Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 570: Power angel

However, when the radar refreshed the scan results, it was confirmed that the 260-meter-long destroyer was hit by the orbital cannon projectile but was unscathed. It only paused briefly and continued to fly towards the asteroid. Nicholson was stunned, a little disbelief in his eyes. , Or the results of radar scans.

He thought about it carefully, and wondered if it was an illusion. When Albert Charlemagne attacked "Dillard", he encountered the kind of illusion that could be hidden from the radar.

At this moment, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft sent by the patrol fleet returned a picture. When he saw the real appearance of the battleship with the word "Pin", Nicholson was stupid, the intelligence officer was stupid, and the command center was big. The small and small pirates are all stupid.

Although the battleship is surrounded by a streamer shield, which has the effect of blocking the line of sight, the picture captured by the camera is a bit blurred, but from the shape, from the hull painting, from the streamer on the shield device's lines, it can be concluded that " That was the result of a "Ypsilon battleship" ------ a complete Ypsilon battleship!

It is not the "Morning Star", but it is more shocking and more difficult than the "Morning Star".

He was pleased when the results of the quantum radar scan showed that none of the Apollo Pirates' fleet met the "Morning Star" data indicators. Because the "Morning Star" is just a tortoise, the power of 223 warships might not be able to break the egg shell outside it.

He was excited when the caliber orbital cannon projectile hit the target. Because the 260-meter warship cannot withstand this level of orbital cannon attack, its sinking will deal a heavy blow to the morale of the Apollo Pirates.

But now, he wants to cry, really wants to cry.

He finally knew why the "Morning Star" did not appear on the battlefield. Because it was completely unnecessary, the battleship that was the first to fly toward the asteroid was more powerful than the Morningstar.

The "Morning Star" is a modified battleship composed of human equipment and usable Ypsilon remains, but the guy on the big screen is really a pure-blood Ypsilon battleship.

"Byron... Byron... he... where did he get such an Ypsilon battleship?"

Nicholson's lips were very dry, only a tiny bit of blood. On the one hand, this stems from the consumption of too much energy last night, after all, 1vs2, it is very difficult to satisfy the two women, and it is impossible to do without a little material. On the other hand, it stems from the fear of the Ypsilon battleship.

For Byron, he knew very well. Even the eye mask of the fake cyclops is very clear in the movement of the left and right eyes. You have to ask to what point it is, like a woman to her aunt when she will come and when will she leave, because that is the man he once aspires to surpass .

just now. Seeing that this goal is not far away, but...what the **** is the Tmd Ypsilon battleship?

Byron is a human being, not an alien, just like him, with two eyes, one mouth, one pair of arms and three legs, but how did that guy drive the Ypsilon battleship over?

Nicholson not only wanted to cry, but also wanted to lift the table.

He tried to suppress the emotions running in his chest. Make yourself look calmer, because he is a very literary pirate leader, knowing that anger does not help. And impulse can only be used in bed, and it is the devil when used in other places.

If the "Angel of Power" appears in the "Mubarak", the soldiers may be surprised or worried. They will never fidget like the pirates of the Black Pearl Pirates, even shaking their hands and feet.

Although they are still sitting in front of the console. A heart has already flown elsewhere, thinking about what to do next. With the combat power of the asteroid, can it withstand the impact of more than 400 warships, if not? When to escape?

If it is a robbery brigade or a caravan, they will definitely gather together. Not only can they get wealth, but they can also enjoy the pleasure of being aloof and trampling on each other’s dignity, because they have weapons in their hands that can pinch the neck of the disobedient. The gun was placed on their heads, and they roared and cursed loudly, but they didn't even dare to put a fart... This was really cool.

However, when the shadow of death fell on their heads, they did not think of resistance, not fighting, but how to escape and how to survive. Some people even thought of surrendering, thinking that they would use their own means of communication as in the Apollo Pirates. Can live smartly.

Compared to "Mubarak", the Black Pearl Pirates is a group of mobs.

A cyan light beam flashed past, and a Tarantula-class heavy interceptor ship produced in the Republic of Date near the asteroid was blasted to its bow, and a spring-like flame rose up, shining the lights and shadows of nearby ships, which looked extremely small. The profile of numerous pirates in front of various displays of the Planetary Command Center.

It's just that the former is a cold and hard iron sheet without temperature, while the latter is flesh and blood with a warmer attitude.

The Tarantula-class heavy interceptor was not the real target of that plasma beam, but a poor worm whose head was exploded just above the shooting track.

The real target of the ray is a Celestial-class heavy cruiser about to sail out of the inner harbor of the asteroid.

The plasma beam is like a sky blue drill bit, hitting the huge black pearl coating on the bow of the ship, releasing a lot of heat. The high temperature of tens of millions of degrees melts the armor in the blink of an eye, like a spear in the hands of the **** of war, consistently to the end.

The explosion boiled like bubbles gushing out of boiling water. The Tianhu-class heavy cruiser looked like a fat pig with a butcher knife. It sprayed out a large number of parts and flames. It overturned to one side, and intermittently took off. The hull was dismembered and turned into pieces of wreckage.

The plasma beam was cast off unabated and submerged into Star Harbor with a raging flame.

The Star Harbor, used by the Black Pearl Pirates to house large ships for repair, maintenance, and supply, was built by digging huge caves deep in the asteroid stratum, supplemented by many military facilities. On the one hand, it can save materials for the construction of the space station. On the other hand, it can also play a role of camouflage and defense. It is economical and affordable, and the price is very high.

No one thought that the plasma beam looked slender, not as thick as the light emitted by a general space-based plasma gun, but contained extremely powerful energy, blasting a Tarantula-class heavy interceptor ship. Another Tianwu-class heavy cruiser was skewered into candied haws, but it never ran out of energy and shot into Star Harbor again.

The wandering asteroid seems to have eaten corrupt food alone, and the belly is gurgling, and the surging flames wave after wave. Rolling out from the port, throwing a lot of gun smoke.

The entire ground was shaking, including the command center deeper. The blue light on Nicholson's face made him look like a devil grinning under a shaking lens from the side.

Art? No, it's not called art, it's crazy. Or hysterical.

According to the report by the duty officer of the military port, the plasma beam penetrated the inner wall of the military port and exploded the compartment where the large capacitor was located, causing the fire to spread to the energy system and cause a series of explosions.

Command center on the big screen. Flames are flying in the harbor. Battleships and aircraft are like frightened fish, scrambling to escape for their lives. Due to lack of guidance, some small aircraft even hit the battleship like a billiard ball, hitting and flying to one side, either exploding or being fired by the back. The behemoth engulfed.

A plasma beam killed two battleships. He even abolished Xinggang in half when he arrived. How could he accept this?

Nicholson's literary life came to an end. He roared like an angry beast: "Fight back to me. Fight back!"

The patrol fleet hesitated, only the large fort on the asteroid carried out a barrage attack on the "Angel of Right" in accordance with the instructions of the regiment leader.

Unfortunately, all this is in vain.

The shield system carried by the "Angel of Power" is stronger than that of the "Morning Star". Want to defeat it with the combat power of the Black Pearl Pirates? That is no less than daydreaming.

The light traces left by the first plasma beam in space have not yet dispersed, and the second plasma beam visits again.

This time it did not attack the ships hesitating on the periphery, but like a scalpel. The turret matrix swept across the surface of the asteroid, leaving a long river of flames in the dark and cold rock formations. The explosion is like a line of fireworks at a party, lighting up the sky one after another. The billowing smoke billowed and coiled, almost covering most of the asteroid.

The artillery fire stopped for a while, only the light marks on the ground from white to red and from blue to red slowly faded.

Some people’s legs were shaking, and some timid pirates even peeed their pants. It was not that they had never seen the power of plasma cannons, but plasma cannons with such powerful power were seen for the first time in their lives.

I thought that the battleship was only 260 meters long, not even up to the specifications of a light cruiser. It was shocking to have such a powerful shield. I didn’t expect this kind of weapon with a small caliber and powerful enough to compare to a heavy space-based plasma battery. Not one, but two.

Generally, the light body length of the heavy space-based plasma gun is 700 to 800 meters, while the Ypsilon battleship is only 260 meters long. The firing interval between the two plasma guns is almost zero, which shows that they have independent energy supply systems.

With a 260-meter-long battleship, while driving an extremely powerful shield system, it can also drive two plasma cannons.

Worthy of being the Ypsilon battleship, human battleships, let alone slap horses, can't beat the thighs.

The pirates of the Black Pearl didn't know that the "Quan Angel" was not a battleship at all. It was just a command ship. In most cases, it belonged to the role of soy sauce hanging behind the fleet.

But it was such a soy sauce ship that bludgeoned them so hard that they could not take care of themselves.

Some fast ships start to go backwards or flee, which is more appropriate. On the surface, they give way to the main battleships and provide a broader battle vision, but many people know their actual purpose.

The second round of attacks on the "Angel of Right" followed one after another. A King Kong-class battleship was swept across by two plasma beams, like a chair split by a heavy axe, shattered from the middle, and fell to the side with blazing flames.

At this moment, the surrounding void was shining like rain, and one after another warships appeared near the asteroid, wrapping up more than 200 warships of the Black Pearl Pirate Group, and launching a full-scale attack while the formation was scattered.

Rows of missiles are lifted into the air by the vertical launch system, like evil spirits flying out of the gates of hell, rushing towards the area where the Black Pearl Pirates battleship is with a faint flame.

There are also deep space torpedo after another, shot from the inconspicuous part of the two strings of the battleship. There is no fire, no electromagnetic response. The black painting is hidden under the background of the dark universe, and the camouflage will not fade until it approaches the target, revealing hideousness. The fangs accelerated and crashed into the medium and large ships.

At the same time, a large number of orbital cannons, long-range artillery, and magnetic orbital projectiles fired from the battleship’s turret with electric light and fire, and fell like hail into the opposing ship group and the dark ground of the asteroid.

A large number of heat-induced missiles flew out from the close defense system of the warship belonging to the Black Pearl Pirate Group. The electronic mist used to confuse the fire control radar was also sprayed into the battleship assembly area near the asteroid.

However, this was of no use at all. With nearly 500 warships attacking the formation in chaos and low morale, the Black Pearl Pirates, which had less than 250 warships, were fully charged. One can imagine what kind of scene it will be.

What's more, there are bullies like the "Angel of Power".

Small size does not mean that energy is small. What is concentrated is the essence, and the light beam excited by the plasma cannon is the essence of the essence. It doesn't need to aim at all to find the small planetary harbor. Sweeping up, down, left and right, the plasma stream called by Stephen Su as the "Holy Cross Judgment" easily took away a few battleships, and at the same time plunged the ground defense facilities into a sea of ​​flames.

Fight back? How to fight back? Whoever dares to fight back is to die.

Hidden in the electronic fog can confuse the enemy-finding radar of the warships belonging to the "Apollo" Pirate Group. Once fired, the opponent will easily calculate the location of the fired warship based on the trajectory. Give head-on blows.

Moreover, even if there is a land-based radar station that provides enemy ship data, it may not be able to hit the opponent, because the formation of those guys is too high, and there are many different ways of wandering. Very often, when the naval gun is locked on a ship, it is only discovered They just got out of range a few seconds ago.

There was once a Whale Shark-class battleship who thought it had seized the opportunity to use the bow orbital cannon. The goal was set on a light cruiser of the opponent, intending to give those "Apollo" a taste.

However, when the main gun fine-tuning was completed. The moment it was about to fire, a King Kong-class battleship belonging to the "Apollo" cut in from the side, and it used a magnetic shield to fly the projectiles that had arrived. Let alone sinking the light cruiser, it didn't even touch the root hair.

Generally speaking, unless the trajectory of the projectile can be predicted in advance. Otherwise, the magnetic shield carried by the battleship will never be able to accurately repel the high-speed projectile. Weaken its kinetic energy, let alone change its trajectory.

The people on the Whale Shark-class battleship were too shocked. Even before thinking about why, I was flooded by the rain of projectiles fired by dozens of "Apollo" Pirates battleships. Large holes were punched in the ship's hull. The damage was accumulated and eventually overwhelmed, turning into a spinning flame fountain. A pool of gulls and herons finally fell on the asteroid, splashing countless rubble.

All the members of the Black Pearl Pirates cannot understand why the combat effectiveness of the Apollo Pirates has suddenly improved, because "Apollo" has always been the Ayalos-Koplin-Srandall No Man's Land. The thief forces, out of the consideration of "knowing yourself and the enemy in a hundred battles," Black Pearl, Hannibal, Cobra, White Beard and other two-stream pirate groups all tried to collect various information about the Apollo Pirates.

From the composition of the command staff, to the number and models of battleships under its jurisdiction, Byron’s command style, the characters of Stephen Su, Chen Jian, etc....such messages, Nicholson, Rommel, and even the leaders below have a lot of information. Deep understanding.

The biggest difference between today’s "Apollo" and the past is its coordination. Just as the King Kong-class battleship helped the light cruiser withstand the caliber orbital bomb, the entire fleet has become more flexible in attack and defense. The details are so perfect. For example, the Strongbow-class destroyer just now, with a slightly longer range than the Seahorse-class destroyer, was holding the Seahorse-class nose to hit it.

If you use an appropriate metaphor to describe it, the former "Apollo" is like a big river rolling east, although the general trend remains unchanged, there will always be some undercurrents and vortices in the middle. The current "Apollo" is more like a healthy person than the billowing water. Under the command of the brain, the combat units closely cooperate with each other, and the overall combat effectiveness has been increased by more than twice.

Even though they only have more than 400 warships, they can display combat power that surpasses a conventional fleet. This does not even count the Ypsilon warship in it.

The battleship is still the original battleship, and it can even be said that it is not as good as the original, because Charman was defeated and fled when the "Dillard" encountered the battle~www.readwn.com~ Many warships were damaged to varying degrees, although repairs can be done. Put it back into service, but there will be some decline in combat effectiveness more or less.

It is this kind of battleship that is stunned to show a far superior combat effectiveness. Even if the soldiers of the "Apollo" are all beaten up, it will never be possible to do such a thing.

If the Apollo Pirates is different from the previous ones except for the increase in combat effectiveness, there is only the 260-meter Ypsilon battleship...

Many people think of a possibility, but don't want to admit it. The powerful energy shield and plasma cannon have made it an existence like a God of War. If it has the function of enhancing the combat effectiveness of the entire ship, then... Isn’t it God of War + God of War?

How powerful computing and command capabilities are needed to be able to command subordinate warships like the human brain controls the whole body organs?

If the guess is true, how can this battle be fought? How to fight this battle!

If it were the former "Apollo", the "Black Pearl" pirates might still have confidence to fight, but they were afraid to see them rebirth from the ashes, from the mortal bird to the golden crow, truly matching the name of "Apollo" Has become the only emotion in the hearts of the pirates. (To be continued)

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