Perenelle looks at me and asks, "What do you say boy, are you ready to start at Hogwarts at ten years old?"

Still feeling shell-shocked from the information I just heard, I say "I.. y ou..How"

Nicolas laughs and says, "I think we broke the boy with the things we have spoken about."

Waking up from my shock, I ask the burning question I have, "How are the both of you alive for this long?"

My mother grabs my hand, sits me down, looks at me like she is trying to hold back her laughter, and says to me, "There is no reason to be shocked about these two pair of skeletons, they are alive for this long because their life and death are tied to this planet."

Feeling confused I say "What?"

Nicolas looks at me and says, "Do you know about the Fountain of Youth, kid?"

I nod my head, everyone knows about the Fountain of Youth and its mystical properties, while the muggles may take it as legend, wizards and witches on the other hand would easily believe about its existent, why not since ghosts and magical creatures walk among us.

Nicolas continues on "Me and my wife found it, just like the legends says it gave us eternal life, but how the fountain of youth did it was interesting, it tied us together with this planet, so as long as this planet remains we shall live."

No wonder they did not give two shits about the philosopher's stone destruction in the books, they were already immortal. It all makes sense now, I always thought it was weird how the Flamel couple took the news very easily, when they found out that their source of immortally was destroyed.

Perenelle looks at me and asks, "Enough about backstories, you still did not answer my question boy, do you want to start at Hogwarts this early?"

I nod my head eagerly, walking ten thousand miles is better than reading ten thousand books. I for one am ready to start my journey, staying home and reading about magic is good and all, but it is time I try the real deal instead of reading about it all day.

My mother pitches up for me as well "Nicolas, Perenelle I can assure you he is more than ready to start at Hogwarts early, I taught him much and he will excel when he goes there."

At that moment somebody comes into the house and we see who it is as they walk into the living room and it turns out to be my sister.

My mother waves my sister over "Luna come over here and greet my good friends, Nicholas Flamel and Perenelle Flamel."

"Ow, she is very cute, do you plan to let her start at Hogwarts early, Pandora." asks Perenelle as she playfully pinches Luna cheeks

My mother shacks her head

I can understand the reason why, first it is because she will not be with her only friend, Ginny. Secondly, my sister, Luna, is not like me, my mother put me on a path to become a very powerful wizard like Dumbledore and Voldemort.

I asked my mother one day, why she did not teach Luna about how to open her third eye and what not.

My mother answered by saying, "There will be too much evil eyes upon her, people will be scheming how to use her or how to overthrow her, or one day she will have to make a touch call and Luna would not be able to handle all that, she is too good natured."

I know then it was a tough call my mother made and that my sister will not be joining whatever my mother has planned and I notice it saddens her.

To lighten the mood, I ask "Are you just saying I am evil and my sister is not?"

My mother laughs and replays "You sure do catch on fast."

After a while Nicholas and Perenelle leave and promise to talk to Dumbledore, so that I can be accepted to Hogwarts a year early.

"So that was the surprise you were talking about this morning?" I ask my mother

My mother nods her head and asks me, "How did you like it?"

I smile and reply "It is great I can start early."

Although my mother is a great teacher, it would be great to have second thoughts and I want to ask the professors so many questions; like I want to ask Professor McGonagall more about animagus, I have been reading a lot about animagus, what can I say it is the number one magic I want to master, because who does not want to look so epic turning into a cool animal and I feel like I can do it, but to be on the safe side I want to double check some points with Professor McGonagall since she has done it before. I want to talk to Hagrid about if he believes in the existence of level XXXXXX magical creatures. I want to talk to Professor Flitwick about dueling since he was Dueling Champion, reading about different dueling stances and doing it by yourself is quite hard unless you have someone to show you it.

The most important reason of all is that I want to start doing magic, although I doubt my mother when she told me the Ministry could find out if I did magic in our house, I just do not want to take any chances and miss out on all the plot that happens in Hogwarts and where else am I going to find my waifu.

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