Four years have gone by and I stuck to one schedule over that time. When I wake up in the morning I would meditate and do my channeling exercise, although it does not make me stronger per say, it does provide me with a breath of fresh air and enough energy to stay awake for days.

In the morning my mother carries out her own studies and experiment, so I would read up on magical plants, magical creatures, and potions recipes, then I would experiment brewing new potions that are my very own creations.

In the afternoon I would spend time in the outdoors playing some pranks, talking about what I learn from my mother, and just hanging out with Fred and George Weasley.

I wanted to stay in my own suit case and carry out my experiment, but my mother kicked me out, said I should spend some time outside, I guess she is right, it is not health being cooped up inside all day, so I chill with Fred and George Weasley.

Fred and George Weasley are very good friends, I have been hanging out with them for nearly a decade and I never get bored when I am with them. I loved their characters in the book and I have to say I fell the same in this world, they love to play jokes and pranks on others and they always never take it to far as to come out cruel, I guess harry potter said it well in the books, everyone needs a laugh and that what they do.

In the evening, I would study spell theories on charms, transfiguration, and the dark arts, and if I have any questions I would ask my mother. I wish I could test out my magic but one reminder from my mother cut that short, "If you try out magic, the ministry will notice you and you will not be able to go to Hogwarts." my mother tells me

That put a quick stop to me trying magic behind my mother's back, there is no way I will miss going to Hogwarts or the plot.

Before I go to sleep, I practice Occlumency with my mother, unlike the Occlumency shown in the books, where you have to clear your mind of everything, my mother taught me a different method.

"You will have to first gain access to your mindscape, to do that breath in and out then look deep into your mind." my mother says

I follow my mother's instructions and then as quickly as that I suddenly see it, a great flat plain big enough to fit a town, there is little ethereal spheres floating all over the plain, and covering the plain is a dome.

"I think I see it, it is a dome, some spheres, and a plain." I say to my mother

My mother nods her head and says to me, "Good, that plain is your mindscape, the dome is your mental barrier, and those spheres are your mental energy. Caelum, I know that you never did any magic yet, but do you know what it takes to do it?"

"Natural energy" I answer.

"What else?" my mother asks

"Is it those spheres, mental energy?" I reply back slowly

My mother nods her head and says, "Yes, us wizards and witches focus on two thing, our natural energy which is the power source of our spells and our mental energy which shapes our spells."

I nod my head, so that was the force at work when I was getting my natural energy under control.

"Now then what you are first going to do is make personas of the three things that make up your mind; your thought, your emotions, and your memories, there is also your subconscious but that will show itself naturally. After that you will have to make something to guard your personas especially your memories. Start with something simple, over time you can make you defenses better."

After I hear what my mother says I have a good idea what to do.

I make my thought take the form of a clone of me that repeat what I am thinking at that moment over and over, four clones of me come into existent. I make my emotions take the form of floating black and white masks with simple expressions, three masks come into existent like happy, thinking, and calm. For my memories I make them become books that can fly, ten of them appear.

For my defenses, just like my mother said, I made it simple. I made a mansion is quite splendid with the four upper floors and two lower floors for a grand total of six floors. I placed it mansion in the middle of the plain, but it is not a mansion to live since has stairs that don't lead up but sideways, rooms with many walls or none at all, doors that pretend to be doors, walls that are doors, and so many ways to come in and out. I put my clones that are my thought, masks that are my emotions, and books that are my memories all into the mansion.

My mother asks me, "Did you finish?"

I nod my head and tell her what I made.

My mother says, "Good job, every day make sure you add more to your mindscape, every time you add more your mental control gets better, and don't worry your mindscape will increase in size one you get more powerful."

My mother also taught me legilimency, there is three ways to go about using legilimency.

First you can invade somebodies mind like a hammer it is quick, but it can hurt your target.

You can go invade somebodies mind like throwing knives, you can find the weakness in somebody's mind and go in, it takes the average amount of time among the other ways.

You can also invade somebodies mind like the mist, it allows you to go in unsuspecting, but it takes a long time.

After learning Occlumency and Legilimency I feel mentally exhausted but before I hit the bed I do my meditation and do my channeling exercise.

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