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“What are you!?” After observing it, Li Shimin felt that these three people should not have come to assassinate, but the long sword in his hand still did not put down, but he did not open his mouth to call the guards to come.

But once these three people have any changes, as long as Li Shimin speaks, a large number of people can rush in to escort!

“Your Majesty, please take a look!” The shortest of the three took a letter out of his arms and placed it on the ground.

He did not approach Li Shimin rashly, because the atmosphere was very tense at this time, once he had any radical behavior, Li Shimin would definitely call for help, although the three of them would not have anything even if they were caught, but they couldn’t hang on to their faces!

“Came to deliver the letter?” Li Shimin is a little crazy, who would send a letter in such a scary way!?

“Who sent you!” Li Shimin decided to find out the person who shot these three guys, and then clean him up fiercely.

The three looked at each other and chose silence, they still learned the secrecy of intelligence.

“Your Majesty, let’s go first!” Since the purpose has been achieved, it is inconvenient for the three of them to stay longer, and it will be difficult to leave for a while!


Li Shimin’s shout still did not leave the three people, and in the end, Shi Mo could only personally walk down and pick up the letter left by the three and open it!

What caught my eye was the font that made Li Shimin scratch his heart, and the person who wrote the letter definitely did not practice his words well!

Reluctantly reading on, Li Shimin’s face became wonderful.

Finally, Li Shimin crumpled the letter paper fiercely.

“Coming man!!!” Li Shimin shouted.

“Emperor!” After a while, more than a dozen guards rushed in, and after seeing two fellow guards lying on the ground, these guards were terrified and had an accident!!

“Immediately the entire palace hunted down the three men in black and brought them to me! To live!!! Li Shimin said with a green face.


The guards hurried to leave, it turned out that someone had invaded the palace! He also unknowingly arrived in front of Li Shimin, and the guards in charge of the security of the palace were going to be unlucky, but now the priority is to catch the assassin and make up for it, hoping that the emperor’s punishment will be lighter in the future.

After arranging it, Li Shimin sat on the stool and waited for the result, he didn’t believe that the whole palace mobilized and couldn’t catch the three little guys! ! !

Of course you can’t catch it!

Because those three people quickly changed their costumes after leaving Li Shimin’s imperial book, they knocked out the three guards and put on the guard’s costume and walked towards the exit of the palace!

Half an hour later, Li Shimin still came to catch the news of the assassin, but waited for Empress Changsun.

“Your Majesty! The concubines heard that there were assassins?! Are you all right? Empress Changsun looked at her husband with a worried look and asked.

“What kind of assassin is there, it’s just three little things to show off here!” Li Shimin said with a wry smile, and then handed the letter to Empress Changsun.

Empress Changsun frowned, she probably had never read such an ugly letter written in writing.

“Is he?!” After reading it, Empress Changsun said with a surprised look.

“yes! That’s him! Li Shimin said: “It seems that Xu still underestimated his ability before!” In such a short period of time, he could train someone who could break into the imperial study without alerting the guards! ”

“Your Majesty! That kid should be unintentional, right? He just wants to show you the results of his training! Empress Changsun said.

“Guanyinwu, don’t intercede for that bastard boy, I’m not a comatose monarch! Won’t put them in any way. Li Shimin said: “When they come back this time, I will calculate with him about breaking into the palace at night!” ”

Breaking into the palace at night is a felony no matter what time it is, fortunately, although there are many people who know about this matter now, only Li Shimin and Empress Changsun know who the mastermind behind it is, and it is still very simple to hide it.

Tomorrow, when the court meeting, you only need to tell those ministers that the assassins have been caught, and then take two death row prisoners from the heavenly prison and execute them.

“Rest early, it looks like those waste guards can’t catch anyone!” Li Shimin and Empress Changsun waited for another quarter of an hour before Li Shimin said.

The husband and wife both left the imperial study and went back to bed, leaving only a royal palace where chickens and dogs jumped!

The next day’s court meeting was indeed as Li Shimin expected, the ministers were very concerned about the arrest of assassins in the palace yesterday night, they were all old foxes, and they paid attention to the dynamics in the palace all the time, basically every minister bought some palace eunuchs in the palace to provide them with some intelligence, the unspoken rules of the officials, Li Shimin also knew, but did not stop it.

And Li Shimin also sent these ministers who had nothing to do after eating enough according to his own ideas.

At the same time, in the special forces training camp dozens of miles away, Zhao Feng and the trained special forces of the Great Tang were ready to set out to catch up with Cheng Yanjin’s army that had been out for more than ten days to join the team to suppress the sultry!

But before that, three people have to wait!

“Instructor! They’re back! Cheng Shumo’s eyes were sharp, and he also saw the three people rushing in the distance!

“Here! Over here! Come here! Seeing the three, many people stood up and waved their arms to say hello.

“Instructor! Mission accomplished! After the three returned, they first saluted Zhao Feng and reported the action.

“Well, good.” After listening to the report, Zhao Feng nodded, these three people are indeed the three with the best ability in this batch of students, and it is not very strange that Zhao Feng can complete this task!

“Cheng Zhiliang! Li Yexuan! Liu Da! Back! Zhao Feng said.


These three people are Cheng Yanjin’s son Cheng Shuliang, Li Jing’s grandson Li Yexuan, and one is Liu Da, the head of the guards sent by the palace for special training!

It was these three people who invaded the palace yesterday to deliver the letter, and thanks to Liu Da, who used to be an errand in the palace, otherwise it would be impossible to master the patrol route of the guards so skillfully, so intelligence is very important!

“All right! Aren’t you making a fuss about going to war? Now give you three minutes to get your belongings ready, and then we will head to Lingnan! ”

Zhao Feng looked at these people who had lived together for more than a month, and shouted with a smile.

Datang Special Forces! Sortie! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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