Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 636: Alice

Standing on the streets of Lavenham, Claire looked at the huge body art photos hanging on the surface of some high-rise buildings. She felt that it was not charming at all, it was a cocky!

Tripatti is 72 years old this year, and he has clearly entered the ranks of the elderly, but he still refuses to accept the old. He posted the photos of his youth all over the streets, even the third-tier small cities like Lavenham, it is not smelly. What is the fart?

Really an incurable guy.

Bai Yue said in a sharp tone: "He... strengthened me."

Bai Hao teased: "Don't worry, you have a halo body protector, you won't get pregnant."

Roy couldn't laugh or cry, looked at Yingluo with a sympathetic look, and asked: "What does he do all the time?"

Yingluo nodded and said, "When I was young, I thought he was so handsome."

Linglong nodded, "Mother said the same."

Roy touched his face and thought, he is more handsome than me.

Bai Hao gritted his teeth with hatred, cursing this old thing to die on the woman's belly.

For the first time, Claire had the urge to strangle Tripatti. How many girls' pure and pure hearts this guy has poisoned, what a damn!

Engaging in idolatry to the point where he is like this can be said to be unprecedented.

Others are great, bright, and correct, but he is good, the whole is a bodybuilder.

The expressions of Yingluo and Linglong are very complicated, and they can’t tell whether they are joy, melancholy, or sadness...

For them, there is the excitement of seeing their loved ones, and the sadness of recalling past memories.

The habit of Linglong should be strong, and keep her mouth silent.

Yingluo pinched the hem of his shirt, glanced back at Roy, and sighed slightly. She was thinking, what to say about those experiences after meeting her parents, and how to introduce them.

The two sisters know that Brother Tang is a very good person, but would the family think so? Will you let them go back?

All this is unknown.

Claire summoned two taxis, asked Ming Yingluo's home address, and drove to the destination quickly.

10 minutes later. Several people got out of the car, and what appeared in front of them was a residential area. There was no shelter from high-rise buildings and no noisy crowds could be seen. There are a few benches on the left and right of the boulevard, which seems to have been years.

The turquoise lawn spreads to the small 2-storey buildings not far away, connecting with the courtyard full of various flowers.

The air exudes an intoxicating fragrance, and colorful butterflies dance lightly.

Claire walked forward silently, thinking about when she would return to such a peaceful life.

Bai Hao, Roy, and Bai Yue are at the back. The same silence, as if infected by the silence of the three girls in front.

The leaves were scattered all over the place mottled under the sunlight, there was no wind, and it was a bit terrifying quietly.

In the afternoon, the whole residential area was filled with the scent of laziness. A clean cat lay down under the parasol by the swimming pool and napping. Hearing the sound of footsteps from far and near, he casually opened his eyes and scanned the 3 men 3 who were going away silently. Female, continue to close and enjoy the peace of the afternoon.

Are parents at home? Who will open the door? What kind of expression will you show when you see them?

Close to home. Yingluo's mood became more complicated, and she felt like she was hanging in the air by a rope.

She wanted to run with all her strength, knocked on the door, threw herself into the arms of her father or mother and cried. But...for some reason, I feel timid. The closer you get to the house, the stronger the feeling, like a mountain, pressing her shoulders and slowing her down.

she knows. Linglong felt the same way.

Because many times, they will see and understand each other in their hearts.

Claire stopped suddenly, and she nearly ran into her head, who was immersed in her wild thoughts.

"Yingluo. Linglong, don't be nervous." The always gentle girl patted the two of them on the shoulders and said softly: "Good girl, go, they are waiting for you to go home."

The eye circles of the two sisters were slightly red, and they nodded vigorously. Gently push open the white wooden fence gate and walk along the central path to the door.

Linglong pressed the doorbell with a slightly shaking hand.

Ding Dong...

The voice is clear and far away, breaking the tranquility of the courtyard.

About 1 minute later, the door opened from the inside, and a man in his early 40s appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Roy scratched his scalp with a dazed expression. He remembered Yingluo saying that his parents were all Han Chinese. Why was the man who opened the door a white?

Claire also noticed something wrong in the scene before her, so she opened the wooden door and walked into the yard.

Yingluo and Linglong stayed in place, and the emotions brewing in their hearts seemed to be sealed by a piece of ice, which was unspeakable.

"Excuse me...who are you looking for?"

The white man was quite polite. He saw two strange girls with a surprised look, and thought they must have knocked on the wrong door.


Yingluo's tears were about to flow out, and she never thought that it was her own home, but it was a stranger who opened the door. Where are the father and mother?

Linglong's ability to control emotions is better. Looking at the white man in astonishment and surprise, he seemed to suddenly think of something like a face, and said, "I'm looking for..."

She failed to say her father's name because the sudden voice behind the white man interrupted the questioning.

"My dear, what's the matter, who is outside the door?"

The voice is so familiar, so kind, and so nostalgic.

There were two lines of clear tears on Yingluo's face, drop by drop, like a pearl, falling to the ground and shattered.

Linglong didn't say the latter words. Instead, she choked hard, tears rolling in her eyes.

That voice was clearly the woman who accompanied them for more than ten years-their mother, who once hummed a sweet song in the night to coax them to sleep; once told them to eat well, Don’t be picky eaters; once told them in a stern tone that they can’t lie, that lying is not a good child; once blended with father’s laughter, let the joy float on every New Year’s Eve, every Christmas Eve, and their birthday party; ...

The voice that was once so familiar with the attachment was kindly calling the man they didn't know "Dear".

This is how the same thing? What exactly is going on?

She felt a mess in her heart, and her emotions were almost collapsed. Those words were clearly on her lips, but she couldn't say it anyway. Only choking and sorrow came from her throat, tears like a curtain of broken beads, wet the front of her shirt. The beloved bow also wets her restless heart.

"Xia Lan. You... come here soon." The man greeted loudly, as if seeing something from the faces of the two sisters, and then thinking of the past.

With a rush of rapid footsteps, a thin figure flashed out from behind the door.

A piece of pure white. But a face with many traces of years appeared between the man and the door frame.

If she was ten years younger, she would definitely be a beautiful woman, and more importantly... she clearly had eyebrows similar to those of Linglong, almost a face carved out of a mold.

She didn't go out of the room and stopped at a position behind the white man. Through the gap, staring dullly at the two young girls on the opposite side, their thin bodies trembled slightly, but they became speechless and choked when they spoke, like a copy of Linglong.

The white man walked out of the door wittily and came to the courtyard. He looked at Claire with complicated expressions. After a long time he reached out his hand and introduced himself: "George."

Claire shook hands with him and spoke a pseudonym at random.

George said, "Anyway. Thank you."

Claire glanced at him, and quickly figured out why the man had added "anyway" before "thank you".

Although she doesn't know what happened between the two sisters' parents, from George's point of view, Linglong and Yingluo's return is bound to remind the partner of the previous suffering, and even bring shocks to the relationship between the two.

But from the point of view of reason, she is doing a good deed, which may make Lu Xialan revisit the painful experience, but also reunite the three mothers and daughters, which deserves to be "thank you".

Life is so tortuous and changeable, and sometimes people feel helpless.


Yingluo finally shouted out the words that got stuck in her throat. Opened his arms and threw into his mother's arms.

In many cases, you can control your emotions in front of people, and even pretend to be nonchalant, but when you see your real relatives. Seeing their familiar faces, the emotions accumulated in their hearts will gush out like a flood, and they can't stop it no matter what.

"Morning Star" is a big family, however, no matter how warm it is, it does not have the warmth of its mother.

This comes from the family love that blood is thicker than water. It is something that others cannot replace. Tang Fang knew this well, so Linglong and Yingluo had to go home anyway to report their safety.

This is the responsibility of being a child, and it is also his responsibility.

It was not until he boarded the "Morning Star" that he had experienced many tribulations along the way, and had seen all kinds of life. He did not really understand the truth, just as a man is not just a tool for making money for a family. The same goes for the crew on board.

"Yingluo... my child."

As twin sisters, Linglong and Yingluo are very similar in appearance. Few people can recognize who is the sister and who is the sister at the first time, even if they are closest to Kleiya, Bai Hao, Roy, etc. Combine the two sisters' dressing habits and their very different temperaments to judge.

As a mother, when she first saw two people, she knew which one was Linglong and which one was Yingluo, even if they had not seen them for 2 years, even if they grew taller, grew up, and became more beautiful.

She put her arms around the necks of the two of them, after kissing this one, she went to kiss the other again, crying like a tearful person.

The people in the yard looked moved, and Bai Hao thought of his dead brother again, biting a blood stain on his lips.

Roy wondered if his parents, who were far away, would pray like the omniscient and all-powerful God every day, hoping that he could return to them safely.

While George was happy for the three, he was a little worried.

Linglong was the first to control her emotions, freed herself from her mother's arms, and asked an important question that had been held in her heart for a long time, burning her soul like a fire: "Mom, where is my dad? Where is Dad...?"

Lu Xialan shook her body, her eyes showed a feeling of love and hatred, but more sadness and helplessness.

She looked into Linglong's longing eyes, silent, but the sadness grew thicker.

Yingluo wiped the tears off her face indiscriminately, and asked with red eyes, "Yes. Where is Dad? Where did Dad go? Who was that man just now?"

"Mom...what's wrong with you? Why don't you speak?"

She still didn't speak, as if trapped in memories...in memories full of sadness.

Those sorrows gradually changed and were replaced by something called "despair".

"Mom... what happened?"

Linglong thought of a very bad situation, so bad that she didn't know how to face it.

The tears that Yingluo had just stopped gushing out again, and her delicate face became no longer delicate.

"Mom, you mean, where's Dad? Where did Dad go?"

Their father is a good husband, so temperamental that makes people speechless. The two were very naughty when they were young and love to get into trouble, and their mother would reprimand them in a harsh tone. Sometimes corporal punishment is used to educate. At this time, the big chubby bear with a chubby face will appear on the stage with a grotesque and honest image, first with good words to appease the violent mother. Then give the two sisters a chance to slip away.

Because he has a pair of thick big hands, a chubby body, and a fleshy belly. He likes to wear a dark gray T-shirt, which looks a lot like the big chubby bear in a cartoon. When his mother was away, Yingluo would call him a big fat bear regardless of size. He often pinched his waist and arbitrarily told him to take this and that, even some unclear neighbors would think that their pets were called big Chubby bear.

In front of his wife, he is a person who has no opinion, and in front of his daughter, he is a person who is submissive, playing the role of a dad to some extent.

That's him, supporting a family. Let the wife live happily and the daughter grow up healthily.

If two girls had to pick the closest one among their parents, the answer would definitely be their father. But today, under this roof, only the mother and another man, their father is missing.

George walked back to the door from the courtyard, held the pale-faced Lu Xialan, walked into the house, and said, "I'll do this."

Yingluo and Linglong followed into the room and found that the furnishings in the room had all changed. Sofas, tables and chairs, decorative paintings, bonsai...there is no family portrait on the wall, no large and small crystal photo frames on the table, the fish in the aquarium has changed color, and the refrigerator door is clean. No more colorful cartoon stickers...

Except for this room, everything is different from the original.

It can be seen that they are still very new and should have been moved a few months ago.

George put Lu Xialan into the bedroom, soothed for a while before returning to the living room. Greet a few people and sit down.

When I went to the kitchen to prepare coffee, I saw the two of them staring blankly, and said in a low voice: "Sorry."

"If it weren't for no money, I would even change the house."

This seems to hurt people, but it doesn't hurt people.

Claire nodded and secretly said, anyway, he is a good person.

The coffee was served quickly, pushed in front of a few people in order, and took another look at the bedroom. He sat down next to the coffee table, slowly telling what happened after Linglong and Yingluo disappeared.

Today is the weekend, and there are not many people on the street in the afternoon. There are only three or five teenagers under the oak trees. They seem to be sharing a newly bought comic book. It may also be other little secrets that are not good for outsiders.

The atmosphere in the living room is like the street outside, very depressing, only the water vapor rising along the coffee cup brings a touch of agility to the whole room.

Claire's face is a bit ugly, and she finally knows why the Chinese word "Jia Po" is put together with "Death".

After Linglong and Yingluo disappeared, their father Guan Jiaping and mother Lu Xialan searched for a long time. They did not work for a whole year and did not stop to rest. They searched for their whereabouts through various channels.

It is a pity that the efforts of common people’s families face the dark and deep universe, face the human trafficker groups that wander around the world, have a deep friendship with the nobles at all levels, and those in power, and face the inaction of government functions. These efforts are nothing but the worm shaking the tree and the man’s arm as a car.

Guan Jiaping refused to admit defeat. To be precise, he would not give up.

Yingluo and Linglong are the driving force of his life, and this family is his everything.

During that year, the husband and wife experienced many setbacks, even if Lu Xialan persuaded him to give up, saying, "This is fate, let's accept fate, people... after all, can't beat God."

Guan Jiaping has never been a stubborn person, however, this time he chose to be stubborn to the end.

Under the extremely heavy economic pressure, he tried every means to bribe the police officers and local officials. From some things that the officials deliberately concealed, he knew the name of the human trafficker group "Alice", and he also learned a little about the background of the organization.

This is a large-scale transnational criminal group that has long been active in monarchy countries such as the Monya Empire, the Sulu Empire, and the Turanx United Kingdom. Its history can be traced back to the collapse of the Star Alliance government.

Heroes like Maxwell Stewart and Helens Abdul can establish state power. Comodo, Chairman of the Rover Technology Consortium, and Hirohiko Iga, Chairman of Iga Industrial, can start from scratch~www.readwn.com~ to become a giant in the Star Alliance military industry. Some criminal gangs and mercenary organizations have also taken advantage of the chaos of the world to rapidly expand their forces, use the contradictions between countries to make ends meet, and use criminal means to obtain rich profits.

For example, the "Red Martyrs Party" entrenched on the border of the Star Alliance, the mercenary organization "Burning Legion" with the background of the Phoenix Empire, the "Third Committee" that was hit hard in the Blue Revolution, and the extremist religious organization "Genesis" .

Of course, even if it suffered a devastating blow during the Blue Revolution, the strength of the Third Committee was much stronger than that of the "Red Martyrs Party", "Burning Legion", and "Genesis". The Third Committee Pirate Group that wandered along the borders of the Star Alliance, Phoenix Federation, and Silver Eagle Group was just a branch of the entire organization, and it made the Three Kingdoms frontier armies brainstorming. One can imagine how powerful the overall strength is. Inferior to the Supreme Council, and extremely limited.

And the "Alice" who took Linglong and Yingluo abducted is the same level of existence as the aforementioned terrorist organization in terms of reputation. Perhaps its military strength is not very strong, but due to its deep roots and close relations with the noble classes of various countries, it is a criminal organization fully integrated into the grassroots society. Its adaptability, concealment, and vitality far exceed those like "Genesis". An organization that is enmity everywhere.

As the saying goes, wildfires are endless, and spring breeze blows again. (To be continued.)

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