Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 550: Golden Beetle Power

The rapid response team immediately attacked the front gate of the General Mansion after landing, and the siege tanks on the south bank shifted the muzzle to open a fast passage where the defensive turrets in the southern area of ​​the General Mansion concentrated.

Since the landing site of the special operations team and the rapid reaction team is located on the west bank of Lake "Aquiyas", very close to the General's Palace, the Protoss transport aircraft deliberately slowed down and sneaked towards the southeast corner which was just destroyed by the siege tank. , When the rapid response team broke through the isolation net, the Protoss transport aircraft could reach the destroyed southeast corner defense line.

Anti-aircraft missiles cannot strike targets within a certain distance, and a dual magnetic rail gun is used against it.

At this moment, the Protoss transport plane swooped and swooped, and an extra 20-meter golden giant worm appeared on the ground. They have fish-scale armor, tightly enveloping the entire body, and have a small head like a multi-tentacled insect.

When it appeared on the high-speed runway built around the General's Mansion, the operator of the twin rail gun was slightly lost, and failed to issue the firing command for the first time.

Seriously speaking, it doesn’t make much sense whether it fires or not. The twin magnetic rail gun is already a medium-sized defensive weapon, which can effectively deal with destroyers and the following warships. However, its target today is a Protoss transport aircraft, although it is only more than 40 meters away, plasma shield It is still not capable of breaking it with one blow, and the Golden Beetle will not give it a second chance to fire.

A mechanical majestic peak flew out of the carapace unfolded from the mother body, with a blue glow, like a drunk bird, bypassing the ground building that was bombed by the siege tank, and evading the caliber of the defense robot that popped up from the ground. A burst of armor-piercing projectiles. Draw a nice arc, drill directly from top to bottom into the joint part of the barrel and base of the dual magnetic rail gun, a white light flashes, and then a deafening explosion.

The two tracks of the dual magnetic rail gun were directly disconnected from the base of the gun, with billowing smoke. There were successive explosions, and the ground nearby was shaking.

The damage of the rail artillery in the southeast corner attracted the attention of the defense command. Many turrets in the deep area adjusted their muzzle angles in an attempt to lock the Protoss transport aircraft. How did you know that the target dropped a second golden beetle and then volleyed and turned at the fastest speed. Fly outside.

at the same time. One after another mechanical majestic peaks flew out of the golden beetle, turning left and right among the ruins, like butterflies with picky tastes, ignoring the small and medium-sized cannons on the way, and specifically looking for railguns and particle beams of the caliber and below. Launcher, small-caliber plasma gun. Suicide attacks were carried out by Cannon artillery.

Because the golden beetle hides in low-lying areas, uses the mechanical hero's automatic enemy tracking system to track the target, and then detonates the energy core to launch a suicide attack. The heavy fortresses in the distance cannot lock them at all. They can only stare in place and let the mechanical heroes. Feng exploded one by one, or crippled them.

Edison also tried to send a ranger to deal with them. But when the three "Brilliant Horse" chariots were bombarded by the mechanical peaks and exploded into burnt metal fragments, the soldiers inside did not even leave any pieces of meat, so he was wise not to send large units. Instead, the soldiers were ordered to cooperate with the movable defense robot to approach the location of the Golden Beetle from different routes.

Unfortunately, their grenades, grenade, and even RPG, C4 explosives, etc. are not enough to break the plasma shield of the Golden Beetle, not to mention the thick armor on the body of the big man, not to mention the tickle of ordinary weapons, at most It's just a breeze, it's cool. Refreshing.

Edison King finally couldn't help holding up the cup and pouring the coffee that the assistant had accidentally put too much sugar into his mouth. Then put down the empty cup, looking at the heavy artillery label in the southern district of General Mansion on the virtual sand table, which was quickly replaced by the character "", frowned.

His expression makes people wonder if the cup of coffee, sugar or milk was missing. Too bitter, or too astringent.

Actually... he didn't taste any taste at all, thinking it was because of the coolness.

Like the thoughts of many staff members below, he is curious why those golden beetles can fire endlessly, and there is no shortage of ammunition, because in this short ten minutes, there have been nearly 40 large and small forts and air defenses. Missile launchers and more than 10 vehicles died under their hands.

Analysis of the images taken by high-speed cameras shows that the explosives are suicide drones. They are not small in size. With the volume of the two golden beetles, the external armor, the power system, the suspension system, and the electronic equipment are removed. Not enough to support their unrestrained bombardment.

Soon, the frontline fighters sent back a very speechless message.

After a period of observation, they discovered that the two huge golden beetles were not movable heavy artillery in the ordinary sense, but a suicide drone mothership, or the kind of land mothership with a suicide drone production line. , They can swallow the metal material in the surrounding environment, then carry out fine processing in the production line in the body, assemble it into a suicide drone with high intelligence, and then launch it.

Collect metal elements on the spot? On-site production and processing? Assemble it into a suicide drone on the spot? Project in place?

Edison felt that he was listening to a science fiction story, a science fiction story full of fantasy.

What's a joke? That golden transport plane ran around the southeast corner of the General's Mansion and dropped two mobile military factories? Those people on the front are making up stories, right? Also tm is a eloquent story.

Are they going to shirk responsibility? In fact, there is no need to do this. An armored brigade of the guard was crushed by 8 crawling robots and 2 mobile heavy artillery on the west bank of the "Aquaias" Lake. The main force was almost crippled by pressing the head and violently. Half of the light vehicles and mechanized soldiers are still fighting.

However, the opponent only paid the price of 3 crawling robots, or the most elite tactical blasting team received a death order from the superior commander and used multiple portable fusion bombs to carry out suicide charges, such as ordinary firearms, artillery, and even vehicle-mounted missiles. Laser weapons cannot penetrate the blue shield on their body surface.

Five transport shuttles suddenly crashed into the lake while flying over the lake. Although they did not know the cause of the crash, they couldn't get rid of the six Golden Armored generals.

Combined with the previous process of hijacking and killing the Golden Armored transport plane by the fighter plane, and the Golden Armor can release the suicide drone for long-range bombing. These combat units covered in the iconic golden paint are far more threatening than biological weapons.

In the ground battle on the Sulu Empire Recto planet, there were few types of combat units with golden paint, but what about now?

Not only the golden units are more abundant, but also biological motherships and stealth warships.

The coffee that Edison had just drunk turned into cold sweat and exuded again, and a strong smell of sweat wafted under his armpits. You can smell it in Bali.

In the past, he was able to defeat the garrison fleet and army of Lord Lancelot of the Megall star system with a meager force. Today, how can he not use 500 aerospace units to destroy the "Mubarak" garrison fleet?

Where did that guy make so many powerful weapons? Whether it is a biological unit, a golden unit, or even the "Morning Star" and the machine gunner, the combat units that look like the product of human science and technology are much higher than the current average technological level of human society.

"Haruko, you said... Did that kid get some great Ypsilon legacy in Namistar? No...no... Namistar has exploded. It is said that only one Ypsilon shuttle escaped at the time. The people in the Ministry guessed that it was most likely that he was driving the aircraft. Is it possible... Is he an Ypsilon? Or is there a living Ypsilon helping him?"

He thought of the information provided by the Thunder Fleet of the Monya Empire and the Holy Violet Fleet of the Sulu Empire, and thought of the Yipsyron ruins above, and where did Tang Fang rise from. Maybe... He even exploded Nami Star, otherwise, how could a planet that was originally good suddenly explode.

In fact, these are all his speculations, such as "Tang Fang is an Ypsilon", which is more fantastic than the content reported by the frontline soldiers.

"There are living Ypsilons helping him." This kind of speculation is more likely, because the Ypsilons must know where there are hidden remains of Ypsilons that have not been discovered by humans, if it is similar to a military industrial base. Large-scale facilities can naturally improve his military strength and technological level in a short time.

Something was concealed in the information provided by the Monya Empire. For example, the existence of the "Meijiaer" transition relay station, otherwise, Edison would definitely turn the guess into a confirmation.

The empty cup is filled with coffee. Haruko Fukada tore open the bag of fine sugar, adding sugar attentively.

Half a spoonful of sugar------This is the habit of Major General Edison.

In the past 3 years, she no longer has to use a spoon to measure the quantity. She can only judge the amount to be put in by the weight of the sugar bag and the flow rate of the sugar.

It's just...this is the second time she has missed, and her snow-white wrist flicked. All the sugar slipped into the cup.

The first time she saw the dense army of king insects, she was very scared.

This time it was because of Edison's words. If the guess that "there is a living Ypsilon helping him" is correct, then...who can restrain him from now on? Let him grow like this again. I am afraid that the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire will become his defeated opponents in the near future.

Is it going to change...

When she stirred the coffee with a spoon, she remembered a very bad thing. Just now, with a flick of her wrist, the whole bag of sugar was poured into the cup. Edison was very sensitive in taste and was more picky. It was impossible to put less sugar, but too much. Even worse, he would pat the tabletop and roar like a lion.

She was hesitating whether to pour out the coffee with too much sugar and make another cup. Edison picked it up casually and pours it into her mouth like a long-thirsty desert traveler.

"General... General..." Haruko stopped talking.

Edison put the cup back in place, glanced at her and said, "Is there something wrong?"

She was very surprised. With so much sugar, the major general, who was always very sensitive to sweetness, didn't taste anything?

"General, you said... will those Golden Armor battles be Ypsilons?"

Of course she would not say nothing, let alone ask, "You didn't taste the coffee just now, right?" Smart women have always been full of scheming, and she is no exception, knowing how to divert attention from new topics.

Edison thought for a while and said: "No one has seen what the Ypsilons look like. Your guess is not unreasonable, but I think those golden armors should not be Ypsilons because they have no reason to be involved in humans. What's more, even if there are still Ypsilons alive in this era, they are probably extremely rare. Will they fight for a human man? This is obviously impossible!"

"And, have you noticed that those golden-painted combat units are not imprinted with the e-pattern, which is completely different from the creation of Ipsyron...Of course, one thing is different. But from the individual armor From small combat robots, to aircraft, and even the golden colossus raging on the space station, there is no e mark on its body, which is strange."

"That..." Haruko Fukada's clear and thin eyebrows raised, and her tone was thick and puzzled.

He continued: "Some of the Ypsilon wrecks found in the Lost Lands were obviously caused by weapon attacks. This shows that the Ypsilons in the Lost Lands have been attacked. It may be a civil strife. It may be..." Having said that, looking at her eyes, he said, "The universe is huge, and the Milky Way is no more than a drop in the ocean. No one knows if there are other cosmic civilizations other than alien races like the Ypsilon."

"General...you...you mean?"

Edison shrugged and sighed: "The universe is huge, and there are too many things that humans don’t know and cannot understand. No one knows if there is something incredible and beyond human understanding on the other side of the sea of ​​stars. Happened. Those golden armor warriors may be new alien races. For some unknown reason, swear allegiance to the kid, or it may be a by-product of biological weapons, or biological weapons are by-products of them. It may also be cultivated by the Ypsilon The new life, or the vassal civilization, was dispatched by an Epsilon on the order of him...what the real situation is, I am afraid only the kid surnamed Tang knows."

The woman said: "Unfortunately he is our enemy,"

"It's a pity..."

Suddenly, the front intelligence agent interrupted the conversation between the two. Said: "General, the unmanned tactical platform is ready. The'Light Trial' will start in 1 minute."

"Yeah." Edison nodded and turned his attention to the front line again.

Almost at the same moment. A commando composed of vulture chariots, fire chariots, predators, fanatics, and machine gunners invaded the southern area of ​​the General Mansion and defended another mechanized infantry brigade belonging to the guards based on small forts and fixed-point defense robots. The position makes a final charge.

In this deep defense line, the ground is filled with large and small craters and building debris, and flames are scattered among the scrapped locomotives and trenches, and occasionally there are several explosions, spraying large clouds of gunpowder into the rainy sky. .

Soldiers wearing "Hurrying Silver Wolf" power armor collapsed on both sides of the bunkers and trenches. The iron covering the body surface was torn open, and blood dripped from inside. In addition, the corpses of one or two puppies can occasionally be seen on the battlefield, most of which are fragmented and destroyed by heavy weapons.

In the last few positions in the hinterland of the Southern District, more than 100 puppies leaped like flying, appearing in the ruins of the building and the bunkers scattered high and low, tearing the fixed-point defense robots into metal fragments all over the floor, and the upgrade is complete. Adrenaline’s puppy’s combat effectiveness has grown by leaps and bounds. Light vehicles like the “Mustang” tank use its gliding ability to jump to the roof. The broken window paper twisted by the scissors was knocked down by the dog with its sturdy hind limbs, and then jumped into the cabin, followed by a series of screams.

The armor of some tanks will be pierced from the inside by sharp claws, and blood shoots out like raindrops, and falls on the surrounding drier ground, which complements the flames, making it extremely enchanting.

The upgraded "Ground Creature Carapace lv2" puppies are sufficient to withstand guns above 20mm, as long as they are not stupidly standing in place as live targets, using their ribs and wings to glide and maneuver, supplemented by uneven terrain and bunkers. "Mustang" tanks, "Jackal" tanks, and even the high-speed small-caliber electromagnetic turrets deployed in front of the position are difficult to pose a deadly threat to them.

Even if some puppies are injured during the charge, as long as their health is reduced to a certain level, they will dig holes in the ground by themselves, then hide in and wait for the injury to recover.

After upgrading the "Adrenaline", they have only truly become infantry killers. In the complex terrain environment, they are like a **** tornado, bringing death and destruction to the mechanized infantry and small defense facilities of the "Arumega" guard ~www. readwn.com~The commander of the infantry brigade hates the 8 siege tanks on the south bank of the "Aquiyas" lake. If it were not for their long-range firepower output, they would accurately kill all kinds of howitzers near the defense line. How could the abundance of big dogs rush into the defense line so easily.

If the defense line falls, more than 70% of the entire southern area of ​​the General Mansion will be completely occupied by the opponent.

He has asked the headquarters to send combat aircraft to blow up the siege tanks that had been bombarded by long-range shelling behind the high ground on the southern shore of Lake "Aquias" over and over again. However, under the protection of Viking fighters and 2 Nighthawks, no matter what Is it a manned aerial vehicle, an unmanned attack aircraft, or a high-powered missile, which is simply inaccessible. Only some small missiles and long-range howitzers can pass through the battlefield and reach the rear of the high ground. Unfortunately, the former is not powerful enough, and the latter cannot be hit. For eggs.

The arrival of the ground army units of the human and gods was like the last straw that overwhelmed the camels. The front gate of the southern area completely collapsed, and the infantry brigade began to retreat back under the cover of the core area-level cannons and large-caliber rapid-fire howitzers of the General Mansion.

Three types of vehicles, the Fire Chariot, the Vulture Chariot, and the Predator, bit their buttocks and pursued them. (To be continued)

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