Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 563: 2 requests

"There is what you want in it."

The pda was handed over to Tang Fang, and the pink tulips reflected on his pupils, like a flame.

He stretched out his finger and swiped the surface of the touchpad lightly, and the screen disappeared, replaced by a folder with a section of image data.

I clicked it casually, and when I saw the protagonists in the video, a glint flashed in my eyes, raised his head and looked at Susan, and said in doubt: "You are very smart...women are very smart."

His words are very ambiguous, making people wonder whether the so-called "smart" refers to Susan's pretending to be deaf or dumb, her precautions for a rainy day, or her goodwill.

Susan said, "I disobeyed his order."

Harrington Harris's originally not-good-looking face darkened even more.

When the central unit's energy supply was cut off, he was calm. Edison died. He was calm. Tang Fang wanted to send him on the road. He was still calm. However, when he found that Susan cheated on him and everything was a lie and a scam, he could no longer remain calm. It seems to have experienced countless twilight old people from a big wind and big wave to a hot-blooded and fragile young man.

He is wiser than Edison King and Bick Fred, but he is a person after all, with weaknesses, scales, and dead spots—Susan.

Tang Fang defeated his army but never defeated him. Only Susan, the one who was least likely to betray him, "said" to him at the last minute that all this was a deception, a lie, and even choice Betrayed and violated his orders to save those evidences privately and return them to Tang Fang... Why? Why did she do this, obviously...

Harrington's thoughts stopped again, and he thought of a suspicious point. Tang Fang obviously let her go, why did she come back? Do you want to make a transaction by giving the evidence to the other party? What is the transaction content? Pray for the other party to spare your life?

He thinks it is very likely that this is the case. Although Susan has concealed some things, the feelings he has had over the years are not false. She has reason and motivation to do so.

He became happy and moved, and his anger and resentment against her vanished in an instant.

Tang Fang is not interested, nor does he care about the feelings of the two of them. Test Susan while thinking about other things.

The video data in the pda folder is exactly what Albert sent an emissary to discuss with Harrington Harris about the transaction concerning the attack on "Dillard."

This is the plan he suddenly thought of during the attack on "Mubarak". Since the Star Alliance and the Pirates used the trick of killing people with a knife, the two parties must have a negotiation process beforehand. Smart people like Harrington will definitely meet. The process is recorded. In the unlikely event that the Star Covenant makes a mistake, crosses the river and demolishes the bridge, and takes action against the First Fleet of the Hell’s Legion, this is evidence that the Star Covenant government is not moral, and it can also divorce the relationship between "Morning Star Casting" and them. Lost and ruined.

Of course, if things go well, the First Fleet of the Hell Legion will return safely after completing its mission. Harrington should destroy the evidence to prevent it from spreading out in the future for various reasons and being known to the world as a dirty business between the Empire and the Star Alliance. Who would dare to cooperate with the Sulu Empire in the future? Who dares to trust him? I am afraid that His Majesty the Emperor will not be happy.

Tang Fang knew this well, but still had some illusions. He hoped that Harrington hadn't had time to delete or temporarily forget about the video... It's a pity that it didn't happen. The central unit database of the General Mansion has no relevant information. After the First Fleet of the Night Legion returned to "Mubarak". Those evidences were deleted and destroyed immediately.

However, he never thought that things would turn around. The video material that was supposed to be deleted was copied by Susan, and he took it out and gave it to herself at this time. It seems that I want to talk about conditions.

If he wants to release Harrington by himself, it's okay to look at this video material.

Because once the information is leaked, and the entire army of the Gail's Night Legion is annihilated, "Mubarak" changes hands, Harrington Harris will inevitably lose power, and even be framed by domestic hostile forces on an unreasonable charge.

In fact, his death is far more meaningful than his life. At least he can preserve family interests and personal reputation.

Now it depends on what conditions Susan proposes next.

On the other hand, the content of the video material also surprised him. I thought that the Star Alliance would send a person with a good face to do this. Unexpectedly, the messenger was an old acquaintance of him and one of the board members of "Venus Pharmaceutical". Ruan Tingwen.

A businessman who actually participates in the political game of national power, this guy is really fat enough.

At this moment, Emma transferred a family tree of Ruan Tingwen’s clan, specifically marking the blood relationship between Ruan Tingwen’s mother, Lu Liping, and Star League member Lu Yuankui.

"It turns out that Lu Yuankui is his mother's uncle, in other words his grand-uncle."

He suddenly realized that the old guys in the Star Alliance were as cunning as a fox. Nguyen Tingwen has both an official background and a background in the "Venus Pharmaceutical". He came to fight for the envoys sent by Albert. One can show the attitude of the Star Alliance government. Second, he is not a government official, he is a real man. Even if something unexpected happens to the businessmen in the future that will cause the matter to be revealed, they can also use the conflict between "Venus Pharmaceutical" and "Morningstar Casting", and the discord between the leaders of the two sides will prevaricate and confuse the public and weaken the image of the government. Damage.

Even if the matter is serious, you can still deal with a few people who have a certain reputation and power in the army as the dead ghost. No matter how bad it is, you can ask Senator Lu Yuankui to go back and rest for a few days like the "Babylon" incident?

Those in the government are very experienced in dealing with this kind of things, similar to "Most cadres are good, only a handful of people are dazzled by the temptation of money and women." Let's talk in Mandarin, and then work in the army. Engage in investigations with the political circles, deal with a few people symbolically, and try to make the thunder louder and the rain drops lower.

Things like this "three cups of self-punishment" can not only divert the people's attention and anger, but also clarify the relationship between the government and the offending officials, and preserve the face of the Adam government.

What's more, now it has entered a wartime political mode. The state of the country is changing from the people's livelihood to the war. Adam Oliver's power has been expanded, and the state has unprecedented control over the media. It is impossible for the Liberal Party to shake the ruling position of the Liberal Party simply by relying on small organizations and small groups such as "Morning Star Casting".

"It's really a good calculation!" He couldn't help but exclaim in his heart. Then slowly narrowed his eyes, the Hell's Army paid its due price for the attack on "Dillard". The Star Alliance government can't help but express it.

As for the Pirate Alliance. Originally a dog, he wanted to turn himself into a hunter...

He was thinking about the problem. Susan had already walked up to Harrington, looking at him with a complicated expression, her eyes flashing with a light that could not be described in words, because there were so many emotions.

She is very grateful to him. Some admire him, some like him, and some rely on him... She knows that it is called "love", but... she doesn't want to admit it. I don't want to admit it, I can't admit it.

"In exchange, I have two requests."

Tang Fang was not surprised by her words, because it was a deal in itself.

Her gaze fell on the "Silver Knight", sometimes resented, sometimes struggling, sometimes sad...

This keeps silent. Tang Lin, who was watching the developments like a bystander, was slightly distracted, thinking that Susan would be very competent to be an actor, and maybe she could get the "Cusomia Award".

When she was quiet, she was like a secluded spring with a clear bottom. It makes people feel at ease and peaceful, but when the mood fluctuates, it looks like a colorful nebula in the night sky with many colors and many lights.

As a woman in her 30s, although the beauty of her face is slowly passing by over time. But the mature temperament and charm are impressive.

He is the same as Tang Fang. He calmly looked at her beautiful eyebrows and waited for the two conditions.

"If you want to do it. Please let me do it."

This sentence was ambiguous and unpredictable, but in the next second, she interpreted the meaning of the sentence with her actions.

She took the gun from Tang Fang, then walked to Harrington, aimed the gleaming muzzle at his heart, and said in a hoarse and trembling voice: "Sorry, I lied to you. "

Tang Fang watched her take the gun from his hand, watched her walk up to Harrington, pointed the gun at his heart, and heard her say "I'm sorry", suddenly he was a little confused and couldn't understand this. What does it matter to people? Why didn't she intercede to Harrington, obviously she had decided to let him go.

Harrington thought she was talking about pretending to be dumb, so she shook her head and said, "I am very happy to be able to die in your hands. I just hope you can live well."

"No." There was a tear in Susan's eyes: "I will go with you...but it's not the time yet."

Harrington felt that she was the same person in front of her as before, and it felt strange.

"I'm sorry" she apologized again: "I am not Susan, my name is Kylenia, Kylenia Swift."

Dumb is fake, even the first name and last name are fake...

Harrington was not surprised, but a little excited, even if her face, her body, everything about her were fake, as long as the tears in her eyes were real, that was enough.

"Actually... I really want to be a dumb like this all the time, and become the girl named Susan in your eyes. It's a pity..."

"I hesitated for many years, and regretted for many years... I hate my weakness, but I am addicted to it and cannot extricate myself... Until today."

"In any case, I want to give those people a result, and also give myself a result."

"Dreams will always wake up... At the end of the song, Yan goes to the building. I know that sooner or later there will be such a day. I thought I would die in front of you, leave this world without resentment, and I thought you would die. In my hands, I wonder if you will feel pain."

"I have struggled for a long time, as long as several lifetimes..."

"I like'Aquiyas', I don't like the month of'Arumega', I like to be by your side, but I have to face those fate, those cruelties, those cruelties, I...really tired ."

She said a lot in one breath, as if she wanted to tell him what she hadn't said in her heart for so many years, Tang Fang and Tang Lin became spectators or witnesses.

Harrington raised a trembling hand, gently stroked her cheek, wiped away the tears that overflowed from the corner of her eyes with his thumb, and said with a smile: "No matter who you are, I have no purpose in coming to my side. Blame you."

Kylienia said: "Remember 16 years ago..."

Looking at Harrington, Tang Fang felt for the first time that those people were fighting for power all day long. The politicians who fought and calculated each other's life and death also have feelings and weaknesses.

After listening to Kylienia's story, he finally knew why he saw Kleiya's shadow in her, even though the two were very different in appearance, body shape, temperament and connotation.

That stems from experience. Or it comes from fate.

16 years ago, Claire was 7 years old and Kylenia was 15 years old. That year was a special year for the Monya Empire, because Kirkcraft Stewart became the Emperor of Monya in that year. It was also in that year that a sacred ruling was launched against his elder brother Bart Felic Stewart, creating the Great Purge of Sothia. Since then, Claire has become an orphan.

of course. It is not that Kylenia is also Sothya's orphan. After the divine ruling is over, she still has parents and brothers and sisters, but she has lost her former privileges and status.

Her father was a lieutenant commander of the fleet under the jurisdiction of Batfield. When the battle for the throne ended with the defeat of Batfield Stewart, he took advantage of the turmoil of the Empire. The princes were panicked, and in order to save their lives, Bat Fili brought a secret fleet and those loyal to him. From "Sosia" to the Jakob star system on the border of the Monya Empire, he intends to use the Sulu Empire with whom he has a close relationship, to relieve his life concerns, and then attempt to counterattack.

In order to secure the throne of the emperor, Kirklaw Stewart, who had just ascended the throne, even ignored the provocations of the Charles Federation in the "Gampner" area and devoted most of his forces to suppress the princes' rebellion. And search for the traces of Bat Fili, and strive to remove all the factors that threaten his rule.

After Bat Fili arrived at Jacob's star system. It was discovered that his "good" brother had deployed a large number of troops on the border, just to prevent him from using the Sulu Empire. Escape from Munya alive and add to himself in the future.

At that time, Harrington Harris had not yet become the master of "Mubarak", but instead served as the commander of the border garrison fleet in the Ulysses star system.

In order to escape Munya safely, Bat Fili contacted Harrington of "Ulises" through a secret channel. After some discussions, the two sides decided on a combat plan called "Operation Flashpoint."

When the agreed time is reached, the Sulu Empire will dispatch three frontier defense fleets to launch a surprise attack on the border defenses of the Mongolian and Asian Empire, and make the illusion of a lonely in-depth force, luring the defenders on the border of the Mongolian and Asian Empire to send troops to encircle and suppress. The hidden fleet will launch a lightning assault on the weak points of the Mongolian border defense line due to the mobilization of troops, penetrate the entire defense line, and join the Sulu Empire response fleet led by Harrington, and leave safely.

The Sulu Empire rescued at all costs, and "Operation Flashpoint" was recognized by most fleet generals. After all, Kolkraf I never thought that the Sulu Empire would spend such a large price to rescue a defeated political struggle.

They are full of confidence in their future, because the former enemies of the Monya Empire, the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic, are ready to move. They are gathering troops on the border and launching surprise attacks when Kirklaf I’s base is not stable. They plan to completely overthrow this brutality. Empire.

The Sulu Empire was at odds with Kirklaf I because of Bart Feili, and it was paired with the Turanx United Kingdom, ready to take advantage of the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic to attack the Monya Empire at the same time. Crusade against Kirklaf I to support Bart Feili, denounce Kirklaf for launching the Sothya purge, and brutal suppression of the "Garcia" miners and other atrocities.

Under internal and external troubles, one can imagine what the outcome of Kirklaf I will be. I am afraid that before the throne of the emperor under his **** is warmed up, he will be greeted by high-ranking princes, angry people, and a rebellious empire. The fleet drove out of the "Klimt" Palace and asked him to be tried by the people and Bat Fili in the "Celtic" Holy Sword Square.

By that time, their loyal and undivided subordinates, even at the last moment, will become the new great nobles of the empire and the pillars of the country. This is an obvious thing, and it is also an agreement between Butterfield and them. Therefore, even in the face of adversity, the fleet sergeants are united, with hopes and dreams in mind, and sworn to fight for Prince Batfield.

However, ~www.readwn.com~ no one thought that what greeted them was not a brilliant and brilliant tomorrow, but deceit and lies.

"Operation Flashpoint" didn't exist at all, they were just ashes messengers used by Bat Fili to escape.

At the appointed time for action, when the fleet jumped to the predetermined location and was about to forcefully break through the border line, it was discovered that Kirkloff's henchman fleet had set up a net nearby, waiting for their fish to be delivered by themselves.

The sergeants of the fleet were panicked and did not understand why this was so. How could Kirklaf's fleet learn of their goal, set up ambushes around the predetermined breakthrough point, and finally catch turtles in the urn.

Someone tried to connect with the "Corona" of the Batfield vehicle, but found that the respected Highness was no longer there. The Chief Guard said a word with only 4 words: "For Your Highness."

The sergeants finally realized that they were deceived and became the props of Bat Fili's escape from the Golden Cicada, and they were used as sacrifices.

The battle ended soon. In order to deter other vassal forces in the country, such a brutal character as Kirklaf I dare to launch the Sothya purge, of course, he dare to carry out a massacre involving the nine races. (To be continued)

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