Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 555: Very kind

He wanted them to watch their own fleet members being sent to the west one by one, but they were helpless. △↗small,

This is despicable and cruel.

The master sergeant is accustomed to selective forgetting. He forgot what he did in "Dillard", forgot the sight of the "Doombringer" carrier-based aircraft wing bombing on the ground of "Christier", and forgot that he led the landing. The troops used the "Ripper" to shoot at the sight of those unarmed "researchers".

When such a thing happened to him, he thought it was shame, it was jokes, it was too much deception.

Compared to Tang Fang, he is actually more despicable and cruel.

He is just very "smart", "smart" people will not think about these useless truths, because some people live so simple, they will do what their superiors say, and the superiors let them go east, they will not go West, if their superiors let them become a dog, they would never try to be a lion. It’s easier to eat bones thrown by others than to forage yourself, isn’t it?

Once a male lion gets old, he will inevitably be driven out of his former turf by his younger generations. Being a dog can at least be reassured and die of old age. At most, he will be scolded by others. Besides, some people can't even be dogs, are they?

So, this is no shame, this is honorable.

Since he is glorious, his enemies must be despicable, cruel, and despised by "people".

The logic of the dog is nothing more than that.

The countdown to the launch of the weapon system was less than 20 seconds. The master sergeant pushed the first gunner of the combat team aside, sat on the seat, tightly grasped the joystick with his right hand, and waited for the weapon system to be online.

He thinks that the color must be returned, and he should give the man surnamed Tang a good look. As the saying goes, can't you swear if you can't beat it? What's more, in such a situation. Life is precarious, at least a few shots have to be fired, and the death is more heroic.

The sergeant chief didn't know, his current expression looked from the side, really like a dog squeezing his nose and grinning, as if he was about to jump the wall.

Heatherine remembers that he was the person who scolded Captain Tang the most. But at this moment, he really looked like an angry and barking dog.

She didn't think the other party would give him time, even if there were only 15 seconds left for the weapon system to go online.

The port of the "Doombringer" hurled out one shuttle after another. It was the crew near the hangar abandoning the ship and fleeing. Outside are fragments of warship wreckage. Smaller aircraft will be hit by high-speed flying debris and explode if accidentally.

Anyway, staying is death, and going out is also death. Some people choose to take a fight, if they can escape.

Tang Fang couldn't kill everyone. Someone can escape. Who doesn't want to be the lucky one?

DuPont? Cataland didn't want to. He chose to die in battle, coexisting and dying with the First Fleet of the Hells.

Heatherine chose the same way. Even though she was a woman, there was no distinction between men and women on the battlefield, only the enemy. As a high-ranking officer and an imperial nobleman, it is a guilt and a shame to escape. Only a generous death is a contribution, a glory... even if the surnamed Tang is deliberately humiliating them.

She was wrong, and many people were wrong. Tang Fangyi didn't mean to humiliate them. Leaving the "Doombringer" for the end is just a subconscious action, like a child who gets a lot of candies, the most delicious, or the best-looking piece, will be eaten until the end.

He was really wronged...

When the countdown to the launch of the weapon system was only 8 seconds, the people on the "Doombringer" bridge turned their attention to the No. 2 large screen, because there was a battleship changing from virtual to real. Appeared in front of everyone.

Space is dark and cold, and it is also dark and cold.

Darkness comes from painting, and coldness comes from appearance.

Everyone took a breath. Looking at the scorpion-like warship, I didn't know what to say, so I could only swallow the saliva stuck in his throat or clenched his trembling palm.

The sergeant's hand holding the joystick was trembling. He is a veteran. He has experienced countless battles in large and small battles. Even in the face of death, he will not show an expression of fear. However, at this moment, he is seeing that ship. When he was on the Scorpion battleship, he only felt his scalp numb, and he couldn't help feeling cold all over.

The shape of the scorpion warship is so weird. There is no such horrible thing in human society at all. It is as dark as ink, as if it can swallow light, and there are no portholes or indicator lights on the surface. It looks like a The evil spirits that emerged from **** made people feel creepy.

At the moment it appeared, the same thought flashed in the minds of everyone on the bridge, that this scorpion warship should be the stealth warship.

The guy who has been hiding in the dark finally revealed his true colors!

The chief sergeant licked his dry lips, firmly gripped the sweat-stained joystick, and counted down silently in his heart.

Heatherine looked at the silent uncle behind her, trying to say something, but when the words reached her mouth, she swallowed back.

"Are you wondering why it can hide in the dark, but why does it show up?"

DuPont Catalander didn't wait for her to reply, and whispered: "I think... we are wrong, he is not humiliating us, he is very kind..."

The voice was very low and light, and it was more like a mumbling than answering Heatherine's question.

When he finished saying this, the countdown to the weapon system's launch was fixed at "2", a thick silver-white beam suddenly expanded from the darkness, "Doombringer" seemed to be pierced by a silver dragon gun, and the fire light followed. The spreading trajectory of the sub-beams surged outwards, the explosion tore the ship hull apart, and the shock wave spread inside.

At the moment when the bridge lights went out, Heatherine did not scream like other female crew members, nor did she scream like the master sergeant. She was pondering the words, "He is very kind."

Is it kind? Maybe... at least, in the end, you can know whose hands they died.


The sinking of the "Doombringer" represented the complete absence of the First Fleet of the Hell Legion. Area -25 was almost turned into an ocean of wreckage. The remains of numerous warships, large and small, were suspended in the air. Some were still and some were very slow. Speed ​​hit some other remains, bounced arcs. Or sparks.

The first fleet is over... the first fleet is over...

Similar thoughts flashed in the minds of all the "Mubarak" defenders near the -00 area.

No one would have thought that the first fleet that was preparing for the back of the colony of cloned warships would not fire a single shot, and would be slaughtered by the sudden 150 golden warplanes, and become a cluster of insignificant dust in the starry sky.

There is no word to describe the facial expression of Piccolo Fred at this time, the sadness of the rabbit and the fox, and the helplessness of powerlessness. There are also emotions such as shock, anger, confusion, etc., like a jar of soy sauce that seeps into the rain during the fermentation process, full of sorrow and bitterness.

"Doombringer" sent a piece of video material at the last moment, the protagonist is a dark scorpion warship.

He knew that it was not the Ypsilon battleship, and he also knew that it was not a living battleship, let alone a human battleship, and even the style of the newly emerging golden fighter was nothing similar.

Where does it come from? I am afraid that no one except Captain Tang knows.

The gun turrets in the -00 area and the high-altitude orbit of "Arumega" still fired, but the frequency and accuracy have dropped a lot, and the soldiers' spirit has been exhausted. Now they are only supported by command and fear.

He didn't know how long this final line of defense could last. When the fear in the soldier's heart was big enough to overwhelm the awe of the authority of the superior commander, the next thing would be a big defeat.

"Lu Yongjun..."

Bick Fred's voice seemed weak, like a patient who had only recovered from a long illness.


"Contact the ground command center and ask the Lord Duke to prepare to evacuate'Arumega','Mubarak'... I'm afraid I can't hold it."

Lu Yongjun didn't speak, but lightly said to the correspondent to the ground command center. Taking advantage of the time when the connection was not connected, he looked at the flanking battlefield.

There, the garrison fleet and the tulip fleet are inextricably separated from the 118 Corruptors and 35 dragons.

"Full Moon" and its battle formation have become the absolute main offensive force. With the help of the heavy anionic cluster laser cannon on the bow, it set a terrible record of killing 12 Corruptors and 4 flying dragons.

Admittedly, this is very motivating, but what can be done? Just like the words used to describe the invisible warship-it is hard to sing alone.

There is only one "Full Moon". Maybe it can fly a few more kites by relying on its speed advantage to gain some considerable advantage, but can it beat the "Morning Star"? Can you defeat a stealth warship? Can you defeat the 150 heavy fighters coming from the -25 area?

The answer is obvious. It can't!

Lu Yongjun glanced back at the virtual sand table. The space-based defense equipment on the front battlefield of the -00 area almost collapsed under the attack of the biological fortress and more than 100 corrupters. Even the **** formation of the "Eternal Night" has been sunk by half. .

He also discovered that the 30-odd flying dragons that had been taking advantage of each other had left the space battlefield and rushed to "Arumega" inland to support ground forces.

"It seems that our side has the advantage on the ground battlefield."

This idea just started. The correspondent's words interrupted his thinking: "Go... Colonel, the system cannot establish a communication link with the ground command center."

"Cannot establish a communication connection?"

Lu Yongjun feels strange that it is normal for radio equipment to get in touch with the ground due to Euglena electromagnetic interference. Why did the quantum communication method fail, and the quantum communication modem in the central defense area of ​​the General Mansion was destroyed by the enemy?

how can that be!

Whether it is possible or not, it is a fact that the communication connection cannot be established, and it will not be changed by his personal will.

Just when Lu Yongjun was about to order the activation of the spare laser communication module, the flanking battlefield image on the bridge No. 1 of the "Yongye" bridge was temporarily transferred and replaced with another picture.

As the "Morning Star" frigate, the two triangular warships did not know when they were handed over with the battleship formation of the Second Fleet of the Erye Regiment. From a distance, they looked like two flashing red spars from a distance, retreating while using the prime minister. A laser cannon to attack.

The battleship battle formation was badly injured when it was attacked by the "Seraph". It was reduced by one-fifth from the original nearly 500 ships to only about 400 ships, and morale was greatly reduced, and the hearts of the people were scattered.

As the main combat unit of the Anubis Legion, the Pyramid battleship is much stronger than the standard battleships of other countries. Small and medium-sized ships such as the Baby Sea Lion-class light cruiser, Seahorse-class destroyer, and Seadog-class frigate are difficult to break through. The crystal shield can only be broken by large weapons such as the 800-plus orbital cannons, multi-unit 600 orbital cannons, heavy laser cannons, and plasma cannons equipped with heavy cruisers and battleships.

Tang Fang was in the last few days of "Lost Land". In addition to assigning s to modify the "Morning Star", the two captured Pluto-class destroyers were also repaired at the same time, because the Pluto-class and the quantum computer with similar technology and technology to the "Zhixin" were compromised by him long ago. The system structure, operating parameters, module composition, etc. were all imported into the planetary command center, and the injuries of the two warships were not too serious. The battle did not damage their core equipment. Therefore, the repair operation went very smoothly.

Not only that, Emma optimized and improved their conventional power system by referring to the technical process of the Hercules transport aircraft, and replaced two auxiliary condensing injectors from the Ypsilon fast battleship with the Pluto-class destroyer. The original auxiliary propeller greatly improves the speed of traveling, turning and turning of the warship in the normal flight mode.

Their weapon systems are equally powerful. Although the phase laser cannon at the bow of the ship is a light gun, it is powerful enough to catch up with the low-efficiency version of the "Full Moon" version of the Ipsyron heavy anion laser cannon, and wanted to attack the five triangular pyramids. The destructive power can blast through the unformed "Aurora" shield. One can imagine what the situation would be like with the standard warships used to fight the Sulu Empire.

In addition to the laser cannons, they are equipped with the "Big Mac" heavy missile launcher. However, since a lot of them were consumed in that battle, Tang Fang had no available missile production line at hand, and he could not carry out ammunition against the Ghost Bat destroyer. Aspect of supply work, therefore. In the previous battle, they have been acting as the frigate of the Morning Star. The goal was to save resources and use them where they should be used.

In fact, the triangular pyramid warship also has a warp speed interception capability and a miniature aircraft carrier platform, but the former must be operated with the diamond shield turned off, while the "Dark Moth" class carrier aircraft carried by the latter has been exhausted.

Logically speaking, the 2 Darkbat-class destroyers cannot withstand the nearly 300 main battleships of the Sulu Empire. At least a dozen or twenty ships would be enough, but the order Tang Fang gave them was to delay the opponent, not all of them were destroyed. Rely on condensing injectors, phase laser cannons, and "Big Mac" long-distance kite flying.

However, he underestimated Howson's "playability". You can also say "killing".

When he was in the "Lost Land", the conspiracy of the "Angel of Power" was unsuccessful, until the repair of the two Darkbat-class destroyers was completed, and once again saw the opportunity, he took Churchill to find Tang Fang and entangled for many days. The addiction of being a captain.

Captain Tang was annoyed by him, and considering the situation he would face after returning to "Dillard", he simply agreed to the two requests.

As a result, one of the two Darkbat-class destroyers was piloted by Hausen, Churchill and their close crew members, the other was piloted by Zhou Ai, Yingluo, Bai Hao, Roy, etc., and Aros, Claire, Yuffi, and others. In charge of the Morningstar.

Zhou Ai, Yingluo and others strictly followed his instructions. They used kite tactics while pulling the second fleet battleship battle formation to arrange the formation of large ships and small ships, while using the ultra-long range of the phase laser cannon to give priority to killing those faster. The Sea Dog-class frigate approached the area where the "Morning Star" was located.

Howson and Churchill both acted in accordance with kite tactics at first, but when they tasted the sweetness, they used their main guns to explode 3 Seadog-class frigates and 1 improved Seahorse-class destroyer, and they became warship commanders. Uncle Hausen was as cool as knocking out two pills, and immediately put the kite tactics behind him, waiting for the pursuit team composed of two cruisers, five destroyers, and four frigates to get closer, and a brain will "Big Mac". "Four heavy missiles were fired.

Because of the fuel, the speed of this redirection is not slower than that of the light guide of a sovereign state, on the contrary, it is faster. Although the 3 frigates and 1 destroyer that rushed in the front reacted quickly, until the "Big Mac" got close~ www.readwn.com~ They all failed to destroy it.

Generally, only a magnetic railgun of 120 or more, or a self-propelled artillery of 250 or more, and a powerful anti-missile missile can destroy it. However, because the "Big Mac" itself is a suicide drone with a, its speed is high. Quickly, the turret speed and target locking system of conventional warships could not accurately predict their trajectory. As a result, 10 rounds and 9 were missed. Occasionally, even a single hit would not break the diamond shield.

As a result, the first three frigates took the lead on Huangquan Road and were engulfed by the wave of flames caused by the explosion of the "Big Mac". The destroyer’s temporary evasive action saved it’s life. The "Big Mac" slid past the port side and eventually hit an auxiliary propeller at the stern. The explosion affected the power system, causing the warship to drop anchor and lose navigation. Ability. Fortunately, this was not a fatal injury. The crew were lucky enough to be left with their lives.

The power of the "Big Mac" stunned all the officers, including the commander of the battleship battle formation Lin Siyuan. No one thought that a single missile could explode the Seal-class frigate. Even if it was replaced by a large sea lion-class cruiser, I am afraid that he would suffer. Not a few.

However, this heavy missile is like their mothership, equipped with a diamond shield. The speed is fast, the radar can’t scan, the main gun can’t keep up, and the string cannon can’t hit accurately, just like a loach that is slippery and does not leave your hands. It's more nerve-wracking. (To be continued...)

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