
Super God World

“Bitch! She can really travel through time! This old sheep is really good!”

“After seven days, I will invade Qingqing Grassland and I will get this time alarm clock! If I have this, I can easily rule the universe!!!”

Liang Bing was extremely shocked and excited! Although there are many strong people stronger than her in the universe she is currently in, if she has the time alarm clock, she can directly travel through time and space and come to the childhood of those top strong people. In this way, she will be able to wipe out all the strong people in the universe in the cradle!!!


Death World

“How is it possible, this old sheep really did it! He actually did something that even I can’t do!”

Yhwach was shocked.

He thought he was omniscient and omnipotent and invincible.

But his so-called omniscience and omnipotence, if compared with the time alarm clock that can travel back in time , is just a small witch compared to a big witch! He can predict the future, but the person holding the time alarm clock can go back to the past and easily wipe him out!!!


A Leaf Covering the World

“This is too much! Even Emperor Wu Shi can’t go back to the past!”

“This old sheep’s invention can actually achieve such a thing so easily!”

Hei Huang was dumbfounded.

He always believed that his master, Wu Shi Emperor, was the strongest.

No one could surpass him!

But this slow sheep did it.

Even Wu Shi couldn’t do it!!!

“Although the animals of the Green Grassland may not be very strong in terms of their physical bodies, they seem to have very powerful inventive abilities!”

“It is indeed a forbidden place of God, and it is not as simple as I imagined!”

“”It is bound to be very difficult to rule them and get rewards!”

Ye Hei said with a serious face.

After all, he has become an emperor at this time.

So he doesn’t care too much about the strength of the animals in the Green Grassland.

But the only thing that makes him feel very difficult is the invention ability of Slow Sheep!!

【Taking stock of Slow Sheep’s fourth invention: the Brooch of Doom!】

【On this day, Pleasant Goat, Beautiful Goat, Boiling Goat and Lazy Goat were playing in the warehouse.】

【They accidentally knocked over a box.】

【Mei Yangyang saw the brooch on the ground】

【I thought it was beautiful, so I put it on.】

【Then the sheep went out to cut grass.】

【When Mei Yangyang is mowing the grass】

【Just met Gray Wolf】

【The sheep worked together to use a lawn mower to drive away the gray wolf】

【But at this moment】

【The doom brooch on Mei Yangyang’s chest】

【Start to activate the power of cause and effect】

【She started to lose control of the lawn mower】

【”Ah! Help!”】

【The lawn mower is chasing the lazy sheep】

【””Lazy Sheep, run to the big tree!” Pleasant Sheep shouted】

【The lawn mower is about to catch up with Lazy Sheep】

【Pleasant Goat quickly pushed him away】

【The lawn mower crashed into a tree and broke down.】

【”Sorry, I didn’t know the lawn mower was broken”】

【Mei Yangyang apologizes】

【”Don’t worry about Mei Yangyang, just be fine”】

【Boiling sheep comfort】

【Next second】

【A hornet’s nest fell from the tree】

【The sheep fled】

【They fled to the wooden bridge outside the gate of Yangcun】

【”What a bad day today.”】

【Feiyangyang couldn’t help but complain】

【”Don’t say that, it’s just a coincidence”】

【Pleasant Goat Soothing】

【”I feel like we’ve been unlucky ever since Mei Yang Yang put on that brooch”】

【Lazy Sheep couldn’t help but complain】

【”What does this have to do with brooches?”】

【Mei Yangyang is puzzled】

【While the words fell】

【The wooden bridge they were standing on broke apart】

【The sheep fell directly into the river】

【From this day on】

【The sheep began to fear her.】

【Whenever I see her, I run away】

【”Pleasant Goat, have you seen Beautiful Goat?”】

【On the way they met Slow Sheep】

【”Village chief, she is in bad luck now, how dare you look for him?”】

【Lazy Sheep Reminder】

【”I have to get her brooch back. It’s an invention I made to fight the werewolves. It’s called the Brooch of Doom.”】

【”As long as you wear it, you will continue to encounter bad luck!”】

【”Back then, I used this brooch on a wolf, and the wolf died before we could do anything to it!”】

【Slow Sheep frowned and explained】

【”Go to heaven? Doesn’t that mean Mei Yangyang is in danger?”】

【When Pleasant Goat and Hot Goat heard this, they panicked.】

【”Isn’t it enough for Meiyangyang to just take off the Brooch of Doom?”】

【Lazy Sheep spreads his hands】

【”No, the wearer cannot remove the Brooch of Doom by ordinary means. The Brooch of Doom will always follow the wearer until the wearer dies.”】

【”Or maybe a new wearer gets the Doom Brooch and transfers the bad luck.”】

‘The Brooch of Doom, as long as you wear it, you will continue to encounter bad luck. This is a real invention at the level of the law of cause and effect!’

‘The village chief can invent the time alarm clock, and he can also invent the law of causality!’

‘And the most outrageous thing is that once this doom brooch is put on, the wearer will not be able to take it off no matter what, unless he dies!’

‘Or maybe let a new wearer appear!’

‘Wait! Now Mei Yangyang is wearing this doom brooch, she can’t take it off by herself. If she wants to survive’

‘Others can only take the bad luck brooch from her and bear the bad luck.’

‘Now the village chief is looking for Mei Yangyang, wanting to get the Doom Brooch back from her.’

‘Could it be that the village chief wants to die for Meiyangyang?’

‘Tears in my eyes!’

‘The village chief is so nice!’

‘The village chief is undoubtedly the greatest sheep in the Sheep Village!’

‘There’s no need to go through so much trouble, right? Doesn’t the village chief have a time alarm clock? Can’t we just let Pleasant Goat use that alarm clock to go back to the past and stop Pretty Goat from wearing the bad luck brooch?’

‘The current timeline should be the timeline before the village chief invented the time alarm clock’

‘In other words, there is no way to use this invention to prevent Meiyaoyang from wearing the Brooch of Doom!’

‘If you want to remove the Brooch of Doom now, someone must die!’

‘In this way, the village chief can use other inventions to store the Doom Brooch again without being affected by the bad luck.’

‘However, when the village chief invented the time alarm clock in the future, Meiyangyang and the sheep in the sheep village were all alive and well.’

‘Then in the current timeline, who took the Brooch of Doom from Mei Yangyang and endured the fate of death? ‘

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