“This wolf general is too bad! He actually did such a thing!”.

Big Bear was particularly angry.

Although it is natural for wolves to eat sheep, the problem is that the wolf general is forcing

Big Gray Wolf to eat Pleasant Goat.

And the two of them have finally become friends.

Pleasant Goat World

“It’s over! Xi-Yangyang is going to be eaten!”

Fei Yangyang’s face changed drastically.

“It’s so scary.”

Mei Yangyang closed her eyes in fear.

“This wolf general is too much, how could he do such a thing!”

Even Nuan Yangyang was rarely angry.

“It seems that I will eventually die in the mouth of Big Gray Wolf.” Pleasant Goat sighed.

“If I want to eat Pleasant Goat, I should do it myself! How dare this wolf general use this method to make me eat Pleasant Goat?” Big

Gray Wolf said angrily.

He just wanted to kill Pleasant Goat with his own ability. He was not willing to kill him in this way.

“Are you crazy, General Wolf? How dare you do this to Big Bad Wolf?”

Dr. Ti’s face changed drastically.

If Big Bad Wolf really regards Pleasant Goat as a very good friend in the future, then if General Wolf really lets him eat Pleasant Goat, it would be equivalent to completely angering him!

At that time, he would no longer be able to abide by the ancestral precepts of the wolf clan.

General Wolf would definitely die!

“It seems that I……There is no way to escape death.”

General Wolf sighed.

【”We ate grass cakes together and howled together. Do you still remember Big Bad Wolf?”】

【Pleasant Goat asked with tears in his eyes】

【But his words】

【Still hasn’t reached Gray Wolf’s ears】

【Just when Gray Wolf wanted to bite him】

【He suddenly let out a wolf howl.】

【The wolf howl】

【Instantly awakened Gray Wolf’s consciousness】

【He said with a look in his eyes:”We…..But good friends.”】

【”Gray Wolf, you finally woke up”】

【A smile suddenly appeared on Pleasant Goat’s face】

【”Thank you, Xiyangyang, thank you for believing in me”】

【Gray Wolf thanks him. 】

Fuck! Brother Xizi’s wolf howl is really standard!

A wolf howl directly awakened Uncle Wolf!

This is the friendship between the two!

What’s going on?

Pleasant Goat used wolf howls to make Gray Wolf regain consciousness?

The characters in the world who saw this scene were stunned for a moment.

Because this plot development was beyond their expectations!

They also had to sigh.

The relationship between the two is really damn good!

Bears in the World

“”Xiong Er, look, Big Gray Wolf has recovered. He didn’t eat Pleasant Goat.”

Xiong Da said with a smile on his face.


Xiong Er lowered his hands that were covering his eyes and looked at the screen.

It was just as Xiong Da said.

Pleasant Goat was not dead.

Big Bad Wolf was also awake again!

“Great! They are all fine. I was so scared.”

Xiong Er couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

“I thought there would be a plot where Pleasant Goat gets eaten, Big Bad Wolf gets furious, and then wipes out the wolf clan.”

Miao Tiaojun clicked his tongue

“This kind of plot is unlikely to happen. Although on the surface, Pleasant Goat is forced into a dead end, in fact, he will never really die.”

Xuan Yizi said with his hands behind his back.

“What does this mean?”

Huo Linfei asked in confusion.

“Doesn’t Gray Wolf have a time machine? Even if he is really affected by the power of the wolf grass and eats Pleasant Goat, as long as he uses the time machine to go back to the past and make precautions in advance, Pleasant Goat will not die.”

Xuan Yizi is very clear.

The past that Gray Wolf changes with the time machine will become an ironclad fact!

For example, the first time he used the time machine to go back to the past, he helped Wu Da Wolf eat the entire sheep tribe.

Then when he returned to the future, he found that there was no sheep left on the Green Grassland.

At the same time, the history books of the wolf tribe also clearly recorded the extinction of the sheep tribe!!


Gray Wolf used the time machine again to change the history of the extinction of the sheep tribe.

The sheep tribe also reappeared.

This clearly proved to all of them that the past that Gray Wolf changed will become the history of the years!

He can use the time machine to choose the future he wants to reach!!

Assuming that today,

Gray Wolf really eats Pleasant Goat, then he only needs to restart the time machine and go back to the past.

He can easily rewrite the truth of Pleasant Goat’s death and choose a world that lives for him!!

“You mean, Big Bad Wolf has actually eaten Pleasant Goat? The scene we are seeing now is the future changed after Big Bad Wolf restarted the time machine?”

Huo Linfei asked

“Who knows? Maybe there is such a possibility.

But my most fundamental meaning is that no matter what kind of enemies Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf encounter, or what kind of difficulties they encounter, they will never really die, and they will definitely win in the end!

” Big Big Wolf has greatly restrained his killing intent since he became friends with Pleasant Goat.

He no longer likes war, but longs for peace.

Without liking killing, he has undoubtedly weakened his strength countless times!

But Xuan Yizi can be sure of only one thing, that is, Big Big Wolf and Pleasant Goat will never die and will definitely win no matter what enemies they encounter!!!

Because there is a time machine.

If someone dies or loses, he can easily rewrite the past and the future by restarting the time machine!

Rewrite the future of defeat into a future of victory!

Everything is under his control!!!

“In other words, this wolf has only become weaker on the surface, but in fact he is still the omnipotent Gray Wolf! The videos played on the fluorescent screen are all the future he has chosen.”

“And those mistakes, defeats, and the unhappy future of death will all be changed by him using the time machine!”

Tianyu expressed his opinion

“You are right.” Xuan Yizi agreed.

Gray Wolf just put away his fangs and claws.

It does not mean that he has lost his fangs and claws.

“without…..Not dead? Pleasant Goat, you are not dead? Big Bad Wolf didn’t eat you?”

Feiyangyang’s voice trembled, as if he saw something extremely impossible. That was Big

Bad Wolf!

Logically speaking, he had a strong desire to kill Pleasant Goat! Now that he was affected by the wolf grass, everyone thought that Pleasant Goat was doomed! But who would have thought that Pleasant Goat’s wolf howl would actually wake him up!

“Big Bad Wolf……”

Looking at him on the fluorescent screen, even Pleasant Goat was stunned. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Wolf Castle

“I didn’t eat him yet? Could it be that he and I have become very good friends in the future? Gray

Wolf felt that the scene before him was too incredible.

“Fortunately, Pleasant Goat was not eaten, so I still have a chance to survive.”

The big stone in General Wolf’s heart fell to the ground.

He really couldn’t imagine what would happen to him if

Pleasant Goat was really eaten!

【after a while】

【The sheep of the sheep tribe gathered together to dig a pit】

【Because Mr. Bao Bao said】

【Qingqing Grassland will be transformed into a science and technology city】

【So they are a little reluctant to leave the current Yangcun】

【I plan to bury a time capsule as a memorial】

【at this time】

【A voice came from a distance:”Brother and sister, we are here”】[]

【The sheep turned their heads and looked】

【I found that Big Gray Wolf, Red Wolf, and Little Gray Wolf were walking towards this side.】

【Gray Wolf is holding a picture album in his hand:”I plan to put the picture album into the time capsule.”】

【Feiyangyang was a little surprised:”I thought you would put your invention in it.”】

【Gray Wolf smiled and looked at Little Gray and said,”I haven’t been inventing much recently, and these picture books were all drawn by Little Gray. They are all about our past adventures. These things are more important than those inventions!”】

【He proudly showed the portrait to the sheep. It’s not that Wolf rarely invents things, but his inventions are too dangerous, so he doesn’t dare to show them to the public. After all, the fact that he built a time machine in three seconds has already proven his ability.

“In addition to Big Gray Wolf and Pleasant Goat becoming friends, it seems that Red Wolf and Little Gray also have a complicated relationship with the goat tribe.”

Pigsy was a little surprised.

“In fact, I still don’t quite understand how they became friends.”

Mr. Confused pondered.

The main video does not show the complete cause and effect.

“No matter what, it’s a good thing that they can become friends and stop fighting each other.” Feifei said with a smile.

“Even Gray Wolf’s son, Little Gray, has become our friend? And there’s Red Wolf too!”

Feiyangyang was surprised again.

“It seems that we have achieved peace between wolves and sheep in the future.”

Nuan Yangyang said happily

“”Nuan Yangyang is right. Although we don’t know what will happen to us and Gray Wolf’s family in the future that led to us becoming good friends, it is a good thing that Gray Wolf no longer catches sheep and becomes friends with us!”

Man Yangyang was a little worried at first.

Was it because Gray Wolf was possessed by another body, or because of some special invention, such as a soft-hearted potion, that his temperament changed to that extent?

But when he saw Red Wolf and Little Gray Wolf become good friends with them, he felt relieved.

He felt that many things must have happened in the future to allow their wolf-sheep tribe to achieve peace!

Wolf Castle

“Do I have such a good relationship with those lambs?”

Red Wolf was stunned.

“Will I still be alive in the future?”

General Wolf wanted to see his own ending.

Who would have thought that other videos would suddenly start playing.

But no matter whether it ended in death or life , he would accept it calmly.

After all, he had offended Gray Wolf.

He no longer expected to be alive.

【While everyone was talking】

【Suddenly there was a roar in the distance.】

【Everyone went to check】

【A star-shaped stone was found in the pit.】

【They put this stone】

【Took it to the village chief’s laboratory】

【After he tested】

【Found this stone】

【It contains extremely terrifying energy, but its specific nature is still unknown.】

【Just when he wanted to continue his research】

【Mr. Baobao came in】

【It is said that a celebration will be held to celebrate the transformation of Qingqing Grassland into a science and technology city.】

【Everyone put down their work】

【Start participating in the celebration】

【It’s evening】

【Pleasant Goat suddenly said:”Big Gray Wolf, I forgot to take a grill, come with me to get it.”】

【”no problem”】

【Gray Wolf nodded】

【”Dad, I want to go too.”】

【Xiao Huihui held his hand】

【”My son, be good. I’ll give you some oranges. When you finish eating them, your dad will be back.”】

【He gently stroked Xiao Huihui’s head】

【”Let’s go, Big Gray Wolf”】

【Pleasant Goat Opens His Mouth】

【Gray Wolf nodded and then turned his attention to Little Gray:”Wait for Daddy!””】

【Leave this sentence】

【He and Pleasant Goat came to the door of the laboratory】

【But after arriving at the place】

【They found that the laboratory】

【It’s actually open】

【The two realized something was wrong.】

【Walked in carefully】

【I noticed a mysterious man in armor, whose face I couldn’t see clearly, standing inside.】

【In his hands】

【Holding the Star Stone】

【”Who are you!?”】

【Pleasant Goat Questions】

【Seeing that the mysterious man did not respond, he asked,”Is that mysterious stone yours?”】

【But the mysterious man still did not respond to his words】

【Stuffed the stone into the chest of the armor】

【Then I wanted to leave the lab.】

【Pleasant Goat grabbed his wrist and said,”You haven’t answered my question yet!”】

【The mysterious man is getting impatient.】

【Directly attacked him and Gray Wolf】

【After repelling the two】

【The mysterious man opened the time tunnel and left this place】

【Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf quickly chased after him.】

【They then came to a fantasy world】

【There is no gravity here, and the surroundings are colorful】

【”Where on earth is this place?”】

【Looking at the surrounding environment, Pleasant Goat was stunned】

【”Stop talking too much, that guy is about to escape, let’s chase him!”】

【Gray Wolf reminded】

【The two of them joined forces and rushed towards the mysterious man】

【After a struggle with him】

【Successfully knocked the Elephant Star Stone off the mysterious man’s chest】

【The three of them started chasing after the Elephant Star Stone.】

【Traveling through a time tunnel】

【Seeing that Gray Wolf’s finger is about to touch the Elephant Star Stone】

【The stone suddenly exploded】

【Blast Big Bad Wolf and Pleasant Goat to the ground on the spot】

【The mysterious man also left. 】

This mysterious man must be Dr. Tick!

Although he was wearing armor, I recognized him at a glance. He is Dr. Tick! He is a general under the wolf leader!

Superman World

“Who is this mysterious man? What is that stone? And where did Big Gray Wolf and his friends go?”

Happy Superman was full of questions.

“The comment said that the mysterious man was Dr. Tick. Who is Dr. Tick?”

Be careful Superman scratches his head

“You should read the comments, didn’t it say that this Dr. Tick is a subordinate of the wolf leader, that is, a member of the wolf tribe.

Dr. Zhai reminded

“The wolf tribe again? The wolf tribe is really asking for trouble. Why do they always offend Gray Wolf?”

Not long ago it was General Wolf.

Now here comes Dr. Tick!

“Perhaps it was because they had no idea how strong this wolf was. After all, Gray Wolf had been fighting the sheep alone for many years.”

“I would never dare to offend him.” Careless Superman said , crossing his arms over his chest.

“Is it my turn to stand on the edge of the cliff now?”

Dr. Ti couldn’t help but take a breath.

He didn’t know whether General Wolf was dead or not.

But he only knew that his future self might be in danger!

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