships, their strength is even comparable to the First Fleet of the Erye Legion.

In particular, the modified battleship "Full Moon", which is the commander of the Tulip Fleet, Emerson Lewis, is several times more powerful than ordinary Walrus-class battleships, and its body length is comparable to DuPont Catalander's "Doombringer" aircraft carrier.

A battleship has the length of an aircraft carrier. This shows that it is very special.

It is indeed special, because the growing section is used to deploy a weapon-a heavy anion beam laser cannon. This is not the crappy laser cannon installed on the flagship "Silver Wheel" of Lord Lancelot's Guard Fleet of the Monas Empire. It is not the kind configured on the general space-based laser weapon defense platform, but the same as the "universal position generating device" equipped by the "Morning Star". Belongs to Ypsilon heritage. The only difference is that it is used for attack and the "universal position generating device" is used for defense.

Just like the "Universal Position Generator", which is used on destroyers and light cruiser-class Ypsilon battleships, in the hands of Lancelot, you must use the "Silver Wheel" equipped with the "torch" reactor. The drive is the same. In order to make this heavy anion cluster laser work normally, Harrington Harris modified a special model of the White Sea Elephant class battleship, lengthened the hull, equipped with the latest Alpha zero element reactor, and implanted auxiliary Energy cores, new capacitors, etc., to create such a super battleship.

Lieutenant General Emerson Lewis has been dissatisfied with the name "Full Moon". Just because it's the same as "Tulip", it has something to do with Susan, the Duke's most beloved woman, even if he is dissatisfied and feels a little bit girlish, he dare not say anything.

In comparison, the warships belonging to the garrison fleet are much weaker, and even worse than the configuration of the second fleet of the Erye Legion under the jurisdiction of Bick Fred, because they are mostly used for the internal defense of the star system. There are many space-based defense facilities to cooperate, so there is no need to invest too much energy in offensive.

The arrival of these two fleets is like injecting a booster for all soldiers in the "Eternal Night" aircraft carrier battle formation and the space-based floating fort that had just suffered a defeat, and their morale has been greatly improved.

Bick Fred ordered the liaison officer to take over the "Full Moon" bridge ~www.readwn.com~ for a brief exchange with Emerson Lewis, and finally decided to deploy 900 warships on the flanks of the g-00 defense zone. If you advance, you can launch a fierce attack from the flanks when a cluster of biological warships are launching an offensive, and cooperate with the frontal firepower network to inflict severe damage on the enemy. The mixed forces composed of insects are scattered, thereby weakening their combat effectiveness and avoiding space, so that the floating fort can be destroyed individually.

This is his experience from the previous defeat. Small combat units such as Viking fighters and flying dragons will never be able to tear the final line of defense in a short time. What really needs to be prepared is to release the lightning matrix, which can affect the direction of the local battlefield, and those who can attack the cruiser, Battleships, battleships, are clusters of Corruptors that cause fatal damage.

For the former, let your own defense units be arranged in depth, widen the distance between them, and at the same time use containment methods to destroy the enemy's formation. Once you see the medical transport aircraft carrying the golden armored generals, they will be killed immediately. For the latter, their mobility is much worse than that of the Flying Dragon and Viking fighters. The method of flanking can also limit their ability to transform their positions in the cluster for organizational regeneration, not to mention the fact that there are many garrison fleets. Large ships, and the Tulip Fleet belonged to the Hells Corps. It is not comparable to the small and medium-sized patrol fleets. In the face of such a combination, the Corruptors will conservatively estimate that half of them will die halfway before they deceive the combined fleet or the final line of defense. (To be continued)

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