Chapter 76: Eternal Life Flesh Secret Realm, The Way of Health?.

Hongjun knew very well that the reason why this Great Flood Desolation Realm was so strong and even stable was precisely because there were three thousand avenues in the flood and desolation.

Pangu killed the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, and also left all the avenues of these three thousand demon gods in this flood, which formed the three thousand avenues in the flood wilderness.

But he never imagined that beyond this flood, there was a world with the same three thousand avenues.

“Can that world give birth to saints…”

Hongjun’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes looking at the Heavenly Golden List slowly became solemn and solemn.

In the entire heavens and realms, only an existence like Hongjun can see the essence of this immortal realm at a glance. As for the others, apart from lamenting the vastness of this immortal realm, they could not see such a deeper depth.

And in the chaotic void, after the heavenly golden list traveled through this immortal realm sea with the hearts of the heavenly beings, one figure after another slowly emerged.

It’s just that to everyone’s expectations, this time on the Heavenly Gold List is no longer counting a certain existence, but a Daoist text and figure emerged.

[Eternal Life Realm, practice five steps! ] 】

[The five-step one is the secret realm of the flesh, the secret realm of divine power, the secret realm of immortality, the secret realm of immortality, and the secret realm of eternal life! ] 】

As words appeared on the Heavenly Gold List, all the heavenly beings slowly held their breath. They also didn’t know why they were holding their breath, it seemed that their instincts were to be in awe of this immortal realm’s cultivation realm?

“Is it really a completely different path of cultivation from the world like me?”

In the Cane Heaven Great Realm, the eyes of the Barren Heaven Emperor were endless and deep, and he looked at the five secret realm cultivations in this Immortal Great Realm that appeared above the Heavenly Golden List, and slowly exhaled.

There was only clarity and expectation in his eyes, although there were only five secret realms in this immortal realm, the fourth secret realm was already an immortal secret realm. The cane heavenly law he opened up pales in comparison to this eternal life law.


“In this Great Realm of Eternal Life, there is an entire secret realm that defies immortality?”

In the Daqin world, Yingzheng didn’t know when he slowly clenched his fists, he suddenly regretted a little, regretting that he shouldn’t have practiced the cane heavenly method so early in 08!

However, the Heavenly Golden List did not care about the thoughts of these heavenly beings, and Luo Qian was like an indifferent heavenly path at this moment, slowly evolving the many cultivation mysteries of the immortal realm.

[The first step in the practice of eternal life, the secret realm of the flesh! ] 】

[This secret realm, there are health preservation, training, moves, rigidity and softness, divine power, breath, inner strength, divine bravery, psychic, and divine transformation ten directions realm【! 】

[The first step in the practice of the secret realm of the flesh is also for health preservation. 】

[Mortals in this world adjust their bodies to an energetic state through the law of work and rest. 】

[Those in this realm, but the mortal realm. 】

As the words on the Heavenly Gold List emerged, an illusory figure was spawning next to the words. This illusory figure can’t see its face clearly, it doesn’t even look like a living person, but it has evolved the power of the health realm on the golden list of the heavens.

“Reach the point of energy by recuperating and resting regularly?”

“This cultivation method doesn’t seem to be very powerful, at least this first realm, I am afraid that there are infinite beings in the heavens and realms who have reached such a realm unconsciously, right?”

In the Marvel world, the ancient mage looked at the words and the figure on the heavenly gold list a little stupidly.

Not to mention anything else, just on the earth, I am afraid that there are already hundreds of millions of people who have reached such a cultivation realm, and he thinks about the beginning of the practice of this immortal law, and then thinks about the beginning of the cultivation of the cane heavenly law, and he only feels that the gap is extremely huge.

“Wellness is considered practice?”

“I don’t think I can get into this step!”

Also in the Marvel world, Tony Stark stood by his seaside villa with his waist up, he looked at the picture that appeared on the gold list of the heavens, and then felt his faintly painful waist, and for a while he was a little sad.

In the Marvel world, the last time the gold list of the heavens was opened was in the eighties of the last century, and in the past thirty years, the entire Marvel Earth has set off a frenzy of learning Eastern culture.

After all, that cane heavenly law, if you don’t understand the oriental culture, you can’t practice at all!

“Wellness Realm?”

“Very good, I have reached this step, and I have achieved the energy that this immortal world says!”

In the DC world, Batman Bruce Wayne stood in front of his villa, he slightly felt the strength and energy of his human limit, and he couldn’t help but bring a smile on his cold face.

The DC world is very similar to the Marvel world, but Bruce Wayne appeared in the sky after his parents were shot. Over the years, Bruce Wayne has been learning about Eastern culture and also becoming Batman.

As for the rest of the people on DC Earth, they are all learning about Eastern culture.

After all, immortality, whether poor or rich, is simply impossible to resist! Not to mention that after successful cultivation, you can also master the power beyond the mundane, and in such an environment, learning Eastern culture is almost a compulsory course for those who know the existence of the Heavenly Golden List.

“The god of the world is too powerful, and I must master more powerful power to have the strength to resist the other party after that Kryptonian becomes evil.”

Bruce Wayne whispered, he had seen the strength of Kryptonians, ordinary people were as fragile as tofu in front of Kryptonians. Even after the battle between Superman and General Zod, Bruce Wayne was looking for a way to subdue Superman.

And there is no means that can make people see the hope of subduing Superman more than practice.

Not only the eyes of people on DC and Marvel Earth, but in these heavens and realms, with the exposure of the first cultivation threshold of the Immortal Law, countless people’s eyes are full of surprise.

They subconsciously thought that this Eternal Life Law was better to practice than the Cane Heavenly Law.

[The second step of the Immortal Flesh Secret Realm, train your strength! ] 】

[This realm is still an ordinary realm, after ordinary people maintain their health, exercise their physique, exercise their strength and flexibility. 】

Not to mention the surprise of these innate beings, an illusory figure once again appeared on the golden list of these heavens, this figure is still a board and a glance of exercise moves, but discerning people can see that this realm of training is stronger than the realm of health preservation.

But in the eyes of countless strong people, it can still be seen that this realm of cultivation is still a mundane realm, or even just a mortal!

“Strange, the practice of this immortal law is so simple?”

“Health, strength…”

“Even if these two realms are completed, they are only equivalent to ordinary athletes, right?”

“It’s just a little more comprehensive than an athlete?”

In the world of dragons and snakes, God looked at the picture on the golden list of the heavens, with a bit of confusion in his eyes. His cultivation has reached the realm of seeing gods in the national art, but it is a pity that he was born in the wrong era, and he did not see the era of the legendary golden list of the heavens.

But he was not bad luck, he missed the cane heaven law, but he saw the immortal law.

Coupled with the fact that God didn’t know how long he was trapped in this realm of seeing God and not being bad, this heavenly gold list took stock of the Eternal Life Realm, allowing him to see his hope for further.

“Health, training…”

“Not bad, the beginning of this immortal law is extremely peaceful, even if it is an ordinary person, as long as you persist, you will be rewarded.”

Relying on the heavenly world, Zhang Sanfeng, who is more than a hundred years old, looked at the picture above the heavenly gold list, with a little joy between his eyebrows. He himself walked the health preservation martial path, and then looking at the description of this immortal life law, Zhang Sanfeng only felt that the path he was taking was extremely correct.

[The third step of the Flesh Secret Realm cultivation, moves! ] 】

[Those in this realm are still mortals, and after mortals have been recuperated, after practicing strength, they continue to exercise their soft coordination with moves. ] 】

Above the Heavenly Gold List, as that round of illusory villains evolved into the realm of health preservation and power training, they began to evolve various strange moves, some of which were decisive in killing, while others were weird and endless.

But the illusory figure of this realm, in the eyes of most people, is no different from the previous two cultivation realms of the immortal life law.

“Immortal Law, so simple?”

“Even this world, can rank the ninth realm of the heavens supreme?”

In the world of Zhaoluo, Tang San looked at the picture above the Heavenly Gold List, and his eyes were only filled with disdain. He didn’t feel that the first three realms of this immortal law were embarking on the path of cultivation, after all, what kind of cultivation could be practiced by any mortal casually?

“No, this is not useless work, this is to condition your body, for better practice in the future!”

Breaking the world, Xiao Yan and Tang San have completely different views, others only feel that the first three realms of this immortal law are like a joke, but only Xiao Yan can see that the first three realms of this immortal law are laying the foundation for the later cultivation.

“Perhaps, not only the first three realms, but also the first realm of this immortal law is all laying the foundation for the later cultivation.”

“And these first three realms, as long as the food can keep up, and with the guidance of forging the body, it will soon be passed.”

Xiao Yan whispered softly, unlike other guys with eyes above the top, he was looking forward to the practice behind this immortal life method more and more.

In his opinion, it took so long to forge this foundation, and the subsequent cultivation was probably extremely exciting.

[The fourth step of the Immortal Flesh Secret Realm, Rigidity and Softness! ] 】

[Those in this realm cannot practice without physical coordination, and when they cultivate this realm, their physical bodies reach the point of both rigidity and softness. Flexibility, coordination reach a limit. Rising like the wind, falling like an arrow, flexible as a tanuki cat, an ape. 】

With the evolution of words on the Heavenly Gold List once again, illusory figures emerged, and some people who were originally dismissive began to get serious.

They could see that the practice of the Immortal Law had reached this point, and they already needed a certain amount of talent.

Especially the illusory figure on the Heavenly Gold List is like a butterfly wearing flowers walking and lying down, and the flexibility and sudden power have already surpassed the limit strength of the human body in half a step.


“I originally thought that my body could be regarded as the third realm in the immortal world, but this rigidity and softness…”

“My strength is more than strong, but my flexibility is not enough!”

DC world, Bruce Wayne slowly exhaled, compared to the difficulty of his previous recorded cane heaven law, this immortal law gave him a feeling of returning to the basics.

It’s just that he also reacted that if he wanted to practice the method of immortality, I am afraid that he needed further targeted training.

“Rigid and soft?”

“This realm, I already am!”

On the other side of the Marvel world, Team America had a smile on his face, and he had to thank Professor Erkins, who had long died, if it weren’t for his potion, I was afraid that he would still be the thin boy.

[The fifth step of the Immortal Flesh Body Secret Realm, divine power! ] 】

[In this realm, half a step beyond the ordinary, after coordinating the whole body, can slow down the heartbeat, so that the vitality is long. Coordinating the power of one body, you can advance powerful forces, and the instant power is like a galloping horse, constantly improving, so as to master the power comparable to galloping horses. 】

[Those who cultivate this realm have spirits like apes and claws like tigers and leopards. 】

As the Heavenly Gold List evolved again, the eyes of these Heavenly Beings slowly became wrong. They expected that the first four realms of this immortal law were building a foundation, but no one expected that after using the four realms to forge the foundation, the strength of this fifth realm would reach this point.

Instantly burst out beyond the limit of power, and then slowly master this power.

This is still the excavation and development of the physical body, but looking at the heavens and all the worlds, except for the dragon and snake world, there are not many worlds that can develop the physical body to such a point.

“Such a physical realm, there are five layers behind!”

“The human body contains infinite power, just see if ordinary people can dig it out?”

In the Daming World, Zhu ignored this scene on the Heavenly Gold List, and his eyes slowly became solemn. The practice of the Immortal Law has reached the fifth realm, and their great time and space have already been compared to the first-class masters in the 303 upper rivers and lakes.

Even if there is no internal strength, no true qi, but the power is like a galloping horse, it is enough to smooth out the gap caused by all this.

“My internal strength has been abolished, if I practice this immortal life method again, does it mean that I have no internal strength and can also cast the Lonely Nine Swords?”

In the midst of Mount Hua, Ling Hu Chong looked at the illusory figure on the Heavenly Gold List with a bursting fist, with a strong desire in his eyes.

His internal force was abolished, and he could only give up the idea of internal strength, but the appearance of this immortal law made Ling Hu Chong see another way!

[The sixth step of the Immortal Flesh Secret Realm, breath! ] 】

[Those in this realm have been out of the ordinary! ] 】

[The perfect body, comparable to the strength of a galloping horse, the coordination of limits, so as to comprehend the breath of the flesh. 】

[Running breath, can cleanse the body and mind, remove impurities, so as to achieve the state of extreme sensitivity of the whole body and more flexible response. 】

Before the heavenly beings could further comprehend the divine power realm of this immortal law, the words appeared again on the golden list of the heavens, and along with many words, there was also that illusory figure.

That illusory figure is still an evolutionary move, but this time, people can see clearly that his sensitivity and punching power have reached the point where ordinary people can’t see it clearly. No one could have imagined that this power actually started from health preservation!

Not only that, as the illusory figure on the Heavenly Gold List stopped, a gushing mist appeared around him.


“Is it this mysterious thing again?”

“Among the heavens and realms, why are most of them mixed with the culture of the East?”

In the mutant world, Magneto looked at the picture above the Heavenly Gold List, and sighed a little helplessly.

He could understand the immortality method of this Heavenly Golden List, but after reaching this realm of divine power, he felt a little off.

“Unlike internal force, this immortal method is to wash the whole body with the breath of the whole body, and we are using the internal force to ward off the enemy and fight!”

In the Great Tang Double Dragon World, Li Shimin looked at the scene above the Heavenly Gold List, with a bit of helplessness in his eyes. The same is the breath, they call it internal force, and the immortal realm calls it breath.

They fought with internal strength, and the immortal world cultivated its breath, still forging the foundation.

Relying on their own flesh, they have the strength to surpass the galloping horse, and they are as flexible as apes!

[Immortal Flesh Secret Realm Cultivation Step 7, Inner Strength]

[Those in this realm are already otherworldly! ] The breath washes the whole body, so as to cultivate the whole body without leakage, and then feed the breath with the body, so as to strengthen the internal organs of the breath, the organs are like iron, the impurities in the body are completely absent, and the strength is increased again. 】

As the words on the Heavenly Gold List emerged, another illusory figure practiced martial arts.

This time, the creatures of the heavens and realms clearly saw that an illusory figure already contained infinite power. Even just between breaths, the trance is like the roar of a wild beast!

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