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“Brother Zhao! What are you? How handsome! Wei Chi Baolin’s eyes shone brightly looking at Zhao Feng’s hand, although he could no longer see the Desert Eagle, but Wei Chi Baolin was still very envious!

“You can’t use this thing! Now take care of my training! Zhao Feng said, the recoil of the Desert Eagle was too great, and Zhao Feng already felt a little pain in his arm after a shot!

“Brother Zhao, when the time comes, you will train me alone, I also want to use that artifact of yours!” Wei Chi Baolin said flatteringly.

Looking at Wei Chi Baolin’s appearance, Li Yexuan was surprised and asked, “You… Do you know each other? ”

Pit! What a pit!

Since you all know this person, why don’t you stand up and tell everyone beforehand?

“Let me go back and stand up!” Turning his head, Zhao Feng drank violently, and the other people who wanted to beat Zhao Feng immediately obediently stood up straight in place.

Even the Wuxun disciple who was almost killed by Zhao Feng’s shot just now ran back and stood up!

“I don’t care who you are, because anyone is the same in my eyes!”

“From today onwards, you will be trained by me! If anyone is not convinced can leave now, I will not stop it!” ”

“But once you decide to stay, it’s impossible to quit halfway!”

After Zhao Feng’s words, there was a commotion in the crowd, most of these voices came from among those martial arts disciples, and the rest were selected by Li Shimin from the palace guards, and they would not leave no matter what.

After a while, no one chose to leave, and all of them stayed.

Even those unruly Martial Arts disciples did not choose to leave.

When they came, their family told them that if anyone left this inexplicable training camp halfway, there would be no good fruit to eat when they went back!

“Very good! Since you all chose to stay, does that prove that you have the determination to die? ”

“Now start the first training!”

“Everyone fix your training ground for the next two months for me!” Fix it according to my requirements! ”

Zhao Feng said with a smile, but his smile was like the smile of death in the eyes of these people!

The transformation of the training ground was not decided by Zhao Feng casually, although it had been corrected once in advance, it did not reach the standard venue in Zhao Feng’s heart, so Zhao Feng definitely rested again.

Moreover, when resting the training ground, you can also see how the physical fitness of these people is, which is convenient for Zhao Feng to formulate some routines for future training.

A full set of special soldier training manuals can be bought in the system, and Zhao Feng plans to use this kind of thing to build the first special forces of the Great Tang!

The terrain of Lingnan is very suitable for the combat method of special forces, and it is not a myth that a full special forces unit can fight one enemy on such terrain!

These people moved quickly, holding knives, axes and shovels and began to do things, although those martial arts disciples did not know at all, but it was still possible to make a force, and more palace guards were doing it.

“The first is to increase physical strength, two hundred pairs of sandbag leggings, and two hundred pieces of weight for clothing models.”

“Then camouflage uniforms, four hundred sets.”

“One hundred redemption points? What a bargain! However, it is necessary to collect 1,000 taels of silver from Li Shimin! ”

Just as the others began to rest the venue, Zhao Feng began to buy basic items for this training.

The people next to him just saw that a large number of things were conjured up with a wave of Zhao Feng’s hand, and they almost collapsed to the ground in fear, and finally they could only endure the fear in their hearts and continue to work, while being in awe of those who planned to beat Zhao Feng just now!

“Here! Dig me a pool out! ”

“And here, why are there so many stones on the ground?! All for me to move away! ”

“Cheng Zhiliang! You take someone to cut down fifty trees for me to resist back!” ”

“How old is it? In addition to small trees, trees of all sizes are required! ”

After the superb items were ready, Zhao Feng began to command these people, according to his eye-catching current training ground!

All kinds of training equipment must have! If it is too expensive in the system, do it yourself!

Small training grounds that simulate various terrains must be matched, otherwise can they still be called all-round special forces?

In the evening, Zhao Feng bought thirty-one tents again, sixty people for two people, and Zhao Feng himself a tent.

After teaching these people how to set up a tent, Zhao Feng didn’t care, let them help set up their own tent, and Zhao Feng rushed into the tent!

The transformation of the training ground has not yet been completed, and such a big project can not be completed in a day or two, and it can only be continued tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!

After announcing today’s events, those people began to bury pots and cook, collect firewood, make stoves, and have a clear division of labor, it seems that there is no need to worry about their evening meals!

Living in the wild, Zhao Feng is not stressed at all!

Too cold in the mountains at night? It doesn’t matter, the quilt will be practiced in two more beds!

Meals are simpler, just one redemption point is needed to eat hot meals!

There are also solar tablets brought here, except that there is no Internet and sleeping in the wild in modern society is basically the same!

After eating a simple dinner, the other personnel all gathered around the fire and listened to Cheng Shuliang begin to tell how he met Zhao Feng, and his eldest brother Cheng Shuliang silently appeared to say how violent Zhao Feng was!

This time the meeting lasted until midnight, leaving a few people to watch over the fire and prevent the wild beasts in the mountains, and the others gradually returned to their tents to sleep!

Early the next morning.

“Get me up!”

“The last ten people gathered didn’t have breakfast this morning!”

Zhao Feng held a big speaker and shouted loudly, it is the kind of horn often used by vendors on the street, the shape is not good-looking, the sound has impurities, but it is loud!

Such a loud sound can wake up even a pig when it is asleep!

“Very good! It seems that you are all quite punctual! ”

“Today’s first task is ten kilometers of puffy cross-country, come and collect your weights!”

From this moment, the two-month training of Zhao Fengliu’s special forces began! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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