Chapter 72: Rush to God, the End of Cane Heaven!.

“I don’t know what the outcome will be if this Ye Fan and a few people encounter that red-haired monster…”

The creatures of the heavens and realms looked at the picture on the golden list of the heavens, and then thought of the terrifying red-haired monster, and everyone felt a little sorry in their hearts.

Through the discussion of Jiang Zichuan, Zhongshan and Han Li, the creatures of the heavens and realms had already known that this red-haired monster of the Cane Heaven Great Realm was an existence beyond their imagination and an incredible realm.

Although Ye Fan and the others are powerful, they don’t know how much they are far from the realm of the red-haired monster.

And Ye Fan, the Beginningless Emperor and the Ruthless Female Emperor are after all they watch the rise, and naturally have many biases in their hearts. If possible, they really wouldn’t want to see these three face the red-haired monster.

Even in the hearts of these people, they unconsciously felt that the emperor’s practice was actually not wrong. If you want to face a monster that is impossible to defeat, it is better to flee with a whole world!

Gradually, the heavens and all the worlds actually fell into a strange silence, and they looked up beyond the dome, silently thinking in their hearts that these people had better not encounter the red-haired monster.

Only Zhongshan of the Four Worlds can see it best, perhaps because everyone is also an emperor.

He knew very well that this Ye Fan and several people could not retreat, as long as they retreated, the breath in their hearts would dissipate, and their spirit and spirit would be weakened to varying degrees. If it really reaches that level, I am afraid that they will really not be able to save in the future.

Above the Heavenly Gold List, as more and more strong people were born in Ye Fan’s Heavenly Court, and as the strength of the ruthless female emperor, Ye Fan, and the beginningless emperor continued to increase, this realm that was originally shrouded in a dark forbidden area was slowly recovering its former divine appearance.

It’s just that the three of them moved like this, which naturally attracted the attention of the real Dark Immortal Emperor. There is a Dark Immortal Emperor who crosses the thousand, wanting to wipe out the three Beginningless Emperors on the spot.

Even though the combat power of the three Beginningless Emperors was earth-shattering, after cultivating to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, the combat power was simply earth-shaking. And the Ruthless Emperor, the Beginningless Emperor, and even Emperor Ye Tian were all injured to varying degrees in this battle.

Even the Heavenly Court, which began to transpire upward, was suppressed.

Fortunately, Ye Fan and the three survived after all, and under the combined efforts of the three, even if they were no match for this Dark Immortal Emperor, they would not be defenseless after all. Especially they are all good hands who rise after adversity, and after getting used to the strength of the Immortal Emperor, they can even cause some injuries to this Dark Immortal Emperor.

But this was already their limit, and the gap between the Quasi-Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Emperor was too huge.

“Taiyi realm rebellion against Da Luo, even if the three of them fight together, it is extremely amazing!”

In the Zixiao Palace, there was the presence of the Great Luo Golden Immortal looking at the picture above the Heavenly Golden List, and couldn’t help but sigh lightly. Not only him, but the three thousand red dust guests in this Purple Xiao Palace, this time when they looked at the three people on the Heavenly Gold List, their eyes were equal and solemn.

Even if the origins of these people are not very good, they have won the admiration of the three thousand red dust people in this Purple Xiao Palace by relying on their own talents and their own efforts.

These three thousand red dust guests are all above the top, but the realm of the Great Luo Immortal Emperor, that is already equal to them!

On the Heavenly Gold List, this battle with the Dark Immortal Emperor ended with the Beginningless Emperor being seriously injured. The Beginningless Emperor fought hard to damage his foundation, and finally blocked this invincible Dark Immortal Emperor.

When the heavenly beings saw this scene, their eyes were extremely complicated and embarrassed.

They finally understood why this ruthless female emperor and Ye Tiandi were able to break through the realm of the Immortal Emperor later, but the Beginningless Emperor was trapped in the realm of the quasi-immortal emperor. After all, it turned out to be the reason left over from this battle?

Above the Heavenly Gold List, although the Beginningless Emperor was injured, his eyes still had a bright light.

In this battle, although the Beginningless Emperor was injured, the Dark Immortal Emperor was never better. For Emperor Ye Tian and the ruthless female emperor, this bought them a lot of precious time.

In the Immortal Domain, Ye Fan’s Heavenly Court didn’t know how many years it had been fighting with that dark forbidden area, and suddenly one day, the body of the ruthless female emperor flooded with endless divine light. Many visions steamed on the body of this ruthless female emperor for a while, and endless divine light wrapped around this ruthless female emperor. The creatures of the heavens and realms saw it again, and saw the ruthless female emperor walking in the river of time.

It’s a pity that after all, she can’t find the person who has passed away, but this line of work has completely completed the cultivation of the ruthless female emperor. Under the attention of the heavenly beings, countless people did not understand what this ruthless female emperor was doing.

They just saw and saw an incredible eternal existence rising in that immortal domain! After I don’t know how many years, the ruthless female emperor successfully cultivated into the Great Luo Immortal Emperor!

And after she cultivated into the Great Luo Immortal Emperor, this ruthless female emperor immediately went to fight with the Dark Immortal Emperor. The aftermath of the battle between the two spread throughout the small half of the Immortal Domain, and the terrifying roars and roars were endless.

With this battle, Emperor Ye Tian also reached the most important level.

He is also walking in the river of time, he gazes at everything he has been, watching himself walk out of a planet called Earth, enter Beidou with the coffin of Nine Dragons, and then rise all the way.

This time, the creatures of the heavens and realms saw more clearly, and they clearly saw that Ye Tiandi, who was on every timeline, looked up after Ye Fan’s operation.

Their gazes seemed to be able to penetrate infinite time and space, directly on Emperor Ye Tian above the river of time.

“This is.?”

“All the self on the timeline has become the Great Luo Immortal Emperor?”

Among the heavens and realms, I don’t know how many people are shocked at this moment. They can’t understand much, but they can understand and understand Ye Fan in every time and space, who is essentially the Great Luo Immortal Emperor!

“This is, this is the level for the quasi-immortal emperor to become the immortal emperor!”

In the True Immortal Realm, Han Li not only got up at any time, he looked at the scene above the Heavenly Gold List. He was trapped in the Taiyi Quasi-Immortal Emperor realm for an unknown number of years, and he had never stepped through the last hurdle.

But at this moment, this Han Li’s heart was filled with endless excitement.

He vaguely felt that he felt how to walk in the future!

“Da Luo!”

“Da Luo!”

“Da Luo time and space, eternal and immortal!”

“If you want to achieve Da Luo, you need to be the only one in the heavens, and even if you are not born Da Luo, it will definitely be impossible to achieve Da Luo in the future!”

“However, the existence of time makes the impossible possible!”

At this moment, Han Li’s body was even trembling continuously. He looked at the picture above the Heavenly Gold List, and there was only joy and excitement in his eyes.

That trapped the realm of how many years he didn’t know, this Yu Ci he really saw the hope of a breakthrough!

“Cause and effect!”

“If you want to become the Great Luo Immortal Emperor, the first thing you need to solve is cause and effect!”

“Taiyi Quasi-Immortal Emperor, you need to change cause and effect with infinite power, so that your past is the present and the present is the past! This is the cause of reversal of the effect, and it is also the first step of Da Luo! ”

“The second step is to close your timeline and include your past in your true spirit.”

“The third step, with the body of Da Luo, walk the path you once walked again.”

“After completing these three steps of Da Luo, you can become the Da Luo Immortal Emperor!”

“Han Xianzun, I have explained the way of Da Luo for you, you owe me a cause and effect, how?”

In the Emperor Venerable World, Jiang Zichuan looked at the picture above the Heavenly Gold List, and his eyes flickered, and he directly told Han Li that this Great Luo Immortal Emperor was also considered a top-secret message.

And Han Li in the True Immortal Realm, looking at the gilded encrypted text that only he could understand at this moment, his eyes flashed with ecstasy, but he also retained a restraint.

“Half of cause and effect, I have already understood half of the mystery of Da Luo, and the three steps of Da Luo are already half known for me.”

“I can only agree that I owe you half a cause and effect!”

Even though it was infinite ecstasy, Han Li at this moment was trying to restrain himself. He was able to cultivate to the current realm, relying on the courage to fight a thousand battles, and at the same time relying on his own caution.

Even though he didn’t know what the use of this Jiang Zichuan wanted his own cause and effect, he instinctively didn’t want to owe the other party too much.


In the Emperor Venerable World, Jiang Zichuan also smiled slightly, and the three thousand red dust guests in the Zixiao Palace looked at Jiang Zichuan’s words on the back of the Heavenly Gold List at this moment, and their eyes were extremely complicated.

For Da Luo Jinxian, is cause and effect useful? So useful!

If they can form a cause with the other party, these Da Luo Golden Immortals can even cross infinite years, time and space, and directly put a part of their consciousness to receive the other party’s fruit.

Time and space are just Da Luo’s playthings, and the three thousand red dust guests in this Purple Xiao Palace are all thoughts of cause and effect with another existence.

Best, that one is also a Da Luo Golden Immortal!

After all, what kind of cause determines what kind of effect can be projected. The flood famine is too dangerous, if you can enter other worlds, it is not much safer to be a Dao ancestor than in the flood famine?

Even if it is not to go to the other world to claim the ancestor of the Dao, even if it is to leave a way back, this is the best means.

And Hongjun above the cloud platform naturally saw those careful thoughts in the hearts of the three thousand red dust guests in this Purple Xiao Palace, but he was also helpless in his heart.

If there was no Heavenly Golden List, he only needed to block the Flood Barren World, and none of these Da Luo Golden Immortals could escape. But with the existence of this Heavenly Gold List, whether his plan can continue to be implemented is really a big question!

Not only these Da Luo Golden Immortals in the flood and desolation, but also the existence of many supreme beings in the heavens and realms at this moment, they all realized the benefits of forging cause and effect with each other.

Countless beings looked at the creatures discussing on the back of the Heavenly Gold List, and their eyes flickered one by one.

And the Ye Tian Emperor and the female emperor of the Cane Heaven Great Realm naturally would not know that the process of their two even becoming Dao had been exposed. As Ye Tiandi and the female emperor successively became the Great Luo Immortal Emperor, these two also began to sweep against the dark forbidden area in the Immortal Domain.

The combat power of these two is extremely strong, and even if they can’t kill the Dark Immortal Emperor, they can also make each other suffer terrifying injuries and have to return to cultivation.

As time passed, this Immortal Domain also slowly returned to the situation that the Cane Heaven Great Realm had been.

These two were born to fight for a possible path in the impossible, and even the former Cane Heaven Great Realm completely opened the path to the Immortal Domain.

After countless emperors broke through the limit and ascended to the Immortal Domain, they also provided assistance to block the dark turmoil in this Immortal Domain. As if this continues, this Immortal Domain can really be completely subdued by Emperor Ye Tian just like the former Cane Heaven Great Realm.

However, what neither Emperor Ye Tian nor the ruthless female emperor expected happened, a wave of terrifying ominous substances swept across the entire Immortal Domain, and countless creatures in the Immortal Domain could not even step into the dark road by themselves.

Under such circumstances, the ruthless female emperor and Ye Tian Emperor could only support hard. When this wave of dark matter erupted, both the ruthless female emperor and Ye Tiandi realized that if this ominous substance was allowed to continue to erupt, I was afraid that the great situation that had been hard-won in this immortal domain would collapse again.

Under the attention of all the heavenly beings, this Ye Tiandi and the ruthless female emperor began to enter the river of time.

They went against time and once again walked to the era where the Barren Heavenly Emperor was. It was also when the two of them entered the era where the Barren Heaven Emperor was located that the mystery of this cane heaven could be completely solved.

It turned out that the Immortal Domain and the Cane Heaven Great Realm originally belonged to a perfect world!

It’s just that there are dark immortal emperors rampant in the immortal domain, and there are ominous substances falling from the realm sea, thus constantly polluting the world. And the Barren Heavenly Emperor once crossed the realm sea and went to the true heavenly land.

But the final outcome was that the Barren Heavenly Emperor returned seriously injured.

In desperation, he could only cut the perfect world, he let the Immortal Domain carry all the ominous substances that fell from the heavens, and he crossed the long river of time in the Cane Heaven Great Realm, thus constantly giving birth to Tianjiao Xeon ascending to the Immortal Domain, thereby blocking the dark turmoil in the Immortal Domain.

It’s just that his injuries are too bad, even if it is him, most of the time he is in cultivation.

After he discovered that this Cane Heaven Realm was also contaminated by an ominous substance, he couldn’t move even if he wanted to do something else. After all, those Dark Immortal Emperors in the heavenly land were also eyeing this Desolate Heavenly Emperor.

With Emperor Ye Tian and the Ruthless Female Emperor achieving the realm of the Immortal Emperor, he was able to concentrate on cultivating his injuries, and he had been waiting for the arrival of the Ruthless Female Emperor and Emperor Ye Tian, this time, they would continue to enter the heavenly land.

This time, they want to solve the problem of dark turmoil from the root cause!

As three incredible figures appeared on the Heavenly Gold List across the Realm Sea and entered the heavenly land, the Heavenly Gold List slowly began to dim.

And the heavenly beings looked at the heavenly golden list beyond the dome, and at this moment they were speechless for a long time.

From the heart, they really didn’t want to see these three enter the heavenly land, after all, after all, the red-haired existence was too strong, even if these three cultivated the Great Luo Immortal Emperor, they didn’t think they could really solve the source of this dark turmoil.

Especially the final dimness of the Heavenly Gold List, this moment made many bad speculations in the hearts of the Heavenly Beings… Perhaps, these three really will never return this time!

The entire heavens and realms fell into a strange atmosphere, and they looked at the heavenly gold list outside the dome, but this time, this heavenly gold list did not appear for a long time.

It was as if this inventory belonging to the Cane Heaven Great Realm had been fully understood!

“] Xeon Tenth Realm…”

“Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal level red-haired monster, Dark Immortal Emperor, Beginningless Emperor, Ruthless Female Emperor, Barren Heavenly Emperor, Ye Tian Emperor III!”

“My cultivation has reached a small bottleneck in the middle stage of the quasi-saint!”

As Luo Qian finished this Cane Heaven Realm, Luo Qian in the Flood Barren Thunder Ze also slowly opened his eyes.

He sensed the power in his body, especially the red power, but Luo Qian’s eyes were constantly changing.

He got the biggest wave of feedback, and after he took stock of the Cane Heaven Great Realm, this reward even condensed the essence of the entire Cane Heaven World and even the Perfect World.

Such an essence directly raised Luo Qian’s strength by a small realm.

If the middle period of the mutton quasi-saint can also be subdivided, Luo Yu feels that he has already walked a third of the way.

But what made Luo Qian hesitate was that he saw the red feeling in his body, and this red realization came from the red-haired monster that was comparable to the Golden Immortal of Mixed Yuan Daluo!.

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