Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 548: Take advantage of

Finally, he found another unimaginable situation. The shrapnel embedded in the flesh was being squeezed out of the body little by little along with its grunting, and some of the less injured areas had been covered by biological mucus, and then slowly hardened. ,heal. [800] (.. first release)

He gritted his teeth, ready to give up the new goal and turn around to fight again. Since one missile cannot be killed, how about 3, 5, 7? As long as the firepower is strong enough, it can naturally be eliminated.

In the distance, a beam of light illuminates the evening sky, and a thick particle beam penetrates the body of a king insect. The brightness of the beam fluctuates for a few times and then slowly dissipates, leaving little spots in the air.

The king insect lost its stability and rolled down from mid-air, looking completely dead.

The particle beam cannon made a great achievement, and his depressed mood became high again. He moved the joystick to the side, and the fuselage was tilted to the right. The tail thruster of the shuttle swayed in the air with two flame curves like flowing water.

At this moment, two small black dots quickly bullied the shuttle from diagonally behind. When the driver reacted and recognized that they were two flying dragons, the two blade insects had already screamed from the split air and landed on The weakest armor around the shuttle's tail thruster.


When the fire that emerged from the shuttle body lit the sky, the driver's thought of turning back and making up his knife had become the last thought in his life.

The same scene also happened to the mechanical transport team. Two fighters cooperated with ground air defense artillery to break through the fire blockade of Viking fighters, bullying the airspace where the transportation team is located, and a fighter at the forefront projected 6 missiles on the Protoss transport aircraft. What made the pilots dumbfounded was that the 40-meter-long golden aircraft was equipped with an energy shield, and the missiles equipped with the fighter aircraft could not cause damage to it.

The target ignored them at all, passing by the two fighters directly, and flew to the airdrop location.

After a brief stupefaction, the two pilots dropped a second wave of missiles on the weird aircraft in the second echelon, which seemed to be wearing a sky blue chiffon skirt, and then again found that their attack was not worthy of scratching.

Just when they were stunned for the second time, a white streamer flashed from the side, switching to the high-speed camera mode only to find that the white transport planes that were originally in the third echelon suddenly accelerated. With the opponent's current speed, it is impossible for them to catch up.

The speed of the transport plane is faster than that of the fighter plane, which is simply unreasonable.

They couldn't do anything with the two golden transport planes of the first echelon, and they still couldn't do anything with the sky blue chiffon skirt "Miss" of the second echelon. The girls in the white clothes of the third echelon are all track and field champions, and now there are only the fourth echelon left, with two ugly, engineering ships-like aircraft. They decided to go one by one.

The fighter on the left has been exhausted due to anti-air missiles. Only the bow Gatling cannon can be used for strafing. The fighter on the right chooses a two-pronged approach. The missile and the cannon go into battle and attack the two Nighthawks.

Bang Bang Bang...

Dense metal impact sounded, sparks shot in all directions, and the nighthawk's surface armor was shot out one after another.

This time I didn't encounter an energy shield that was nowhere to be heard, and the target did not have superhuman acceleration capabilities. The two pilots thought it would be easy to kill the two engineering ships.

But in the next second, they found out that they were wrong, and they were wrong. This mechanical transport fleet is not a soft persimmon at all, none of them are mentally handicapped women who can be bullied, all hermits with unique skills.

The first two are masters of the Golden Bell, the blue "chick" in the back is an expert in iron cloth shirts, and the seventh Wudang who has refined Tiyunzong in the back. As for the last two...

They found that they couldn’t find a word to describe them. Those two engineering ships could radiate a green light beam, and all the craters in the place where they were irradiated would be repaired within extreme time, and the mechanical arms on both wings of the fuselage could use nanomaterials to The sensitive parts are welded, cut, replaced, repaired and other operations, which is completely a small movable machining and repair shop. txt download

As for the missiles... the two ugly broken ships opposite the tmd were actually equipped with 12.7mm electromagnetic guns. Those missiles were killed one by one before they were close, exploding into a circle of fireworks.

I thought I was grabbing a group of chickens, but when I thought that it was not an eagle, it would be a falcon, when the 12.7mm electromagnetic cannon under the night hawk turned its angle. When Yaoyao locked the two fighters, the pilot thought of fleeing for the first time. People have the ability to repair themselves and can ignore the firing of cannon weapons, but they don't.

It's a pity that the fighter plane on the left was slightly shaken due to the vortex of the wings when it turned. The evasive action was delayed and deviated. As a result, the 12.7mm projectile shot by the electromagnetic gun was hit straight. A fire-breathing hole was torn in the belly of the aircraft. With an explosion, flames gushed out from the belly of the aircraft. It immediately covered the fuselage under the scroll, and flew into the air, causing a series of explosions along the way, and finally shattered into iron slag, which fell to the ground with a raging flame.

The other fighter had better luck and escaped the fire from the electromagnetic cannon safely, but before the pilot was fortunate, a blue light was wiped from the front. Then, a small black spot with firelight grew from small to large. Realizing what it was, it was too late to launch the inducer.


A fireball exploded again in the air, and the explosive force of the mt-50 Lanzel flying thunder directly tore the fighter into pieces, looking from a distance as if a fire rain fell in the air.

The king insects have no attack ability and their speed is also not fast, but they win in their tenacious vitality and full resilience. It is difficult for ordinary armed shuttles and fighters to destroy them in one or two rounds, and then they will be killed by the flying dragon that suddenly kills them. Even some light laser weapons cannot cause fatal damage if they can't hit the key.

Only those large-caliber orbital cannons, heavy particle cannons, and high-power missiles on the ground can kill the king insects in one blow. It is just that the speed of general high-power missiles is not very fast, and it is easy to be exploded by the flexible dragon in the middle. Caliber orbital cannons and heavy particle beam weapons have a long attack interval, which makes it difficult to form a mass destruction effect. However, the army of king worms is huge, and there are illusions made by high-level templars, and not every king worm is equipped with combat unit.

As a result, the "Arumega" ground defense line invested a lot of troops, but the damage to the king's army was extremely limited.

When the mechanical transport team, under the cover of the army of king insects, arrived safely on the southern shore of the "Aquiyas" lake, it brought 8 siege tanks, 4 widow mines, 2 immortals, 8 dragon knights, and 6 high-ranking soldiers. Templar warriors and even two golden beetles were sent to the ground after the battlefield. Harrington Harris of the Ground Command Center of the North Shore General House finally couldn't sit still.

This prestigious general of the Sulu Empire showed a solemn look for the first time, even his breathing was heavy, his gestures exuded a mountain-like vigorous aura, and it felt as if he had noticed a male lion invaded by a powerful enemy. .

Susan stood behind him. As usual, she never speaks, she has no sense of presence, Harrington Harris is like a mountain, and she is like a light mist. Blocked by towering and heavy peaks, it will only flow quietly in the mountainside valleys.

No one can see her beauty and grace, except Harrington.

If Tang Fang stood here, she would definitely feel familiar, because she looked like a person-Claire, the two of them had similar temperaments, but it was a pity that she couldn't speak, and she was less angry after all.

Of course, there is another "different", Harrington is keen to be a mountain. He just wants to be a green pine.

"Herald, order the special defense team to immediately activate the laser defense network."

Harrington Harris' voice was a little hoarse, which originated from a sticky sputum choking in his throat. There will always be many minor problems when a person is old. This does not mean that there are more meanings, for example, he is afraid...

Even if the enemy's army has arrived at the ground station, it does not mean that he will give up.

He also has the First Fleet of the Hell Corps. The Tulip Fleet and the Garrison are fighting fiercely. The two sides are hurting each other. In addition, the battleship formation of the Second Fleet has regrouped. Is rushing to the front line.

The "laser defensive net" that Harrington Harris said was another important defensive unit of the "Arumega" ground line of defense in addition to the heavy armor and super-large magnetic shield of the General Mansion itself.

Within 3 minutes after the order was issued, a lawn covering tens of acres in the east area of ​​the General's Mansion slowly cracked, and the soil was falling down. Flowing into the huge basement below, with a rumbling sound, a huge underground device was pushed to the surface.

The hydraulic system fixes this equipment with a length of 40 to 50 meters on a stable device. The cover on the front of the barrel matrix is ​​retracted, revealing the colorful crystals behind it, which turns out to be a laser cannon matrix. There are 24 units.

The same scene also happened in the western area of ​​the General's Mansion. The same heavy laser cannon matrix, under the guidance of the enemy radar, locked Wang Dajun in the air with different inclination angles and directions.

At the same time, some hidden basements in the surrounding area of ​​the General's Mansion launched one after another unmanned equipment, some of which were small and quickly flew to the outer edge of the battlefield to unfold, transforming into a slowly rotating laser turret, and the east and west areas. The heavy-duty laser cannon matrix and the small and medium-sized laser arrays equipped in some other buildings form an integrated air-ground laser defense network.

Other larger unmanned tactical platforms went to higher and farther places.

In fact, some attacking satellites and asteroid fortresses in the high-altitude orbit of "Arumega" can also be incorporated into the inland laser defense network, and only then can they truly be called air-ground integration.

However, due to the cluster relationship between Behemoth and the Corruptors, large-scale space-based defense facilities have basically become targets. They were killed one by one and could not be added to the ground attack sequence, making the originally complete integrated defense network incomplete. But even if there are only two lines of defense on the ground and low altitude, the power is still not weak.

Although this is inside the atmosphere, particles and gas molecules in the air will scatter and diffract the laser light, which will cause energy attenuation and reduce the power of laser weapons. However, the power of these laser turrets is not low, especially the heavy-duty in the east and west regions. The laser matrix and the attached laser cannons of most buildings use the underground fusion reactors of the General Mansion to supply the energy needed for operation, equipped with multiple cooling systems, and airdropped to the "Arumega" ground combat units are small in size and limited in defense. It is difficult to block these high-energy laser beams.

From the order of Harrington Harris to the activation of the ground laser defense network, the entire process takes less than 5 minutes. However, those large unmanned tactical platforms need to overcome gravity and lift into the air because of their large size. For a certain period of time, it was not possible to launch an attack on the first landed on the southern shore of Lake "Aquiyas" and the units of the Gods II. For the time being, they could only rely on the guard armored group to resist.

When the ground-based laser cannon network fired a series of "rainbow" beams of different colors from the locust-like army of king insects and the flying dragon guerrillas to the sky, causing a lot of chaos, the battle around the "Aquiyas" lake also began. .

Eight siege tanks lined up on the southern bank of the artificial lake, changing from the tank mode to the siege mode, broadcasting plasma **** with death to the sky on the north bank.

The assault squad consisting of 8 dragon knights stalked all around, like spiders with agile webs. Quickly swinging his lower limbs, he ran around the lake shore line towards the direction of the guards' armored brigade. Behind them were two immortals, and the front ends of the four barrels were swallowing flickering blue light. Blast a group of energy bombs at the armored vehicle group on the opposite side.

As "Arumega" is not a resident star, a large number of naval warships are stationed at the high-altitude orbits "Rodnis" and "Rodonia" naval ports. The role of ground forces is small and the number is not large. The composition of the armored group of the guard is average. They are all mechanized infantry and light combat vehicles equipped with "Hurrying Silver Wolf" power armor. There are few cumbersome units such as tanks and long-range artillery. Faced with battleship-class weapons such as the Immortal's phase split bomb, one can imagine what it will be like.

A large number of "Mustang" light tanks and "Porcupine" multi-function armored personnel carriers, 36 "Jackal" light tanks, 8 manticore heavy tanks, this is the combat vehicle configuration of the guard armored brigade.

Even the manticore heavy tanks that can use the data link network to conduct over-the-horizon strikes, and the ground-attack missiles configured by other vehicles, are far from the Immortal's Phase Fragmentation Cannon in terms of range.

The "Jackal Change" light tank that was responsible for opening the way at the forefront of the Immortal's phase shattering cannon had no time to react at all and was bombarded. It exploded into a rapidly expanding fire, the trace antimatter and the positive matter in the energy ball were annihilated, releasing a large amount of high-energy rays, all nearby sensitive electromagnetic elements were burned, and the shock wave of the explosion swelled around, burning the lush vegetation on the lake beach and raising dust. And thick smoke rushes into the distance like a wave.

The 2 Immortals fired in 2 rounds and fired a total of 8 shots, all hitting the target.

The 12 "Jackal Modified" tanks at the front of the armored brigade were instantly swallowed by this blazing storm, and the tanks that were hit frontally by the phase fragmentation bombs only had some metal residue. There were also a few tanks that had half of their bodies melted by thermal radiation, leaving only the black chassis. Only the outermost two tanks barely left their corpses, and thick black smoke turned from the scorched place to the restless sky.

The commander of the main force behind was directly scared to death. The vanguard tank consisting of 12 "Jackals" was so finished, without firing a single shot, and even the enemy’s face was never seen, it was finished, their armor was like paper in front of those energy bombs. The same, completely vulnerable. Simply appalling!

You must know that it is a tank, a tank known for its defense, even though it is only a light tank...Even the Jackal cannot withstand the attack of the opponent. What about armored vehicles such as the Mustang and the Porcupine? What about the mechanized infantry?

The reconnaissance drone sent a message that based on the residual energy captured by the infrared remote sensing equipment, the culprit responsible for the destruction of the vanguard tank was the two heavy artillery that moved toward the main force of the armored brigade on the opposite side.

In front of them, there are 8 mechanical units that move quickly like crawling robots, which are already less than 10 kilometers away from the main force of the armored brigade.

2 units...only 2 units...2 mobile artillery can kill a tank, and the energy release response at that moment is almost comparable to nuclear weapons.

The people in the armored brigade command system looked at each other, as if listening to incredible ghost stories.

Even Edison King, the top commander of the guards, felt incredible. If the opponent uses the maneuverability of the air-cushion vehicle, the method of flying kites + booby traps, or uses a heavy armored heavy tank to carry out a violent attack like in the Rector battlefield, he will not be surprised to kill the vanguard tank. But now? The opponent killed 12 tanks in one face-to-face ~www.readwn.com~No... the two sides never met. The vanguard tank company of the armored brigade was gone, and the hapless person hit by the energy bomb head-on didn't even leave the wreckage. This is simply a slaughter and a torture!

An early warning aircraft hovering high above the battlefield captured a picture. The protagonist was the two movable heavy artillery. Then, Edison recalled a photo that was taken by the Monya Empire at the "Somaer" auction house. The complete remains of Ypsilon is not exactly the one in front of him.

He seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and then went to look at the video data of the mechanical transport team dropping combat units on the ground. His eyes stayed on the first aircraft for a long time, and he gradually sketched the outline of the object behind the translucent plasma shield in his mind.

Then, he twitched the corners of his mouth vigorously, the expression on his face seemed to be an aggrieved child who would cry but not cry.

Although it was a little unclear, I couldn't think of how that person handled the whole thing, but there is no doubt that both the Sulu Empire and the Monya Empire gave him a fool.

The early warning aircraft sent another piece of image data. The reconnaissance drone used to monitor the opponent at low altitude and assist in positioning was shot into a ball of fire by the electromagnetic cannons of the two engineering maintenance ships at the back of the mechanical transport team, and fell into the artificial lake and splashed. A surge. (To be continued.) xh118

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