【After the reunion】

【A card also appeared in the river behind me.】

【Slow Sheep told Xihui】

【These cards are the fragments of the Elephant Star Stone.】

【As long as you can collect all the cards】

【The two of them can be sent back to the past. 】

No! Doesn’t Uncle Wolf have a time machine? If he wants to go back, can’t he just use the time machine to go back easily?

Uncle Wolf can’t just go back like this. You have to know that he has missed the company of Red Wolf and Little Gray for fifteen years. He should at least ask for their forgiveness, take responsibility, and reconcile with them before he can go back.

If he goes back directly in the time machine now, although it can change the present future, it is also a kind of escape.

No one loves his family more than Uncle Wolf, so he must do his best to make it up to Red Wolf and Little Gray here, so that he can go back to the past with peace of mind.

Perfect world

“”What a responsible wolf!” Huang sighed.

Obviously, Gray Wolf at this moment can easily change his current situation by taking a time machine back to the past. But now he plans to stay here and take responsibility!

“This wolf is really great. He could have chosen to end this encounter in the simplest, quickest and least tiring way, but he chose to stay.”

“Maybe he thinks that even if he uses a time machine to go back to the past and rewrite history, it is not enough to erase the loneliness and desolation of Red Wolf and Little Gray Gray for the past fifteen years.”

Miao Tiaojun said admiringly.

If he were Gray Wolf, he would definitely find it troublesome and directly use the time machine to go back fifteen years to stop himself from traveling through the time tunnel.

Then get rid of Dr. Tick to prevent this future from happening.

Because this way is the simplest and least tiring!

But if he chooses to stay and chooses to take responsibility, it is destined to be extremely troublesome.

After all, Red Wolf and Little Gray Gray, no matter how much they love him, will still be resentful for leaving without saying goodbye for fifteen years. It is not an easy thing to get their forgiveness and make up for the lost companionship in these fifteen years.

“No one loves his family, friends and race more than him.” Huo

Linfei agreed.

“I don’t know what my future wife will be like. I also want to see Little Gray Gray when he grows up.”

Gray Wolf said to himself


【Slow Sheep took everyone to a spaceship】

【He pressed a button on the spacecraft.】

【Six weapons appeared in front of everyone】

【”In order to collect the fragments of the Star Stone, you must fight against various monsters. These are the equipment I personally made for you!”】

【”Pleasant Goat, your weapon is the Azure Sniper”】

【”Lazy Sheep, your weapon is a hover cannon”】

【”Feiyangyang, your weapon is a gravity hammer.”】

【”Mei Yangyang, your weapon is a double-disc sword”】

【”Gray Wolf, your weapon is the Shadow Blade”】

As expected of the village chief, he made the weapon right after the Star Stone monster appeared for only one day!

“”This Slow Sheep is too fast at making weapons! And they are weapons tailored for everyone!”

Xiao Yan exclaimed.

The Star Stone Monster just appeared today.

It took less than an hour.

Slow Sheep successfully made their own equipment for the sheep!

This speed is really scary!

“This Slow Sheep can even create a terrifying invention like the apple tree, so what else can’t he do?” Xiao Xun’er said with a smile.

“Since they want to make weapons, why not give everyone a conceptual invention? Wouldn’t it be easy to beat those so-called star stone monsters and that Dr. Tick?”

Hei Huang asked in confusion.

Although he knew that the inventions made by Slow Sheep were definitely not simple!

But compared with conceptual inventions, there is still some gap.

And with Slow Sheep’s strength, since he can make their exclusive weapons, it is not difficult for him to make a few conceptual inventions.

“Have you forgotten why Slow Sheep destroyed the apple tree? It was because that power was too strong, it could achieve everything, but such power did not make him happy.”

“Because if you face difficulties without experiencing twists and turns and setbacks, but win easily, then victory will be boring.”

Ye Hei said with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

The invention of the apple tree is the highest-level invention exposed in the world of Qingqing Grassland so far.

It has no shortcomings and can do anything!!

But Slow Sheep, who got this power, did not feel happy and even destroyed it!

The reason for all this is that Slow Sheep, who used this power, easily did everything, which made everything unchallenging and destroyed the balance that the natural laws of the world should have? You must know that life is for pursuit.

To become stronger, to live forever, to stand at the top!

But if all this is achieved at the beginning, then there is no pursuit in life.

What is the meaning of life without pursuit ? The real fun is just the process of pursuit!

“Is that so?”

Hei Huang nodded, not quite understanding.

In short,

Slow Sheep actually has a more powerful invention, but he didn’t take it out!

Because he wants the sheep to go through hardships and become stronger, rather than relying too much on the invincible power of conceptual inventions!!!

Because this will make people lazy, unmotivated, and have no interest in doing anything.


Although Slow Sheep has a trick up his sleeve,

Black Emperor is 100% sure that

Pleasant Sheep and his team can definitely collect all the fragments of the Elephant Star Stone and defeat Dr. Tick!!!

If Pleasant Sheep and his team fall, the next person to appear may be

Slow Sheep holding a conceptual invention!

【In addition to weapons】

【Slow Sheep also distributed gloves to several people】

【The gloves can detect the approximate location of the Star Stone】

【He also told everyone】

【Card obtained by defeating the Star Stone Monster】

【Can be fused with weapons】

【This will unleash a powerful force】

【”Without further ado, let’s go look for the fragments now”】

【Pleasant Goat suggested】

【The Gray Wolf who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke】

【”Um…I want to go home first. I want to see how Xiao Huihui and Honghong are doing.”】

【Pleasant Goat agreed:”Okay, let’s split up.”】

【Leave this sentence】

【The sheep left】

【Just when Gray Wolf was about to leave】

【Slow Sheep called him】

【”Gray Wolf, wait a minute, I have something to tell you”】

【”Fifteen years ago, you and Pleasant Goat suddenly disappeared. A few months later, Red Wolf entrusted Little Gray to me, and then went out to look for you alone. I guess she hasn’t given up yet.”】

Holy shit! Is this true! Red Wolf has been looking for Uncle Wolf for fifteen years!

No! How much does she love Uncle Wolf that she has been looking for him for such a long time!

I’m crying! Red Wolf has changed, so much! When she first married Uncle Wolf, she served him with a frying pan all day long, and now that Uncle Wolf is missing, she has been looking for him for fifteen years and hasn’t given up!

To be honest, I would have nothing to say even if Red Wolf remarried, after all, it was Uncle Wolf who left without saying goodbye for such a long time. But not only did she not do that, she even sent Little Gray Gray to the village chief to take care of her, and she kept looking for Uncle

Wolf day after day, year after year! This is pure love! This is the love between Uncle Wolf and Red Wolf!

It’s so pure, it makes me cry, so tearful!


Red Wolf has been looking for Gray Wolf for fifteen years! ?

From the day he disappeared. Until now! ?

This……Is this really the Red Wolf they know? Although they had noticed when Gray Wolf invented the weather cube, Red Wolf’s attitude towards Gray Wolf had changed a lot. But what no one expected was that her love for Gray Wolf could be so pure! That’s fifteen years! A full five thousand four hundred and seventy-five days! Perfect World

“She is such a good wife, Gray Wolf.”

This is Huang’s first time. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

I recognize Red Wolf from the bottom of my heart!

Doraemon World

“Is this really about Red Wolf? She has never given up on finding Gray Wolf……Didn’t you remarry?”

Nobita was surprised. Although he had always had a good impression of Red Wolf, he never expected that Red Wolf would

���To this extent!

Normally, a loved one left without saying goodbye for fifteen years.

According to the normal process, shouldn’t Red Wolf be full of confidence at the beginning, but later despair, disappointment, resentment, and finally hatred! ?

“Woo woo woo……Red Wolf is so great.”

Doraemon shed tears. He was also deeply moved by Red Wolf’s persistence.

“I used to think that the happiest one was Red Wolf because she could marry Gray Wolf, but now it seems that they are both extremely happy!”[]

Gray Wolf is extremely powerful.

Anyone who has a relationship with him is lucky and happy!

After all, this wolf is omnipotent!!

Red Wolf can marry him.

It can be said that everyone in the world would envy him. But now Wang Xiaoer began to envy Gray Wolf.

After all, he could meet such a wife who loves him!

How could he not be happy?

“Did Red Wolf really search for Gray Wolf for fifteen years? What unimaginable loneliness he must have endured.”

Although the future Feiyangyang also lost Xiyangyang, he had a companion by his side.

When he cried, was tired, or was sad, there was someone to comfort him.

And who was by Red Wolf’s side?

Little Gray Wolf was given to Slow Sheep to take care of. She started her fifteen-year search journey completely alone! No matter what kind of setbacks and pains she suffered, she bore them all by herself. No one could listen to her suffering!

“What a good wife! I want to find someone like her in the future!” Lazy Sheep was deeply moved.

“My wife has been looking for me for fifteen years? I am sorry for you, my wife!”

Gray Wolf burst into tears.

“You have done so much for me, a little hardship is nothing.”

Red Wolf comforted

【”And Xiao Huihui has been waiting for you to come back, but…..He went from expectation at the beginning to disappointment, and finally he didn’t even want to mention your name anymore.”】

Little Gray is so miserable. He lost his father’s love for fifteen years at such a young age! And Red Wolf rarely met him because she had to go looking for Uncle Wolf. The happy family was now immersed in sadness and pain. It is normal for him to resent Uncle Wolf, and it is bound to be difficult for Uncle Wolf to reconcile with him.

“Although Xiao Huihui did not do anything in the fifteen years that Big Gray Wolf was gone,…..He is also the one who has lived the most painful life in the past fifteen years.”

The old Taoist sighed.

His father disappeared.

His mother was busy running around.

Although he was taken care of by Slow Sheep, Boiling Sheep and others

,……He has lacked the company of family affection since childhood.

How can friendship make up for the pain in his heart?

“”Little Huihui is so pitiful, village chief.”

Meiyangyang cried.

Although she has not seen Little Huihui yet, because according to the timeline, he is not born yet.

But judging from the video played on the fluorescent screen, she has a good impression of Little Huihui.

“Yes, he must have suffered a lot in the past fifteen years.” Slow Sheep nodded.

“I’m sorry, son. It’s all my fault that you have been lonely for so long.”

Big Gray Wolf apologized to the unborn Little Gray.

【After hearing what Slow Sheep said】

【Gray Wolf returned to Wolfburg without stopping】

【the other side】

【Pleasant Goat is looking for the star stone monster on the street】

【I met Meiyangyang on the way.】

【The two were talking】

【Mei Yangyang’s pen is lost】

【And it is also attached with fragments of star stone】

【Became a monster】

【Mei Yangyang recognized that the monster was her pen.】

【Use your love for the pen to influence the monster】


【The two of them returned to the spaceship.】

【”Found another card. Looks like we’ll be able to collect them all soon. We should have a big meal to celebrate.”】

【Lazy Sheep Proposal】

【”In fact, this time it was all thanks to Mei Yangyang that I was able to collect them so quickly.”】

【Pleasant Goat laughed】

【”No wonder, with our reporter Mei Yangyang here, there will be no problem!”】

【Feiyangyang praised】

【”Reporter? How did you become a reporter, Meiyangyang? I remember you wanted to be a gardener, didn’t you?”】

【Pleasant Goat asks curiously】

【Mei Yangyang pretended to think for a while】

【Then he stuck out his tongue and said,”I don’t remember”】

【The words fell】

【She was lost in memories】

【She is conducting an interview in a war-torn country.】

【After the interview, she took out a photo of Pleasant Goat】

【”Have you ever seen this person?”】



【Mei Yangyang politely thanks】

【She thought to herself:”As long as I become a reporter, I can go to all parts of the world to conduct interviews, so that I can find out the news about Pleasant Goat.”】

WTF! Mei Yangyang became a reporter to find Xizi?

In order to find Xizi, she even gave up her dream of being a gardener and became a reporter. She even went to countries in war zones, just to find out where Xizi is!

Great! So great! She is not even much less great than Red Wolf!

This couple is also true love!

I thought that in Green Grassland, only Uncle Wolf and Red Wolf were true love, but I didn’t expect to see Mei Yangyang and Xi Yangyang again today!

How should I put it, they are still pure friendship now, but it is normal for them to develop together in the future.

Begging for self-order, full order..

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