Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 580: For nothing

Stephen Sue, Chen Jian, and Yasen Nicholas were happy for 3 days and 3 nights after learning about it. They didn’t greet the "Angel of Power". It was fake. Even Howson and Churchill got it. A Darkbat-class destroyer, they are also the backbone of the "Morning Star Casting", but still driving the previous battleship, how can they be willing. It's just that compared to Howson's relationship with Captain Tang, they sighed to themselves and didn't dare to ask him for it.

Unexpectedly, the long-awaited thing in my heart would come true. It was so natural and so simple. Without them speaking, the lovely Captain Tang changed the "Headless Horseman" into the current "Headless Horseman". .

It’s a bit more vivid to call it the "Headless Horseman", but unfortunately this is very unsightly. Later, it was changed and changed. Finally, Tang Fang agreed with Yasen Nicholas's "Headless Horseman" as the "Majin" proposal. .

Stephen Su felt that there was no "Headless Horseman" and it was better than "Bald Horseman" and "Headman". Chen Jian felt that "Hellfire" was more mighty and domineering, but it was rejected by Tang Fang. It was easy for him to think of the Hellfire Thrower of the Chariot of Fire, and he felt uncomfortable.

In fact, he also had an idea in his mind, "Hellboy" was good, but he thought of giving it such a bullish name, what should I do if I get a warship similar to "Seraph" in the future.

Therefore, the "Headless Horseman" was renamed "Majin" this matter was finalized.

Regardless of whether it is the "Hellfire" or the "Majin", the performance improvement of the battleship is real and tangible. The original Tyrant-class flagship was heavily armored. Known for its strong commanding ability, it has now become another weapon for the Apollo Pirates to eliminate the "Angel of Power" in conjunction with the "anion laser".

Stephen Su suddenly thought of the situation of the Ypsilon weapon used on the Ghostbat-class destroyer. At the beginning, Churchill and Howson both pretended to be x in front of them, but now they see what capital they have. .

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized a problem. Since the Apollo Pirates and Behemoth joined forces, Hausen and Churchill have not been seen again. At first he wondered if the two were accidentally caught in the "Mubarak" siege. The battleship of the Legion was killed?

However, after careful consideration, it is not the case. The two bat-class destroyers steadily stopped in the abdominal cavity of Behemoth, and the surface was intact. The ship driven by Churchill and Howson had at most some scratches. It didn't hurt the fundamentals, and everyone on the "Morning Star" didn't see any depression. It would be fine to want to come to the two grandchildren.

Really deserves to be Byron's right-hand man, he is considering whether to go to the "Morning Star" to inquire about the news from Kleiya, the best speaking place, and Chen Jian has already asked Tang Fang.

however. The two learned that Hausen and Churchill had been confined by veterans for a month. Now the time has not come, and they are still playing "One Two Three Wooden Men" with the ceiling in the room less than 10 square meters.

"These two grandsons... deserve it!" Stephen Su was really happy, took Chen Jian's hand to prepare the wine, and could also drop by to visit the prison on the "Morning Star" to give the two grandsons "extra meals".

The two of them were so excited that Captain Tang stayed in place for a long time, not in silence for Howson and Churchill. But think it’s really good for Stephen Sue and Chen Jian to hold hands? This kind of thing happened to Zhou Ai and Claire is one thing, it happened to them two is another thing.

The confinement illuminates Kyushu, and a few are happy and some are sad.

Just as the modification of the "Headless Horseman" is coming to an end. The form of "Dillard" has undergone new changes. The 44th Fleet stationed on the periphery of "Laxsis" received the latest order from the Naval Command of the Hailim Star System No Man's Land Garrison, asking them to evacuate the "Dillard" within 12 hours Lar", merged with the 45th Fleet garrisoned by the Ayalos Star System.

Mie Nakamura and the general staff made some plans and ordered the messenger to issue a retreat order to each battleship wing, waiting for the "Essen" to synchronize its transition coordinates. Ready to leave "Dillard".

At the same time, soldiers from the 44th Fleet Engineering Department, 42nd Fleet Engineering Department, and 53rd Fleet Engineering Department on the "Laxsis" high-altitude orbit are still building the space station step by step.

Mie Nakamura is a smart man. As the commander of the 44th Fleet, she must be the country. Consider for the army. But as a woman, a smart woman, she also has some personal ideas.

She was there when Tang Fang had a meeting with David Conan. She knew that the 44th Fleet would receive a retreat order from the Star Alliance Naval Command in a few days, but she was smart enough to not disclose it to her generals, let alone tell her Officers of the 42nd Fleet Engineering Department and the 53rd Fleet Engineering Department.

Because the 44th Fleet will leave "Dillard" sooner or later, the "nail tactics" implemented by the military against "Morning Star Casting" have been completely bankrupt, and the "Laxsis Naval Port" that was originally a nail inserted into Captain Tang's chest is naturally useless. , But if it were to blow up, it would be a great waste. In order to stabilize Tang Fang, David Conan promised to give it to "Morning Star Casting."

Since David Conan can do the first year of junior high school, she can also do the fifteenth for Mie Nakamura.

Therefore, she did not stop the construction of the engineering unit, but dragged it until today.

She believed that someone as smart as Captain Tang would definitely understand her "kindness", or "deliberately please", so that there would be another way in the future.

This is an investment. Anyway, without spending her money, even if the people of the 53rd and 42nd Fleet feel a loss and trouble in the future, they will definitely not be able to hold her accountable... Naturally it won't hurt to use flowers to offer Buddha and generous others.

The engineering unit that built the naval port didn’t even know that they had been stunned by Nakamura Mie. Their labor and dedication were completely contributing to Captain Tang’s "Morning Star Casting". The space station that is about to take shape will usher in one from tomorrow. The new owners, and they are just a group of free masons.

Most of them are still worrying about what happened more than a week ago, without realizing that they have been sold.

If they were sold, they paid for the money, which is probably their situation.

The sergeants of the Engineering Department of the 42nd Fleet and the Engineering Department of the 53rd Fleet were wondering why the Wuxian was suddenly destroyed. The most famous twin ship in the 44th Fleet is now only the Immortal. It is said that even Pompeii Clark The major general also died in that disaster.

They don't know what happened. The command levels of the ships of the 44th Fleet remained silent about the accident. According to the news reported to the headquarters by the "Essen", the explosion accident of the "Taxian" and the three Longsword-class frigates was an accident. What a pity Pompeii? Major General Clark gave his life for this.

Later, someone heard a little wind from the soldiers of the 44th Fleet Engineering Department. The sinking of the Wuxian and three Longsword-class frigates was not at all an accident like the official statement. It was entirely Pompeii Clark's own fault.

It is said that when Captain Tang of the "Morning Star" left the 44th Fleet, the shuttle he was riding on was suddenly attacked by Pompeii Clark's henchmen. As a result, they had a backman. Instead of being killed in the raid, they used a ship instead. The super battleship directly overturned Pompeii Clark’s Wuxian in front of more than 900 battleships of the 44th Fleet. Then he left, Mie Nakamura didn't even dare to let go.

After learning the truth of the matter, the 42nd Fleet Engineering Department and the 53rd Fleet Engineering Department sergeants were in an uproar. There was a naval fleet, stupefied to let the commander’s flagship be killed. Not only did he dare not say anything, but he also helped to wipe his butt, saying that it was an accident... It was a shame.

Some people laughed at Mie Nakamura's incompetence, some scolded her as a scumbag, some even said that she was raised by a son, a bus general, and some people gloated. They felt that the 44th Fleet was really useless, and many people wondered if she had been caught by the Tang ship. The long thing surrendered. Otherwise, why turn the elbow out.

This is often the case in the world, and they laugh at Mie Nakamura. He despised Mie Nakamura and hated Mie Nakamura, but didn't know that Mie Nakamura had given them as free labor to Captain Tang in exchange for a favor.

Until one was forwarded by the "Perseus", an order from the Naval Command was sent to the Engineering Operations Command, ordering them to abandon the project in the "Diral". Return to their respective fleet stations.

The three engineering units are all stupid, and the space station will be completed soon. The headquarter actually called them to evacuate the "Dilal"? What are the heads of those high-level people thinking?

It's the engineering work boat, or the two combinations. The black corporal Bruce and the white sergeant Chobart.

The dirty cockpit was filled with heavy smoke that was so choking. The distorted filter was lying on the ground next to the seat, and a very enchanting plume of smoke came out of it, causing Bruce to squint him and "aura." "No eyes on it.

"What the **** are the people in the headquarters thinking!" Different from the calmness of the last time, the white sergeant Joe Bart seemed to be stabbed in the **** with a needle. Although the person did not jump up, his voice went up into the sky, shaking the cockpit. Humming.

Bruce looked at the space station that was ready for initial use with only the final finishing touches, and said, "What about it?"

Chobart grabbed his tousled hair with his hands, and the dark bags under his eyes made him look like a panda.

"How? What can I do? The people above didn't say to blow it up..."

These engineering sergeants worked day and night for more than a month, and the rest time was less than 6 hours a day. It took so much energy and effort to build such a space station. Those generals in the headquarters would do well. They would simply say that they would withdraw. Withdrawing, it's like dropping a piece of ice on a rock... as if it were a piece of worthless ice.

Bruce was a little bit overwhelmed, stomping off the cigarette butts on the ground, and said: "If the 44th Fleet withdraws with us, what will it do? Who will stay here for?"

As soon as he heard this, Chobart's anger stopped, and he pointed to the black man's nose and cursed: "Are you really stupid or fake? Isn't it just disgusting me on purpose?"

Bruce said sincerely: "How could I deliberately disgust you, absolutely impossible."

Chobart pointed his hand in the direction of "Christier" and said, "Who is left of Dillard?"

Bruce opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he turned into a hoarse to inaudible hum, and finally said: "Then we did it for nothing?"

"Bah." Chobart said with a look of anger, "It's not just for nothing, we became free masons for people."

Bruce thought for a while and said, "If we are free masons, then the 44th Fleet is free security?"

Qiaobart simply discarded the building materials clamped by the engineering boat's mechanical arm. Maneuvering the engineering boat to steer, while flying towards the assembly coordinates from the engineering headquarters, he cursed at Bruce: "What did you say about the joke of'Morning Star Casting'? When the neighborhood helps to repair the house, you can still mix food and drink. We pour it out, let alone the food and drink, and we didn’t even say "thank you". It is the most humiliating thing in this life. thing."

Bruce has a lower rank than him. But it doesn't mean that he will be allowed to taunt him, and sneered at each other: "How do I remember that you were the most enjoyable dancer."

The white sergeant's expression was stagnant, and he blushed and said, "I have faith in the Star Alliance Navy."

"what about now?"

Joe Bart was like a discouraged ball: "Now...now...Are you the superior or am I the superior?"

"..." A black person rolls his eyes and is far more eye-catching than other colored people, like a bright light suddenly lit in the night.

"I still remember the group of people who laughed at Mie Nakamura a few days ago. You are also the one who danced the most."

Bruce was very honest and honest. He was a well-known honest man in the 53rd Fleet Engineering Department, but it was such an honest man who committed the cruel behavior of exposing scars and sprinkling salt on it.

Chobart jumped up from his seat, and soot fell from his body like rain: "Damn it, are you over yet?"

Bruce is a stubborn person, with almost paranoid insistence on right and wrong: "I'm right. I'm telling the truth."

Qiaobart said: "Because it is the truth, it hurts more."

"Could it be that you want me to tell lies without my conscience?"

"Why should I have a partner like you! God, please save your child."


The 44th Fleet is gone. Quietly left, without saying hello to the people of "Christier", just like they came uninvited, not sent away.

The engineering unit also left, leaving the space station on the "Laxsis" high-altitude orbit with only the last berth left for initial use, and followed the 44th Fleet behind without a trace.

"Dillard" calmed down for several hours. Then he got busy again, and the searchlights of Nighthawk and Raven moved up and down the space station. Transport the building materials scattered on the artificial gravity platform to the project area for final finishing work.

Behemoth has moved from the "Christier" orbit to the "Laxsis" orbit. One transport plane after another flew out of the abdominal cavity, transporting the strategic materials confiscated by the "Mubarak" of Tang and the Apollo Pirates from the useful resources hoarded on the asteroid where the "Black Pearl" is located to the space station.

Sheridan stood in a semi-open hall of the above-ground building complex in the "Christier" Industrial Park, looking at the dark night sky beyond the transparent dome, and muttered to himself: "No wonder he ignored me that day. So... this kid I've been fancying that military port a long time ago. The poor Star Alliance Navy was busy for a long time, but in the end it was swept out of the house, which contributed to the construction of'Dillard'."

"This kid is so bad at home..."

Seeing him staring at the night sky in a daze, Ruskin asked, "What are you thinking? So devoted."

"I'm thinking... what impact the 44th Fleet will have on society and how many people will be beaten up."

Ruskin chuckled and said, "You are so generous."

Sheridan looked back at his face and said, "This is much better than the movie."

Ruskin wiped his "Javelin IV" carefully: "I'm a rough man, not interested in conspiracy and tricks."

Sheridan didn't speak, he knew exactly what Ruskin was.


In one day, it only took one day, and the news of the 44th Fleet's withdrawal from "Dillard" appeared on the major media and the Internet of the Star Alliance.

Just two days after Behemoth’s current public opinion calmed down, the news that the 44th Fleet fled with its tail caught another wave of emptying. Although this time the protagonist was the 44th Fleet, "Morning Star Casting" and "Tang Fang" The name "" almost dominates all electronic newspapers and portal homepages ~www.readwn.com~ Some large media companies even took the "Morning Star" out of "Jakartapur" to the time the 44th Fleet left "Diral". A special channel has been set up to report and comment on various news events.

In addition to the "Behemoth present" incident, someone exposed another set of photos, which were shots of the "Wuxian" being hit by it a few days ago. It is said that the photos came from insiders of the 44th Fleet.

At the same time, another media released another set of photos. The content was the confrontation between the Apollo Pirates Group and the 44th Fleet. After some people zoomed in on some of the battleships, they found the bow painting and the emblem of the Black Pearl Pirate Group. Exactly the same.

So, after a day of silence, the Internet became lively again.

"At the beginning, I said that Captain Tang's departure from'Dillard' was definitely not a frustrated decision to give up'Morning Star Casting'. How about? After half a month, he returned with such a biological mothership king, and the 44th Fleet again How about? The Wuxian was not kicked and even dared not to let go. Now the entire fleet has clipped its tail and fled."

"Those who say that Captain Tang is scared, why don't you say anything? You have the ability to jump, you are jumping, you won't have been scared out of **** by Behemoth." (To be continued)

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