The intention of cooperation is achieved, and the next step is very simple.

In the root of the Tang Dynasty, you don’t need to run so many troublesome licenses to start business, Cheng Yanjin only needs to send someone to the household to inform it, and you don’t even need a business license! It’s just six.

In the end, the two sides reached a verbal contract of fifty-fifty shares, Zhao Feng invested in the shares with technology, other people’s personnel, venue, production, including the sales link behind are all responsible for the Cheng family, Zhao Feng only needs to share the money!

With the cooperative relationship, Cheng Yanjin relaxed a lot in the face of Zhao Feng, and after this relaxation, he drank more, originally yesterday’s hangover has not fully woken up, and today he drinks again, of course, he can’t drink much!

But even so, Zhao Feng is enough! Shaking his head, which had begun to be dizzy, he stood up and said goodbye to Cheng Shuliang.

“It’s wrong brother today, Brother Zhao, you go slowly!” Cheng Zhiliang and the two family members at this time were planning to send him back to the room, obviously they couldn’t send Zhao Feng!

“It’s okay! You have to be busy beforehand! I know the way! A little drunk said with a big grin, and then walked out leisurely in Cheng Shuliang’s skeptical eyes!

At this time, in the courtyard of Cheng Mansion, a young man in a cyan robe was slowly walking towards the hall holding a box of medicines.

“Daddy is also true, why do you want me to send supplements to Uncle Cheng!” The young man complained a little and said, “Does Uncle Cheng’s body still need to be replenished?” ”

Cheng Bitjin is a terrifying existence in the eyes of these second generation officials, his rogue character does not matter your age, the young man has also been cleaned up by Cheng Bitjin several times, so he is still afraid of Cheng Bitjin in his heart!

“Huh? Who is this person? It’s strange to dress so raw! “As I was walking, I saw a person walking crookedly on the opposite side, wearing clothes that leaked out his arms, and wearing all his pants! Simply spicy to the eye!

The Tang Dynasty meteor is a robe, but this does not mean that the Great Tang does not have pants!

The pants of the Great Tang are similar to today’s autumn pants, which are all worn in it, and they are to be blocked by robes, even if it is the open twenty-first world, it is difficult to have people who wear autumn pants on their bodies in broad daylight and wander around, right? And in the eyes of this young man, Zhao Feng is in this situation.

That’s right, the person this young man saw was Zhao Feng, who planned to return to the inn!

“! The stamina of these two pots is really great! Lao Tzu’s tongue is almost numb! Zhao Feng kept his sanity while trying to recognize the path.

“Hey! How can someone get in the way? Hey! Wearing a dog-like person and still holding a box? Could it be that he came to find Lao Cheng to give gifts and go through the back door? Seeing the box held by this young man in his arms, Zhao Feng thought maliciously.

It’s just that this young man looks at his eyes like he is looking at a neuropathy?

“! What are you looking at!! “A drunk person is bold, plus Zhao Feng’s preconceived idea of this person as a person who came to give gifts and take away the backdoor relationship, so he was directly scolded!”

The young man is also innocent, and he is not happy to see this neuropathy himself!? He has a noble status, except for a few elders, when has he been humiliated like this by his peers! So the youth is evil to the side of the guts, and a word blurts out without going through the brain!

“What are you doing!?”

“You can try it again!!!”

“Try it, try it!!!”


As soon as the young man’s words were finished, before he could react, he was kicked out by Zhao Feng with a flying kick!

In fact, when Zhao Feng said to let the youth take a look outside, he had already begun to charge, and in this era, you can still encounter classic words that are very likely to cause World War III, and Zhao Feng feels that something is wrong without fighting! So don’t say much, charge directly!

And the young man may be reading stupidly, obviously seeing that Zhao Feng has already rushed towards him, and he doesn’t know how to avoid!

This kick is not light, the power of the charge, coupled with the bonus of Zhao Feng jumping up, this kick directly kicks the young man to the ground and hums and can’t get up!

“Hmph! Scum with only five combat effectiveness! Zhao Feng looked at the young man without scrutiny, and then turned around dashingly and left!

The young man really wants to cry without tears, what sins have he made! Come to give a gift, you can meet someone who has lost their heart!

This kick directly kicked himself out of breath, and he lost his combat effectiveness in a short time!

“Oops! Isn’t this the eldest grandbrother?! Why are you lying here!? ”

Cheng Zhiliang, who settled Cheng Yanjin, just breathed a sigh of relief, walked into the yard and saw a person lying on the ground and unable to move, take a closer look, lying in the groove! Isn’t this the eldest son of the uncle Sun Wuji, Changsun Chong?

“Hurry up, hurry up! Come on! Hurry up and get my eldest grandbrother into the house!” Cheng Shuiliang hurriedly beckoned scary people to help.

At this time, it was another mess before Changsun Chong was carried into the house.

In fact, Changsun Chong is not a big deal, but the sneak attack on cooking just now is too surprising for him, plus he was angry for a while, so it looks more miserable, in fact, it is good to rest for a while!

“Brother Liang! Hand over the murderer! I can’t swallow this breath! Changsun Chong, who had recovered, held Cheng Shuliang and did not let go.

“What murderer?” Cheng Shuiliang was also puzzled, this Changsun rushed to his house not once or twice, basically the servants and maids in the family knew him, knowing that he was the son of the uncle, who would beat him?

“It’s that neurotic, the guy who put his pants on!” Changsun Chong said.

“Huh!?” Cheng Shuliang was surprised, wasn’t it Brother Zhao who put his pants on? Could it be that Changsun Chong was beaten by Brother Zhao?

It’s possible, just now I saw that Brother Zhao is also drunk, does a drunk person need a reason to beat someone?

“Oh what? Don’t you look at his mental condition? How do you want any neuropathy! Changsun Chong looked at Cheng Shuliang’s suddenly dull expression and said very dissatisfied.

“Brother Changsun, it seems that this revenge you can’t be repaid!” When he thought that it was Zhao Feng who beat Changsun Chengliang, he said with tears and laughter.

“How? Are you still going to shield him!? Changsun Chong looked at Cheng Shuliang incredulously.

“Not really, but that man was a brother and brother to my father at the dinner table just now!” Cheng Shuliang said with a wry smile.

Damn, just now, Zhao Feng and Cheng Yanjin, two brothers and an old brother, did not put him in their eyes at all

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