Chapter 26: A human using the Otsuki Divine Technique, Rokudō Naruzo was born

Naruto gave Watergate a big surprise.

He mastered not only the power of the nine tails, but the power of the nine tailed beasts.

Being friends with the Nine Tailed Beasts, Watergate saw the pride on Naruto's face, as if to say, "How about it, Dad, I'm awesome!" "

Jiu Xinnai seemed to hear Watergate's heart, "Naruto's child, hee-hee, Watergate, is worthy of our child." "

Naruto appeared in the inventory of Otsuki, which was undoubtedly the biggest surprise for the couple of Watergate and Jiu Shinnai.

Screen view.

Naruto stood among the nine tailed beasts.

In this spiritual world, the Six Dao Immortals wanted to get answers from the hearts of these two young men.

"Naruto, what do you hope to get from the end of this war? I want to get the most honest answer from you. "

The same question, the Rokudō Immortals also asked Sasuke.

"Grandpa Liudao, maybe I do resemble the Asura you said, but I'm not him."

"I, just want to protect my companions, that's all."

That's Naruto's answer, it's simple.

In this war, there were already too many companions sacrificed, and Naruto just wanted to protect them, and did not want to make another sacrifice like Ninji.

Once, the Six Dao Immortals failed to face Indra squarely and entrusted everything to his younger brother Asura .

This time, he wants to pass on the power to the two equally.

The inheritance of the six powers? The audience was dumbfounded.

Indeed, in the Ninja Sect era, the Six Dao Immortals gave the power of the Six Paths and everything in the Ninja Sect to their younger brother Asura to buy the bane.


The audience couldn't help but widen their eyes, the inheritance of the six immortals is the inheritance of the big tube.

Naruto and Sasuke, who have obtained the power of the six paths, how strong are they?

The Six Dao Immortals passed their power to the two, and what they wanted them to do was...

There is no doubt that this tugs at the heartstrings of countless people.

"Naruto, Sasuke, what do you want to do from now on? What will be the ending? Everything depends on you. "

Under all the attention, Naruto and Sasuke extended their dominant hands.

One is left-handed and one is right-handed.

The transmission of the six immortals began.

In his bond with Sasuke, Naruto is confident that although he is not a biological brother, he should be able to reconcile.

Because, it's a very good friend!

Six yin and yang powers appeared in the palms of Naruto and Sasuke.

One is the shape of the sun and the other is the shape of the moon.

This is?

The audience's gaze froze, and they couldn't be clearer about such power.

Previously, the two brothers Haji and Hamura used this trick to seal their mother Kaguya.

Now, Haji passed this power to Naruto and Sasuke, could it be that they sealed Kaguya?

In that era, Kaguya Otsuki was resurrected?

Because it is an inventory of large barrel wood, it will be meaningless without large barrel wood.

On the current channel, the audience is talking about it.

Onoki: "Those two teenagers actually got the inheritance of the Six Dao Immortals, what is the level of strength?" "

The fourth generation of thunder shadow: "The shape of the moon of the sun, the big tube wood divine art [(Six Dao) Earth Explosion Heavenly Star] is going to appear again?" This time, it was not Otsuki, but two human ninjas who used. "

Ape Flying Sun Chopper: "If that's the case, it's funny, these two boys are really exciting!" "

Orochimaru: "The inheritance of the Six Dao Immortals, it seems that something extraordinary happened in that era." "

Zi Laiye: "Because it is the reincarnation of his own son, he can meet the six immortals, how can others have such an opportunity, these two little ghosts have a good chance." "

Kiki Kakashi: "... Well, Naruto and Sasuke Lucky Colora is full. "

Nara Shikamaru: "The greater the ability?" The greater the responsibility? The Six Dao Immortals are going to let them do something, and they won't fight with that Kaguya, right? "

"Huh?" Naruto's small mouth opened slightly, "Shikamaru, you mean that rabbit aunt, it really became like this?" "

"I also guessed, it's quite interesting, you can know after reading it, this is the first time that the myth of the big tube wood has approached us humans."

In front of such a shocking scene, Shikamaru is not troublesome.

Inuzuka Ya: "What are you afraid of, Naruto, you have obtained the inheritance of the Six Dao Immortals." "

Akamaru: "Woof, woof—(Don't be afraid, Naruto)"

Naruto Uzumaki: "I'm either scared, I just think it's too sudden." "

Sasuke watched quietly, without saying much, he wanted to see how strong he was who had received the immortal inheritance on the screen.

Xiao organization.

"Wow, the younger brother of the weasel has received the inheritance of the Six Dao Immortals, how strong is it? He always wanted revenge. It's a pity that none of this happened in reality, eh. "

Deidara was somewhat gloating.

Originally, he saw that the weasel was not pleasing to the eye!

Scorpion: "The power of the six paths should have reached the level of Indra and Asura before, I don't know who the opponent is." "

Kakuto: "That kind of power is not something that we human ninjas can match, after all, the Otsuki clan is an alien creature." "

"Hey, Kakuto, how do you grow other people's morale to destroy your own prestige, what about aliens, as long as I get the blood, I still curse it for you."

Fei Duan is very unhappy, isn't he underestimating the cult and underestimating the evil god adult? This is a great insult to the cult and the Lord of the Evil God.

Kakuto: "Fei Duan, your hypothesis does not exist at all. "

The ghost mackerel looked at the calm weasel and asked with interest: "Mr. Itachi, aren't you going to say something?" The brother on your screen is amazing. "

After a moment of silence, the ferret spoke.

"There is nothing to say, there should be a powerful enemy waiting for them, otherwise, the Six Dao Immortals will not appear."


The ghost mackerel was slightly stunned, and he was very convinced of the weasel's words.

So what kind of enemy can make the Six Dao Immortals, the big tube wood, pass on the skill?

[Otsuki Shinjutsu: Infinite Moon Reading].

[User: Uchiha Madara].

[The first human to use the Great Tube Wood Divine Technique, close to the existence of God].

Not long after, images of Uchiha appeared on the screen.

If it weren't for the special note, the audience wouldn't have recognized it as Uchiha.

Of course, few people in the ninja world today have seen Uchiha at all.

On the screen, Uchiha is already like the Six Dao Immortals.

Floating high in the air, holding a scepter, a Dao-seeking jade appeared behind it.

Behind the gray big gun is a gouyu, and the whole person stands above the sky, ignoring everything.

Ape Flying Sunchop: "That's... Uchiha spots? "

The third generation of Hokage has seen the world, and he has even seen the first Hokage.

There are photos of the original Hokage in the village, and there are naturally spots in top-secret documents.

Orochimaru: "It gives people an inexplicable sense of oppression, is this the legendary ninja?" "

Jiraiya: "Isn't it? In that era, Uchiha was resurrected? "

Onoki: "The old man has never seen Madara in that form, weird, quite weird. "

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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