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“A large-scale hydroelectric power plant is a must, and the investment here is at least three million, or a preliminary estimate, if it is not enough, it will be added!”

“Then laying the wires requires professional training of a group of talents, which you have to work a little harder, after all, the talents want to drill towards you!” Damn, Ma Zhou is a talent! ”

“Then I estimate that this project will take a long time and consume a lot of manpower and material resources, so the working capital cannot be less!” The imperial court also needs to cooperate closely, otherwise the project will be seriously dragged down! ”

“Even if everything is powered on, a group of daily maintenance personnel is needed, and these are all issues to consider!”

After Zhao Feng sat down, he crackled and said a lot to Li Shimin, but he was happy and spit was flying, the problem is that Li Shimin didn’t understand a word!

If Li Tai sits here and listens, maybe he can still understand, Li Shimin is an earthen turtle emperor, and he is busy with things in the court every day, how can he understand this kind of professional thing!

“Wait! Wait! Just tell Xu how you plan to make a profit! First of all, if you exploit my Tang people, I won’t let you go!” Seeing that Zhao Feng still had the urge to talk endlessly, Li Shimin quickly stopped Zhao Feng.

“How to make a profit? Isn’t that obvious? Collect electricity bills! Zhao Feng said: “We have worked so hard to get the power grid right, and every household can light up the electric light, shouldn’t we still charge some electricity bills?” Zhao Feng said.

“So you’re going to take it this way?” Li Shimin asked, the hot people are not very poor, Li Yuan’s original policy has indeed made many Tang people rich.

“Look at this!” Zhao Feng’s hand flipped over a meter: “This thing is called an electricity meter, install one for each household, and then the family can record how many points they use this month, and we will charge accordingly!” Thirty cents a kilowatt-hour electricity! An ordinary family can’t use three hundred words a month! Zhao Feng said.

If you only light the light, the energy used is indeed not large, it is great to be able to use ten degrees of electricity a month, and this charge is also reasonable!

Don’t look at the small charge per kWh, but it can’t stand the large base! Chang’an has a permanent population of hundreds of thousands, at least hundreds of thousands of households, right?! Just count him as 100,000 households! Even if each family only uses 200 yuan of electricity per month, it is 20 million yuan per month, which translates to at least 20,000 yuan per month! That’s no small amount!

And that’s still every month! In the future, when it develops, the electricity bill alone will make Li Shimin laugh every day!

Li Shimin lowered his head and thought for a while, these simple mathematical knowledge Li Shimin still understands, in the measurement of rights, there is a head! What a head!

Not to mention anything else, it is worth it to receive the sincere support of as many people as he can receive after the completion of this project, and there is still a chance to recover all the money invested in it in the future! It’s just that he is not satisfied with this division…

“Boy, let’s see if this division should be changed!” Li Shimin said.

“How do you want to change it?” Zhao Fengyin asked with a smile, knowing that this old guy Li Shimin would be like this!

“I’m seven and you’re three, I think it’s very reasonable! He said with a dry cough.

“Yes!” Zhao Feng said, looking very indifferent.

“That… Me eight you two? Li Shimin tried to say again.


“Me nine you one?”

“Yes! Even if it’s all yours, it’s okay! Zhao Feng said.

“Hahaha, good! I really didn’t look at the wrong person! Zhao Feng, you are indeed a great talent! Li Shimin laughed! I didn’t expect Zhao Feng to be so enlightened this time!

“But we said before that according to the investment to set the share, how many points you want to get to achieve how much money, I calculate ah, all of it, five million!” Zhao Feng continued.

In a word, crit!

Directly made Li Shimin’s smile freeze on his face!

Li Shimin feels like a dog in the sun! No wonder Zhao Feng is so easy to talk this time, feelings are waiting here!? If Lao Tzu can get five million, he will use it to beep with you here?!

Zhao Feng also smiled secretly in his heart: “If you want to empty gloves, the white wolf doesn’t look at who Xiao Ye is?!” ”

Li Shimin is embarrassed, really embarrassed! Zhao Feng couldn’t let him off the stage with a word, okay?!

But fortunately, there is no third person here now, otherwise Li Shimin Fei killed that person to extinguish his mouth, and he was an emperor, just now he was like a small merchant and peddler bargaining with Zhao Feng, and he lost!

“How about it, Emperor, how many percent are you going to want?” Zhao Feng said with a smile.

“Forget it, just do what you said before, you seven… I !!! three Li Shimin said almost through his back teeth when he said this.

In fact, according to what Zhao Feng said, if he takes a share, Li Shimin is 500,000 yuan, only worthy of a commission of 10%, but Zhao Feng still gave Li Shimin or said to the Great Tang Sancheng, which is already very favorable!

After all, Zhao Feng’s side does not provide manpower, and the Great Tang also needs to contribute manpower and material resources, accounting for two percent is not excessive!

“That’s right! In terms of labor, are you a royal list or something? Recruit people first. Zhao Feng said.

To repair such a large-scale project, labor cannot be less, so it is necessary to recruit people in advance! No three or five thousand are embarrassed to start work!

“This…” Li Shimin was silent for a moment: “Not yet!” ”

“What for? Is there no money not given, they work every day for pay, every day to settle the bill! Zhao Feng said that he thought that Li Shimin was afraid that he would oppress his people, so he directly said that he would settle the workers’ accounts every day.

“It’s not a question of money,” Li Shimin said, “The matter of building the Grand Canal in the former Sui Dynasty has not completely subsided, and now we are doing such a thing, I am afraid…”

“And now it’s about to enter the autumn harvest season, even if I post the imperial list, I won’t be able to attract many people!” Unless conscription is used! ”

Saying this, Li Shimin shook his head helplessly.

Zhao Feng understood, in fact, the most critical problem is the autumn harvest, what the impact of the Grand Canal is secondary, the autumn harvest is the most critical, the people’s annual harvest is reflected here, next year is hungry or abundant food depends on this year’s harvest, so the autumn harvest is the most important thing in ancient times, Zhao Feng wants to recruit hard labor at this time, it is simply impossible!

“Alright! Then let’s slow down for the time being, but our work can’t stop, I will select the address of the power plant as soon as possible, and the training of electrical talents will also be carried out, by the way, your son Li Tai lent me to use it! Zhao Feng said, even if he couldn’t take up the time of the autumn harvest, he could only postpone the start date of the project!

But it’s not a big deal, originally the preliminary preparation was very laborious, it is estimated that Zhao Feng’s side is ready, and the autumn harvest is also over, right? _

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