Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 498: Li Mao broke his leg, Chen Xiao was fined

In the early morning, Fang Xing rarely went to the college to supervise the students' drills, and only ran laps in the courtyard of the inner courtyard.

Yesterday, Zhang Shuhui assigned two maids to Xiaobai. The two maids just got up, and when they saw Fang wakes up, they hurried in to serve Xiaobai.


Zhang Shuhui also got up, seeing that she was in good spirits, which made Fang Xing feel a little lost and relaxed.

Seeing Fang Xing exercising, Zhang Shuhui went to Xiao Bai's room, and Xiao Bai's exclamation came from inside after a while.


"I was tired last night, don't get up in a hurry, sleep a little longer."

While Zhang Shuhui showed the eldest woman's measurement, Fang Xing hurriedly slipped away.

"Master, there are letters from Peiping."

The person receiving the letter, Fang Jaylen, never pretended to be someone else, even if Huang Zhong was supposed to be in charge of it.

Fang Jaylun’s wrinkles can pinch his fingers, "Master, the letter arrived last night. The old slave has read it. It's a letter from Young Master Chen. The old slave thought about last night... so he did not report it. "

"Why did that slacker Chen Xiao think about writing a letter?"

When Fang Xing opened it and read the content of the letter, he was immediately astonished and said: "This guy actually interrupted Li Mao's leg? No wonder he didn't see Li Mao come back to participate in Chunwei!"

"Li Dezheng!"

Fang Xing's expression was a bit solemn.

Chen Xiao's letter said that when he was eating out at the time, he met Li Mao. The two of them didn't speculate and drank some wine, and finally they became a group.

Of course, Li Mao could not be Chen Xiao's opponent, so the price was a broken leg.

And Chen Xiao didn't get much better, because Li Dezheng was reluctant to beg a man. Even if Chen Jiahui tried his best to mediate, Chen Xiao was finally severely accused of fifteen sticks.

Fang Xing received the letter, frowning and asked, "Is there a letter from Uncle Chen?"

Fang Jielun shook his head, Fang Xing's heart sank a little.

Today's breakfast was very rich. After Xiaobai walked in slowly, Zhang Shuhui smiled and said, "Xiaobai, come here, Huaniang made stewed chicken."

The meaning of eating chicken early in the morning couldn't be more obvious.

After seeing Xiaobai and Zhang Shuhui gradually let go, Fang Xing said, "I am going to the city for my husband in the morning. What can you bring?"

Zhang Shuhui covered her mouth and smiled: "The concubine's body is all old and yellow, and the husband has to buy some good things for Xiaobai."


Xiaobai blushed in disobedience. Seeing that breakfast was going to be messed up, Fang Xing took a few mouthfuls to finish the noodles, got up and said, "Wait for my husband to see, all are."

Fang Xing went to find Jia Quan first and asked him what happened to Chen Xiao.

Now that the trouble has reached the point where Chen Xiao has been condemned, this matter must have spread in the Peking Mansion.

Sure enough, Jia Quan just went out for a while, and news came back.

"Uncle, there was someone by Li Mao's name that day, Zhao Sheng."

"Zhao Sheng? Who is he?"

Jia Quan whispered: "It's the nephew of Zhao Guozhang who died in the prison, the one who stopped you at the gate of the Imperial College."

"It's him?"

Fang Xingmeng remembered what happened back then. Zhao Sheng was instructed to block Fang Xing in the Imperial College and questioned face to face.

Of course Fang Xing didn't suffer, and with the presence of the Yushi Liu Kui, he set up a killing game.

At that time, Liu Kui was killed by Zhao Guozhang's wrong hand, and Zhao Guozhang did not please him. He was bitten to death in prison, but he was tortured to death.

"Huh! I remember."

Fang Xing remembered the sinister sight when he met Zhao Sheng outside the city.

The man was so decisive, knowing that once his uncle was finished, he could not please himself, so he went to Peking Mansion.

"What is Zhao Sheng doing in Peking?"

Once Fang Xing thought it through, he felt that this was not right.

Chen Xiao is a little second generation anyway, and Li Dezheng is still Chen Jiahui's colleague. Is Li Mao stupid? Actually go to provoke Chen Xiao.

And at that time, Li Dezheng's transfer order should have been down, and he would come out of Jinling only after the Chinese New Year.

At this time, unless Li Mao's brain twitched, or he wanted to show off in front of Chen Xiao, the two would never have an intersection at all.

"Then Zhao Sheng opened a store that specializes in selling the Four Treasures of the Study and some books, but he seems to have something to do with Peking Mansion, so he knows a lot of people."

Fang Xing secretly wrote down these words, and then went to the street.

The test has been put on the list, but there are many students on the street, because many people want to enter the Imperial College.

Fang Xing entered an ornaments shop and bought some ornaments for the two women in the family. When he came out, he saw Li Dezheng.

Accompanied by two entourages, Li Dezheng rode his horse forward calmly.

Perhaps it was telepathic. When he was approaching this jewelry store, Li Dezheng's gaze swept to Fang Xing, and then his expression stagnated, and he arched his hands towards Fang Xing, looking very graceful.

Fang Xing nodded, and then mounted his horse.

The two people were in the same direction. Li Dezheng slowed down, and when Fang woke up, he smiled and said: "Xing He Bo is really not talking. It is a blockbuster. He hasn't seen him in a few years, so the lower officials are envied!"

"Master Li is foresight and diligent in king affairs. This time I have been promoted to two levels, which makes people look at me!"

Fang Xing stabbed him, then rode his horse and went over, quickly throwing away Li Dezheng.

Seeing Fang Xing's back, Li Dezheng held the reins, his face sinking like water.

"Master Li, this uncle Xinghe is very popular in Jinling! You have a grudge with Chen Jiahui in Peking Mansion, and then..."

Li Dezheng said indifferently: "This official only knows your Majesty, I don't know what Xinghe Bo, Mi San, you are too worried!"

The man smiled: "Uncle Xinghe even dared to kill the Wala mission, and even let Master Hu be banned. Master Li, be prepared!"

The corners of Li Dezheng's mouth twitched, and his eyes were cold.

Seeing Li Dezheng rushing away, the man named Mi San just smiled.

Zhu Gaochi gave Li Dezheng a lot of face and made time to meet him.

After the salute and greetings, Li Dezheng said something about the Department of Responsibility, and he was very calm, causing Zhu Gaochi to nod frequently.

After the conversation, when Zhu Gaochi thought that Li Dezheng was going to resign, he suddenly knelt down and said: "His Royal Highness, Inuzi is ignorant. Years ago, he had a dispute with Xinghebo's friend in Peking, and he missed the trial..."

The amount of information in this statement was huge, and Zhu Gaochi squinted slightly without responding.

"His Royal Highness, the minister did not dare to be aggrieved, but worried that Xing He Bo would..."

Li Dezheng's somber expression made Liang Zhong beside him secretly applaud.

It really is a talent!

Without mentioning Li Mao's broken leg, he just blindly emphasized the fear of being retaliated by Fang Xing. Although this posture is a bit timid, it is worthy of praise.

What is Lao Chengmou Country?

This is the one in front of me~www.readwn.com~ Not only did he endure the pain of his son's broken leg and the delay in the trial, but he also actively asked Zhu Gaochi to mediate, which is really virtuous...Ah no! It's really a measure of the prime minister!

Zhu Gaochi accepted a little smile, and said faintly: "Since this matter has been settled, there is no need to worry about it. Xing He Bo is magnanimous, and there will be no trouble."

Fang Xing is magnanimous?

When this word spread out, at least half of the teeth of the hundred officials could be laughed off.

Who doesn't know that Xing He Bo will be rewarded for being a man!

But Li Dezheng said respectfully: "The minister is relieved and will go to Xinghe Bo to apologize for another day."


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