【Gray Wolf takes Ruanmianmian and others】

【Running through mountains and rivers until dawn】

【”Hero, thank you for saving my life”】

【Bow softly in thanks】

【”What are you thanking me for? Do you think you are out of danger? Madam…..No, Wu Dalang and his men will catch up soon.”】

【Big Bad Wolf Road】

【”So what about heroes?”】

【Soft and tense】

【”you…..Got it, you immediately build a wall and a solid iron gate, so that you can resist the great wolf pack.”】

【Gray Wolf Proposal】

【”Great wolf pack? Hero, what should the fence and iron gate look like?”】

【Although Ruanmianmian was somewhat puzzled by the words of the Great Wolf Pack】

【But his focus isn’t here now.】

【I just want to know how to build the wall and iron gate】

【Gray Wolf took out the blueprint and pen】

【Start painting carefully】

【After finishing the painting, he handed it to Ruanmianmian:”That’s it.”】

【Softly and respectfully took the drawing】

【He began to order the sheep to build walls and iron gates.】

【And Big Gray Wolf is responsible for supervision】

【”Come on, order more!”】

【A few days later】

【The wall and gate of the Sheep Village have taken shape. 】

Wait! Why do these gates and walls look a bit like the gates and walls of the Sheep Village in the future?

Not similar! They are exactly the same!

Holy crap! It turns out that the gate and wall of the Sheep Village were built under the command of Uncle Wolf!

I was wondering why the gate of the Sheep Village was so difficult to destroy. It turns out that Uncle Wolf went back to the past, drew the blueprint himself and commanded Soft Mianmian and the others to build it! It turns out that only Uncle Wolf can defend against Uncle Wolf!


Even the gate of the Sheep Village was built by Big Bad Wolf?

The heavens and the worlds were dumbfounded.

But soon they suddenly realized it.

No wonder the gate of the Sheep Clan is so difficult to destroy.

Big Bad Wolf was blocked in front of the gate many times.

He personally drew the blueprint of this gate and commanded its construction.

It is equivalent to his own invention.

How can it not be amazing! ?

The world of One Leaf Covering the Sky

“This gate was built in the soft and soft era hundreds of years ago, but in the era of the straight 24 slow sheep, this gate was still standing!”

“”Grey Wolf has really built an unimaginably solid gate for the sheep tribe!”

Xiao Yan exclaimed.

The construction of this gate has protected Wu Da Wolf’s army and also protected future Grey Wolf.

It has stood for hundreds of years without falling!

It is enough to show how solid this gate is!

“Gray Wolf is truly a true hero of the sheep tribe. He not only saved Ruanmianmian, but also helped them build such a solid gate for the sheep village!”

Fruit World

“This explains why the omnipotent Gray Wolf was blocked at the gate of Sheep Village countless times!”

Pineapple Blowing Snow said with interest.

“I really didn’t expect that Big Gray Wolf wanted to eat Pleasant Goat on the surface, but he also made so many contributions to the sheep clan in secret!”

Cheng Liuxiang sighed.

Although Big Gray Wolf did this to save the descendants of the sheep clan and to eat Pleasant Goat in order to return to the future with his own strength, it is undeniable that his contribution to the sheep clan is extremely great!!! Super Beast World

“I think the future Big Bad Wolf will definitely regret helping the sheep tribe build such a solid gate.”

Miao Tiaojun complained. Although the future Big Bad Wolf made many inventions and broke into the sheep village, in most cases, he couldn’t break it because the gate of the sheep village was too solid!

If Big Bad Wolf had directed them to build a weaker iron gate in the soft era, it wouldn’t be so difficult to catch sheep in the future.

“The main purpose of Gray Wolf building this iron gate is to prevent the army of Wu Da Wolf. After all, Wu Da Wolf is the first generation of wolf leader and leads the entire Green Grassland Wolf Clan.”

“If a powerful iron gate is not built, the sheep tribe may not be able to escape extinction.”

“But he certainly didn’t expect that this gate could even block his future self!

” There is no need to say much about the strength of Wu Dalang.

As the first generation wolf leader and the supreme leader of the wolf clan, how could he not be strong!

? And the army he led, just the sound of walking, was like an earthquake!

It was enough to show that he had hundreds of thousands of subordinates!

If he didn’t build a powerful gate, he probably couldn’t stop them at all!

But it was precisely because it was too strong that it stopped Wu Dalang and also stopped the future Gray Wolf!

Happy Gray World

“What!? Even the gate of our Sheep Village was built by Big Gray Wolf?”

Feiyangyang’s worldview is constantly being impacted.

“This Gray Wolf is so good to us.” Mei Yangyang was in tears.

“What? I was in charge of building the gate to the Sheep Village?”

Grey Wolf was stunned.

【”Oh no! The wolf tribe is chasing the village chief!”】

【at this time】

【A little sheep came running to report nervously】


【Wu Da Wolf shouted:”Cross the river! Catch the sheep!”】

【”Hero, what now?”】

【Soft and frightened】

【The gate of the Sheep Tribe has not been built yet.】

【Gray Wolf did not respond】

【Instead, he pushed his time machine into the river.】

【He pressed the button on the time machine.】

【Let the time machine go back to the future】

【Bringing the Piranhas of the Future to the Past】

【A large number of piranhas appeared】

【Started to bite the wolf army that crossed the river】


【Seeing this scene, the sheep tribe laughed.】

【”What are you laughing at? If you don’t continue to build the gate, they will soon build a bridge over here!”】


【The wolf tribe began to build a bridge】

【The sheep tribe began to speed up the construction of the gate】


【The wolf tribe’s bridge is built】

【The gate of the Sheep Village is also completed.】

【”Close the door quickly!”】

【Big Gray Wolf yells】

【Ruanmianmian hurriedly called the sheep tribe into the village and wanted to close the gate.】

【But a stone blocked the iron door.】

【He can’t close it anyway.】

【The wolf army also rushed over here】

【”Dear Ruanmianmian, you can’t escape!”】

【Wu Dalang grinned】

【Seeing the wolf army approaching】

【The inside of the sheep village suddenly became chaotic.】


【Gray Wolf stands alone against the wolf army】

【He didn’t hesitate at all】

【Rushed towards Wu Dalang and other wolves】

【While he was stalling】

【The sheep are also trying hard to close the iron gate.】

【The fight between Gray Wolf and the wolf clan】

【Also fell into a great disadvantage】

【Wu Dalang holds the samurai sword in his hand】

【It hit Gray Wolf’s face directly.】

【There was a scar on the right side of his face.】

【”Let you be a hero!”】

【”Let you save the lamb!”】

【The wolves surrounded and beat him】

【After knocking him out】

【Wu Dalang kicked him into the river】

【After beating Gray Wolf】

【Wu Dalang led the army】

【Attack towards the sheep village】

【But the gate of Yangcun is closed.】

【No matter how hard Wu Dalang tried】

【They can’t break through the gate of the sheep tribe. 】

Fuck! It turns out that the scar on Uncle Wolf’s face was left by his ancestor Wu Dalang!

Uncle Wolf’s physique is invincible. He has fought with the sheep tribe for many years. No matter what kind of injuries he suffered, not a single wolf hair fell afterwards. And this Wu Dalang’s simple knife could leave a scar on Uncle Wolf’s face! He is worthy of being the first generation wolf leader and the supreme commander of the wolf tribe! His force value is simply unbelievably strong!!

In terms of force value alone, this Wu Dalang should be the strongest in Qingqing Grassland so far! (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Uncle Wolf’s ancestor is really amazing!

But this scene is really a famous scene of fatherly love and filial piety! Uncle Wolf helped the sheep tribe resist Wu Dalang’s army, and Wu Dalang also left a scar on Uncle Wolf’s face!

Although Uncle Wolf saved the sheep tribe, he didn’t owe Wu Dalang anything! After all, after Uncle Wolf helped Wu Da Wolf to capture all the sheep, they ate mutton from morning to afternoon, which almost ate the sheep to extinction!

And Uncle Wolf only saved a few sheep to reproduce for them.

If Wu Da Wolf and his men really ate the sheep to extinction, then the future generations of wolves would have no sheep to eat?

Uncle Wolf went back to the past this time, and it can be said that he helped both the wolf and the sheep!


The scar on Gray Wolf’s face.

Was it left by Wu Da Wolf?

The martial arts value of this Wu Da Wolf.

Has it become so terrifying!?

All the heavens and the worlds were shocked.

Although at present.

Wu Da Wolf is not an inventor

��His fighting power is definitely the strongest in the world!!

Because you have to know that

Gray Wolf has lived from childhood to adulthood. He has fought against the sheep tribe for several years.

He has also fought with many strong men such as Mars King, Bitter Melon King, Tiger King, Runaway Weather, Black Handsome, and Cool Superman.[]

But these strong men didn’t leave even the slightest injury on him!! And this Wu Dalang, with just one slash, could leave an indelible and irreparable injury on Gray Wolf’s face. His martial arts power is so terrifying, how could it not shock people!!! Superman World

“This Gray Wolf is so great! He saved Ruanmianmian, helped them build the gate of the sheep village, and now he is helping them resist the wolf army. He was even chopped by his own ancestor!!”

Xiao Xiaoguai was moved

“Yes, although Big Bad Wolf went back to the past and helped Wu Dalang and his friends catch sheep, causing the wolf clan to eat a lot of sheep, he is still a wolf after all. According to the laws of nature, wolves eat sheep, so he is not wrong in this regard!”

“As a wolf, he finally saved the sheep tribe and even fought with his ancestors for this and was chopped by a knife!”

“Judging from these alone, he is a true hero of the Sheep Tribe!”

“It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a great hero of the wolf tribe!”

Big Monster agreed.

As a general of the planet of discouraged, he knew that war would result in casualties! The wolf tribe wanted to eat sheep, and the sheep tribe was also killing wolves.

From the standpoints of both sides, they were fighting for survival! It was right for wolves to eat sheep! It was also right for sheep to kill wolves! Gray Wolf went back to the past and helped the wolf tribe eat sheep and help the sheep tribe survive. He was definitely a great hero for both the wolf and sheep tribes! A Leaf Covers the Sky World

“”Fuck! Are you kidding me! Is this Wu Da Wolf so fierce?”

Hei Huang was stunned.

He had seen a lot of videos about Gray Wolf.

He knew the physique of this wolf.

It was simply unlimited!

No matter what kind of injury it received, it would be intact afterwards.

But this Wu Da Wolf could actually cut him!

“As expected of the Gray Wolf’s ancestor, he is incredibly strong!”

Ye Hei took a breath of cold air.

“It would be great if this Wu Da Wolf could live longer. In that case, he could wait until his sons and grandsons grow up and pass on the position of wolf leader.”

“I believe that if that happens, the position of wolf leader will never be taken away by others.”

Xiao Yan sighed.

Wu Dalang’s fighting power is really beyond imagination.

I believe that when he is here, the entire wolf clan is firmly controlled by him!

Even if there are wolves who want to seize power, they will never dare to do so while he is alive!! If he can live longer and wait for his grandson and son to grow up and become as strong as him, then the position of wolf leader can be passed down from their generation! But unfortunately, he died early after all. As a result, his grandson and son have not fully grown up and their strength has not yet been fully developed.

���When the wolf is weak, it is seized by other wolves.

“Is this how Gray Wolf got the scar on his face?”

Pleasant Goat was a little surprised

“Woo woo woo……This Gray Wolf was so weak in order to save our ancestors that he was even chopped by his ancestor, Wu Da Wolf!”

Mei Yangyang burst into tears again.

【Camera turns】

【”Now I bow three times to the unknown hero who saved the sheep tribe.”】

【Slow Sheep Opens His Mouth】

【The sheep bowed slightly and bowed sincerely to the statue again.】


【at this time】

【Gray Wolf also took a time machine and came here】

【”Look! Big Gray Wolf!”】

【Pleasant Goat’s face changed drastically】

【Gray Wolf came out of the time machine and rubbed his eyes:”Excuse me, are you Slow Sheep or Soft Sheep?”】

【”Me?? Of course it’s Slow Sheep”】

【Slow Sheep responded with a question mark on his face.】

【Gray Wolf smiled when he heard this.】

【Then he walked towards Wuyang】

【”So you are Pleasant Goat, Boiling Goat, Lazy Goat, Beautiful Goat, and Warm Goat. Thank God, I finally see you again! I am so happy!”】

【Gray Wolf started crying】

【”What happened to Big Gray Wolf?”】

【Feiyangyang is confused】

【Pleasant Goat:”According to the old rules, send him home”】


【They tied Gray Wolf to the rocket】

【Then the fuse was lit】

【”Don’t take the joke too far.”】

【Gray Wolf said unhappily】

【”We’re not kidding you anymore.”】

【Feiyangyang spreads his hands】

【”You can’t do this to me, I’m your hero”】

【Gray Wolf frowned slightly】

【”Is he sick?”】

【Lazy Sheep Tucao】

【”Never mind, send him home.”】

【Pleasant Goat also thinks he is weird】

【”Forget it, as long as you are still here, dear lambs, I will definitely come back”】

【Leave this sentence】

【He flew up to the sky】

【”He seems quite happy.”】

【Lazy Sheep’s face is full of surprise】

【”What a strange guy.”】

【Pleasant Goat said.

Look how happy Uncle Wolf is.

I have to say that Uncle Wolf really loves Pleasant Goat and his friends. He cried with joy when he saw that they were still alive.

Although Uncle Wolf cried when he saw that they were alive because he knew that he would have a chance to eat them himself.

But Pleasant Goat and his friends were a bit wicked. Why did they send Uncle Wolf to the sky again?

This can’t be blamed on them, after all, they didn’t know that Uncle Wolf was the masked hero.

Please order it yourself, please order it in full.

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