Chapter 58

Having said that, I left the bedroom. And the background changed again. This time, I was talking to my doctor in the library.

‘So please.’

‘But Madam…’

‘I can’t live long. And it’s already spilled water.’

I could see Logan taking a deep breath.

‘What about that child named Philia? Did it seem like she has feelings for Bleon? Do you think she’ll be able to take good care of Bleon until the end?’

‘Philia is a kind and responsible child. You don’t have to worry about that.’

‘Okay then. Get me as much of the drug as possible. And there are some of Bleon’s relatives who were not at all involved in the succession race at the time. Contact them. A person like that will probably help Bleon to the end.’

‘Do you really have to do this, Madam?’

‘Logan. Bleon and I have seen each other for too long. Everything Bleon does this time is because of me. He was worried because I didn’t come even though I had asked him not to take the drug. I made Bleon blind to only one person. So that’s what made me think like that. It’s all my fault. And if I die doing nothing, Bleon will probably… I’m only making the worst assumptions now of what Bleon will be doing. He is still young. He’s just twenty-four now. He can live properly again. To do this, he’ll be able to completely forget me. He has to leave me and let go.’


‘So, help me. And even if I’m not there, take good care of Bleon.’


‘And don’t forget. You need to spread my rumors properly. You have to make sure that Bleon can get sympathy and that anyone will point a finger at me and swear to their heart’s content.’

‘Yes. I’ll keep that in mind.’

‘Thank you.’

Then the background changed again and it was the bedroom again. Even in my dreams, Bleon was standing around the room waiting for me.


He came up to me and tried to hug me, but in the end, he couldn’t. Because I pushed him hard.


Bleon looked at me with a slightly shocked face.

‘Where do you think you’re touching with those dirty hands?’


‘You’re dirty. Don’t talk to me. Don’t even look at me. Just being in the same room with you would make me sick to death.’

‘Why are you doing this, Wife…?’

‘Are you saying you don’t know now?’

‘I-Is it because I’m being too much? It’s been so long since I’ve seen the wife—’

‘What are you talking about now? It’s not enough that you held someone else. Are you saying that you mistook her for me?’

‘Yes? What is that…’

Bleon’s confused look filled his eyes. And soon after realizing what had happened with Philia, his face was engulfed in shock. But I kept pushing him with a tone that didn’t seem to care.

‘Get out! Get out! Get out and die!’

‘Wife… Huhp…’

‘Quit blubbering around. What are you crying about?’

‘Please forgive me, Wife. Huhuuk. I was wrong… Wife…’

‘Do you think this is something that can be forgiven? Can you forgive me if I sleep with another man? Oh, then, shall I show you me having sex with another man in front of you?’

‘No, you can’t! Wife… My wife…’

‘You mean you can and I can’t? What a shameless and dirty human being you are.’

‘Wife, I was wrong, please. Please forgive me only this once. It’s because I was sick, because it hurts so much. You know. I only have you, Wife. You’re everything to me. So please…’

‘I never meant to marry someone like you.’


‘Why would I have in the first place…? How do you repay the favor after losing your parents? As expected, you don’t know grace. I don’t even want to look at you. If you don’t go, I will.’


So I left the bedroom and left after inflicting a lot of wounds on him through these words. This situation continued until that day. I somehow managed to get rid of all the affection he had with me, and Bleon cried and cried and asked for forgiveness as if he didn’t like it.

And finally, that day had come. After I had made all the preparations, Logan was with Bleon in the bedroom just in time for Philia and Bleon’s relatives to arrive. Bleon got down on his knees and begged for forgiveness.

‘Wife… Please forgive me just once. I was out of my mind at the time. You didn’t come, so I knew she would come soon if I was sick. So please forgive me. Wife…’

‘Then prove it.’


‘Can you do whatever I ask you to do?’

‘Yes, yes. I can do anything. Please let me do anything. I’ll do it all!’

Bleon’s eyes lit up like someone who had finally tasted hope at my words.

‘Then come here first.’

I led him to bed. And I took off all his clothes so that he wasn’t wearing a single thread left.

‘Lie down.’

When I told him to lie down on the bed, Bleon seemed to look forward to what was to come, there was a momentary lust evident in his eyes. But contrary to his wishes, I started tying his limbs to the ends of the bed to stop him from moving.


Bleon called me in an anxious voice.

‘Don’t move. From now on you are my slave okay?’

‘…Yes. I know.’

Hearing the docile reply, I hurriedly tied him to the bed, but suddenly I saw between his thighs. Even in this situation, the penis stood erect no matter what kind of stimulation it felt.

‘So it’s standing now?’

‘Yes… I’m sorry…’

‘Hah, I’m stunned. You’re really lustful, aren’t you?’

‘Because of you, Wife. Only for you—’

‘Only for me? It stood up for that other woman.”


Bleon said no more and bit his mouth shut.

‘You made this stand up and put it inside another woman!’

I started rubbing Bleon’s penis violently with one hand.

‘Huk. Wife, nngh.’

Bleon groaned as if he was excited about my actions. I was counting the time as I continued to caress his genitals. And now it’s time for people to come in a little bit. To create the most dramatic moment, I gradually elevate the emotions and situations to the extreme.

‘You can’t do it with me anymore now, right? You were with such a pretty girl, wouldn’t it be better than doing it with someone ugly like me?’

‘No. No, Wife…! It’s not like that—’

It was then. The sound of several people going up the stairs was heard in a low voice. I hurriedly picked up the drug that was near the bed and sat down on top of Bleon.

‘Eat this! You have to eat this, so open your mouth.’

Then I poured a large amount of the drug into Bleon’s mouth. I could see Bleon groaning and struggling, but I didn’t care and kept pouring it out of his mouth on purpose, seemingly putting it in his mouth without a care. It was my wish that Bleon would hardly take any drugs. And just when I heard the door open, I immediately began to strangle Bleon.

‘Die. Die! Did you think I would forgive you?’

‘Wi, cough, Wife, please forgive me, huuk.’

‘Die. Someone like you must die!’

‘What, what are you doing now!’

A middle-aged man’s voice was heard from behind. After I realized that the man was Bleon’s distant relative, I pressed Bleon on the neck.

‘Get that woman out of here!’

At the man’s command, the knights approached me and quickly dragged me down from the top of Bleon.

‘Let me go! Let go!’

I acted more and more. I continued acting to make me look like a crazy person in their eyes and a vicious wife.

‘Let me go! Who do you all think you are? Who in the world are you to come here like that!’

‘Throw her out.’


‘Aaaccckk! Let go!’

The relative in the corner ordered me to be expelled without a blink of an eye. As they dragged me out, I exchanged glances with Logan and nodded my head slightly to signify that it was good work.

The disposition against me proceeded quickly. I was demoted from noble to commoner, divorced, and expelled from the Duke’s household, backed by my doctor’s statement who said that he watched me abusing Bleon since childhood. Now I had nowhere to go. From the beginning, my family couldn’t be my shelter, so that wasn’t my place to go back to. So instead, I started living alone in a secluded house in the mountains, out of sight, and the dream moved there again in an instant.

‘Haa, ugh…’

The pain continued as if my heart was being squeezed tightly. Now it really felt like it was time to die. I was thinking that I should just die sooner rather than get sick like this, when I heard someone knock on the door from outside.

‘Madam. It’s me.’

It was a familiar voice. But I couldn’t open the door at all because of the severe pain. So, I was rolling around on the floor, but when I didn’t come out, the owner of the voice opened the door and came in.


It was Logan. Logan grabbed me who was in cold sweat and grabbed my chest and quickly approached. Then he gave me support and sat me on the sofa. After a while, the pain subsided and I took a deep breath.

‘Haa, thank you…’

‘Are you alright?’

‘Yes. I’m fine.’

He continued to take care of me so I could live here. He was also keeping an eye on my heart problems and was regularly visiting this place to give me food.

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