During the early Tang Dynasty, the capital was Chang’an.

The royal palace also has a name called Taiji Palace, which is where Li Shimin and other harem beauties, princesses and princes live!

In the modern Taiji Palace is renovated, is modern reconstruction, the real Tang Taiji Palace has long been destroyed in the war, when Zhao Feng has not yet crossed the time to travel to the ancient capital Chang’an, but also to the Taiji Palace to see, although magnificent, but always less ancient style and ancient flavor.

Now the palace of the Great Tang Dynasty of the Chinese Dynasty, which is remembered by people all over the world in history, is in front of Zhao Feng!

It is not as majestic as imagined, and even a little broken, but there is an indescribable taste, like standing in front of a giant beast that chooses to devour people!

With the leadership of Liu Gonggong, the guards guarding the Taiji Palace did not have too much investigation and directly let the group in!

In the palace, only the emperor, the queen and some people who have been authorized by the emperor can walk around, and others can only walk even concubines of the level of Concubine Yang!

Zhao Feng is no exception! Follow behind Liu Gonggong and keep walking towards the palace!

“I said old Liu, the emperor should be in the upper dynasty at this time, right? Are you going to take me to the meeting place? Zhao Feng asked very familiarly.

The corner of Liu Gonggong’s mouth twitched, too nonsense, he Liu Bing has been with Li Shimin for more than ten years, he was also a princely guard who killed decisively, and then entered the palace as a eunuch, on the seniority can be higher than a yellow-mouthed child, today he is actually called Old Liu by this!?

“Your Majesty means to take you directly to meet the queen mother-in-law.” Liu Bing said.

“See the Queen?” Zhao Feng said in surprise: “I didn’t say that before!” ”

Empress Changsun actually Zhao Feng also wants to see it, after all, she is a famous queen at the top of the ranking in history, but this is too sudden, right?

“The emperor said that Xuan Wannian County entered the palace, but he didn’t say that he was going to see the emperor!” Liu Bing said funny.

“Lean! Actually playing with words!? The royal man is really insidious! Zhao Feng didn’t expect that the current people actually played word games, and suddenly cursed in a low voice!

“Zhao Xianzi, according to the rules of the Great Tang, you have not yet reached the crown, and the queen concubine has the same rights as your own mother! If these words were heard by the queen mother…” Liu Bing’s ear power was excellent, and when he heard Zhao Feng arrange Li Shimin’s family, he immediately reminded.

This can also be regarded as telling Zhao Feng what kind of existence he will face, if Zhao Feng makes a mistake in the palace, Li Shimin may still estimate the dignity of Zhao Feng’s man, but the queen will definitely not, they all said that they have the same rights as your mother, and if your mother wants to beat you, can you still resist?

“This is inhumane! I’m not going! “Zhao Feng is upset, just entered the palace, you told me that you inexplicably came out a mother?!

“Little ancestor! It’s all here, and you’re from it! “For Zhao Feng’s strange temper, Liu Bing is really helpless, this person is uneasy and unreasonable to play cards!”

Who does the emperor and empress usually want to see, but that person does not immediately obediently rush over himself? Only this lord actually had to personally greet the head of his own palace, and he wanted to pick a pick many times along the way?

“Alright! I’m looking at your face! Zhao Feng actually just wanted a step down, and he also knew that he had walked into the palace, and it was not easy to leave halfway.

“Yes, yes, thank you for giving face!” Liu Bing couldn’t laugh or cry, this person is too arrogant, how can a small county give him face in terms of his identity?

In fact, Liu Bing also has a good impression of Zhao Feng in his heart, since he became a eunuch, many people have looked down on him, but he didn’t expect that this teenager actually didn’t look at himself differently, Liu Bing could tell from Zhao Feng’s words that Zhao Feng really didn’t look down on himself, otherwise he wouldn’t have reminded Zhao Feng to pay attention to words!

In fact, this is still Zhao Feng’s habit problem, he Zhao Feng has even seen the big eagle cute sister, the eunuch is just a disabled person in his eyes, Zhao Feng will not discriminate against the disabled!

“Over there is the queen’s mother’s residence, you can enter by yourself!” Liu Bing took Zhao Feng to the harem and said.

The harem can be regarded as one of the forbidden places of the royal family, even the guards with handles cannot enter without permission, and the palace maids and eunuchs who can come here are the palace maids, of course, a non-threatening child like Zhao Feng is still possible.

However, Liu Bing still did not step into the harem, but just pointed out to Zhao Feng at the entrance the location of the queen’s mother’s palace and left, as the chief manager, he has a lot of things!

Without a guide, Zhao Feng had to grope towards the queen’s residence by himself, and the eunuchs and palace maids he met along the way were all walking with their heads bowed and fast, and no one took care of Zhao Feng, a child!

It didn’t take much for Zhao Feng to find a problem, this harem has a complicated terrain, there is no road sign to guide the way or something, and he has no map, so he should be lost!

But if you get lost, you will get lost, and you should come to see the scenery here!

“But this Li Shimin is also nobody, actually I am a big man to his harem and does not send anyone to follow, I am really not afraid of green on the head!” Zhao Feng sighed.

But think about it, only he Li Er gave others a green hat this year, who dares to give him a green hat? Live impatiently?

“Who are you? How dare you walk around here? Zhao Feng was walking, a little loli jumped out and pointed at Zhao Feng and asked, and the little loli was followed by a palace maid dressed in the same plain clothes.

This little loli’s facial features are very beautiful, and it is foreseeable that she will definitely be a beauty embryo when she grows up in the future, but the dress is too simple, right? You can still see patches on your skirt?

It is estimated that it is not a royal princess or the like, is it a palace maid in this harem? But if you want to say that it is a palace maid, will it be too young, and it looks like seven or eight years old!

Zhao Feng knows that many palace eunuchs have entered the palace since childhood, the little eunuch learns with the old eunuch, and the little palace maid will also learn how to serve the master from a young age, and the little girl of seven or eight years old is not too young in this Tang who became a mother at the age of fifteen or sixteen, and it seems to make sense to be a palace maid.

“I’m here to meet the queen, can you lead the way, little girl?” Zhao Feng said with a smile, try to make his smile more kind, this little girl was sold into the palace at such a young age and became a palace maid is already pitiful! Stop scaring her yourself!

“Daring, actually dare to speak like this to Princess Changle!” Before Little Loli could speak, a palace maid on the side stood up with a scowl and pointed at Zhao Feng and scolded.

“Princess Changle? Are you Li Er’s daughter Li Liqian? Zhao Feng asked blankly, this little loli who looks similar to the daughter of a poor family is actually the eldest princess of the Great Tang!?

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