Fog Mountain World

“Has this wolf’s physique become so strong?”

“His physique is invincible and his speed exceeds the speed of light!”

“Is this the creature from the forbidden land of the gods – the Qingqing Grassland? It’s really scary!”

Huo Xing was also frightened……….

Zombie World

“Is this wolf’s method so terrible?”

Long You was shocked.

He didn’t take Gray Wolf seriously at first.

But he saw with his own eyes that

Gray Wolf was kicked to the moon by Feiyangyang more than ten times.

But there was not a single scratch on his body. Then he returned to the earth at a speed faster than light!!! Gray Wolf’s strength. If placed in their world, he would be a super god-level strongman!!!


Naruto World

“open…..Are you kidding me?”

Sasuke was shocked.

“Is this wolf invincible? With such a terrifying physique, its speed is unimaginably fast!!!”

Naruto was originally still regretful.

Gray Wolf just went to the Sheep Village to drink.

He didn’t do anything wrong. He was killed by Feiyangyang.

But who would have thought that

Gray Wolf was far from being as weak as he imagined.

He was a monster countless times beyond Naruto’s imagination!!!…………..

Bears in the World

“”What a powerful wolf, Big Bear! I wish we were as powerful as you. Then, Baldy Qiang will never be able to cut down a tree from us again.” said Little Bear with some admiration.

“Yes, if we had the speed and physique of Gray Wolf, Bald Qiang would never be able to defeat us once.”

Big Bear nodded in agreement.

【”What should I do now, Pleasant Goat?”】

【Meiyangyang spoke worriedly】

【After a brief thought, Pleasant Goat suddenly had an idea.】

【”I have a solution”】

【He took out his fishing rod and hung the wine on it.】

【Then he led Gray Wolf to the river.】

【Tie his legs and feet to the tree】


【Flash, the next day】

【Mei Yangyang:”We have moved the wine to another place, Gray Wolf will not come to steal the wine again, right?”】

【Feiyangyang nodded:”Of course, there are already a lot of traps there, even if he finds it, he will never come back!”】

【The two talked and walked in the sheep village】

【Not far away, in the trash can】

【Gray Wolf poked his head out and smiled evilly:”You underestimate me.”】

【He sniffed it a little.】

【The location of wine storage was determined】

【He came to a room】

【Then start digging】

【In front of him appeared a】

【Password-required channels】

【Gray Wolf took out the universal decryption card from his pocket】

【Successfully cracked the password】

【He walked along the passage】

【Came to the basement】

【He looked down the corridor】

【He took out the infrared sunglasses from his pocket.】

【After putting on sunglasses】

【He can clearly see】

【Infrared in the basement corridor】

【He is extremely agile】

【Like Superman, avoiding all infrared rays】

【After walking through the corridor】

【A door appeared in front of him.】

【He ran over excitedly.】

【The next second a robot blocked his way.】

【”Please verify your identity and ethnicity”】

【Hearing this】

【Big Gray Wolf puts on a sheepskin coat】

【The robot from his head】

【Take a piece of wool】

【Stuffed into mouth】

【”Identity verification, correct, please use the password to open the door now, you have two chances”】


【Hearing this, Gray Wolf was stunned.】

【Robot:”The password is wrong, there is one more chance”】

【Gray Wolf starts thinking】

【But he soon thought of】


【Robot:”The password is correct, please pass”】

【As its sound falls】

【The warehouse door was opened】

【Gray Wolf ran in excitedly】

【But there is also infrared at the door of the wine cellar】

【The first time he broke in】

【The alarm was sounded in the Sheep Village.】

【When the sheep from the sheep village came over】

【I saw that Gray Wolf had already taken all the wine in the wine cellar.】

【Drink it all】

【They angrily took Gray Wolf out of the basement】

【”Nuan Yangyang, you keep an eye on him first. Fei Yangyang and I will go find the village chief.”】

【Pleasant Goat Opens His Mouth】

【After leaving these words, the two sheep left.】

【At this time, Gray Wolf also opened his eyes】

【He looked at Nuan Yangyang:”Brother, drink with me…..Drink two cups”】

【Nuan Yangyang was shocked】

【Took out the bomb:”Don’t…..Don’t come over here, this is a super-powerful explosive developed by the village chief, it will blow you to death!”】

【”Drink with me”】

【Gray Wolf walked towards her drunkenly】

【Then he threw the wine into her mouth.】

【Nuan Yangyang just drank a little wine】

【His face flushed and he fainted.】

【”It’s really useless.”】

【Gray wolf sitting on the ground】

【Took out the pipe and matches】

【Start lighting a cigarette】

【But his match accidentally set off the bomb】

【Next second】

【Gray Wolf and Nuan Yangyang were blown into the sky】

‘Uncle Wolf is like a superman when it comes to drinking’

‘Comparing Wolf to Superman is underestimating him.’

‘As long as Uncle Wolf wants to do it, there is nothing he can’t do!’…………..

Alien World

“This Gray Wolf is obviously very strong, but he uses all his strength on drinking. What a pity.”

Zhang Chulan smacked his lips.

Gray Wolf’s body and speed are invincible!

At the same time, his brain is also very smart.

He can decipher codes and pass through the infrared corridor.

He can know the secret language of the Sheep Village with a little thought.

Gray Wolf is simply the best in wisdom, physique, and speed!

If Zhang Chulan could have the same strength as him.


With only half of Gray Wolf’s strength, or even one-tenth of his strength,

Zhang Chulan would think that he could walk sideways around the world!

But what about Gray Wolf?

With such a strong power, he only racked his brains to steal wine!

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