Monsters on wheels?! Can you still eat people!?

The copper-headed iron arm directly crashed into Kong Yingda’s wall, and he was still unscathed?

The key is that it is still controlled, and Zhao Feng directly sits in the monster’s brain to command the monster?!

What is this stuff!?

Looking at the urgent report in his hand, Li Shimin’s face turned white, just for this? You actually directly used the gold medal of the emergency moment to send the gold medal in the Imperial City!? Then just show me this thing!?

“Hundred horses are getting less and less like words lately!” Li Shimin looked at the ghost with a cold face, and said directly to the hundred horse spy in front of him.

As the saying goes, a companion is like a tiger, this emperor turns his face faster than turning a book, listening to Li Shimin’s words, the meaning is that he is very dissatisfied with the intelligence recently sent by Baiqi? There is still a hint of the meaning of rectifying a hundred horses in it?

A single sentence scared this hundred horse secret agent not lightly, and if it was rectified, there were only two people like them who knew a lot of secrets, one was to evaporate in the world, and the second was to directly castrate into the palace like Liu Bing, the chief eunuch, otherwise the emperor would not be at ease! And normal men who are willing to castrate!

And this letter is also all truth, this letter is indeed driving a monster on the street ah! When he came to send information, Zhao Feng had already run back and forth several times! There are at least tens of thousands of witnesses in Chang’an City! Why didn’t he believe it when he got to the emperor!?

You believe me! You believe me! I’m not lying!

“Your Majesty! At this time, it was true, not only subordinates and others saw it, but many people in Chang’an City saw it! The secret agent of the hundred horses was about to put his face to the ground, and said very carefully.

This time it was Li Shimin’s turn to be embarrassed, he just said here that the ability of a hundred horses is not good, and he sent some exaggerated intelligence to get eyeballs, and it only took a few breaths to hit his face!

Hundreds of secret agents said that many people among the people saw it, so this matter cannot be fake!

“This Zhao Feng! Trouble again! Come on! Prepare horses! I want to see for myself what that monster of hiss is! In order to alleviate his embarrassment, Li Shimin forcibly diverted the topic and said.

And on the construction site, the first time Zhao Feng drove a heavy truck to transport a truck of cement over, it caused panic and onlookers among the workers, and the workers were used to it several times later, what a monster, in fact, to put it bluntly, it is just a larger carriage that does not rely on livestock to pull, but it looks scary, there is no danger at all, and there are several workers who have the courage to go up and touch several handfuls without incident!

Of course, Li Tai, a research maniac, wanted Zhao Feng to express that he wanted to study the structure of the truck, and was kicked back by Zhao Feng, greedy and chewy, you better figure it out one by one first, don’t understand a little more advanced physics knowledge and want to study cars? I’m afraid it’s not Shi Lezhi!

“This is the last trip!” When Zhao Feng sent a truckload of river sand to the construction site again, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief! Today I am a driver for most of the day! It seems that a few people need to train to drive!

“Go and inform the workers, get ready to leave work, it will be dark in a while!” After turning off the car and getting out of the car, Zhao Feng said to the overseer on the side.

The night of the Great Tang is simply dark, especially those residents near here have moved away, and there is not even the light of a candle, it is very dangerous to work when it is slightly dark, originally construction is a high-risk industry, if you let the workers smear the work is to rush people’s lives, Zhao Feng is not mad to this point!

Back to his temporary tent, Zhao Feng planned to take a good rest, and after driving for most of the day, he was mentally exhausted and wanted to sleep for a long time!

However, as soon as the curtain of the tent was lifted, I saw a great god – Li Shimin was sitting on Zhao Feng’s bunk with a black face drinking water!

“Why are you here? Not enjoying inside the palace? Zhao Feng asked curiously, you must know that Li Shimin is an emperor, there are many things every day, how can he still have the leisure to run around?

“It’s not because of you yet! You are making a big enough movement this time!? Li Shimin said coldly: “Now the whole of Chang’an is spreading, saying that there is a monster in Chang’an City!” ”

“Yo! How fast is it transmitted?! I thought it would be spread throughout Chang’an at least tomorrow! Zhao Feng said unexpectedly.

From the time he decided to drive the truck, he didn’t expect this news to be blocked, so who can’t see unless he is blind and running back and forth in Chang’an City? But Zhao Feng didn’t think that the news actually wore so fast, he knew that the Tang Dynasty had no circle of friends, no WeChat, Penguin, and the transmission of news all relied on word of mouth! The people of this Great Tang are also too gossipy!

“Now take Xu to see that monster of yours!” Li Shimin stood up and said, in fact, Li Shimin was not in Zhao Feng’s tent just now, but when Zhao Feng drove back, the movement was a little big, and the Qianniu guards who secretly protected Li Shimin were worried that something would happen so they persuaded Li Shimin to stay in the tent first.

“Can’t it be next time? I’m tired now! Zhao Feng complained, but since Li Shimin wants to see it, let him take a good look, just give Li Shimin a preventive vaccination first, and there will definitely be a lot of cars in the future!

Waiting for Li Shimin to come to the side of the truck, although it is a new car that has just been bought from the system, it looks no different from a second-hand truck because it is dusty along the way and has crashed into a wall, but even this gives Li Shimin a enough shock! Let Li Shimin’s careful liver jump wildly!

Because it is the reason for pulling goods, the size of the heavy truck is very important, and the one Zhao Feng bought can almost be regarded as a giant.

Take a closer look to appreciate the aura of this steel monster!

“Is this thing easy to run?!” Li Shimin blushed and pulled Zhao Feng and asked.

“It’s very difficult to get, you have to take the exam!” Zhao Feng saw Li Shimin’s careful thinking at a glance, Xiao Xian, want to drive? Do you have a driver’s license?!

“Kauben? How to take the test? Do you still need to take the exam!? Li Shimin glared and said, the whole world is his Li family’s, do you still need to take the exam!?

“Your Majesty, just stop a little, I can’t open my eyes now… Tomorrow! How about tomorrow? I’ll take you out for a few laps tomorrow! “Zhao Feng is helpless, can only showdown, meaning that you know your careful thinking, but today I am too tired, let’s talk about it tomorrow!”

When Li Shimin saw Zhao Feng’s state, he really looked tired, and if this monster didn’t have Zhao Feng, he Li Shimin really couldn’t get it, he could only wait for tomorrow!

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