That evening, Changsun Chong took his Laozi to stand outside the inn where Zhao Feng was staying! Behind the two were a dozen family members armed with wooden sticks!

“The immortals you said live here?” Changsun Wuji asked with a frosty face.

“Vegetarian, liquor slaughters Zhelile! (Yes, this is it!) Changsun Chong said, covering his face that had been beaten into a pig’s head.

Changsun Wuji was too ruthless, and Changsun Chong almost didn’t put half a heavenly name into it!

Looking at his son Changsun Wuji is also a little regretful, his own flesh and blood beat so badly….

Although most of them hated iron and steel, they originally thought that Changsun Chong was present and comforted, but the reality gave the uncle a loud slap in the face, which made the moody Changsun Wuji have no weight.

Their own children, hit and beat, but the culprit who let their children fall to such a point cannot be let go! That’s why Changsun Wuji brought people here.

“Huh? Lord Changsun!? Are you here too? Suddenly, from the side street, Fang Xuanling appeared with Fang Weiai, and he was surprised when he saw Changsun Wuji.

As for Fang Ai’ai, it is similar to Changsun Chong, the difference is that Fang Lie’ai has a good body and bones, and it doesn’t look as desolate as Changsun Chong!

Coincidentally, after Fang Xuanling arrived for a while, Du Ruxian also came, of course, Du Wei also followed his father with a sad voice.

Three important ministers, you look at me, I see you don’t know what to say.

“Do you say that Captain Chi Jingde will come too?” Fang Xuanling asked a little uncertainly.

“Probably not!” This kind of thing is Du Ruxian who is as judgmental as a god, but thinking of Wei Chi Jingde’s smug look this morning, it is estimated that this reckless man does not know his son’s!

“Let’s go! The old man wants to see what is going on with this so-called immortal? Changsun Wuji said first, and was the first to step into this inn.

As for the inn’s treasurer, he has long been afraid to shrink inside the counter in fear!

What’s going on here!? In the past two or three days, some bigwigs have been haunted in his inn, and the previous Changsun Chong, Cheng Shuliang is good to say that although the turtle is noble, it is not an official after all!

What now?

Uncle Guo is here! Fang Xuanling, Du Ruxian is also here! Nima, these people are all big people who can decide life and death with a single word! As for why a treasurer can know these big people?

Can you open an inn in Chang’an without a little insight? If nothing else, living in the capital can you not know the main leaders of the country? Moreover, the mansions of these adults are not far away!

“Brother Zhao! Brother Zhao open the door! Here we are again! A group of people came to Zhao Feng’s door, Fang Xuanling glanced at his son, Fang Wei’ai immediately shook, stepped forward and obediently knocked on Zhao Feng’s door.

Zhao Feng originally planned to change some delicious food from the system to comfort his five internal organs, after all, it is too hard to earn exchange points these days, who knows that someone will actually knock on the door again, listening to the sound like a house beloved?

“Did you send money again?” With this question, Zhao Feng opened the door, but this opening almost didn’t scare Zhao Feng to death!

“I lean! I haven’t seen you for half a day, this is a change of look?! “Fang Wei’ai had at least seven or eight red scars on her face, and at a glance, I knew that it was done by a veteran, but there was no broken skin!

When he saw Changsun Chong, he was even more surprised and couldn’t say that he was gorgeous, and this person’s face was fattened!!!

“Brother Zhao… This is my father… And Brother Chong’s father, Dugo’s father! “Fang Wei’ai is the largest in the circle he stays, but he is the youngest, so he basically has to call everyone brother when he sees him.

Father of three?

Isn’t that Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruxi? It’s all powerful!

But what’s with this strong sense of déjà vu? How do you feel that this is the feeling that you have opened a dark Internet café, and the elementary school students are caught by their families and then come to the door to find trouble with the boss?

“Since the three adults are here, let’s come in and sit!” There was an exchange point in his pocket, and Zhao Feng, who was not flustered, did not humble and invited three big people into the room.

In fact, Zhao Feng will not be frightened by these three people, compared with Cheng Bitjin, three readers are just like that even if they have been on the battlefield, it’s one thing, and the personalities of the three people are not as difficult as Cheng Bitjin’s hob meat.

A short-lived ghost (Du Ruxian Zhenguan died of a serious illness in four years), a wife who was strict (it is said that Fang Xuanling’s status in the family was low, and even taking concubines was not allowed by his wife), and there was a small action that was forced to commit suicide by a woman (Changsun Wuji once had a grudge with Wu Meiniang, and was later exiled by Wu Zetian and hanged himself).

Just these three people’s pressure on Zhao Feng is really not as strong as a hob meat that lives to die naturally!

“Is it that you tricked Chong’er into saying that you are a disciple of the Immortals?! It’s just hell! As soon as he entered the house, Sun Wuji came to dismount and reprimanded loudly.

In fact, according to Changsun Wuji’s meaning, regardless of three seven twenty-one directly arrest people to beat, and then find a way to throw people into the heavenly prison to fend for themselves, but not now, this kind of thing is better to do alone, but the appearance of Fang Xuanling and Du Ruxian made Changsun Wuji cut off this idea, in the Tang Dynasty, the abuse of lynching is very heavy, plus “Fang Mo Du Juan” is not the kind of person who can be in the same stream with him, if a broken son sues Rao is his eldest grandson Wuji also have to take off a layer of skin.

So he plans to gain a foothold in the general righteousness first, and after a while, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruxian should not have so many opinions, after all, their children are also victims!

“yes! Do you have any comments? Hearing Changsun Wuji’s tone, Zhao Feng said unsalty, the dog days are coming to find trouble, and do you expect Zhao Feng to be polite to him?

Provoked him, directly changed a homemade pistol and came out, and collapsed this dead fat man with one shot!

“Hahaha, I can’t imagine that you are so calm when you die!?” Changsun Wuji laughed angrily by Zhao Feng’s reaction, and he was still so arrogant in front of him? “Now I’ll let you fight dozens of them one by one, aren’t you a fairy disciple? Just let me see what I can do! ”

“Fall! Tonic! Find a real voice! (Daddy!) Don’t! Brother Zhao is a true immortal! As soon as he heard that Changsun Wuji was going to make a move, Changsun Chong immediately jumped out to defend Zhao Feng, but this voice did not dare to compliment, and even Zhao Feng had to carefully identify it to hear what he said?

This made Zhao Feng quite moved, although he had not known Changsun Chong for a long time, but this kid could stand up in this situation or let Zhao Feng greatly appreciate his feelings, it seems that the movie ticket money can be reduced for him appropriately!

However, where did Zhao Feng know that Changsun Chong was afraid that Zhao Feng would go crazy and directly kill his father! At that time, the entire Changsun family can be said to be finished!

PS: If you can increase your collection by another seventy-five today, add another one!

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